By Margaret Smith on April 8, 2011
Military Momma Grizzly reporting
Tell the truth to all your friends, spread the word to all your Military families, the Commander In Chief, Pres Obama, changed the way Military is paid during a government shutdown. In 1995 during the shutdown the Military was paid they were considered Essential Personnel as they should be. But last year then Speaker Pelosi and Senator Harry Reid along with approval from Pres Obama, they made the decision to not pass the 2011 fiscal budget. It became political for them; this was an opportunity to use this against the Republicans as a majority of military do vote Republican. So the Commander in Chief stabbed his men and women in the back for political gain… Then in 2010 Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi failed to produce a budget, she let the process go into continuing resolutions during the election time frame. Once again this action was all for politics.