Friday Fume

HOLY CRAP…I thought we would NEVER get to the end of this week.

To say it’s been a banner week for socialist insanity would be a gross understatement wouldn’t it?

The problem is NOT in finding the things which irritate us but in narrowing it down for our week in review with an ATTITUDE!!!

There’s simply no way to mention everything but, I’ll do my level best to hit a few highlights of their lowlights.

Friends and Patriots…Today IS Friday and…

I’m Fuming.

JUST when you think you’ve heard it all…Along comes a WHOLE NEW level of socialist INSANITY!!!

Guess what?


Are you KIDDING ME???

According to socialist agitator HARRY BELEFONTE….

“The river of blood that washes the streets of our nation flows mostly from the bodies of our black children. Yet, as the great debate emerges on the question of the gun, white America discusses the constitutional issue of ownership, while no one speaks of the consequences of our racial carnage.”



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Giving Obama’s SOTU the BIRD!


Tuesday night, our Dictator delivered his Hate of the Union address.

The gallery was full of professional victims and…Ted Nugent.

Oh, I COULD regale you with fact checks and and counterpoints along with pointing out all the contradictions but, why bother?

It’s been done and it doesn’t honestly differ much from his previous Lying like a rug addresses.

Instead, I thought maybe a pictorial recounting of the way Patriots viewed the drooling and applause laden fiasco might serve as a better alternative and when it comes to giving the entire manifesto the bird…I say…Flip it THE most PATRIOTIC bird you can find!

SO…Needless to say, after the first 5 minutes, the Dictator’s nose had exceeded the limits of my 55 inch screen.

It’s a good thing this festival of bull wasn’t shown in 3D…

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As the Dictator prepares to deliver his Confusion of Lies Address tonight, he is faced with a litany of problems.

North Korea has apparently, conducted their 3rd nuclear test which flies in the face of U.N. resolutions.

U.N. resolutions are, as we all know, worthless but North Korea’s test, which registered a 4.9 on the Richter Scale is just the tip of the iceberg.

North Korea, as we all know, is tight with Iran and Iran, as we all know, is nearing the red line on THEIR nuclear program.

It doesn’t take a nuclear scientist to understand the implications.

As soon as Iran refines uranium to weapons grade, the rest of their work has been done FOR them by North Korea.

The reclusive and insane North Korean government has already and clearly, created nuclear bombs AND, if that isn’t enough…North Korea is much, MUCH closer to intercontinental ballistic missiles that is the “monkey launching” Ahmadinejad.

What Iran lacks in nuke technology North Korea can provide and what North Korea may need in delivery technology…Iran can provide.

A match made in hell to be sure.

This, of course, is not the only problem for the Dictator tonight.

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Friday Fume

Am I the only one who noticed that Colorado lawmakers didn’t come up with the idea of making GUN MANUFACTURES responsible for GUN VIOLENCE until AFTER smoking pot became legal there???

That’s the sort of week it’s been.

Who would have thought the Brits would have found King Richard III BEFORE WE COULD FIND THE 35 SURVIVORS FROM BENGHAZI????

Yep…It’s been a wild week so how about we all let off a little steam and have a few laughs?

Today is FRIDAY and…

I’m fuming.

   “Facing budget uncertainty — including a continuing resolution and the looming potential for across-the-board sequestration cuts —  The secretary of defense has delayed the deployment of the USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75) and the USS Gettysburg (CG-64), which were scheduled to depart Norfolk, Va., later this week for the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) area of responsibility.”

Well now…Isn’t THAT special?

That leaves us with only 1 carrier and minus 1 guided missile cruiser in the GULF.

Our enemies most certainly are pleased to know that, thanks to their friend, our DICTATOR… We can no longer afford to send our navy to fight against them.


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Weekend Edition: 2nd Amendment Crusade (Pt. 1)

Just a couple of days ago, Melody Valentin…A n elementary school student, found in her pocket a folded and torn piece of paper…A square with the bottom quarter torn away.

She threw it in the trash and another young student, obviously a victim of indoctrination, programmed to be scared to death and to inform on offenders, then notified the government, in this case, a teacher, the nearest figure of authority.

“He yelled at me and said I shouldn’t have brought the gun to school and I kept telling him it was a paper gun but he wouldn’t listen.”

The teacher yelled at Melody, telling her that the cops should be called and that she should be arrested.

He searched her in front of her classmates.

Melody’s classmates started calling her a murderer.

Little Melody Valentin was suspended and the incident will now be a part of her permanent record thus reinforcing to her classmates that even possessing a folded and torn piece of paper which may or may not simply LOOK like a gun is something for which they will be punished and possibly arrested.

Where did this indoctrination of today’s youth and affront to common sense take place?

Why…In the very birthplace of freedom…Philadelphia…of course.

This was NOT last week’s ONLY such event.

Last week, a 5 year old girl from Mouth Carmel, PA  was interrogated for more than three hours, forced into psychological testing and then suspended by school officials.


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Friday Fume

From the Dictator’s manifesto to Hillary’s campaign testimony…It’s been quite a week.

Socialists are just giddy over the onset of another 4 years of Imperial orders, Constitution trashing and big government control aren’t they?

The garden variety socialist is now firmly convinced that Obama is gonna buy them all lottery tickets and when they win, they can finally move to the Caymans to get away from the tax hikes they all voted for.

Naturally, they’ll want international calling on their Obamaphones…

Anyway…It’s FRIDAY my Patriot friends so hang on TIGHT BECAUSE…


Well, well…

Yesterday, Neville Chamberlain began his confirmation hearings to become our next Secretary of Appeasement.

How nice.

In his opening statements, Kerry made it clear that he would use all his office’s power to find a diplomatic solution to prevent Iran from obtaining nukes.

It makes one wonder…


Really…Does he honestly believe that the oh-so-rational IRANIANS have ANY interest in taking SUGGESTIONS???

I’ve got some breaking news for the great appeaser…

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Desperation in the Words of the Dictator

If you are a minority, gay, illegal immigrant from a communist country, yesterday’s coronation of the Dictator was your dog and pony show.

Politically direct enough for ya?

The orification from the Orifice in Chief was a deep courtesy to the ilk of Lenin, Mao, Castro and Gay Guevara.

Look…I realize that I have mentioned “gay” in 2 out of the first 3 sentences but, before anyone comes unhinged, yesterday’s unhinged ceremony included the divisiveness of gays and straights in the body of the Dictator’s speech AND  in its closing prayer not to mention the divisiveness of race and class standing to boot.

The Dictator used his coronation to draw a clear line that he only sees ONE side of what divides this nation…THE SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST side.

Don’t think so?

How about THIS quote?

“Preserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action.”

If you thought the last 4 years made you sick…You have not yet begun to vomit.

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A Tsunami in a Sea of Lies

FromGuantanamo bay to be closed within a year” to “You Didn’t Build that.” The Dictator, Obama, has lied as often as Biden has gaffed.

It’s been an amazing 4 years of bald face lying to those who elected him and to those who didn’t.

The clear difference is, those of us who declined to anoint the Dictator KNOW he’s lying and those who DID…KNOW it but simply don’t care.

What follows is but a partial list of whoppers from the Lyin’ King.

“I Won’t Raise taxes on those making less than 250,000 per year.”

77% of Americans are not happy with that lie.

“The Unemployment rate will be 8.5% without stimulus.”

What the Dictator apparently FAILED to tell us was that WITH the stimulus…Unemployment would rise to more than 10%.

“I’ll Cut The Deficit in Half by end of first term.”

As our annual deficit has doubled, I’m not sure if this is 1 lie or more than 4 TRILLION lies.

I am immediately instituting PayGo “Pay as you go.”

Sooo…You DON’T need another debt ceiling raise after all???

“We shouldn’t Mandate the purchase of health care.”

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It’s Good for the Goose – SCREW the Gander

Yesterday…The Emperor granted to Pravda and Fox News, a Propaganda Conference.

How nice.

Throughout his telling of lies, The Emperor continually referred to raising the debt ceiling and the Republicans desire NOT to do so, as going to a restaurant and not paying the bill.

Excuse me but…If I didn’t have the money…If YOU didn’t have the money…WE wouldn’t GO to a restaurant for dinner.

At one point, the Emperor actually quoted John Boehner during LAST year’s debt ceiling debate in order to make his point on why there should be no argument about doing it AGAIN.

Ummm…Excuse me AGAIN but…

Back in 2006…The Emperor HIMSELF said…and I quote…

“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”

I mean if we’re going to bandy about quotes regarding the debt ceiling which is directly relatable to our debt…

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Weekend Edition: Standing UP For Veterans – Let’s ROLL!!!

This weekend, I would like to let my fellow Patriots in on a VERY special project.

We hear every day about Veterans who are unemployed.

It’s shameful. These are our heroes.

Many Veterans have great ideas and dreams of having their OWN business. What they lack is the knowledge or the capital to turn those dreams into reality.

In today’s uncertain economy and amid news of businesses cutting back on employee’s hours and staff numbers altogether, it’s harder than ever for our Veteran heroes to find work.

What if I told you that YOU could help change all that?



Many of you are familiar with Don Smith and the Don Smith Show.

It has been my great pleasure to appear, many times, as a gust on Don’s show over the last couple of years. Don is one of the great Conservative voices in radio.

When Don called me a few days ago, asking a favor, and telling me it was for our Veterans…I had but one question.

How can I help?

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