Weekend Edition: The State of the 4th Estate

If you think that the FCC’s backing down and running away with their tails tucked hastily between their collective legs regarding the proposed Government-Goons-in-the-newsrooms-of-America debacle is the end of it…

Think again.

It’s nothing more than the tip of the tyranny iceberg.

Yes, you probably heard about the idea of sending goons to monitor newsrooms under the guise of some sort of study and, you most likely were up in arms about it given the 1st Amendment’s guarantee of “Freedom of the Press” but, there may well be things you didn’t realize.

1st, is the notion that all of this was to somehow procure a “study” regarding minorities and the balance of news coverage.


This was the precursor to a government-forced or mandated idea of racial balance both IN the newsrooms and delivered BY them.

Either news and media organizations were going to be forced to hire minorities whose primary job qualifications were going to be the color of their skin or…

This was going to bring about a government-ordered SELL OFF of some media groups directly TO minority ownership regardless of the private market, fair selling prices or interest in those companies BY minority groups.

Government mandated pandering to a known liberal voting bloc under the guise of racial equality.

2nd…There is no way in hell this is really over.

Yes, the FCC backed down. They blinked and pulled their plans to snoop and SUSPENDED this unlawful study but…Consider this…

If this was really over…It would have CANCELLED the “study” and…

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How to LOSE an Election in 10 Easy Steps

As we have an election in a short 8 ½ months, primaries in just 3 months and, since we haven’t done this sort of thing for the last 15 months or so…I thought now might be a good time for a refresher course in how to LOSE an election.

Somehow, we, as Conservatives, screwed it up back in 2010 and actually won the darn thing.

If memory serves…It was called a shellacking and, we certainly wouldn’t want to have THAT again.

Would we?

So…Let’s get started…

How to LOSE an election.


Don’t do your own.

It takes time…It’s hard and it simply isn’t necessary in this day and age. There are PLENTY of folks scattered about on social media that you don’t know a single thing about who will be more than happy to do your research for you.

By all means…TRUST them.

There are a lot of axes out there and more than enough people willing to grind them and, it really doesn’t matter whether or not THEY share YOUR values and ideology…THEY did the research and, according to them…PIGS can FLY.

Just go with it.


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From a Constitutional to Banana Republic

Tuesday evening, the Dictator delivered his State of Future Mandates speech to a 60% ungrateful nation.

Don’t they realize what the remaining 40% who approve of his highness have embraced?

BIG GOVERNMENT is WORKING in their minds.

There are now more people collecting welfare than ever before.

Big government works.

There are more Americans than ever utilizing food stamps.

Big government works.

More and more Americans have applied for and received disability compensation than ever before and, it doesn’t even matter whether or not they actually need it.

Big government works.

More Americans have been thrown off the health insurance plans they had and, would have liked to have kept, than have signed up for the propagandized, “BETTER” and more “AFFORDABLE” Obamacare and, of those who have signed up, the overwhelming majority are those signing up for expanded Medicaid along with those Americans who are older and more in need of healthcare than those who are young, healthy and NECESSARY to carry the financial burden.


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Obama’s SOTU – Doin’ the American Hustle!!!

Obama was the star of his own show and a legend in his own mind.

Last night’s State of Dismay speech clearly put a fine point on THAT bit of narcissism wrapped in union, butt-kissing flattery.

With nods to manufacturing, education and job training, Obama laid out yet another agenda to keep that tingle running up the union leg.

He announced that, with a stroke of his mighty pen, he has increased SOME federal contract worker’s minimum wages to $10.10 per hour.


Do you have ANY idea how many people will benefit from THAT???

In a world where the government contracts out more than $700 MILLION TAXPAYER DOLLARS for a website that doesn’t work…Neither do I but…If can get me the line item on the number of illegals “hired” to replace the toilet paper in the little nerds room…WE’LL BOTH KNOW!!!

He announced, with arrogance, that under his guidance the economy is getting better.

If by “better” he meant at a stagnant growth rate of 2.2%…

Naturally, the applause from the left side of my SOTU surround sound speakers was…


Applauding 2.2% as a growing economy is akin to giving a gold medal to whoever comes in last during the upcoming  4 man Olympics bobsled run.

The truth of the economy is that it sucks and it’s not getting any better.

Unemployment down to 6.7%???

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Friday Fume

Yet another week of obtuse liberal/socialist insanity is in the books and history will not treat it kindly.

I, on the other hand, will treat it with every last ounce of due respect it deserves.

The morons.

We’ll dispense with the quick hits this week and just…DIVE RIGHT IN to the SHALLOW END OF THE GENE POOL…THE LIBERAL END!!!

Today is Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Well…Did ya hear about Wendy Davis…Texas’ own Abortion Barbie?

It seems a while back she was telling her life story during a Texas fillybuster.


Its TEXAS…What do want for nothing?


As it turns out…If she wrote down THAT version of the Wendy Davis story…YOU WOULD FIND IT IN THE FICTION SECTION!!!

Having been caught fabricating her past…The overjoyed-at-the-notion-of-on-demand-abortion Davis, tried to calm the waters that are pulling her political career down the toilet by EXPLAINING that she might have…STRETCHED the truth a little.


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Obama keeps telling us how the economy is improving. He continues to brag about how HIS POLICIES are working.

Why then, is he demanding an EMERGENCY measure to EXTEND UNEMPLOYMENT benefits?

I’ll tell you why…

Because there are nearly 4 million available jobs out there between the shining seas and this obtuse Dictator, bent on the destruction of America, doesn’t want those who are unemployed to become self-sustaining contributors to the economy.

He wants them to collect UNEMPLOYMENT benefits from the GOVERNMENT in order to survive so that they will continue to VOTE for those most willing to keep the taxpayer’s tap open.

That’s why.

Notice how Obama placed sole blame on REPUBLICANS while enjoying his 20 million dollar private retreat Hawaiian vacation?

“Just a few days after Christmas, more than one million of our fellow Americans lost a vital economic lifeline – the temporary insurance that helps folks make ends meet while they look for a job. Republicans in Congress went home for the holidays and let that lifeline expire. And for many of their constituents who are unemployed through no fault of their own, that decision will leave them with no income at all.”

Oh, yes…The LIBERALS were right there, in Washington…WAITING on the Republicans to scurry back and vote for more unemployment benefits.

The LIBERALS had THEIR collective nostrils to the GRINDSTONE during the Christmas/New Year’s break…Right???

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Income Equality and the Buttholeosaurus in Chief

With But 11 months to go until the 2014 midterm elections and, with elected liberals running like turpentined cats away from Obamacare…The left is desperately looking for something around which THEIR core, low to no information voters, can rally.

As things stand now…Not even their steadfastly deceased voting bloc can muster up support for Obamacare.

It’s clear what that “thing” will be as liberals tipped their collective hands last week.


In case you missed the DeBlasio coronation in NYC a week ago…

The new Marxist Mayor of the city that never dozes off except when it comes to vetting their candidates, made the following statement:

“We are called to put an end to economic and social inequalities that threaten to unravel the city we love. And so today, we commit to a new progressive direction in New York. And that same progressive impulse has written our city’s history. It’s in our DNA.”

Economic and social inequalities.

That, to socialists, is the problem that threatens to unravel…Not only the city of New York but…By extension…The nation!!!

Seriously, they can’t help it.

After all…It’s IN THEIR DNA…So says Marxist Billy.

I believe, were they to undergo a DNA test, they would discover what we’ve suspected all along…

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Weekend Edition: NY Times – Covering (UP) Benghazi – Pt.2

In yesterday’s Weekend Edition, I outlined the desperation of last week’s New York Times attempt to provide cover by reintroducing that lame and false You Tube fabrication for the Benghazi attacks.

I also kicked down the door as to who would have HAD to be involved, why and to what ends.

I went so far as to expose the preemptive nature behind the cover story AND the actions of 8 Democrats in the house.

If you missed it…Have a look at the truly disgusting nature of those who would conspire, collude, commit and cover up acts of TREASON.

But, I said there was more and, there is.

To truly delve into the desperate nature of liberals, Obama, his administration, Hillary and the New York Times…One must fully realize how far the Times is willing to go and why.

Last week, The NY Times released an editorial regarding Benghazi and that You Tube video ass covering story stating: “Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault. The attack was led, instead, by fighters who had benefited directly from NATO’s extensive air power and logistics support during the uprising against Colonel Qaddafi. And contrary to claims by some members of Congress, it was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam.”

The Times didn’t stop there.

Oh…SOMEBODY is TRULY desperate…

Last Thursday, they actually made a claim SO outrageous, SO absurd, that it defies common sense and DEFINES desperation.

As their latest effort at providing some sort of “reasonable” doubt for any upcoming trial of either Hillary, Obama or BOTH was falling apart due to REAL FACTS garnered from SWORN TESTIMONY provided by CIA BENGHAZI SURVIVORS behind the closed doors of the house oversight committee…

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Friday Fume

Well, here we are.

The FIRST Friday Fume of the NEW YEAR!!!

Alright…Settle down…Good grief.

Today, we begin a whole new year of the same old liberal/socialist crap by advancing the theory that if you don’t laugh a little…You’ll cry A LOT!!!


Brian Taylor…A 45 year old IDIOT is in trouble in Yorkshire England.

He was arrested for violating a court order that he stay far away from GAS STATIONS.



Perhaps it might be prudent to get a court order preventing him from wearing CORDUROY PANTS???

A NEW POLL SHOWS THAT 70% OF Americans have NO CONFIDENCE in government which, stands to reason.


And…So far…

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