EPA’s Choke Hold On Economic Growth! by Margaret Smith

My last posting was an eye opener to the chains which our government places on business via “helping” with Regulations. After spending numerous hours on research and reading about Regulations, I realized I was a new born in the world of Government Regulations. I decided it was time to skip the first steps of walking, grow up, ascertain as much information I could to the affects this government has placed on our economic prosperity. I was shocked to find there are many who would place the life cycle of a fish ahead of the life of a human. I was shocked to discover that there are people in our country who would rather support an environmental department that is funded by taxpayers instead of supporting a business that would create more revenue. The most distressing discovery to this date is our (including mine) lack of knowledge for which the Environmental Government Agency known as the EPA has been responsible in destroying American jobs. I offer the following tidbits of information. I hope the citizens who are reading this take the time to get fired up and start firing back at this department; for surly it will be the demise of any industry surviving in America.

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Debt Deal…Roll the Dice or No Dice?

By Craig Andresen 8-1-11

The great debt deal announced Sunday evening may well be no deal at all. In fact, as Members of Congress pour through it, it may wind up as no dice.

There are many troubling elements of the “deal” which must be carefully considered before the vote can take place, possibly later today and Members from BOTH parties are starting to sound more and more negative regarding their individual votes.

Here are just SOME of the troubling issues:

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Winners, Losers and the Lack of Leadership

By Craig Andresen 7-31-11

In a week and a weekend when the war of words in Washington DC rose to extreme caliber as deadlines approached and rhetoric led the day, there were indeed winners and losers.

While the American people are still looking for leadership from the hallowed halls and the White House few if any feel like winners. Congress continues to conduct their business regardless of the prevailing wishes of We The People. In recent polls, 66% of the people have indicated THEY want or demand a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.

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Is the Boehner Plan Part of the West Solution?

As the debt talks continue, drone on may be a better description, and both sides dig in, there is a way to solve several problems.

The Tea Party faithful are digging in and calling upon their elected officials telling them under no circumstances should they give even an inch. Liberals are digging in insisting that THEIR elected officials not to allow ANY republican plan to see the light of day in the senate.

Impasse? Maybe…but there is one Tea Party backed Congressman who sees things differently.

Allen West from Florida’s 22nd District has stepped forward to back the latest plan put forth by Speaker Boehner and even some of the West faithful are talking about leaving because of it. Maybe they’re not looking closely enough at the deeper issues at play here.

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Deal vs Solution…The Great Debt Debate

Over the last several months we have seen continued battles over the debt. There have been possible government shutdowns, bailouts, proposed bailouts, calls for cutting spending, calls for higher taxes, a gang of 6, those who believe we have a revenue problem, those who believe we have a spending problem and a President who believes the best way OUT of the hole is to make the hole even DEEPER.

Obama wants to scare everyone into capitulation with liberal tax and spend ideologies and stonewalling while those who set our nation’s credit ratings seem set to sweep away our liberty in a tsunami of default.

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Who Defines Your “Needs”?

By Margaret Smith on April 18, 2011

Many of you have heard the quote,” the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few”; and recently you heard the President in a speech say this; “You can afford to pay a little more”. My question to Americans is. Who defines what the needs of the many are? Who defines what you can afford?

Ponder these scenarios.  I need a car. So does it mean my neighbor that owns 3 cars should give me one? I need a cell phone. Does that mean that the guy at the store who has a brand new cell phone should hand it over to me? I need clothing for my kids. Does that mean that the store at the mall should give me clothes for my kids? You are now paying from your hard earned taxes, the needs for those items to those who are not working or not seeking to take care of those needs on their own. But, did you want too?

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The Great Unifier Increases Party Chasm

By Patty Ewing Robichaud, April 14, 2001

Dan Gainor – Vice President for Business and Culture at Media Research Center, tweeted, “A great presidential speech instills a sense of national purpose. That one sapped a nation’s will to live.”

About 15 minutes into his speech, the Great “Unifier” and Chief, Obama, made a point of referencing GOP Rep. Paul Ryan’s proposed budget, remarking it was “embraced by several of their party’s presidential candidates.”

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By John Brewer on April 12, 2011

A funny thing happened on the way to serenity the other night: I dropped by for a quick look at my Facebook page to see what was up, to see if anything was new, to discover that some of my friends–propelled by the offal-slinging rotors of ever-mounting and oscillating media coverage about a looming campaign season–were engaged in wall-to-wall combat. At first, I was pulled in as a spectator and nothing else; that is to say, there are moments when I truly believe I’ve had my fill of contentious political slingery, moments when I’d rather just sink back into my settee, pull the plugs (earplugs, that is!), and let the steam whistle from my drums…moments when I’d much rather think of something else, something else like the health and happiness of my parents and siblings, something else like the wonderfulness of my daughter, something else like the well-being of a dear friend up North, something else like the probability of my beloved Cubbies ever managing to win a World Series before my time on this Earth is through.

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Who’s to Blame?

By Jennifer Stephens on April 11, 2011

So, the Media and Liberals want to blame the GOP, and especially the Tea Party, for this budget mess/pending Government Shutdown. Let’s look at that…

This budget was due September 30, 2010 – more than 6 months ago. Back in August and September of 2010 (when the budget should have been passed) the Democrats had the Majority in both the House and Senate. With those Majorities, they could have passed a budget they liked. They didn’t. They knew that the GOP/Tea Party would win the House in the mid-terms. (They didn’t want to admit it publicly, but they knew it.) They knew that could lead to this stalemate on the budget, and that they would them be able to blame the GOP, and even more so the Tea Party they hate so much, for the stalemate. Some would say the Dumbocrats aren’t smart enough to plan that far ahead. Yes, they are sneaky and clever enough to do just that; and I believe they did.

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Well, SOMEBODY Caved

By Craig Andresen on April 9, 2011

In the dark of the night with but an hour to go before a shutdown, a deal was struck to keep our government open for business. Boehner made a brief announcement followed by the president’s campaign style announcement followed by a bland and often repetitive oratory by Harry Reid on the floor of the senate.

Now, as the sun rises on the day after, social media is abuzz as conservatives, republicans and Tea Party faithful clamor about being sold out. How could Boehner cave like this? Boehner has to go. The cuts are too small. We lost. It’s all there floating in cyberspace for all to see.

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