Are you part of the 42%? If you are, then you are rightly upset by all the rhetoric coming out of the incumbent’s administration and the talking heads on media. If you are not part of the 42%, then consider yourself lucky. For the all of you who are wondering what I am talking about, grab a beer, some popcorn and your calculator and read on…
Oh, and I refuse to use the man’s name when referring to the person occupying the seat of President. I respect the office of the President, as one should. I do not respect the man or his ideology.
Ok… So… Unemployment is at 8.2%. However, 88 MILLION people are not in the work force. Let’s compile some numbers here (according to the CIA World Factbook)…
- US Population: 313.8 million (2012 abstract based on 2010 census and data derived comparing previous census data)
- Population of working age (15-64): 209.2 million
- Population NOT working: 88 million
And what is the “official” unemployment percentage? 8.2%. That means that officially, ONLY 17.2 million people are not working. Hmmmm Does not add up. What is the real percentage based on the numbers above? Well, using the numbers above, you get a percentage of…wait for it…42%. Yes. 42% of people are not in the work force, according to those numbers. And I TRIED to use round numbers of the extrapolated numbers to be as generous as possible, but I am not willing to spin numbers for any reason. I deal in fact, and the fact is our country is a LOT worse off than our government handlers are letting on.