What Obama DOESN’T Want You to Know About “Hopey Changey”

Can we give it a rest? Can we just give it a rest?

I’m talking about the nonsense put forth by so many reports that Obama has now kicked off his 2012 campaign. Every day, after an Obama speech, someone claims that Obama has kicked off his campaign.


Obama kicked off his 2012 campaign the day he took office back in 2009 so can we please give the “He just kicked off his campaign” stuff a rest?

That’s one of the biggest problems with this administration…That they have never, for a single minute, been OUT of campaign mode. Rather than seeing to the business of the country, rather than seeing to the business of the people, Obama has spent his entire term engaged in the business of Obama.

Hey liberals…How’s that hopey changey crap working out for you?

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The Federal Government and King George

This article is an exploration on many of the charges listed in the Declaration of Independence against King George and how they apply to the Federal Government.  I had been thinking of this for quite some time, as had many others before me apparently.  There are a few decent articles written on this subject on the internet, from which I have gained some inspiration.  I purposefully tried to eliminate the idea that our current “President” has committed the same offenses and rather decided that the behemoth of our Federal Government is at fault.

The reason it is at fault can be summed up in the Declaration of Independence.  The condition of American society with regard to the power the Federal Government has on all of us shows “that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”  This is just as true today as it was over 200 years ago.  It is not just the fault of the President, but of the government as a whole.  The checks and balances system is broken, and few have the moral compass to keep the nation pointed in the right direction even if it means they will not see another term.  We have become accustomed to Federal involvement in our daily lives.  Whereas the Constitution used to provide the guidepost to which all politicians used to face, it is now carved up, interpreted and reinterpreted to justify any and all actions against liberty.

With that, I give you the following charges against King George, and the actions of the Federal Government that mirror the justification of those charges (not inclusive of all charges, just the ones I could justify):

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Are YOUR Boots Firmly Planted?

An American Patriot from Great Britain Takes a Stand!

The expression “Boots on the ground” is a military one, meaning troops are in evidence; and they are there to do a job, be it keeping the peace or fighting insurgents, etc.
America is in a dire situation where she has a leader who doesn’t lead and an administration that is hell bent on removing the rights of her patriotic citizens. Those in charge are intent by one political move or another in destroying the great Constitution of the Founding Fathers.
If America is to win back her freedom – her liberty – and IF she is to retain her incomparable Constitution and the Bill of Rights, then she needs “BOOTS ON THE GROUND.”  She needs Patriots to fight for her. She cannot win the battle alone!

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Obama Taking a Break from Taking a Break to Go on Vacation

After chiding republicans for doing nothing on the payroll tax issue, we have discovered Obama will take a much needed break from his arduous schedule of blaming republicans for doing nothing to take a 17 day vacation to what he believes to be the Asian nation–state of Hawaii.

Where exactly Hawaii falls in the 57+ states, we’re not exactly sure and, as Obama threatened that both he and congress may have to work over Christmas, that doesn’t seem likely as during his last “working vacation” Obama only worked on his golf swing.

He’s still way off to the left side of the fairway.

Just weeks after returning from his last “working vacation,” Obama called for a joint session of congress to demand passage of a bill which had yet to be written.

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Friday Fume

The liberals out there are Frightful

But Fridays are Delightful

Against the party of Doom and Gloom,

Let me Fume

Let me Fume

Let me Fume….

Ahhhh…Rhode Island…our smallest state…Where this time of the year, every scene looks like a Currier and Ives complimentary jelly jar scene…Governor Lincoln Chaffe sits atop Mount CRUMPIT and SNEERS at all the WHOS in WHOVILLE!!!!!


It is, according to him…a HOLIDAY TREE.

He doesn’t want to offend those who may not celebrate CHRISTMAS.

Ummm…besides CHRISTMAS…what holidays, exactly, feature a TREE of ANY KIND???

A thanksgiving tree?


How about a New Year’s tree?


Easter? Groundhog’s Day? 4TH OF FREAKIN’ JULY TREE?????

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UC Davis Pepper Spraying…The Unintended Truth

Sometimes, video evidence isn’t what it seems to be. Sometimes, it can be very misleading if all you see is an excerpt, taken out of context, from the whole of the event. That now appears to be exactly the case with a widely circulated video clip from last week.

I am sure most people, by now, have seen the clip of police pepper spraying OWS morons at U.C. Davis. There they were, looking all peaceful, sitting on the ground, arms linked when along came the big bad police, those establishment, law enforcement officers who, out of the blue and for no reason at all, let loose with cans of pepper spray.

Oh the humanity, the horror. Doing such a thing to those who were simply exercising their 1st amendment right to gather, why, it’s just unthinkable.

UC Davis Chancellor, Linda Katehi, has, with tears in her eyes, apologized to students for the actions of the police.

Two officers and the campus police chief have been placed on leave.

UC President Mark Yudof has denounced the police for the pepper spraying of those students.

Students at UC Davis are demanding the Chancellor resign and they want the cops fired.

It’s a mess at UC Davis and all because of this piece of irrefutable video evidence.

That video clip CLEARLY show police pepper spraying those students FOR NO GOOD REASON WHATSOEVER!

Whoa…Hang on there…Not so fast.

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Friday Fume

This week, through all the cooking and baking, through the plans made to spend a wonderful day with our family and friends and through aroma of turkey, potatoes, stuffing and pies…

I was unable to escape the moronic actions of liberals which have…

Dare I say it…

Left me FUMING!!!

Okay, this week the Occupy-anything-but-a-shower-stall geniuses are at it again.

FIRST…these KNOT-HEADS decided to OCCUPY THE NBA and take the side of the PLAYERS in the labor lock out!!!

Yeah…I know it and YOU know it but the “CAN’T SPELL GED CROWD of lice infected TB spreading violent dregs of society DON’T know it…


Oh, but that wasn’t the ONLY brilliant idea those WHOSE HEADS OCCUPY THEIR COLONS had this week. Oh HEAVENS no…


Right off, I see two problems with this.

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Let Liberals Pull the “Trigger”

And now we know the truth. John Kerry, on Fox News this morning, admitted that the only reason there’s no deal from the “Super Committee” is because of the Bush Tax cuts.

In reality, those tax cuts could and should be referred to as the Bush/Obama tax cuts as it was Obama who renewed them.

Republicans on the committee has steadfastly refused to make the Bush/Obama tax cuts a part of the 1.2 trillion dollars in deficit cuts and for good reason. They promised not to.

Liberals on that committee want nothing more than to hike taxes. Liberals feel the wealthiest 1 or 2 percent of Americans must be soaked for more taxes. Oh, never mind that those are the same people who already pay 40% of all taxes…To liberals, it’s not enough.

In the liberal mindset, success MUST be punished.

Let’s not forget that this commission, the “Super Committee” was to have been non partisan and the solutions they were convened to seek, non partisan as well.

Let’s not forget also that doing away with the Bush tax cuts was a major plank in Obama’s 2008 campaign.

Therefore, one is left no alternative but to conclude that eliminating what is now, the Bush/Obama tax cuts, via the “Super Committee” is 100% partisan.

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Money isn’t what you think it is….

First off, I am not dead. I didn’t just do drive-by postings to the National Patriot. I have been busy here at my base. We recently had an exercise at my base, and I have been busy with getting other military-related tasks complete. Also, I am taking a class that I think I will rather enjoy…US History. At any rate…here I go:

What is money? Most would either say or have you believe it is the cash in your pocket or the silver in your safe. I am here to tell you it is neither. And when I tell you what money really is, you will be amazed. First thing I need to tell you is this: Please read all the way through with an open mind. Second thing I want to tell you is: This is really simple once you read it with an open mind.

You may be surprised to know that money isn’t what you may think it is. It isn’t dollars, silver or gold. It isn’t rupee’s, rubles or pesos. So, instead of classifying all of that as “money”, let’s call them all by their one proper name: currency. Currency is what allows you to buy whatever it is you want. Currency is property, something you own. You take that property and trade it for other property, or amass it in order to purchase more expensive pieces of property later on. You can even lend that property to someone else on the condition they repay you that property plus a little extra. But just how did you come to own the currency in the first place?

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Another Liberal Mecca, Another Disaster

Yesterday, in the Friday Fume, I went off on the SEIU for forcing unionization on the Michigan parents of 2 children in their 30’s who deal with cerebral palsy. The SEIU is taking union dues from their children’s Medicaid checks and calling those parents “Home Care Givers” and forcing them into the union. It’s thuggery at best and downright theft at worst.

It’s shameful any way you care to look at it.

This apparently isn’t the only problem stemming from greed raising its ugly head in Michigan – and guess what folks, it ain’t the greedy Republicans at the bottom of the Michigan barrel.

Let’s take a hard look at Wayne County, Michigan, shall we.

In Wayne County, Democratic county executive, Bob Ficano has been spending money like a drunken navy. Lots of money. Continue reading