If You’re Not OFFENDED…You’re Not a LIBERAL

They are among us.

They walk, sleep, eat and live among us and, at a glance, they look like us but, they are another breed altogether.


You know who I’m talking about.

Certain segments of many different demographics.

Gays, Liberals, Muslims, PETA people, Anti-Gun Nuts, Black people to whom being black is more important than being people, Illegal Aliens, Atheists, Feminists, tree huggers, global warming alarmists…

THEY know who they are…Any group or seemingly unrelated individuals who act in concert while claiming to all be unique…together…

The TERMINALLY offended.

One would think, the way they carry on about this, and that, that they are on the verge of ceasing to fog a mirror should YOUR behavior not change and, change RADICALLY.

A subset of the terminally offended are those who are…

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Summer in Antarctica – An EPIC Global Warming FAIL

You can tell and TELL liberals that shooting themselves in the foot isn’t a good idea but do they LISTEN???


Over and over again they seem hell bent on PROVING that a liberal can be led to knowledge but you can’t make them learn.

Case in point…

For a week now, a gaggle of 74 liberal idiots have been stranded…On a ship…


Waiting for rescue.

Why are they there???


They just had to SEE for themselves the effects of the MELTING POLAR ICE CAP.


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Weekend Edition: The Delusional World of Media Matters




Media Matters has…Declared…VICTORY over…FOX NEWS!!!!!

For years, Propaganda Matters has waged war against Fox News in much the same way a light breeze has waged war on the Rocky Mountains but…IT’S OVER!!!


That, of course would be…VICTORY over FOX NEWS Day!!!

Oh…Never mind that Fox News continues to be THE most HIGHLY RATED news organization in the land…That’s just a technicality.

According to Amanda Terkel, “In the coming years, Fox will no longer be the center of Media Matters’ universe. Media Matters has effectively discredited the network’s desire to be seen as ‘fair and balanced.’”

And how “effectively” HAS Media Matters been regarding the “discrediting” of Fox News?

Well…When it comes to TRUST and who DO you…FOX is rated higher than ABC News.

For that matter, Propaganda Matters…Fox is ALSO rated higher as a TRUSTED news organization than… CBS News…CNN… MSNBC…Comedy Central…NBC News…and PBS.


Never mind that FOX has the highest rated morning show of any cable network and…The highest ratings in the afternoon too. Then, there’s the FOX News number 1 rated “The Five” which, oddly enough, airs at 5 eastern time.

Did ya hear???

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Liberal’s War on Christmas – AGENDA EXPOSED!

Writes Jeffrey Folks, on page 51 of his 1985 book, The Rough Guide to Yugoslavia, “Religious faiths have experienced a waning of worship.”

Folks was describing the transformation of SOCIALIST Yugoslavia into COMMUNIST  Yugoslavia and, in the communist state…CHRISTMAS had been done away with as a publicly displayed holiday.

One wonders, and rightly so, just how far away WE are from THAT.

Perhaps, a better way of posing the question would be…

How CLOSE are we to it?

While even in a communist country back then, as Christianity or Judaism lived in the hearts and minds of those who practiced the faiths, any outward display of them was subject to neighborhood and government spies and no one wanted to suffer the consequences of being caught with a Christmas tree or a Menorah.

In this country, it’s hard to believe that such things would be possible but, let’s remember, it wasn’t THAT long ago that anyone would have thought someone could have been evicted from their home for flying an American flag.

Today’s home owners associations have been downright commie in their approach to veterans who have proudly displayed the stars and stripes over the last few years and, assorted atheist trolls from states hundreds or, thousands of miles from the scene of the Creche, have raised unholy HELL over THOSE public displays.

In today’s politically correct, agnostic, liberal, secular society, why WOULDN’T we expect to start hearing orders that Christmas lights and Christmas trees in windows will be banned?

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The Liberal Party of ZERO Tolerance Policies

There is no doubt that liberals are in charge of public and college education in this country.

There is little doubt that liberalism is a mental disorder.

Therefore, if your children are enrolled in a public school…Guess what?

You have left your children in the hands of the mentally disturbed for the better part of the day…5 days a week.

I have come to the conclusion that I have ZERO tolerance for ZERO TOLERANCE POLICIES and, to put a fine point on it, I offer to you, THIS little gem of liberal insanity.

Hunter Yelton has been suspended from his school in Canon City Colorado.

Hunter, it seems, has violated one of the school’s ZERO TOLERANCE policies and, according to his school district’s representatives, they want this suspension to follow Hunter through the rest of his public school career so as to teach him a lesson.

Hunter Yelton’s crime?

Well…He…Ummmmm…Kissed his girlfriend.

Both Hunter Yelton and his girlfriend, whose name is not being revealed to the public for her protection, are…6 years old and, in the 1st grade.

Hunter has been labeled, a serial sexual harasser because, apparently, he has…Kissed her before.

Hunter Yelton, the fiend in question, has copped to the horrible act…

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Millennials – The Last Nail in the Obamacare Coffin

According to Zeke Emanuel, Rahm’s brother, Obamacare architect, and a guy with all the warmth and charm of an inflamed hemorrhoid, the reason Young people are, in droves, NOT signing up for the insipid insurance program is that…

“No one has launched a big PR campaign to get these people signed up because of the problems with the federal website. We are about to launch a big PR campaign, and that, I think, is going to persuade a lot of people to sign up.”


After 3 ½ years of Obama campaigning on Obamacare…After his minions constantly telling the public how Obamacare was the greatest thing since sliced cheese and after all the ballyhoo surrounding a bill SO fantastic it had to remain under wraps until after it was passed…

Obamacare needs a “PR” CAMPAIGN???

Most folks think PR stands for “PUBLIC RELATIONS” but, most folks don’t have the double top-secret, Karl Marx decoder ring.

PR, in socialist speak means…


Obamacare, according to Zeke, suffers from a lack of propaganda.

You see, for Obamacare to work, YOUNG people, steeped for the vast majority of their lives in socialism, via indoctrination centers mislabeled as “Public Schools” and, having had their brains soaked in socialism at asylums of HIGHER indoctrination masquerading as COLLEGES…MUST sign up for Obamacare and have THEIR bank accounts raided on behalf of older, sicker people.

What Zeke and Barry just can’t understand is that…

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As an EPIC FAILURE, Obamacare is a Spectacular Success

Socialist propaganda 101 is now in session.

According to the socialist Dictator’s minion, Jeff Zeintz, “There is a “night and day” difference between HealthCare.gov on October 1 and the same site on December 1.”

Night and day difference…NIGHT and DAY…

Here’s what Julie Bataille, chief propagandist for the federal agency charged with developing and operating (Socialist)HealthCare.gov had to say yesterday…”The website now works smoothly for the vast majority of users.”

Smoothly, she says…SMOOTHLY…

And then, there was the “Senior Aid to the Dictator, Obama” who stated…”(Socialist)HealthCare.gov is greatly improved after more than a month of intense repair work.”


Back to Jeff Zeintz…“We’ve widened the system’s on-ramp – it now has four lanes instead of one or two. We have a much more stable system that is reliably open for business.”

Reliably open for business???


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How Liberals Would LIKE to Revise Thanksgiving

We all know the basics of the story of the first Thanksgiving.

We know of the Pilgrims, their friendship with the Indians and how they came together at a feast to celebrate the first successful harvest.


What if the story were written TODAY using LIBERAL mentality and a COMMON CORE approach to what liberals and socialists must surely see as THE most politically INCORRECT story of America’s history ever told?

Oh…How the story would change.

First of all…The Mayflower.

The ship that carried 102 Pilgrims to the new world would be HERALDED by the liberals for using WIND POWER and the Pilgrims CHAMPIONED for being GREENIES!!!

It’s not like they had a choice for had it been available in 1620…The Pilgrims would have CERTAINLY foregone the grueling 66 day journey for a 4 or 5 day cruise in a ship belching smoke and throwing the leftovers from each day’s all you can snarf buffet…overboard.


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Weekend Edition: Oprah and The Racists Within

Oprah suddenly injected herself into the race baiting fray last week when, in an interview for the BBC, she stated, “Just the level of disrespect. When the senator yelled out, ‘You’re a liar.’ Remember that? Yeah, I think that there is a level of disrespect for the office that occurs, and that occurs in some cases, and maybe even many cases, because he’s African-American.”

 “Of course, the problem is not solved. As long as there are people who still, there’s a whole generation – I say this, you know, I said this, you know, for apartheid South Africa, I said this for my own, you know, community in the South – there are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die.”

A WHOLE GENERATION in the south, born and bred and marinated in prejudice and racism and…THEY JUST HAVE TO DIE???

Oprah is either advocating the KILLING of old white people in the south or…She is saying that through old age attrition, racism will end when they die off of natural causes.

Either way, Oprah is 100% wrong and, wrong on so many levels it is mind-boggling.

First of all…She is a member, whether she chooses to accept reality or not, of THE party of American racism.

Oprah is a democrat and the democrat party encompasses racism in America.

Here are just SOME of the things liberals do NOT want you to know…

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Obamacare – Make No Mistake…The WORLD is Watching

Fallout from Obama’s man-made disaster, Obamacare, is not limited to those Americans being cancelled by their insurance carriers.

The fallout is not limited to the economy.

It’s not limited to the white house or the liberal/socialist party or agenda either.

There is fallout that nobody is talking about and the ramifications of it are dire.

Dire to national security and dire to international security as well.

And, to be certain, the fallout is not just from Obamacare as Obamacare is nothing more than a microcosm of the real problem.

The problem is trust.

Obama doesn’t have it. His polls are falling by the day as more and more Americans are waking up to the fact that he is unworthy of trust but the polls don’t show the whole story.

For 5 long years, Obama and his administration have been plagued by what HE has called…”PHONY SCANDALS” and while you can fool some of the people SOME of the time, we know that one can’t fool ALL of the people ALL of the time.

Our allies, around the world have been watching.

As the NSA was spying on THEM…

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