Obama’s Pandering Puppet Act

Last night’s “American Jobs Act” speech by Obama was THE most transparently obvious reelection campaign example of political pandering I have ever witnessed.

We all wondered why he decided to present this bill to a joint session of congress and why the nationally televised broadcast? Such things are State of the Union or declaration of war moments…not economic policy moments.

The answer revealed itself throughout the speech last night.

To fully understand it, one must think back a few weeks, to shortly before the Martha’s Vineyard vacation.


Unions were talking openly about withdrawing their heavy support of Obama for 2012. Unions were upset, thinking this administration had turned away from them in Wisconsin, Ohio and elsewhere. Unions felt that Obama wasn’t doing enough to defend their tactics.

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Today’s Obama Speech Without the Fog

We can now stop calling it “The Big Jobs Speech” and start calling it the “American Jobs Act” as that is what Obama will, later today, unveil before a joint session of congress. “The American Jobs Act” and I can tell you now, before the speech is made, that Obama has failed.

How can one say, before the speech that it has failed? Because in it’s very title, we find the fundamental flaw, the precise thing which will cause its self destruction. “The American Jobs ACT.”

What this president cannot grasp, because of his ideology is that GOVERNMENT does NOT create jobs and any ACT of government aimed at doing so will fail. Government creates government jobs and sure those jobs look shiny and attractive…for a while…but they cannot be sustainable.

What are we to expect from a president who has never had a job in the private sector, never created jobs in the private sector and who’s revolving door of top economic advisers has never spit out anyone who has any economic experience beyond the halls of academia?

The PEOPLE who create jobs, the entrepreneurs, small business owners, and corporate business owners all want the same thing. They want government OFF their backs…PERIOD. When those people catch onto to some ACT of government meant to create jobs are they going to breathe a big sigh of relief? Will they just start creating jobs out of thin air? Of course not because this is exactly more of the same as far as they are concerned.

Another government act, another government program, another promise to put Americans to work right now…from the GOVERNMENT.

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Giving Obama His Due Respect!!

Never has such an anticipated speech by a President been so completely forgettable before it’s even been presented. Obama will deliver his great jobs speech before a joint session of congress and while liberals will no doubt stand and applaud at every little thing and will cheer each at every spending measure Obama announces, the response will be silent and that silence will be deafening!!

Republicans expect so little from this ballyhooed speech that they have already decided not to even offer a rebuttal.

Nancy Pelosi, deposed from the speaker’s chair last November is not happy about it either. Nancy has her former speaker’s panties all wadded up as she has let it be known that such a non rebuttal is an affront to the President.

Oh my.

Presidents speak before a joint session of congress for the State of the Union or if they want to wage war. Outside of that, such a speech is rarely given especially on matters of domestic economics.

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Don’t Count Out THE Donald!

Many of us have been throwing around ideas that would include adding Donald Trump to the race. You have to admit, even if you are not a fan, the man is entertaining and has swagger!

So what are we to do??  Should we convince Trump to go for the Democratic nomination? Think about it for just a moment…

Could the Obama machine stand up to the challenges of Trump? I would love to see the debate between them as Trump corners Obama and demands specific answers and rebuts the threadbare Obama mantra…

On Increasing Employment:

O:  I will add more jobs and fix the economy.

T:  What do you know about providing jobs? You have never had one. In fact, you wouldn’t get an interview with me because of your failure to produce records, college transcripts, job references, and your total lack of skills. I, on the other hand, have hired many workers throughout my life.

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Obama Takes Another Swing

So, Obama has finally set the time and place for his big economic plan speech and wouldn’t ya know it, was going to be on the same night and at the same time as a republican candidate’s debate. Oh, he said it was just a coincidence of scheduling and certainly not, as some in the media and around the blogesphere believed, a direct sign of disrespect and a transparent political move.

Of course it wasn’t – but  Boehner said no way, due to “security” reasons, and now it’s been reset for Thursday evening September 8th where it will compete against the opening night of the NFL.

Now, those in the media and on various blogs are all talking about how Obama blinked and the republicans got their way and they are comparing this upcoming speech to his speech to rally support for Obamacare because THAT speech ALSO took place before a joint session of congress.

They’re missing the true point of this whole thing.

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Government + Liberal + Program = Failure

Liberals LOVE to harp on and on endlessly about the separation of church and state – but when the church is THEIR brand of religion, separation be DAMNED and FULL STEAM AHEAD!

Liberals bow to the altar of global warming and believe their messiah can walk on Brita filtered water without leaving a carbon footprint. What’s more, they want us ALL to become obedient little green disciples and worship the great and mighty Oz Gore.

Liberals have for years been attempting to bully nonbelievers into the green jobs crowd and have, at least to some extent, been weirdly successful. We can no longer buy good old regular light bulbs. Thanks to the greenie weenies, we have to buy…CFL bulbs. GREAT JOB liberals. Break one and you have to call the HAZMAT team and what if you toss one into a land fill? They’re full of mercury and they are all made in China!

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Will Paul Ryan Steal Anybody’s Thunder??

In the ever changing, ever revolving door of the GOP presidential race, another name is about to do more than throw a hat in the ring. Paul Ryan is about to jump over the top rope – and if he does, he won’t be stealing ANYBODY’S thunder.

Paul Ryan will MAKE the thunder!

What makes Paul Ryan a viable candidate?

IF this election is ALL about the economy, and it’s certainly shaping up just that way, Paul Ryan would be the ONLY candidate who has put forth, on paper, and had passed by the House, an actual budget.

The democrats haven’t produced a budget much less voted on one in well over 800 days. Obama put one out there, and IT didn’t garner a single vote going down 97-0 in the senate; he’s produced nothing but empty promises of some sort of a plan since.

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A Reckoning, Not In but FROM Wisconsin

The vote in Wisconsin yesterday which placed 6 republicans up for recall by a liberal base infuriated over the successful legislation put forth in April limiting collective bargaining by unions was NOT a shot over the bow, not a referendum and not a precursor. It was a reckoning.

4 of the 6 republican senators held their seats in Wisconsin. Of those who lost, Dan Kapanke won his seat in a heavily democratic district by a very narrow margin last November and was in the greatest danger of losing this recall and Randy Hopper faced the ire of democrats for his support of the April legislation as well as from republicans who have been rightfully rankled over his tribulations regarding an affair with a young staffer outside his marriage.

This recall vote and the GOP success in it should send a clear message to liberals for several reasons.

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