Obama’s SOTU…Socialism of the Union

I believe that, last night, we heard the LAST State of the Union address from Obama.

(Waiting for the thunderous applause to die down)

Thank you…Thank you very much…Thank you…Please…Please, be seated…Thank you very much.

It was more of the same old thing. Lots more.

Hike taxes on the rich.

Fair share.

More government.

Honestly, one needs a socialist decoder ring to fully understand an Obama speech.

“The state of our union is getting stronger, and we’ve come too far to turn back now.”

Decoded: Substitute “socialism” for “Union” and you get the real message.

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SOTU…A Look Back and a Look Forward

On Tuesday night, less than 48 hours before Obama has been subpoenaed to appear in a Georgia courtroom in a case regarding his eligibility to serve, he will deliver the 2012 State of the Union address.

We can hardly wait.

This year’s SOTU is expected to focus on “A Return to American Values.”

Obama? American Values?

Isn’t that an oxymoron of sorts?

“American Values, of course, being the “Oxy”…

Before we look too deep into the shallow end of the pool regarding the 2012 SOTU speech, shall we look back at the 2011 version?

Remember when…

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The word is, Obama’s energy department, spurred on by the EPA, will say NO to the Keystone Pipeline!

In a move that will anger unions and be met gleefully by environmentalists, Obama will NOT allow the Canadian oil pipeline travel through the United States.

This is a job KILLER of a move.

To try and get back in the good graces of the unions, look for Obama, in the coming months before the election, to strengthen other union positions.

The Keystone pipeline would have provided roughly 20,000jobs right off the bat and quite possibly more down the road. One of the, if not THE hang up, was environmentalist concerns where the pipeline would have crossed Nebraska. While officials IN Nebraska were more than willing to reroute, it seems they will not be allowed the opportunity to satisfy those with concerns.

In fact, Nebraska lawmakers, back in November 2011, voted to reroute the pipeline away from areas considered sensitive. Nebraska Governor, Dave Heineman signed that measure AND another bill which would have funded new environmental studies for the newly proposed route.

NOW, the Obama administration is claiming there just isn’t time to complete a new study and therefore, the pipeline will NOT be built.

One must look for bright spots where one can find them and while difficult in this case, there might be ONE.

As gas prices continue to rise, with crude selling over $100.00 per barrel again, and proposed EPA regulations adding more to the pump cost as we head toward spring and summer, people WILL take this into account during the 2012 election and THAT does not bode well for Obama.

ADD to the existing gas price issues, the problems with Iran and the Strait of Hormuz and the near future isn’t rosie. OPEC can and probably WILL add to their production if the Iran issue flares up but, no doubt, they will do it at a price.

Meanwhile, in OUR OWN yard, no plans are on the table for drilling, fracking is being blocked at every turn and now, a pipeling through the U.S. from Canada is being squashed.

Canada will not allow themselves to lose out on this deal and who can blame them.

China has already expressed interest in the Canadian oil and Canada has said, should the U.S. NOT be interested, they would sell to China.

Once again, the special interests and environmental yahoos, have cut our national interest throats.

While it will most likely be too late to save the Keystone Pipeline, this reported move by the Obama administration, to BLOCK that pipeline, should be an even greater incentive to get out and vote republican in November.

With a majority in both the House AND the Senate, and a republican in the White House, drilling and tapping our OWN sources of energy shouldn’t be far behind.

Energy independence IS a national security issue and one that MUST be addressed.

Obama and his administration are hell bent on being someone ELSE’S best oil customer and that dog just don’t hunt.

Rather than pouring money into energy sources which are PROVEN and AVAILABLE, Obama has instead been FLUSHING taxpayer money down the green toilet.

Solyndra? The Chevy Volt? Now Beacon?

One by one, Obama’s plans for alternative energy is proving to be a debacle. Solyndra FOLDED and took %535 MILLION taxpayer dollars with them. The Volt has sold only 7000 units ALL of which are now under recall because they CATCH FIRE and Beacon, another solar company, after getting around $40 million taxpayer dollars has filed for bankruptcy.

At least with an influx of Canadian oil, China will be able to pump out more of those mercury filled CFL bulbs that environmentalists are INSISTING we buy.


Tell Government to BUTT OUT of the Internet

Some websites will go dark today in protest of SOPA.

SOPA is a bill working its way through Congress which could lead to censorship of the internet regardless of its original intent.

The intent is to put a stop to piracy of content. Movies, music, entertainment in general has been a prime target for online piracy. Foreign countries have, for years, been grabbing this stuff and selling it overseas thus robbing American artists and industries of profits.

I think we can all agree that those products should be protected-  but SOPA, according to its critics, goes way too far.

The problem is in the language of the bill. “Search Engines” is a VERY broad term and one that is prominent in the SOPA bill.

We could go into great and confusing detail over the legal language and the possible meanings of it – and other sites have done that – but there is something much more basic which should be said.

With this bill, SOPA, and it’s somewhat less intrusive Senate Bill, PIPA, the internet would become, either in small or large part, regulated by Congress.

That should not be allowed to happen.

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Econ 101 for Useful Idiots

The middle class…we must do what we can for the middle class. That is the Obama mantra isn’t it? Build up the middle class.

Really, it’s class warfare. Liberals hate to hear that but that’s really what it is. That’s what so many conservatives say and we hear it often from almost all the GOP candidates.

In part it’s true. Class warfare. Pitting those who don’t have as much as other against those who have more.

That’s the basis for the whole “Occupy” movement.

At best, occupiers are useful idiots in the grand Obama scheme.

Why “At best?”

Because there is a lot more to the Obama scheme than class warfare. Let’s make this as simple as possible so even liberals can understand it.

What have been the clarion calls from Obama since 2008?

Share the wealth.

Hike taxes on the rich.

Both are meant to accomplish one thing. Take money from those who have more of it.

By saying “SHARE” Obama makes it seem as though those who have it should share it with those who don’t have as much. Sharing is good isn’t it? Aren’t we taught to share as children?

The problem is, Obama never says with whom those who have money should share it does he?

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What Obama DOESN’T Want You to Know About “Hopey Changey”

Can we give it a rest? Can we just give it a rest?

I’m talking about the nonsense put forth by so many reports that Obama has now kicked off his 2012 campaign. Every day, after an Obama speech, someone claims that Obama has kicked off his campaign.


Obama kicked off his 2012 campaign the day he took office back in 2009 so can we please give the “He just kicked off his campaign” stuff a rest?

That’s one of the biggest problems with this administration…That they have never, for a single minute, been OUT of campaign mode. Rather than seeing to the business of the country, rather than seeing to the business of the people, Obama has spent his entire term engaged in the business of Obama.

Hey liberals…How’s that hopey changey crap working out for you?

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The Federal Government and King George

This article is an exploration on many of the charges listed in the Declaration of Independence against King George and how they apply to the Federal Government.  I had been thinking of this for quite some time, as had many others before me apparently.  There are a few decent articles written on this subject on the internet, from which I have gained some inspiration.  I purposefully tried to eliminate the idea that our current “President” has committed the same offenses and rather decided that the behemoth of our Federal Government is at fault.

The reason it is at fault can be summed up in the Declaration of Independence.  The condition of American society with regard to the power the Federal Government has on all of us shows “that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”  This is just as true today as it was over 200 years ago.  It is not just the fault of the President, but of the government as a whole.  The checks and balances system is broken, and few have the moral compass to keep the nation pointed in the right direction even if it means they will not see another term.  We have become accustomed to Federal involvement in our daily lives.  Whereas the Constitution used to provide the guidepost to which all politicians used to face, it is now carved up, interpreted and reinterpreted to justify any and all actions against liberty.

With that, I give you the following charges against King George, and the actions of the Federal Government that mirror the justification of those charges (not inclusive of all charges, just the ones I could justify):

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Are YOUR Boots Firmly Planted?

An American Patriot from Great Britain Takes a Stand!

The expression “Boots on the ground” is a military one, meaning troops are in evidence; and they are there to do a job, be it keeping the peace or fighting insurgents, etc.
America is in a dire situation where she has a leader who doesn’t lead and an administration that is hell bent on removing the rights of her patriotic citizens. Those in charge are intent by one political move or another in destroying the great Constitution of the Founding Fathers.
If America is to win back her freedom – her liberty – and IF she is to retain her incomparable Constitution and the Bill of Rights, then she needs “BOOTS ON THE GROUND.”  She needs Patriots to fight for her. She cannot win the battle alone!

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Obama Taking a Break from Taking a Break to Go on Vacation

After chiding republicans for doing nothing on the payroll tax issue, we have discovered Obama will take a much needed break from his arduous schedule of blaming republicans for doing nothing to take a 17 day vacation to what he believes to be the Asian nation–state of Hawaii.

Where exactly Hawaii falls in the 57+ states, we’re not exactly sure and, as Obama threatened that both he and congress may have to work over Christmas, that doesn’t seem likely as during his last “working vacation” Obama only worked on his golf swing.

He’s still way off to the left side of the fairway.

Just weeks after returning from his last “working vacation,” Obama called for a joint session of congress to demand passage of a bill which had yet to be written.

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Friday Fume

The liberals out there are Frightful

But Fridays are Delightful

Against the party of Doom and Gloom,

Let me Fume

Let me Fume

Let me Fume….

Ahhhh…Rhode Island…our smallest state…Where this time of the year, every scene looks like a Currier and Ives complimentary jelly jar scene…Governor Lincoln Chaffe sits atop Mount CRUMPIT and SNEERS at all the WHOS in WHOVILLE!!!!!


It is, according to him…a HOLIDAY TREE.

He doesn’t want to offend those who may not celebrate CHRISTMAS.

Ummm…besides CHRISTMAS…what holidays, exactly, feature a TREE of ANY KIND???

A thanksgiving tree?


How about a New Year’s tree?


Easter? Groundhog’s Day? 4TH OF FREAKIN’ JULY TREE?????

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