COVID or Not…Trump Powers On

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

So…in the wee hours of last Friday morning, President Trump tweeted that both he, and First Lady Melania Trump had tested positive for COVID-19.

That leads to the very obvious question…

Who’s the idiot that just HAD to ask what else could possibly go wrong in 2020?

This has been possibly the strangest year since strangeness and years were invented. It started with a bogus impeachment of President Trump.

On the heels of that bat-crap crazy political stunt, the commies over in China unleashed the cracken, otherwise known as the rampaging COVIDs. Naturally, the response to the uncommon cold was to shut down the greatest economy on Earth, mandate that people in the Land of the Free hole up in their caves, and you weren’t allowed to go to your grandmother’s funeral…unless grandma was a meth-encrusted thug with a police record a mile long and laid out in a golden casket.

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Revolution, Revenge and a Reckoning

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

To say that the riots, the arson, the looting and the violence including the targeting and shooting of police officers is no longer about “justice,” social or otherwise is disingenuous.

It was never about that from the beginning.

It WAS about a revolution, but not anymore.

NOW…it’s about revenge.

It’s not about revenge for George Floyd, or Rayshard Brooks. It’s not about revenge for Michael Brown or Eric Garner either, if you care to go back to those moments in time. It’s not even revenge for Breonna Taylor when you get right down to it.

It’s about revenge for losing the 2016 election.

Make no mistake…today’s liberals who are really Marxists are projecting their anger, their hatred, and their outrage not at the loser of that election, but at the winner. How DARE Trump win in 2016. How DARE he beat the woman who would have been Obama’s defacto 3rd term in office. How DARE he stand steadfastly in the way of finishing the “fundamental transformation of America” and how DARE he set forth policies that have reversed the course of destruction charted by Obama.

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Biden’s Party of Paradoxes

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

With Joe Biden as their nominee, the democrat party has painted themselves into a corner while walking a high-wire in a wind storm over a mine field without a net, and they know it.

What’s more…Biden knows it.

Victor Davis Hanson, a farmer, military historian, columnist and media commentator has called Joe Biden a “prisoner of his own paradoxes.” He’s right, but I suggest that the coined phrase extends past Biden, and should also include the democrat party itself.

In 2016, on that November night when the whole of the mainstream media were force-fed a midnight snack of crow on a silver platter, Hillary couldn’t bring herself to address her own supporters who had gathered for what they just knew…because the mainstream media had assured them of it…that Hillary would be the next President of the United States.

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2020 And Beyond

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

It took 90 days of riots, arson, looting, assaults, the targeting of police officers and murder before Joe Biden and Kamala Harris finally uttered a single word of condemnation regarding the liberal sponsored violence.

90 days of Joe hiding in his basement, and those 90 days included 4 days of nationally televised convention speeches. Not a single word of condemnation for what has been taking place in cities and states run by liberals.

Just a couple of days ago, President Trump, after spending the past 90 days condemning the violence, and after 90 days of offering assistance to those blue cities and blue states to quell the violence did what a true leader does…he went to Kenosha, Wisconsin to speak directly to those in that formerly nice Midwestern city about the violence.

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Corn Pop Stopper and the White Flip-Flopper

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

This year started with the kangaroo court impeachment trial of President Donald Trump in the House which featured a parade of witnesses brought forth by the democrats…witnesses who witnessed nothing.

From there, it moved to the Senate where Trump’s team of attorneys dismantled the lies told in the House, and sent the democrats whimpering away with their collective tails between their legs.

Then came the rampaging COVIDS from CHINA and a tsunami of liberal propaganda trying to make us all believe that we were all about to die…from the uncommon cold. First, the democrats said Trump was a racist for implementing a travel ban to help keep the COVIDs at bay, and then they said he didn’t do enough fast enough and should have implemented that travel ban sooner.

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With Social Justice and Victimhood For All

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

At the end of my commentary earlier this week, I stated that, “make no mistake…this country is at a crossroads and America hangs in the balance.”

I stand by that statement, but at the same time issue this warning…it’s worse than you might think. The 2020 election this November is critical. Polls show that President Trump is behind Joe Biden, and while I don’t put much stock in such polls, remember, the 2016 polls that had Hillary running away with that election, we can’t dismiss current polls given what we have to lose.

At stake is not just an election. It’s not just the next four years. What’s at stake is the nation itself and our nation’s future. President Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

Truer words were never spoken, but I’ll make one update to Reagan’s quote…We are now but one election away…

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Liberal Desperation At a Fever Pitch

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

When your party’s platform includes nothing of substance, no plan for growing the economy, creating more jobs, a strong national defense or strengthening our position on the world stage including trade agreements or stopping rogue nations from expanding their nuclear desires…you get desperate.

When your party’s agenda has nothing to offer but the destruction of our nation, the division of the people along racial lines, and the implementation of socialism via Marxist mobs…you get desperate.

When your party’s candidate for president is more confused than MOOchelle Obama’s gynecologist…you get desperate.

How desperate is the democrat party at this point?

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John Lewis – A Bridge Too Far

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Revisionist history seems to be one of liberalism’s foremost platform planks. When history, real history doesn’t fit their agenda, they just ignore it, and replace it with a myth.

The problem liberals have with history is that it tells a story of the past, and while it has been said that the victors get to write the history, thus implying a grey area as to accuracy, nonetheless, revisionist history simply dismisses the facts and replaces them with a myth.

Historical myths, such as those conjured up by liberals, and purported as being truth, are anything but, and just as liberals often invent victims from thin air where no real victims can be found, they also often invent heroes of their cause where none can be offered by reality.

John Lewis is a prime example of this.

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This, That and The Other Thing

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

There just doesn’t seem to be any let-up in the amount of manure to which we are being subjected by the mainstream media regarding current distractions from Joe Biden’s diminished mental state with now less than 100 days until the election.

While we should all be focused on the economy, China’s assault on freedoms in Hong Kong, Iran’s rhetoric against civilization while various parts of their nuclear facilities keep mysteriously exploding (probably due to mazel tov cocktails) and other assorted happenings, we’re stuck in the revolving door of liberal propaganda.

COVID, BLM, COVID, ANTIFA, COVID and so on and so forth.

Simply put, what the mainstream media is telling us ad nauseam regarding COVID and the BLM/ANTIFA crap is just that…crap…and we need to scrape that crap from the bottoms of our shoes and get to the truth.

First, there’s this…

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The Mindless Baboonery of Domestic Terrorists

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

From what it looked like in the videos, George Floyd didn’t have to die, but what we saw in the videos once again failed to tell the whole story.

There’s plenty that hasn’t been deemed worthy of being included by those who shot the videos and many didn’t start taping until a good deal of what transpired had already happened. That’s nearly always the case, but not the only reason why we can’t simply take the videos we see as a complete record of such events.

Police officer, Derek Chauvin kept his knee pressed into Floyd’s neck for 8 minutes, and in no world is that proper protocol. Floyd was already handcuffed. He was already on the ground. There were already other cops on the scene. Those 8 minutes transpired while Floyd was less than 1 foot away from a police vehicle, and there should have been absolutely no reason whatsoever that one or all of those cops couldn’t, or shouldn’t have simply gotten Floyd to his feet, opened the back door of that vehicle, and placed him inside of it.

But, that didn’t happen.

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