Friday Fume

So…We’re a month and a day away from the election and, just as we promised, liberal/socialists are coming more unhinged by the HOUR.

They are feeling the effects of their grip on power slipping and sliding and they’re going moonbat CRAZY!!!

The toughest part of writing the FUME is not FINDING the lunacy but, NARROWING IT DOWN for publication week by week.

The loony bin’s cup runneth over.

Well, grab onto something bolted down tighter than an American Airline’s seat and HANG ON…Here we go!!!

It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

So…In Rahm Emmanuel’s Chicago…They’re now asking for ideas on HOW  TO CUT DOWN ON GUN CRIMES!!!




Isn’t it amazing how liberal/socialists think their plans are spot-on perfect…until they run into…REALITY????

Kinda makes ya wonder when they’re gonna come to the realization that SOCIALISM ITSELF DOESN’T WORK???

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Obama’s Second Shellacking!!!

And so the first presidential debate of 2012 is in the books.

Romney 1.

Obama 0.

Obama hasn’t taken a shellacking like that since the 2010 midterm elections.

It was so one sided that even liberal pundits were lamenting their loss. There was no tingle running up Chris Matthew’s leg. Bill Maher tweeted: “Obama made a lot of great points tonight. Unfortunately, most of them were for Romney.”

CNN, MSNBC, ALL the liberal media had Romney squarely in the winner’s column.

VAN JONES said: “Romney was able to ‘out-Obama’ Obama. On the connection piece, on the authenticity piece, on the being able to tell the story.”

It came down to several things.

Romney was more upbeat than was Obama and it showed throughout. Obama just didn’t have the energy level…Head down…and smirking often.

It’s more than that though. Much more.

Mitt Romney was on point. He had the facts. He had the numbers. And he let them flow. Mitt Romney never seemed to be searching for answers.

Obama did. There were several times throughout the 90 minute debate that Obama had to circle around to discover an answer in his responses to questions.

Off prompter…Obama is lost.

Mitt Romney was on the offensive.

Obama played defense and played defense badly.

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Debate 1 – Here We Go!!!

Domestic Policy.

That’s the topic of tonight’s first debate between the contenders for the presidency.

Domestic Policy.

Obama will be spinning faster than the centrifuges in Iran. He’s tried NOT to talk about Domestic Policy as the economy continues to drag itself along, barely alive.

For weeks. If not months, Obama has preferred to talk about his FOREIGN policy because…he felt that was a much shinier ball than his domestic policy.

That all changed 3 weeks ago.


Now he’s pulled the cover-up covers up over his head.

4 Americans dead. A terrorist attack. Failed attempts to divert, as liberals are want to do, the attention to a stupid You Tube Video.

He dodged and ducked, did the View and Letterman…spoke at the U.N. and ran away from even having lunch there not to mention his snubbing of Netanyahu.

He hung with Beyonce and Jay-Z…did a radio show…Pimp with a Limp…The morning after the terrorist attack, he flew to Vegas for a fund raiser.

The foreign policy ain’t got that sparkle anymore does it?

So…Domestic Policy…

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Friday Fume

Ya know, there FUMING and then there’s ABSOLUTELY LIVID.

Tomorrow, in the “Weekend Edition,” I’ll tackle the livid part of things but, for now, we should just be thankful that we’ve survived another week.

While the whole world seems to be going to hell in a hand bag in the Middle East and the planet’s despots were spewing forth at the United Nations…

I’ve done my level best to keep an eye on some of the OTHER liberal/socialist adverse behavior too.

It’s really amazing just what liberals will do when they think nobody’s watching.

Well, guess what?


Friends and Patriots…It’s Friday and…

I’m Fuming.

From the, “What the HELL Were They Thinking” department…

The New Oxford High School marching band…THE HOME OF THE COLONIALS…in Pennsylvania…


They ditched their RED, WHITE AND BLUE team colors for the drab grey and green of the SOVIET UNION and carried HAMMERS AND SICKLES!!!!!

According to Comrade Rebecca Harbaugh…the District Superintendent…the halftime show was…“not an endorsement of communism at all.”

Well, of course it wasn’t…Who, outside of people with a brain would have thought such a thing???

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Liberals: Victims of Their Own Victimization


We all know that liberals love victims but, it goes much deeper than that doesn’t it?

Liberals NEED victims and where they can’t FIND them, they’re more than happy to CREATE them.

Were it not for victims, liberals would cease to exist. They’d dry up and they’d blow away. There would be no further need for them.

This has been their Mode of Operation for DECADES.

It’s no different today that it’s ever been.

Class warfare.

Those in the middle class are now the victims of the upper class. Just ask a liberal.

It’s those vicious greedy evil people who HAVE money but aren’t paying their “fair share” of the taxes that are the problem. Right? They have to cough up more, and more, and more…Don’t they?

Never mind that those making $250,000.00 every year or more are already paying 64% of ALL the taxes while accounting for only 29% of the people…THEY’RE not paying THEIR “fair share” are they?

Therefore, if you fall below that magic $250,000.00 income number…YOU…ACCORDING TO LIBERALS…ARE A VICTIM!!!

Illegal aliens.

Those who break the law by entering our country illegally are victims.

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I have been reminiscing lately, about my childhood, and I have come to the most startling conclusion. IT IS AN ABSOLUTE MIRICLE that I am alive today to reminisce about my childhood!

When I was a kid, the world around us was MUCH more dangerous than it is today.

A few days ago, while watching Elizabeth Warren at the convention, I decided the time was ripe to do something I had, for far too long, neglected.

I read the label on a bottle of recently purchased shampoo.

Along with all the directions, which can only be read with the use of an electron microscope, were the only words clearly visible from space…



My God given common sense has, so far, prevented me from drinking the shampoo.

As fascinating as I found Elizabeth Warren, I left the TV and headed for the bathroom where I started checking OTHER labels.

Did you know that your antiperspirant is ALSO for external use only?

Our hair dryer has a warning on IT too.


Set aside, for a moment, the shocking possibility of being electrocuted and consider…on the moron scale…where one would have to be to believe that, while in the shower, with the water running, one could get their hair dry.

Let’s face facts.

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Weekend Edition: Obama’s American Dream Revealed

Over the last week, at both party’s conventions, there was one common theme.

Well…Sort of common theme.

Let’s say that the title of the theme was the same and leave it at that since that is where similarities ended.

That theme was…”The American Dream.”

Both parties talked about it. Both said they were for it.

It seems however, that they have two very different definitions OF it.

I suggest that to understand the “American Dream,” we need to step back from today’s contentious discourse.

From a literary standpoint, the tear, “American Dream” was made popular in 1931 in a book written by James Truslow Adams but, it’s not the origin of the phrase.

To find its origin as a written or spoken phrase, one must read Ben Franklin’s autobiography.

Clearly though, before something like that can be written, it must be conceived of and it’s quite possible, that concept began with the Pilgrims who longed for a land where they could worship as they saw fit.

America was accessible though far from their homelands, it offered security from their overbearing governments and it was a place from which they could have a new beginning.

It was dangerous. It was uncertain. Why…The trip TO America could kill you. There were no guarantees but there was…opportunity.

Eventually, the government control the Pilgrims had fled caught back up to them and again, rather than charting their own course and their own destiny, those who had sought freedom were again…Subjects.

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Friday Fume

Thank GOD we only have to go through a week like this one just once every 4 years.

This was Liberal/Socialist National Convention and Entitlement Fest week.

In a way, it’s a somewhat easier week for those of us who watch the idiocy from a safe distance because, rather than being scattered to the winds, all the major bad actors are gathered in one place.

The downside is that it tends to magnify their ill behavior.

Their true colors come shining through, their abhorrent ideology is on full display and their complete inability to tell the truth become an open book. It almost seems as though, one after another, they’re trying to out-do each other in a race to claw through the bottom of the barrel.

Look…If you can get through the endless barrage of lies, absurd claims, false accusations and abject stupidity…One CAN pick up a few nuggets of knowledge.

My friends and Patriots…Today is Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Things I confirmed by watching the Democratic National Convention.

I confirmed that the only core value of the liberal/socialist party is…Hypocrisy.

It’s not really much of a value, core or otherwise but, when it’s all ya got…May as well bitterly cling to it huh?

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Conservative’s War on Women Explained


I’ve been putting a few things together. Connecting the dots, as it were.

You know how I enjoy connecting the dots.

Well, I’m going to do something here I have never done before. I am going to offer my assistance to the liberal/socialists.

Alright now, where to begin.

Okay. In a recent ABC News Poll…The numbers are somewhat startling for Obama. In April, Female voters preferred Obama 57-39%. However…the most RECENT poll shows a VERY different story.

Female voters NOW prefer Romney to Obama by 50% (Romney) to 46% for Obama.

My goodness. What happened???

For months now, angry liberal/socialists have been telling the nation that Republicans are waging a “war on women.” They’ve been painting conservatives as purely EVIL towards women. They say that Romney HATES women and Ryan HATES women.

They’ve said it and said it. From the campaign trail and every liberal/socialist spinning head pundit has said it and said it.

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With God Off the Platform, Michelle Anoints Saint Barack

It was fate.

Maybe Karma.

That it happened was not at all surprising but, WHEN it happened…THAT was astounding.

With near pinpoint accuracy, just as Debbie What’s-Her-Name-Schultz brought down the gavel to open the Liberal/Socialist Convention and Entitlement Fest…

The Debt Clock, the one featured SO prominently at the Republican Convention but, oddly nowhere to be seen at THIS week’s convention…

Clicked over $16 TRILLION DOLLARS.

Without question, both parties have had a hand in that debt.

Without question, Obama ripped George W. Bush for adding just over $4 trillion to it during his 8 years in office.

Without question, in less than HALF that amount of time, Obama had added $5,3 TRILLION to it.

Without question, Obama said he would cut it in half by the end of his first term.

Yesterday, when asked how he would grade himself on the economy, Obama answered, “Incomplete.”


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