SCREW the (Environ)Mental Cases – BUILD the PIPELINE

The only real obstruction to the Keystone XL pipeline now, much to the dismay of those on work release from (environ)mental asylums, is the Dictator, Obama.

Last Friday, not the 1st or the 2nd, not the 3rd or the 4th environmental impact study regarding that pipeline but, the 5th, and the one that came directly from Obama’s State (of Insanity) Department was released and, just like the previous 4, this one states that there is no environmental reason for NOT  building the 1,179 mile pipeline from Canada to Texas.

A couple of years ago, the greeny weenies complained that the pipeline would cross Nebraska’s Sandhills region and the aquifer but, the Cornhusker state’s Governor, Dave Heineman, ordered a study, found an alternative route avoiding both sensitive areas and, that route was accepted by Canada.

Obama  had pandered to the unions who stand to make bank off the building of the Keystone XL pipeline by delaying parts of Obamacare, just for them.

The problem is, he’s also been pandering to the (environ)mental patients by not signing off on the pipeline.

With Friday’s report, coming from his own administration, Obama now finds himself faced with yet another conundrum.

Does he benefit the United States or China?

Here are the choices…

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Friday Fume

How ‘bout that State of the Union speech, huh?

In Egypt, when a guy wins a “DEMOCRATIC” election and then, declares himself the DICTATOR…The OPPOSITION PARTY has him ARRESTED AND PUT ON TRIAL!!!

Over here…The opposition party offers a trio of rebuttals and then goes on a retreat.


Sounds like the assembled audience at the  SOTU but only stinking half as bad.


It’s Super Bowl week and we now know why the Falcons went 4 and 12 last year.

They knew the big game was set for NEW JERSEY in FEBRUARY and…


Patriots and friends…It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

And then…There were 3…Heading for the elected socialists retirement VILLAGES, where they can relax, play golf and REAP THE REWARDS OF BEING CAREER A-HOLES!!!

That’s right…

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From a Constitutional to Banana Republic

Tuesday evening, the Dictator delivered his State of Future Mandates speech to a 60% ungrateful nation.

Don’t they realize what the remaining 40% who approve of his highness have embraced?

BIG GOVERNMENT is WORKING in their minds.

There are now more people collecting welfare than ever before.

Big government works.

There are more Americans than ever utilizing food stamps.

Big government works.

More and more Americans have applied for and received disability compensation than ever before and, it doesn’t even matter whether or not they actually need it.

Big government works.

More Americans have been thrown off the health insurance plans they had and, would have liked to have kept, than have signed up for the propagandized, “BETTER” and more “AFFORDABLE” Obamacare and, of those who have signed up, the overwhelming majority are those signing up for expanded Medicaid along with those Americans who are older and more in need of healthcare than those who are young, healthy and NECESSARY to carry the financial burden.


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Obama’s SOTU – Doin’ the American Hustle!!!

Obama was the star of his own show and a legend in his own mind.

Last night’s State of Dismay speech clearly put a fine point on THAT bit of narcissism wrapped in union, butt-kissing flattery.

With nods to manufacturing, education and job training, Obama laid out yet another agenda to keep that tingle running up the union leg.

He announced that, with a stroke of his mighty pen, he has increased SOME federal contract worker’s minimum wages to $10.10 per hour.


Do you have ANY idea how many people will benefit from THAT???

In a world where the government contracts out more than $700 MILLION TAXPAYER DOLLARS for a website that doesn’t work…Neither do I but…If can get me the line item on the number of illegals “hired” to replace the toilet paper in the little nerds room…WE’LL BOTH KNOW!!!

He announced, with arrogance, that under his guidance the economy is getting better.

If by “better” he meant at a stagnant growth rate of 2.2%…

Naturally, the applause from the left side of my SOTU surround sound speakers was…


Applauding 2.2% as a growing economy is akin to giving a gold medal to whoever comes in last during the upcoming  4 man Olympics bobsled run.

The truth of the economy is that it sucks and it’s not getting any better.

Unemployment down to 6.7%???

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Friday Fume

Yet another week of obtuse liberal/socialist insanity is in the books and history will not treat it kindly.

I, on the other hand, will treat it with every last ounce of due respect it deserves.

The morons.

We’ll dispense with the quick hits this week and just…DIVE RIGHT IN to the SHALLOW END OF THE GENE POOL…THE LIBERAL END!!!

Today is Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Well…Did ya hear about Wendy Davis…Texas’ own Abortion Barbie?

It seems a while back she was telling her life story during a Texas fillybuster.


Its TEXAS…What do want for nothing?


As it turns out…If she wrote down THAT version of the Wendy Davis story…YOU WOULD FIND IT IN THE FICTION SECTION!!!

Having been caught fabricating her past…The overjoyed-at-the-notion-of-on-demand-abortion Davis, tried to calm the waters that are pulling her political career down the toilet by EXPLAINING that she might have…STRETCHED the truth a little.


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NY Governor Wants to Maintain the Statist Cuomo

New York, it seems, is trying to out Massachusetts…Massachusetts when it comes to being the nation’s right coast mecca for lefties.

San Fran Freak Show has it all sewn up on the left coast much to the dismay of Seattle.

Last week, the liberal/socialist governor of New York who, no doubt, has been feeling the strain of being considered the SECOND most liberal idiot in his state since the arrival of Mayor De Bla, bla bla…Was talking about conservatives when he came right out and said it.

“Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.”

What’s a matta Coumo???

Is the stink of liberalism, the impending collapse of big government ideology and, the fact that facts keep showing the Tea Party to be right, starting to get to you?

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The Obamacare Collapse – Right on Target


The mandate that just keeps on giving.

It’s time to take a more serious look at something that, were it not so serious, would be seriously funny.

Honestly, I don’t know a better way to put it.

Let’s start with this.

Over the weekend, yet another delay was announced in that the provision of Obamacare preventing companies from showing favoritism, by supplying their top officers better insurance packages than they do to those in the mail room, has been delayed for another year.

The reason claimed to be behind it, is that the IRS…The Gestapo behind enforcing the mandate…Hasn’t written that particular regulation…yet.

Oh really?

How long have they had to put crayon to wall paint over there at the IRS?

4 years?

And have you SEEN the tower of the abuse of power otherwise known as, the Obamacare regulations???

There are more than 80 THOUSAND of them and the tower is more than 7 feet tall.

They haven’t WRITTEN that mandate yet even though they KNEW that the deadline FOR it was March of 2014 so now, it’s been delayed…

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Friday Fume


Can you even BELIEVE the week we’ve just been through?

It’s been like walking through a FREAK SHOW…

Just one damned thing after another but…The same could well be said of the waiting line to get into a Birkenstocks sale.

Here’s a couple of quick shots for ya…

In his book, “Duty,” Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said, of that sniveling weasel Harry Reid…

 “He also once contacted me to urge that Defense invest in research on irritable bowel syndrome.”

Far be it for me to advise the Secretary of Defense but…Were I Robert Gates…I would have sent Reid a wall mirror and a bill from the Pentagon for $6500 bucks!!!

Next…According to Mike Huckabee…“One term that I’d like to see outlawed from the vernacular of the party is ‘RINO. It stands for Republicans in Name Only, and it’s a pejorative term that questions the authenticity and orthodoxy of someone’s party purity. I’ve been called that myself, even though I fought in the trenches of Republican politics for over two decades. Even so, I would never pretend that I’m Lord over determining who the real Republicans are.”

Ya got that??? From here on out…We don’t call em RINO’s. We call em HUCKABEES!!!!!

And…Some rocket scientist …

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Dear Obamacareocrats – It SUCKS to be YOU!!!

Dear Liberals, Socialists…Obamacareocrats All,



You remember Obamacare, don’t you?

It hasn’t written a book and there’s no bridge attached to it but…It’s a “BIG F***ING DEAL” according to Joe Biden.

Yeah…THAT Obamacare.

The numbers are starting to trickle in and, if you happen to be an Obamacareocrat, it sucks to be you today.

We, as Conservatives, hate to say “we told you so” but…

We did…You know it and….We were spot on again.

Guess who’s been signing up for socialism?

Here’s a hint…It’s not the Red Bull and Resume set.


It’s more the Depends and Dinner at 4pm set.

You know exactly who we’re talking about here. It’s the older and, not so finely fettled Americans, that are flocking to Obamacare with all their collective aches, pains, ills and, in some cases, anal leakage for which, it is suggested by big pharma, that they seek the advice of a doctor…

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Regulation Nation and the Laws Congress NEVER Voted On

I’ve said it before and, I’ll say it again, and again…and AGAIN if necessary…

No one election…No ONE president can or will turn this country around, get it back to its rightful exceptionalism or return the Constitutional Republic to the vision entrusted us by the founders and framers.

It will not take as little as 2 years…4 years…8 years…a decade or even a generation.

The hill we climb is nothing short of Everest and getting to the summit is just the first step in what will be a monumental battle.

As we approach the 2014 midterms and then, the 2016 presidential elections, we MUST, as conservatives, identify and elect those willing and ABLE to reign in government and return the power of the Republic back to it’s proper place.

We the People.

This is the goal of the Tea Party and why, in fact, we are so feared by the liberals and socialists from the hallowed halls of Washington DC to the street corners of liberal Meccas from sea to shining sea.

The “fundamental transformation” of these United States is what they’re after.

They no longer want a Constitutional Republic.

THEY want socialism or it’s evil twin, communism.

Big…BIG government under control of a ruling class of self-proclaimed “elites” and a collective, raising the children of village idiots subservient to and answerable only to…the government.

GOVERNMENT, they believe, makes the ONLY good decisions and why, should the PEOPLE, of all people, be allowed to run GOVERNMENT rather then THEIR nirvana of the GOVERNMENT ruling the PEOPLE…

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