Tensions in the Korean peninsula are rising quickly.
In the north, THEIR Dictator is doing far more than rattling his sabre. He…Kim Jong Un-stable has declared that a state of war exists between the north and South Korea.
OUR Dictator is puffing out his chest, unwilling to call the nuclear armed enemy of our allies an enemy.
North Korea is a horrible place. There, one will find gulags filled with whole families deemed enemies of the state. There one will find mass poverty, starvation and a “government” hell bent on holding their people down.
No internet. No cell phones. No contact whatsoever with the outside world.
Education in North Korea has all but been outlawed and what there is of it is nothing more than propaganda force fed to the young to bolster their absurd claims that the rest of the world is a far, far worse place then the misery they experience every day.
Kim Jong Un-stable is genetically insane.
No amount of diplomacy can alter that fact and no amount of diplomacy or medication will ever keep him sedated. Those who suggest otherwise are, themselves, delusional. Diplomacy can only reach peaceful solutions between those who share a common desire for peace.
Now, Un-stable has rockets aimed at South Korea and at U.S. military bases in the pacific region. He has made public his intentions, whether achievable or not, of attacking the United States.
And what has OUR Dictator done?
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