Are any of you familiar with the movie “Fallen?” The film begins with a cop, played by Denzel Washington, paying visit to a serial killer prior to his–the killer’s–execution. During the scene, the killer takes Denzel by the hand and sings “Time Is On My Side.” Moments later, the killer is executed and the plot thickens. Although his body is toast, the spirit remains floating from one body to the next, first to a person working at the prison, then on to a construction worker, and so on and so forth. Unsuspecting citizens play host to an infiltrating demon spirit’s agenda, recommencing with more killings at the behest of the soul which has taken them over.

At first, Denzel suspects there are copycat killings taking place; however, as these killings are being committed by one-time, normal, everyday productive members of society, he realizes that something else is going on. He realizes that these people were not acting on their own accord; rather, they served as puppets for a homicidal and incorporeal puppeteer…who would move on to the next body by a touch of the hand, a bump, a graze, a brush-by; a brief instant of contact allows for the spirit to switch bodies…and walk away from the scene undetected. This brings Denzel into the occult world, as he looks for alternate ways to put an end to this, but the situation seems hopeless, even when the killer sits at his desk and taunts him. Take a look at this scene, and you’ll understand what I mean…

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The Case For Newt Gingrich

Taking this country back, saving this country, turning it around and restoring its place in the world cannot be done through legislation alone. It cannot rely solely on the repeal of unwanted prior legislation nor can it be accomplished only by the excising of useless government waste.

Yes, these things are necessary but if that is to be the end game, we shall remain lost.

As a nation we need something more.

We need a leader which is something we frankly are missing right now. We need a leader with experience but that experience can’t be found only in a board room or, for that matter, only in elected office. The leadership we need to correct the course is a combination of those things but to stop there would leave us short of the goal.

This nation, to right the ship, correct the wrongs and climb back into prosperity must find a leader with the X factor.

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Liberals…You ARE Who You Stand With

Well, conservatives have been saying and saying it and liberals have been denying it and denying it – but it is getting VERY hard to for liberals to say it with a straight face.

We have sited over and over the links between the socialists, the communists and the democrats. Now, the communists and socialists are helping to make our argument for u,s but they’re not the only ones.

Obama, Pelosi and liberal after liberal have stood up and backed the “Occupy” mobs and offered THEIR words of support to them. Did I mention the unions are right there in the mix too.

The Unions stand WITH the “Occupy” mobs.

Obama Stands WITH the “Occupy” mobs.

Pelosi stands WITH the “Occupy” mobs.

Liberal Hollywood stands WITH the “Occupy” mobs.

Now…so does the Communist Party USA!!!

Liberals and the MSM have been trying, REALLY trying, to convince us that the “Occupy” mobs are just like the Tea Party. Hmmm…I don’t recall the Tea Party events being backed by…THE COMMUNIST PARTY…do you?

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Our current economic malaise was forecast and has been explained by only one “school” of economic theory: the Austrian.

One other “mainstream” school–the Keynesian Model–continues to fumble around with empirical data in a quest to venture conjecture constantly refuted by that pesky little thing called “history.” The Keynesians, each to each, may vary in their opinions on government size and the amount of monetary inflation; however, they are lock-stepping, hand-in-hand, on a quest for that ever elusive mathematical model. It’s a thought experiment confined in a hermetically-sealed “statist” box. They’ve abandoned their logic for faith in bizarre assumptions.

Austrian Economic Theory was founded on an understanding that the human ability to act combined with the natural desire to survive leads to a purposeful action. Humans act with purpose! Meddling in the affairs of folks acting towards a purpose only gums-up the purpose and the very folks trying to act on it. Interlopers butting in between other people who have agreed to cooperate for their mutual benefit are obstructionists at best and deal killers at worse. There may be compromises as individuals adapt to the force of those interventions allowing for diminished satisfaction, but the end results are inevitably spoiled. The Keynesian Cultists see humans as guinea pigs to be experimented on.

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Obama’s Weekend at Bernie’s

Weekend at Bernie’s was a GREAT movie and one of the funniest premises ever. The original made a ton of money and like ANY Hollywood flick that makes money…it got a sequel.

Weekend at Bernie’s 2 was okay but not great and it didn’t make anywhere near what the original made.

Now…we have Weekend at Bernie’s 3 and this one stars…Obama!

In the threequel…We find Obama hauling around a dead jobs bill trying to convince voters that it’s still alive and well. Obama is cruising the states in his Canadian bus touting the bill which met its grisly end in the Senate last week.

Instead of the American Jobs Act, let’s call it the Bernie Lomax Bill.

Today, in North Carolina, Obama was seen trying to prop the cadaver up and waving its arms about on a campaign stop in the state. Later today, he’ll be buying the cadaver drinks in Virginia.

Here’s the thing, like the viewers of the movie, conservatives know it’s a cadaver….Obama knows it’s a cadaver, liberals know it’s a cadaver…but the liberals and Obama are trying to make voters believe it can still fog a mirror.

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The Mail Route Bail Out?

Neither rain nor sleet, nor snow nor dark of night will stay the post office from their appointed rounds. Debt on the other hand just might.

The USPS is running out of money, nearly bankrupt.

How can you be “NEARLY” bankrupt when you’re $10 BILLION in debt?

At that point shouldn’t the word “Nearly” just be removed?

Looks like it’s time for the Great Mail Route Bail Out!

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Obamacare is now “CLASSless”

Obama’ quietly has struck a part of his own Obamacare bill because, guess what, it’s unsustainable and now tha plug has been pulled on the “CLASS Act,” Community Living Assistance Service and Supports, part of Obamacare.

CLASS was the part of Obamacare most heavily championed by Ted Kennedy and also heavily backed by AARP and was supposed to have provided ongoing long term care and was meant to keep the elderly out of long term care facilities. It would have cost workers a ton and would have burdened private insurance companies and ultimately, the American taxpayers.

Average premiums would have run from around $200.00 to nearly $400.00 but could have, in some cases, run as high as $3000.00. Low income individuals would have only been charged $5.00 per month for the coverage but here was the giant problem…According to the CBO…the annual payout for those $5.00/month contributors would have been around $27,000.00.

Workers would have had $2,800.00/year automatically taken by the government for this program and would have had no choice but to enroll in it.

CLASS would have relied on the healthy young workers to cover the elderly for long term care outside of facilities.

Socialism always works until you run out of other people’s money.

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Jesse Jackson Jr. Trys to Mask Socialist Agenda!!

Leave it to liberals to attempt yet another trial balloon aimed at bringing socialism to our nation. It was just a couple of weeks ago that the liberal North Carolina Governor floated the idea of suspending congressional elections for a couple of years.

That was met with great disdain by Patriots and she then tried to back away from her statement by claiming it to be hyperbole and sarcasm.

Now, Jesse Jackson Jr. the congressman from Illinois, has floated ANOTHER lame liberal trial balloon.

J.J. Jr. says that the GOVERNMENT should HIRE all 15 million unemployed workers at a cost of $600 BILLION dollars!!

According to J.J. Jr., “It could be a five-year program. For another $104 billion, we bail out all of the states. For another $100 billion, we bail out all of the cities.”

Now he’s up to $804 BILLION.

Oh…But WAIT…There’s MORE!!!…

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A New GOP Leader Leads to a New Attack – Aquila

Herman Cain has jumped into the lead of the GOP race to the nomination. He has bypassed Perry and now Romney. Cain is the front runner at this point and that can mean only one thing.


While The National Patriot is not, at this time, endorsing any specific candidate, we will stand against unwarranted attacks upon them brought forth by liberals.

Completely unable to run on policy, the liberal machine has but a single strategy…Personally attack anyone they believe might be a threat.

Herman Cain is in a unique position as he has never before held an elective office – so when it comes to attacking Cain, his business record becomes the target, and what you will begin to see on social media will be designed to do one thing: Divide conservatives by planting the seeds of doubt.

Today, because of his front runner status, Herman Cain is the target.

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What’s So Hard to Understand About “Illegal” in “Illegal Immigration?”

Shadow here.  I was perusing the DrudgeReport and came across an article regarding Alabama and their new anti-illegal rule.   I am applauding Alabama.  They managed to do something many states, most notably Arizona (who Mexico tried to sue… What???), were unable to do.  They passed their version of SB1070.  This is having a profound effect on the state as a whole.  Read more here.

So, I got more air to clear, and you can probably guess the subject matter by now:  Immigration.  Specifically, illegal immigration.

First of all, for some, the phrase “illegal immigration” tends to conjure up images of the poor Mexican immigrant wearing a poncho and a sombrero just trying to make ends meet.  While this may be true in some cases, there is a reason why “illegal immigration” isn’t written as “illegal MEXICAN immigration.”  It is written as “illegal immigration” because not only Mexicans immigrate to the US illegally!!  People from all over the world come here illegally, most maybe because they are looking for a better life or a life away from oppression.  Regardless of WHY they come here illegally, the fact is they broke our laws in doing so, and have affected the whole fabric of the United States in the following ways (not inclusive):

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