A Most Fictitious Farewell…Now Get Out!

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

ofw 1Just this past Tuesday night, a spectacle of spectacles took place in Chicago. In what is arguably the nation’s biggest gun-free…target rich zone, where more than 750 murders took place in 2016, a 58% spike over the previous year, and where a total of 4,368 people were shot last year…

Obama gave his farewell speech.

For the record, in the liberal gun-free Mecca of Chicago…more than 90 people have been shot so far, since January 1st of this year.

But there he was, Mr. Gun Control, and the nation’s leading firearms salesman for 8 years running, licking himself all over…much like my dog does in front of company…telling the assembled socialist collective what a great job he’s done leading our nation…from behind.

Frankly, I was surprised he didn’t drag his butt across the carpet when he was finished, but let’s have a look at some of the highlights from that spreading of manure.

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American History and Pudding Head Liberals

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

As we approach a new year, full of possibilities and opportunities, I would like to take a moment to point out pudd-1an absurdity that has come to my attention.

It’s a serious mater…really it is…but its obtuseness overwhelms its ability to be taken seriously.

Over a period of years, if not decades, we have watched as our system of education has been relegated to the lowest possible common denominator. Special needs students have been mainstreamed to the point now that our best and brightest young minds are all riding the short bus and trying to eat pudding…through a straw….because we can’t give them something as dangerous as a spoon in the cafeteria and because it’s easier to mix Ritalin into pudding than it to mix it into whatever that crap is that Michelle Obama mandated to be served in schools for lunch.

As disturbing as that is, perhaps the most disturbing thing is the fact that our national gene pool has been dumbed down all the way up the ladder to the administrators of our country’s asylums of higher indoctrination.

Here’s what I’m talking about…

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The Snowflake’s Blame Game Epic Fail

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Well, the time has come to update folks regarding the Jill Stein/Hillary Clinton recounts in three states…Michigexc-1an, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

Hillary Stein-Clinton was looking for voter fraud in those states…and she, or they, found it.

There was, indeed, voter fraud…on behalf of Hillary Clinton…of which those of us who pay attention to such things knew would happen well in advance of last month’s election…and the recount efforts have now exposed it for all to see.

First…let’s have a look at Michigan.

In Michigan…which was “to close to call” on election night, although in our election night coverage, Diane Sori and I officially, and as it turned out, rightfully called Michigan for Donald Trump days before it was made official…the Hillary Stein-Clinton recount focused the bright light of reality directly where Hillary didn’t want it.

In 50% of Detroit’s precincts, no recount could be done because…the numbers of the votes counted by machines was decisively higher than the number of votes cast by those who signed in at those precincts.

Oddly, if not predictably…

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As Technology Advances…Culture Declines

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

tech-1I have said for years, that no single election, nor a single president can right what is wrong with our country, and I stand by that assessment.

The reason I have said it, and the reason I believe it, is because the situation in which we find ourselves has not occurred over night. It’s taken decades to arrive at the brink of the abyss and it will likewise take decades to turn the ship around and have it sailing in calm waters.

Over the years, I have outlined several key reasons regarding our slow, steady spiral into turmoil, which of course includes the liberal/socialist agenda, the entitlement mentality of the last couple of generations and, of course, a detached from the intent of the Founders and Framers populous who only seem to think the time to get involved is when an election cycle rolls around.

But there is more to it than that.

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Obama and Castro…Two Peas in a Communist Pod

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

There IS, I suspect, a very good reason that the ilk of Obama, so many left wing nut-job celebrities and the always light yeacas-1rs to the left of liberal mainstream media has been shedding crocodile tears over the death of Fidel Castro.

CNN called the now dead dictator “magnanimous” and “grandfatherly.”

Absolute idiot, Colin Kaepernick stated that he agreed with Castro’s investing in Cuba’s education system, universal healthcare and wore a Castro shirt to a press conference just days before Castro died.

Steven Spielberg once said, “The best seven hours I ever spent was actually with Fidel Castro.”

In the past, Jack Nicholson called Castro a “genius” and Cuba under Castro, “a paradise.”

Chevy Chase said that Cuba is proof that, “sometimes socialism works.”

Over this past weekend, Barack Hussein Obama stated…

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The Rain Forest, the Recount and Reality

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It seems hard to believe, in this day and age, that there are places where people live that are so remote, so isolated that those people have never had contact with the outside yano-1world.

But such is exactly the case with a small band, about 100 people, who live in a village in Brazilian Amazon, near the border with Venezuela.

They are the Yanomami…an indigenous people to the region.

These are people who have never seen a telephone, much less heard of a cell phone. They have never seen a television and therefore, have never heard of the Kardashians.

Lucky for them.

The Yano have never eaten food from a can. Never seen sliced bread. Have no idea what a car is. Never seen a computer, locked a door, opened a window or went to a store.

The Yano have spent their entire lives, over thousands of years, cut off from the rest of the world in 100% total isolation.

And yet…

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Time For Truth – Part 2 of 2

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

time-1In my previous article, in great detail, I outlined the reason why democrats and liberals are acting as they are in the wake of Donald Trump’s victory and Hillary Clinton’s loss as well as why they are still in such a state of disbelief over the reality of the 2016 election.

But I also said there were those, on my own side of the aisle, who are having trouble accepting reality.

While I write and broadcast commentary from the right side of politics, I have always based my commentary on facts and the truth. I can see absolutely no reason to alter that approach just because Trump won and Hillary lost. After all, simply winning the White House has never been my end game. Getting our country back to the Constitutional rule of law has…and I don’t give a happy damn who is in the Oval Office…our Founders and Framers entrusted nothing less to We the People than being honest in our political approach.

Here we go…

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Time For Truth – Part 1

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

According to America’s foremost Indian princess, Speaking Bull…aka Elizabeth at-1Warren…“We will stand up to bigotry. There is no compromise here. In all its forms, we will fight back against attacks on Latinos, African Americans, women, Muslims, immigrants, disabled Americans—on anyone. Whether Donald Trump sits in a glass tower or sits in the White House, we will not give an inch on this, not now, not ever.”

Pretty strong words from someone who claimed a false Native American heritage to reap liberal diversity rewards.

But there is more to it that Warren’s false claims of being an Indian…her statement, on behalf of all liberals, reeks of hypocrisy.

It was, after all, democrats who fought FOR slavery while Republicans fought to and did end it. Just as it was democrats who instituted and fought for Jim Crow laws that separated the races.

But there’s plenty more…

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Life’s a Bitch, Princess…Deal With It

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

deal-1It’s high time I deliver a quaint message to one particular group of individuals, and to be perfectly honest, I don’t give a happy damn whose fragile feelings I hurt in the process.

I’m talking about those quivering, gelatinous puddles of liberal goo in our universities and colleges who despite seeking a higher education, just can’t handle reality.

If, for the last week or so, you’ve been curled up in the fetal position, sobbing and unshowered, wadding and unwadding globs of Play Dough and your soiled panties, blowing bubbles when you aren’t drooling and wondering why your specifically assigned therapy puppy won’t give you the time of day…it’s because your parents failed.

They brought you up to believe that somehow, you were more special than you ever really were. They told you that no matter how bad you were at something…you were great at it. They managed to convince you that you were their little princess whether you peed standing up or sitting down and they told you that you were always going to be able to have whatever you wanted.

Your parents were abject failures, but they aren’t the only abject failures in your young lives because your teachers lied to you.

That’s right…

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This is Why Hillary Lost

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Since the wee hours of the morning last Wednesday, after Donald Trump was declared wi-1the winner of the election, and after Hillary Clinton, reportedly crying and carrying on to such an extent that she was unable to face her socialist collective and concede with dignity…various members of the entitlement club have taken to the streets in protest.

Some of those protests have turned vile, with video of some pantless woman defecating in public on Trump signs while others have turned downright violent with a protester being shot in Portland Oregon.

What is being used as an excuse for the worst of behaviors is the protester’s claims that Trump, as the president, will destroy America. A claim the protesters make while they, themselves, destroy other people’s property, beat those who supported Donald Trump and threaten to both assassinate Trump and began an armed revolution to overthrow the government.

While mainstream media pundits, including those on Fox News, desperately search for the answers as to why their beloved and treasonous Hillary lost, and roll cameras aimed at the thugs who protest the decision of the American people…one thing is clear…

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