The Great Unifier Increases Party Chasm

By Patty Ewing Robichaud, April 14, 2001

Dan Gainor – Vice President for Business and Culture at Media Research Center, tweeted, “A great presidential speech instills a sense of national purpose. That one sapped a nation’s will to live.”

About 15 minutes into his speech, the Great “Unifier” and Chief, Obama, made a point of referencing GOP Rep. Paul Ryan’s proposed budget, remarking it was “embraced by several of their party’s presidential candidates.”

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By John Brewer on April 12, 2011

A funny thing happened on the way to serenity the other night: I dropped by for a quick look at my Facebook page to see what was up, to see if anything was new, to discover that some of my friends–propelled by the offal-slinging rotors of ever-mounting and oscillating media coverage about a looming campaign season–were engaged in wall-to-wall combat. At first, I was pulled in as a spectator and nothing else; that is to say, there are moments when I truly believe I’ve had my fill of contentious political slingery, moments when I’d rather just sink back into my settee, pull the plugs (earplugs, that is!), and let the steam whistle from my drums…moments when I’d much rather think of something else, something else like the health and happiness of my parents and siblings, something else like the wonderfulness of my daughter, something else like the well-being of a dear friend up North, something else like the probability of my beloved Cubbies ever managing to win a World Series before my time on this Earth is through.

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Who’s to Blame?

By Jennifer Stephens on April 11, 2011

So, the Media and Liberals want to blame the GOP, and especially the Tea Party, for this budget mess/pending Government Shutdown. Let’s look at that…

This budget was due September 30, 2010 – more than 6 months ago. Back in August and September of 2010 (when the budget should have been passed) the Democrats had the Majority in both the House and Senate. With those Majorities, they could have passed a budget they liked. They didn’t. They knew that the GOP/Tea Party would win the House in the mid-terms. (They didn’t want to admit it publicly, but they knew it.) They knew that could lead to this stalemate on the budget, and that they would them be able to blame the GOP, and even more so the Tea Party they hate so much, for the stalemate. Some would say the Dumbocrats aren’t smart enough to plan that far ahead. Yes, they are sneaky and clever enough to do just that; and I believe they did.

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Well, SOMEBODY Caved

By Craig Andresen on April 9, 2011

In the dark of the night with but an hour to go before a shutdown, a deal was struck to keep our government open for business. Boehner made a brief announcement followed by the president’s campaign style announcement followed by a bland and often repetitive oratory by Harry Reid on the floor of the senate.

Now, as the sun rises on the day after, social media is abuzz as conservatives, republicans and Tea Party faithful clamor about being sold out. How could Boehner cave like this? Boehner has to go. The cuts are too small. We lost. It’s all there floating in cyberspace for all to see.

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Rules Change for Paying Military During Shutdown

By Margaret Smith on April 8, 2011

Military Momma Grizzly reporting

Tell the truth to all your friends, spread the word to all your Military families, the Commander In Chief, Pres Obama, changed the way Military is paid during a government shutdown. In 1995 during the shutdown the Military was paid they were considered Essential Personnel as they should be. But last year then Speaker Pelosi and Senator Harry Reid along with approval from Pres Obama, they made the decision to not pass the 2011 fiscal budget. It became political for them; this was an opportunity to use this against the Republicans as a majority of military do vote Republican. So the Commander in Chief stabbed his men and women in the back for political gain… Then in 2010 Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi failed to produce a budget, she let the process go into continuing resolutions during the election time frame. Once again this action was all for politics.

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Troops$ or Abortion$

By Craig Andresen on April 8, 2011

Right now, Harry Reid in the senate, argues that the hold up on a stop gap spending bill that would fund the military through the end of the fiscal year and the rest of government for another week, is not valid and should not be considered because of a lack of funding for title 10.

Call it what it REALLY is Harry Reid. Title 10 does NOT receive tax payer funding. Planned Parenthood Does. You are NOT holding this up over title 10 your ARE holding it up over the defunding of Planned Parenthood.

To claim otherwise is, at best, disingenuous and more accurately, a transparent deception of the American people.

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Of Race and Gender in Politics

By Craig Andresen on April 7, 2011

Certainly there ARE those who allow race and gender to influence their political decisions as well as their votes. I suspect they are also people who allow such things to influence their daily lives. Both, I believe, men and women, fall into this demographic.

Such are people who believe a woman is not as competent, not as strong, not as qualified as would be a man in the workplace, on the battlefield or in elected office. Such people, I suspect would also base their friendships on race. Oh yes, they would outwardly claim they have friends of different ethnicities, or claim they believed in a much more equal standard between men and women but a close look at their behavior would tell a different story.

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Nonessential Panic

By Craig Andresen on April 6, 2011

If the government shuts down on Friday night, perhaps more accurately, WHEN the government shuts down, there will be some impact on some citizens but, it won’t be the Armageddon predicted by liberals.

If you were waiting for a passport…you’ll have to keep waiting. Seriously, there aren’t that many countries worth visiting right now anyway.

If you are about to get a home or small business loan…you’re not going to until all the NON essential government workers get back to process your NON essential loan. You’ve waited this long…just hang on a little longer. If you were to get your loan you might actually be accused of helping to grow the economy and we can’t have THAT.

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Concrete vs. Foundationless Answers

Conservative Answers “Concrete”; Liberals Answers “Foundationless”

By Margaret Smith on April 6, 2011

In the past 30 years of politics, liberals have had the bullhorn of the Media; whether it is local or national television, liberal political headlines have been favorable for all Democrat politicians. I know many people today have taken the blinders off seeing for the first time the media bias against Conservative values. I am amongst those fellow Americans.

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