“Ex-Patriot Act” Would Criminalize Freedom and Success

The American Dream…To start with nothing and become a success in the land of opportunity. Wealth, fame and the trapping which come with them both. Those who achieve it, in the process, provide opportunities for others, create jobs and foster innovation.

That is the American Dream.

The Liberal/Socialist Dream…To lurk about, waiting for others to achieve the American Dream and take from them, a majority of what they have gained in wealth. It’s simply not fair for one to have more than another and when one does, the bulk of it should belong to the government to be doled out, at the government’s whim, to those they deem worthy.

That is the Liberal/Socialist Dream.

Scoff if you want to liberals but you scoff at the truth and two of your own are proving it.

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The Palin Effect Felt in Nebraska

Reports of the death of the Tea Party have been greatly exaggerated.

One can easily suspect 3 things.

1)      Nobody who ascribes to the Tea Party values ever thought they were dead.

2)      Liberals knew the Tea Party wasn’t dead but they were hoping beyond hope against another shellacking in November.

3)      The Republican establishment is failing to relegate the Tea Party to the sidelines.

Proof of these things comes first in the results from Indiana where long time establishment mainstay, Sen. Lugar, lost his bid for another term and now, from Nebraska.

On the Husker Nation’s home turf, 2 establishment choices had been considered the odds on favorites for Ben Nelson’s soon to be abandoned Senate seat. Nelson’s Cornhusker Kickback doomed his career as Obamacare relied on bribes to secure votes.

Nebraska, a red state, was all but set to nominate either Don Stenberg of Jon Bruning to run against former Nebraska Governor and Senator Bob Kerry.

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The Commencement Address Grads NEED to Hear

Well, another May is half over and another year gone by without any asylum of higher learning asking me to provide sage wisdom to graduating seniors.

I don’t know why.

Dressed in caps and gowns, young people are heading out into the world and they need advice. Not the sort of advice they’re likely to get but real advice. They need the sort of advice that will help them face reality and cope with it.

On the off chance that even one “Future of Our Nation” graduate will see this, allow me to offer such advice.

Young people…YOU are the future of this great nation and I shudder at the very thought of it.

You may well not like my advice and many of you probably won’t follow it, but, someday, you will realize you should have.

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Liberal Economics 101

At what point, one wonders, will liberal voters say enough is enough of the green energy debacle? At what point will THEY admit, OPENLY, that Obama’s green energy program is nothing but a huge lie?

How much money, belonging to American taxpayers, will have to be wasted?

Enbridge Energy Partners and Silver State North went into operation last week and will now file for up to $50 million dollars in U.S. taxpayer stimulus money. Compared to Solyndra, that’s not much. Also compared to Solyndra, this company is BOOMING!!!

What do we GET for OUR $50 million?

We get 2 full-time jobs and energy that costs 3 times as much as energy from natural gas.

Allow me to connect some dots here.

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Obama’s Strategy Exposed

As we head into the back straight of the 2012 election, speeding toward November 6th, expecting the dirtiest campaign in history, one thing is clear.

Obama only needs about 2 dozen more.

2 dozen more…what…exactly?


About 1 per week should do it. 24 weeks…24 distractions.

This week’s distraction is, of course, gay marriage. He’s for it again. Oh yes, Obama was against it then he was  for it before he was against it  again and then he was evolving and now…he’s for it…again.

In this week’s distraction, he rolled out a new pre-distraction distraction. Joe Biden who went on the Sunday shows and let it slip that he had no problem with gay marriage. OH THE HUMANITY of yet another Biden gaff. This was no gaff. This was a planned distraction to pave the way FOR the distraction.

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Massachusetts Bake Sale Terrorism


Today, the FPI, (Food Police Idiots) the top law enforcement agency of the Nanny States of America, has issued an all points bulletin for a TERRORIST so vile, so despicable, as to be the cause of death and general mayhem to our nation’s children and children through the known world.

The bulletin reads…DEAD or ALIVE!!!

If YOU see this individual, call the FPI immediately.



As we understand, via unnamed and anonymous sources, SEAL Team 6½ is now on HIGH ALERT and ready to spring into action without due credit to be given, upon the issue of a memo to be delivered to Admiral McRaven.

Appearing now, at the top of the FPI Most Wanted Terrorist List is…

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We The People vs Obama

It stands for the same thing regardless of the language.

Avante!, organ of the Portuguese Communist Party

Avanti!, organ of the Italian Socialist Party

Eteenpäin, Finnish-language newspaper in the United States

Új Előre (‘New Forward’), a Hungarian-language newspaper in the United States

Voorwaarts!, organ of the Communist Youth Movement (Netherlands)

Vorwärts, organ of the Social Democratic Party of Germany

Vorwärts!, published from Paris in 1844 and associated with the Communist League


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“Birth Certificate” a Distraction leading to an Undoing

Sometimes, what we know NOW as opposed to what we knew THEN can make a great deal of difference in clearing the picture.

I have suggested, for some time now, that anything this administration does, in a big way, is cover for something else. We need look no further back than a year ago to see this in what may well be its pinnacle usage.

I would also suggest, this is how Obama has painted himself into a corner.

It was one year ago, yesterday, that Obama made a big deal of releasing his “Birth Certificate.” He held a press conference. He showed it off. He said it was his, it was real and it would end any questions about it.

It was, as we know NOW, not his, not real and certainly did not end any questions about it.

Obama, it seems, didn’t take Sheriff Joe Arpaio into account.

I’ll get back to that.

The one question I asked the day he released that “birth certificate” and one that was asked by many was: Why then?

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Friday Fume

Well…Here we are at the end of another week of liberal insanity.

This is where we shine the light of truth on the liberal/socialist absurdity and watch ’em scatter like roaches.

Sit down and hang on, fellow Patriots…It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Al Armendariz, an EPA administrator from the Dallas office, made the remarks at a local Texas government meeting and now they’re coming to light. He was talking about how he wants EPS regulations enforced.

“It was kind of like how the Romans used to, you know, conquer villages in the Mediterranean. They’d go in to a little Turkish town somewhere, they’d find the first five guys they saw, and they’d crucify them.”

“And then, you know, that town was really easy to manage for the next few years.”


This MORON, appointed by EMPEROR OBEYME…is an idiot.

Oh…he apologized but DON’T THEY ALL…

“I apologize to those I have offended and regret my poor choice of words.”

Which of course prompted the Emperor’s town crier…Jay Carney to pipe up with, “What he said is clearly not representative of either this president’s belief in the way that we should approach these matters or in the way that he has approached these matters — either from this office here in the White House or at the EPA.”

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It’s Time for the Tea Party Movement to End

There’s an incendiary headline for you.

The time for the Tea Party movement to die is now. Right now. It has served its purpose and now it’s time to kill it off, say goodbye and bury the movement forever.

Bury the MOVEMENT…Not the idea or the ideals but the MOVEMENT.


That’s right…it’s now time to turn the movement into a full fledged PARTY before the next presidential election. Such things cannot happen overnight and time must be taken to do it the right way but do it we must.

If you are as tired as I am of being held hostage by the Republican Party establishment, WE have to make it clear to THEM that we’re just not gonna take it any more.

The Republican Party, the party of conservatism, REAGAN’S party has become the just barely right of center but leaning toward the center party and because of what we have been through for DECADES, that’s no longer good enough.

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