Friday Fume

Well, here we are…At the end of another week and the beginning of our 2nd year at The National Patriot!!!

Liberals really are the gift that keeps on giving when it comes to absolute stupidity…Aren’t they?

Just when you think they’re scraping the bottom of the barrel…You discover that the barrel has a BASEMENT and a MINE SHAFT under THAT!!!

Why they keep thinking they have to give the SHAFT to the rest of us is quite beyond comprehension but…THEY DO PERSIST…

AND SO DO I!!!!!

My friends…It’s Friday and, you guessed it…

I’m fuming.

Oh, for GOD’S sake!!!

Liberal/socialists are having a COW over Chick-Fil-A!!!!!!

Liberal/socialists and some in the gay community have now labeled Chick-Fil-A as…ANTI GAY!!!

As usual…the libs are LEAPING to FALSE conclusions.

Here’s what Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy said when he was questioned about donating money to a group that advocates against redefining marriage:

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Obama About to be Forced to Defend the Indefensible

Along with all the bombast regarding personal attacks on Mitt Romney, one should fully expect Obama to ratchet up yet another aspect of his agenda between now and the end of September and, if Romney and his staff are smart, they will take today’s news and pounce on it like they have the “You didn’t build that” stance Obama has taken lately.

This news has been lost among the high profile Aurora shooting and the NCAA response to the Sandusky conviction at Penn State.

The Poverty Rate

The official numbers will not be released until just weeks before the November elections, probably in mid to late September but the predictions are, to say the least, dire.

Remember when Reagan asked so famously, “Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?”

Well, the question Romney should be posing from now until the election is, “Are you better off now than you were 47 years ago?”

The latest census report will be made public in September and will show a rise in the poverty rate of the nation from 15.1% to as high as 15.7% but, know this…

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Election 2012 – Don’t Tap Dance in the Mine Field

When it comes to this election, the most important election since 1860, far too many conservatives are asking the wrong questions or, I believe, taking the wrong stance.

It’s a problem born of far too many years and decades of complacency.

It’s exactly what liberals have been laying the groundwork for throughout those years and decades.

To avoid the trap, one must first realize there IS a trap, see the trap and then take the proper steps to avoid that trap.

As we are but 3 ½ months away from this election, the time is NOW to identify the trap and steer conservatives away from falling prey to it.

Conservatives…Put your bias aside and open your eyes. Open them WIDE and you too, will see through the darkness.

Here we go.

I hear and read far too many conservatives asking, regarding certain issues, “So…Who will do anything about it?” There are, of course, variations of this question. “Why won’t congress DO something?” “Congress KNOWS about this but they won’t DO anything about it.” “What good is it to point out what we all already know since nothing will be done about it?”

You get the idea.

Here’s the Deal…

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Friday Fume

Friends and Patriots…Today is a special Friday!!!

This is our 52nd FUME which means…NEXT Friday is The National Patriot’s 1 year anniversary!!!

Do you KNOW what that means???

THAT means that TOGETHER…We have survived a FULL YEAR’S worth of liberal INSANITY and to celebrate…I left a little video fun for ya at the end of this Fume!!!

So what do you say we strap ourselves in TIGHT and wrap this week up with yet ANOTHER review with ATTITUDE???

If you’re ready…SO AM I!!!

It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.


Say it’s not so…

Guess who’s ready to throw his pants back into the political ring???


That’s right, THE PETER TWEETER wants to run for MAYOR OF NEW YORK CITY!!!

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Story Time with the Emperor

“If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.”

Funny…We didn’t hear THAT from Obama 4 years ago…did we?

Imagine a guy campaigning on THAT sentiment and actually winning a 1st term. Now…Imagine a guy campaigning on that sentiment for a 2nd term. Well, you don’t have to imagine it because that is exactly what Emperor Obama is doing.

Now…imagine this Emperor trying to woo the votes of small business owners with a line like that.

“Greetings small business owners. Ya know…it occurs to me that, if you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.”

By the sweat of their brow, through trial and error, great ideas, through ground level grassroots marketing, after putting all they had into their business to get it off the ground, late nights, early mornings, no vacations and doing without, you are told by the Emperor that…

“If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.”

Of course, that wasn’t the entire message.

“If you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there.  It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something…there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there.”

“If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

What exactly DOES the Emperor MEAN by that?

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Friday Fume

It’s that time again friends.

Time to sit back, take that load off your shoulders and let it out.

We’ve survived another week of liberal/socialist mayhem and the only way to keep it from driving us all over the edge, is to have a bit of a laugh.

While there’s no telling WHAT the liberals have in store for us NEXT week, we’ll find a way to make fun of that when the time comes.

For now, it’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.


Last week, SPECIAL U.N. ENVOY…KOFI ANNAN…said…”My presence here proves that I believe Iran can play a positive role and should therefore be a part of the solution in the Syrian crisis.”

“If we don’t make a real effort to resolve this issue peacefully and it were to get out of hand and spread in the region, it can lead to consequences that none of us could imagine.”


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Today’s Obamacare Headlines Are GROSSLY Misleading

Yesterday, in the House, yet another vote to repeal Obamacare was held. It was the 33rd time such a vote was taken in the House since the passage of the bill nobody could know what was in until they passed it.

33 times in the house.

How many times has this been debated in the Senate?


That’s because Harry Reid, just as he’s done with 30 some odd jobs bills passed in the House and all the various budgets passed in the House…Refuses to allow them to see the light of day in the Senate.

Liberals and socialists love to tell you that it’s the republicans obstructing congress or doing nothing in congress but, they’re lying.


There will be a great many variations of the headlines but, essentially, they’ll be talking about republicans voting for repeal and getting nowhere doing it.

That, however, should NOT be the headline.

HERE’S what the headline SHOULD be:

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Long Term Solutions to a 1 Term Problem

Yesterday, in our article, “Obama’s Tax Plan Unicorn” we pointed out the extreme short term thinking of the Emperor and its negative effects on small businesses. We also promised a long term solution.

To understand the long term solutions we must look back a little.

While Obama’s excuse for the economic disaster has always been, and continues to be George W. Bush, it is clearly a false notion.

Congress switched hands in the midterm election of 2006 with liberals taking control in January of 2007. Obama ran on false promises of fixing the economy and from the time he took office until the midterm 2010 election, HIS party controlled both the House and the Senate but, rather than working on the economy, Obama took advantage of his party’s control of congress to ram through Obamacare.

The following chart shows employment statistics from 2004 to the present.

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Obama’s Tax Plan Unicorn

So…Obama’s is bending the truth to the absolute breaking point…AGAIN…And it seems that nobody is going to call him out.

Well, almost nobody.

Obama made what SEEMS like an overstatement when he said, “I’ve cut taxes for small business owners 18 times since I’ve been in office.”


18 times huh?

Okay…Let’s take a look.

Indeed there have been 18 “cuts” for small businesses in the Obama reign but, one must use quotation marks when stating it because not all the “cuts” are cuts.

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Obama…The “Bain” of His Own Existence

So…Mitt Romney wants to outsource jobs huh?

Well…That’s the battle cry from liberal/socialists right now. Obama is saying it. Debbie What’s-her-name Schultz is saying it. Jay Carney…liberals in Congress, liberal pundits…They’re ALL saying it.

They even have an ad airing that says it.

Mitt Romney is the great OUTSOURCER…..RUN…RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!

Hang on…Hold everything…

Maybe we should pay a visit to Realityville.

Did Mitt Romney, while at Bain Capital, outsource jobs?

Yes. Yes he did.

Did he outsource EVERY job he came across?

Nope. No, he didn’t.

People should know what outsourcing is. When you have an answering service picking up calls when your office is closed…That’s outsourcing.

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