Are you part of the 42%?

Are you part of the 42%?  If you are, then you are rightly upset by all the rhetoric coming out of the incumbent’s administration and the talking heads on media.  If you are not part of the 42%, then consider yourself lucky.  For the all of you who are wondering what I am talking about, grab a beer, some popcorn and your calculator and read on…

Oh, and I refuse to use the man’s name when referring to the person occupying the seat of President.  I respect the office of the President, as one should.  I do not respect the man or his ideology.

Ok… So… Unemployment is at 8.2%. However, 88 MILLION people are not in the work force. Let’s compile some numbers here (according to the CIA World Factbook)…

  • US Population: 313.8 million (2012 abstract based on 2010 census and data derived comparing previous census data)
  • Population of working age (15-64): 209.2 million
  • Population NOT working: 88 million

And what is the “official” unemployment percentage? 8.2%.  That means that officially, ONLY 17.2 million people are not working.  Hmmmm  Does not add up.  What is the real percentage based on the numbers above?  Well, using the numbers above, you get a percentage of…wait for it…42%. Yes. 42% of people are not in the work force, according to those numbers. And I TRIED to use round numbers of the extrapolated numbers to be as generous as possible, but I am not willing to spin numbers for any reason.  I deal in fact, and the fact is our country is a LOT worse off than our government handlers are letting on.

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Friday Fume

I gotta tell ya, this last week has left my HEAD spinning!

I’m beginning to see a pattern too. The closer we get to the election…Week by week…The deeper into insanity the liberals go.

I suppose desperation could be driving them to the edge but seriously, do they need to take the rest of us along for the ride??

Well, it IS Friday and…

I’m fuming.

The GSA…a VALUABLE government agency, basically in charge of not wasting our money has been…


Turns out these YAHOOS spent almost a MILLION dollars on a conference in HENDERSON Nevada. $4.00 shrimp, $14.00 breakfasts…$75,000.00 on a seminar on how to assemble a bicycle…


Now, to be fair, this isn’t JUST the liberals…THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR A LONG TIME but seriously, should the government agency in charge of making sure the government doesn’t waste the people’s money REALLY employ…12,500 PEOPLE???


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Obama is No Beethoven

It has been said that, “A lie can travel halfway round the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” It has also been said that the above quote came from Mark Twain. That, in and of itself, may well be a lie as it seems more probable that the quote came from Charles Haddon Spurgeon; but aside from this, what of Spurgeon do we know or, for that matter, care.

Regardless of the origin, the quote is true but only up to a point.

It describes but the beginning of the race. Truth, eventually, wins the day because the lie, eventually, stumbles.

As for Twain, a voluminous liar in practice, he did have something to say on the matter.

The glory which is built upon a lie soon becomes a most unpleasant encumbrance. How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again!”

“Almost all lies are acts, and speech has no part in them.”

I am different from Washington; I have a higher, grander standard of principle. Washington could not lie. I can lie, but I won’t.”

Twain, indeed had a great deal to say regarding the practice or art of the lie, but perhaps my favorite is this:

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Friday Fume

Oh it’s been another banner week for the liberal/socialist fools, hasn’t it? Normally you wouldn’t see this sort of behavior outside the fence surrounding the Sunny Brook Home for the Politically Deranged.

Are you ready for this week’s tour of the lobotomized liberal/socialist world?

Here we go…

It’s Friday and I’m fuming.

It what may well be the strangest and most ironic interview EVER…

Haywood Carey, an Occupy Wall Street “Financial Officer” sat down with THE WALL STREET JOURNAL this week.

When Carrey opened his OCCU-PIEHOLE…this came out: “If we keep spending at the rate at which we have been doing, we will probably go broke in a month.”


A group of slackers who make couch tators look like overachievers, who would rather sit in a park, crap on cop cars, spread disease, and whine about how they don’t have what rich people have…


How could this possible happen?

Oh yeah…Capitalism.

According to the WSJ, “The Occupy Wall Street General Assembly voted this weekend to halt spending on new projects, but will continue to fund housing, food, clothing, and transportation for volunteers.”

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Obamacare…SCOTUS Decision WILL Affect the Election

Being a political commentator entails many things. It means being up to speed on the widest variety of issues. It means putting yourself out there as a target. It means having passion and the courage of your convictions.

It means offering your opinions and analysis to the choir and the angry mob.

Sometimes, it means putting something out there that won’t make you popular with the choir. This may well be one of those times but, if you read through the entire piece, you’ll see where I’m coming from.

Obamacare is currently being heard as a case before the  Supreme Court . As of this writing, 1 day down, 2 to go. What conservatives want the most could well be the worst thing for this nation.

Let me put that another way.

What LIBERALS want the most, could be the BEST thing for this nation.

Oh boy…is it getting hot in here or is it just me?

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Obama on Solyndra…Not Whisker of Truth

My, oh my, but aren’t liberals enlightened? Aren’t they intellectual?

The liberal’s new favorite adverb is…

Per se.

Liberals are SO enlightened and SO intellectual that they, at the drop of a hat, now speak Latin.

Joe Biden…an intellectual giant if ever one existed, stated last December that, “the Taliban per se is not our enemy.” Of course, that non, “per se” enemy is the very non “per se” enemy who have been raising all sorts of hell and has recently murdered 6 U.S. soldiers over burned Korans.

Now, as of yesterday, Obama jumped in.

“Obviously, we wish Solyndra hadn’t gone bankrupt. Part of the reason they did was because the Chinese were subsidizing their solar industry and flooding the market in ways that Solyndra couldn’t compete. But understand: This was not our program, per se. Congress — Democrats and Republicans — put together a loan guarantee program because they understood historically that when you get new industries, it’s easy to raise money for startups, but if you want to take them to scale, oftentimes there’s a lot of risk involved, and what the loan guarantee program was designed to do was to help start up companies get to scale.”

One can only suspect that the same reality of our “per se not” our enemy can easily be applied to “not our program, per se.”

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Friday Fume

It’s amazing really, how, day in and day out, liberals just seem to ignore common sense.

It can’t be by accident either. It’s a concerted effort. They look at any given situation, decide what the proper way to handle it would be…

Then do the exact opposite.

Oh well, here we go again. It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

On Wednesday, in Louisiana, teachers unions apparently believing the rest of us have forgotten that they don’t care a WHIP about the students…CLOSED DOWN 4 PARISH’S SCHOOLS SO THEY COULD PROTEST EDUCATION REFORMS!!!

According to Governor Jindal’s office, “The reality is that action is needed now. Forty-four percent of Louisiana’s public schools received a grade of D or F last year. Louisiana’s 4th and 8th graders ranked among the bottom in English and Math when compared to other states. In 2010 there were 230,000 students in Louisiana below grade level – one third of all students in public school.”

Naturally, the liberal run unions are MUCH more concerned about the TEACHERS than they are the students.

The changes proposed relate to teacher evaluations, tenure and retirement plans, as well as charter school creation and regulation. They would make it easier to fire BAD teachers, affect the way TENURE is handed out and create a charter system for those who want their kids to LEARN something.

Without a doubt…teachers unions in Louisiana are dead set against this idea of GOOD teachers being GOOD for students and RAISING the grade levels OF those students.

Liberals will be liberals…


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Doing the Liberal Hocus Pocus

14 percent. That, according to a recent survey, is the number of people who strongly agree that Obama is handling the gas price issue well. 14 percent.

Who ARE those people? How much Kool Aid are THEY drinking and WHAT are they smoking?

65 percent disapprove; and of that 65 percent, 52 percent disapprove STRONGLY. Heck, 59 percent disapprove of Obama’s handling of the economy. 50 percent disapprove of Obama’s handling of the economy strongly.

In nearly every campaign appearance, Obama pats himself on the back for his own handling of the gas price situation but the spinning is starting to make people dizzy. That’s because in nearly every campaign appearance, Obama is taking both sides of the issue.

No surprise, it’s what liberals do but apparently, there ARE 14 percent of people who are completely unable to see through it.

Here’s how the liberal double spin works.

Obama and his liberal/socialist lemmings tell us that oil and gas are the energy sources of the past. They’re old hat, obsolete, passé, and as hip as an 8 track tape. We hear that over and over again.

Obama and his liberal/socialist lemmings also tell us that, “We can’t just drill our way out of the problem.” We hear THAT over and over too, don’t we?

Obama and his liberal/socialist lemmings have been telling us that even if we WERE to drill here drill now, it would take 10 to 15 years for any oil produced to have a positive effect on the economy. In fact, Obama aside, liberal/socialists have been using THAT line for more than 2 decades.

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Friday Fume

Well here we are at the end of another week of liberal stupidity.

While we can vote ’em out in November, we will never be able to fix stupid, so we might as well get used to ’em. I’ve found, if you take it all too seriously, without providing yourself a way to vent, liberals will drive you insane.

Join me, won’t you, in our weekly review with an attitude and LET IT OUT!!!

It’s Friday, and guess what?


I’m fuming.

Liberals…Good grief…

In Colorado, a week ago, THEIR Governor, one John Hickenlooper, introduced his Lieutenant Governor, one Joe Carcia as a…


To an audience of…


Yeah, that’s just plain liberal stupid, isn’t it? One has NO idea WHAT Hickenlooper was THINKING but after THIS week’s introduction…


Just a few days ago…Hickenlooper was introducing Denver Mayor…one…Mike…HANCOCK…I can’t make this stuff up, folks…

Apparently, Hancock’s wife…Mary Louise, is something of a singer and…trying to impress…the assembled audience…Hickenlooper made some reference to Obama singing to Michelle…in the SHOWER and introduced HANCOCK with THIS obtuse line…

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Sandra Fluke…No Small Coincidence One Major Distraction

These are the words of Margaret Sanger. Sanger, as we all know, founded Planned Parenthood and we also all know just how the liberals LOVE Planned Parenthood. Along with horrible a deep feeling of hatred toward races other than white, Sanger also held some interesting ideas concerning…birth control and why it is necessary.

On adultery:
A woman’s physical satisfaction was more important than any marriage vow, Sanger believed. Birth Control in America, p. 11

On the purpose of birth control:
The purpose in promoting birth control was “to create a race of thoroughbreds,” she wrote in the Birth Control Review, Nov. 1921 (p. 2)

On religious convictions regarding sex outside of marriage:
“This book aims to answer the needs expressed in thousands on thousands of letters to me in the solution of marriage problems… Knowledge of sex truths frankly and plainly presented cannot possibly injure healthy, normal, young minds. Concealment, suppression, futile attempts to veil the unveilable – these work injury, as they seldom succeed and only render those who indulge in them ridiculous. For myself, I have full confidence in the cleanliness, the open-mindedness, the promise of the younger generation.” Margaret Sanger, Happiness in Marriage (Bretano’s, New York, 1927)

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