By Jennifer Stephens on April 11, 2011
So, the Media and Liberals want to blame the GOP, and especially the Tea Party, for this budget mess/pending Government Shutdown. Let’s look at that…
This budget was due September 30, 2010 – more than 6 months ago. Back in August and September of 2010 (when the budget should have been passed) the Democrats had the Majority in both the House and Senate. With those Majorities, they could have passed a budget they liked. They didn’t. They knew that the GOP/Tea Party would win the House in the mid-terms. (They didn’t want to admit it publicly, but they knew it.) They knew that could lead to this stalemate on the budget, and that they would them be able to blame the GOP, and even more so the Tea Party they hate so much, for the stalemate. Some would say the Dumbocrats aren’t smart enough to plan that far ahead. Yes, they are sneaky and clever enough to do just that; and I believe they did.
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