Being a political commentator entails many things. It means being up to speed on the widest variety of issues. It means putting yourself out there as a target. It means having passion and the courage of your convictions.
It means offering your opinions and analysis to the choir and the angry mob.
Sometimes, it means putting something out there that won’t make you popular with the choir. This may well be one of those times but, if you read through the entire piece, you’ll see where I’m coming from.
Obamacare is currently being heard as a case before the Supreme Court . As of this writing, 1 day down, 2 to go. What conservatives want the most could well be the worst thing for this nation.
Let me put that another way.
What LIBERALS want the most, could be the BEST thing for this nation.
Oh boy…is it getting hot in here or is it just me?