The Hypocrisy of Liberal Trolls

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Randa Jarrar is, or was a tenured professor at Fresno State University who, last week, tweeted her disgust for former First Lady Barbara Bush upon the 92 year old death.

Jarrar tweeted, “Barbara Bush was a generous and smart and amazing racist who, along with her husband, raised a war criminal,” and she added…“Fuck outta here with your nice words.”

Jarrar also sent forth this tweet, “PSA: either you are against these pieces of shit and their genocidal ways or you’re part of the problem. That’s actually how simple it is. I’m happy the witch is dead. Can’t wait for the rest of her family to fall to their demise the way 1.5 million Iraqis have. Byyyeeeeeee.”

With a Fresno State University investigation under way, Jarrar is on leave for the rest of this semester, and she has left the country even as her supporters rally on her behalf.

Let’s get something straight here…

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Things Liberals Don’t Want to Talk About

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The 24/7 news cycle has not been kind to liberals, even though liberals, for the most part, are in control of it…but for those who actually pay attention to what is happening out there in the big old world…it’s what liberals aren’t talking about that is creating a deafening silence.

Let’s start with the latest school shooting.

No, not the one in Parkland, Florida last month, although that is the only one liberals, and their propaganda arm, the mainstream media WANT to talk about…it’s the shooting in Maryland that has fallen into the mainstream media’s cone of silence.

ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, MSNBC and various other mainstream media outlets are still dry-humping the Parkland shooting because it fits their anti-2nd Amendment agenda and narrative. Those sources of fake news are still crowing over the student walkouts, and anti-2nd Amendment protests while their comrades in the halls of congress continue to demand a virtual end to the 2nd Amendment via legislation.

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Who, or What is Really to Blame?

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last week, students around the country walked out of their classes to protest what they believe to be a lack of gun laws in this country.

Yes, I know that the students claimed they walked out of classes to pay their collective respects to the 17 students and staff who were murdered a month ago in a Parkland, Florida high school, but let’s not kid ourselves here…

Students from coast to coast saw this as roughly a half an hour that they wouldn’t be sitting in their assorted classrooms, and their “teachers,” who in many cases, promoted the walkout, saw it as some sort of affirmation that their indoctrination techniques were working.


Yes, really, and here is exactly how one can tell…

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The Craziest Democrat Strategy Yet

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

According to Neil Sroka, a liberal activist and spokesmouth for “Democracy for America,” which sounds suspiciously like “Organizing for America,” the 2018 strategy for his party’s midterm success should include the impeachment of President Trump.

Here’s exactly what he said…

“Democrats should run on an inclusive, populist agenda of free college and paid family leave, but shouldn’t shy away from supporting impeachment.”

Oh…please make that the foremost plank in the liberal/socialist party strategy.


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Lessons Learned from Liberals in 2017

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

History is a funny thing isn’t it?

It has often been said that those who fail to learn the lessons of history, are doomed to repeat it, and that much is certainly true.

President Ronald Reagan once said, “The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.”

That too is very true.

So…now that 2017 is history, and because liberals are liberals, perhaps it’s time to have a look at just what lessons we learned from those who “know so much that isn’t so.”

To begin our history lesson…

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Why Liberals Really Hate Tax Cuts

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Armageddon is defined as…”the last and completely destructive battle.”

In other words…Armageddon is the end of everything, including life.

So…according to perennial moonbat, Nancy Pelosi, regarding the GOP tax bill “It is the end of the world. The debate on health care is life/death. This is Armageddon.”

I couldn’t find even a single liberal on the record disagreeing with her, so one can reasonably suppose that before the passing of that GOP tax bill just before Christmas, liberals as a whole believed that should it pass…the entire world would come to an end.


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Flunky Monkey See, Flunky Monkey Do

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

In the wide, wide world of places to go, and things to see…from time to time we all like to watch entities that appear to look quite a bit like ourselves, but think nothing of performing acts of self-gratification, ala Pee Wee Herman, and throw their own poo at the crowd of spectators.

Of course, I’m either talking about going to the zoo and standing in front of the monkey enclosure…or…watching liberals being liberals.

For the sake of this article, I’ve packed a travel bag, a couple of sandwiches and a soda and I’m off to Looneyville in an attempt to explain the behavior of liberal monkeys.

Oh, don’t think that I’m relocating…

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Common Core Values

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Hunter Day, Katherine Ross Ridenhour, Madeline Marx, Jaclyn Truman, Shawnetta D. Reece, Shelley Dufresne and Rachel Respess, Sarah Fowlkes, Hope Jacoby, Lindsay Massaro, Haeli Way, Carrie McCandless, and Amy Northcut. These are names that you may well not recognize right off the bat, but trust me, the list of such names just goes on, and on, and on.

Mervyn Affoon, Robert Pimentel, Tad Cummins, Matthew Book, Alan Wade Coleman, Jason Gorski, Farley Ashford Simon, F. Leon Wilson, Lawrence Lilly II, Samuel Barrett, Zachary Drew, Jeremy Eusea, Mike Airo, Santiago Chavez, Donald Sharp, Nathan Lee Martin, Benjamin Zollo, and James Smith are but a few more names on an ongoing list that you may well also not be familiar with.

So…who are these men and women?

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The Whole DACA Deal Explained…Sort Of

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Since November 8th, 2016…liberals have been pitching a world-class hissy fit which officially began when Hillary refused to stumble across a stage in a drunken stupor to face her distraught legions who felt entitled to having her in the White House along with the return of Billy Boy to the scene of the staining.

Liberals first retreated to their safe spaces, also known as our nation’s college campuses with their coloring books, Crayons, therapy puppies and bottles of bubbles, only to emerge in the third week of January wearing vagina costumes and pink kitty caps.

Ahhh…those were the days…

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Weed Weasels, Statues and the Truth

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

So…today it’s statues that are being removed. Statues of Confederates to be precise, and why? Because some people claim to be offended by them.

It’s a conundrum really.

The terminally offended, which one can most usually find in the deep weeds of their natural habitat…on the left side of the political aisle…say that those statues, of Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis and the like just have to go. They must be removed because they are tangible reminders of the era of slavery.


Reminders of slavery? So, if those statues are removed…what? History is scrubbed clean of the stain of slavery?

It doesn’t work that way.

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