Obama’s BRILLIANT Economic Plan

Well…I’m not exactly sure WHAT to say. I am STUNNED by the depth and breadth of Obama’s knowledge of economics.

Finally, yesterday, he made a clear and concise statement regarding his plan to fix the economy.

Oh, it’s late in coming but, better late than never…Right?

Obama was in Minnesota, speaking to liberal voters who, naturally, hang on his every utterance, and he substantially cleared up his, up to now, foggy approach to the nation’s struggling economy.

It seems to me that I MIGHT have to take back every bad thing I have said regarding his economic prowess over the years for truly, we are in the presence of greatness.

Here is what he said, word for word.

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The National Patriot On The Air

Last night, it was my great pleasure to be a guest on Rapture Ready Radio with Matt Buff and Jim Fletcher.

Over the course of the hour, we delved into many different political issues and topics including Allen West, the 2012 elections, foreign and domestic policies, Mitt Romney and a good deal more.

I thoroughly enjoyed the interview and hope to again be asked to in their conversation!!

The National Patriot portion of last night’s show begins at the 72:30 mark. Please have a listen and, like me, become a fan of Rapture Ready Radio!

To hear last night’s show, please CLICK HERE!!!


With the Wisconsin recall election a mere 2 weeks away, set for June 5th, all political eyes are squarely on the Badger state.

Many are calling this a microcosm for the national election in November but, I’m not sure that’s accurate.

Micro seems far too small a comparison to me.

A foreshadowing is maybe more appropriate.

With two weeks to go, Governor Scott Walker’s lead in recent polls, is growing. Just two weeks ago, the race between Walker and liberal rival, Tom Barrett was a dead even heat. That is no longer the case. In a poll conducted just a couple days ago, Walker has a 6 point lead and indications are that his lead could grow to around 9 points by recall election day.

If there is a microcosm involved it comes from liberals.

As Governor Walker and the state legislature implemented measures to remove collective bargaining rights from public unions, liberals went into orbit and showed their true colors.

What happened at the State Capitol was disgusting. Liberals “occupied” the capitol, inside and out, hurled slurs and written threats to legislators, Governor Walker and any who stood with them.

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Friday Fume

We’re less than 6 months out from the 2012 election, and liberals are shifting their antics into high gear. One would think they’d pace themselves, but no…Liberal/socialists are at full throttle.

It’s obvious they can’t see where they’re going with their heads where they are, but I have to admit, watching them run about like idiots is a hoot.

Are ya ready? Got your helmets? Seat belts on?

It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

It seems that, every village that’s missing an idiot can quit looking…We’ve found them…In SUNLAND PARK, NEW MEXICO!!!

That is where a WHOLE HERD of liberal/socialists elected one of their own kind, Daniel Salinas, as Mayor.

When you have a village FULL of idiots…SOMEONE has to lead them.


Of course, he’s not in it alone…

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“Ex-Patriot Act” Would Criminalize Freedom and Success

The American Dream…To start with nothing and become a success in the land of opportunity. Wealth, fame and the trapping which come with them both. Those who achieve it, in the process, provide opportunities for others, create jobs and foster innovation.

That is the American Dream.

The Liberal/Socialist Dream…To lurk about, waiting for others to achieve the American Dream and take from them, a majority of what they have gained in wealth. It’s simply not fair for one to have more than another and when one does, the bulk of it should belong to the government to be doled out, at the government’s whim, to those they deem worthy.

That is the Liberal/Socialist Dream.

Scoff if you want to liberals but you scoff at the truth and two of your own are proving it.

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The Palin Effect Felt in Nebraska

Reports of the death of the Tea Party have been greatly exaggerated.

One can easily suspect 3 things.

1)      Nobody who ascribes to the Tea Party values ever thought they were dead.

2)      Liberals knew the Tea Party wasn’t dead but they were hoping beyond hope against another shellacking in November.

3)      The Republican establishment is failing to relegate the Tea Party to the sidelines.

Proof of these things comes first in the results from Indiana where long time establishment mainstay, Sen. Lugar, lost his bid for another term and now, from Nebraska.

On the Husker Nation’s home turf, 2 establishment choices had been considered the odds on favorites for Ben Nelson’s soon to be abandoned Senate seat. Nelson’s Cornhusker Kickback doomed his career as Obamacare relied on bribes to secure votes.

Nebraska, a red state, was all but set to nominate either Don Stenberg of Jon Bruning to run against former Nebraska Governor and Senator Bob Kerry.

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The Commencement Address Grads NEED to Hear

Well, another May is half over and another year gone by without any asylum of higher learning asking me to provide sage wisdom to graduating seniors.

I don’t know why.

Dressed in caps and gowns, young people are heading out into the world and they need advice. Not the sort of advice they’re likely to get but real advice. They need the sort of advice that will help them face reality and cope with it.

On the off chance that even one “Future of Our Nation” graduate will see this, allow me to offer such advice.

Young people…YOU are the future of this great nation and I shudder at the very thought of it.

You may well not like my advice and many of you probably won’t follow it, but, someday, you will realize you should have.

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Liberal Economics 101

At what point, one wonders, will liberal voters say enough is enough of the green energy debacle? At what point will THEY admit, OPENLY, that Obama’s green energy program is nothing but a huge lie?

How much money, belonging to American taxpayers, will have to be wasted?

Enbridge Energy Partners and Silver State North went into operation last week and will now file for up to $50 million dollars in U.S. taxpayer stimulus money. Compared to Solyndra, that’s not much. Also compared to Solyndra, this company is BOOMING!!!

What do we GET for OUR $50 million?

We get 2 full-time jobs and energy that costs 3 times as much as energy from natural gas.

Allow me to connect some dots here.

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Obama’s Strategy Exposed

As we head into the back straight of the 2012 election, speeding toward November 6th, expecting the dirtiest campaign in history, one thing is clear.

Obama only needs about 2 dozen more.

2 dozen more…what…exactly?


About 1 per week should do it. 24 weeks…24 distractions.

This week’s distraction is, of course, gay marriage. He’s for it again. Oh yes, Obama was against it then he was  for it before he was against it  again and then he was evolving and now…he’s for it…again.

In this week’s distraction, he rolled out a new pre-distraction distraction. Joe Biden who went on the Sunday shows and let it slip that he had no problem with gay marriage. OH THE HUMANITY of yet another Biden gaff. This was no gaff. This was a planned distraction to pave the way FOR the distraction.

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Massachusetts Bake Sale Terrorism


Today, the FPI, (Food Police Idiots) the top law enforcement agency of the Nanny States of America, has issued an all points bulletin for a TERRORIST so vile, so despicable, as to be the cause of death and general mayhem to our nation’s children and children through the known world.

The bulletin reads…DEAD or ALIVE!!!

If YOU see this individual, call the FPI immediately.



As we understand, via unnamed and anonymous sources, SEAL Team 6½ is now on HIGH ALERT and ready to spring into action without due credit to be given, upon the issue of a memo to be delivered to Admiral McRaven.

Appearing now, at the top of the FPI Most Wanted Terrorist List is…

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