(Good) Friday Fume

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This weekend is a weekend of great faith for Christians and Jews the world over and a time when we should all be celebrating as our traditions allow.

It’s Easter.

It’s Passover.

It is a time when our faiths bring us together…when the new and the old testaments find some common ground and a time, whether Jewish or Christian, to celebrate new beginnings.

For liberals and socialists however…

It’s not exactly the same sort of weekend.

Friends and Patriots…grab your eggs and GIRD YOUR LOIN ROASTS because today is Good Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Well, Easter weekend is upon us and up to now, the Easter message has always been clear. That’s where the REVEREND AL “I was FOR the mob before I was AGAINST the mob” SHARPTON comes in.

According to not-so SHARPton…

“I think the message is, that no matter what the world may do to unfairly, no matter how you’re crucified, nailed to the cross at home, or in your personal relationships, or on the job, that you can rise if you don’t lose yourself during the hard times and the challenges.”

The blathering moron then went on to draw a direct parallel between CHRIST THE SAVIOR and…

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Battle of Bunkerville – The New Patriot Revolution Begins

blm 1Don’t let the liberals lie and claim there was a “DEAL” struck at the Bundy Ranch last Sunday whereby the BLM agreed to release the cattle they had illegally rounded up.

Don’t buy into the mainstream media soft sell of how the “deal” was something akin to a stand down to allow the courts to further assess the situation because the BLM didn’t want to put anyone in harm’s way either.

Neither is the truth and what the BLM…the Obama regime and the mainstream media doesn’t want you to know is that, in fact, it was what they claim to be the “all talk and no go” Conservatives…Patriots and militia groups that FORCED the feds to cut and run for the time being.

There have been numerous reports regarding what went down and, with so many people claiming this and that, we turn to a source which cannot be impugned.

The unbiased eye of today’s NEW media…


After attempts by Clark County Sheriff, Doug Gillespie, to bluff the militia Patriot groups into leaving while the BLM and federal agents kept the rustled cattle, the Patriots declined to stand down. In fact, those Patriots made a bold move to exert the power of We the People in a most provoking manner.

Rather than stand their ground…Patriots on foot and horseback approached the barricades erected by the BLM and heavily armed federal agents all the while being ordered by bull horned voices to stop, not approach and back away from those barricades.

The Patriots refused and shouted back their own demands that the BLM and those pointing their weapons directly at advancing Patriots be the ones to leave.

Upon reaching the barricade, something of a confrontation between the Patriot militia groups and an armed federal agent took place face to face with the patriots abjectly refusing to be intimidated in any way.

In the video below…

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Weekend Edition: Bundy Ranch – This Time, The Patriots Came Armed

tnp eagleCliven Bundy is not trying to commit atrocities against the people of the state of Nevada.

Cliven Bundy is not a threat to neighboring states.

Cliven Bundy is not some 3rd world dictator gassing and killing those who don’t agree with him and…

Cliven Bundy poses no threat to the desert tortoises that live alongside his cattle.


By Saturday morning, April 12th, 2014…The FAA…a government agency working in cahoots with the BLM, another government agency, had declared the air space above the Bundy Ranch to be…


Yes, this is happening even as you read this article in what used to be the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America.

While we rather doubt anyone straying into the no fly zone will be shot down, do we know that for sure? After all, the Bundy Ranch IS surrounded by hundreds of heavily armed federal agents. There are snipers on the hilltops surrounding Cliven Bundy and his family. Protesters have been met with force. Women have been knocked to the ground. K-9 unites have been threatening protesters for days now.

One of Mr. Bundy’s sons was arrested last week for the horrible crime of taking pictures of the snipers. Another was tased by federal agents last Friday.

Right here in what USED to be a free country.

The federal government has set up restrictive “free speech zones” away from the Bundy Ranch itself. Those wishing to express themselves under the now defunct 1st Amendment must do so from the confines of a corral or they face arrest.

So, what is it that this regime doesn’t want its citizens to see from the land or the air?

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Friday Fume

fume 1Well of all the…


$400,000.00 of OUR money…TAXPAYER dollars…Are about to be spent on WHAT…Exactly???

A CAMEL statue?

It’s only a one humper too.

And it’s not going to be placed in some fancy east coast art museum or on the Washington mall. Nooooooooo…


The 500-pound, fiberglass, aluminum, stainless-steel, acrylic and painted white monstrosity is called…

Get this…


So…Who’s bright idea is THIS???



And you wonder why MAHMOUD KABOOM is gonna get all ALALALALALALALALA over this thing???


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Amnesty is Nothing But Trading Citizenship for Votes

BIDEN 1According to Vice Weasel, Joe Biden…

“These people are just waiting, waiting for a chance to be able to contribute fully, and by that standard, 11 million undocumented aliens are already Americans, in my view. They just want a decent life for their kids and a chance to contribute to a free society, a chance to put down roots and help build the next great American century. I really believe that. That’s what they’re fighting for.”

That’s a direct quote from his speech a few days ago at the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and, it leaves me with what I believe to be a pertinent question.


He’s talking about ILLEGAL (undocumented in liberal speak) ALIENS.

One simply cannot be an ALIEN…Illegal OR undocumented and still be an AMERICAN. It doesn’t work that way Joe and YOU KNOW IT.

What those people are, to liberals, are UNREGISTERED LIBERAL VOTERS and nothing less.

Hmmm…Come to think of it, I have more than one pertinent question.

Given the FACT that we learned, ON THE SAME DAY as this BLOVIATING, BOVINE BUTT-BLAST’S speech…That ICE, under this regime has turned loose some 68,000 ILLEGAL ALIEN…CRIMINALS…into our cities and onto our streets…COUPLED WITH THE FACT THAT…they have failed to remove from our soil…SOME 870 THOUSAND…ILLEGAL ALIENS…WITH MANDATORY DEPORTATION ORDERS AGAINST THEM…IN 2013 ALONE…


Oh yes…

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Obama – From the 2008 “Messiah” to a 2014 Pariah

mess 1Think back to early June of 2008…Almost 6 years ago.

The only thing missing from Obama’s nomination coronation in Denver was the white donkey he was to have ridden into the arena that night.

Look at him now.

A shell of his former glory.

Women used to pretend to faint at the mere sight of him.

Socialists with microphones used to claim tingles were running up their collective legs.

Young Americans were dancing in the streets.

In the black community, you could hear the echoes of “Free at Last, free at last.”

Obama promised the most transparent administration in history. He was to have been the great uniter. Obama, the Constitutional law professor claimed he would preside by the rule of law and not by the pen.

His wife was finally proud of her country.

Barack Hussein Obama was the liberal’s messiah.

And now? Well…

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Obamacare Defenders – The Liars and the Idiots Who Believe Them

liar 1Well, THIS is just getting to be PRICELESS!!!

Did ya happen to hear Ol’ Crusty…HARRY REID…the other day?

HOW COULD YOU HELP BUT HEAR HIM??? He was literally SHOUTING when he opened his pie hole and told anyone within a 3 mile radius that, when it comes to Obamacare…


Then, he told reporters why the hiccups and delays that DON’T exist…EXIST!!!

“We have hundreds of thousands of people who tried to sign up, and they didn’t get through.”


“There are some people who are not like my grandchildren, who can handle everything so easy on the Internet and these people need a little extra time.” As an example…Crusty cited, “a 63-year-old woman came in and said ‘I almost got it, [but] every time I was just about got there, it would cut me off.’”

THAT, to anyone with a working brain cell is because THE OBAMACARE WEBSITE SUCKS OUT LOUD and it has since the day it went UP but…Crusty, who happens to be sans a working brain cell explained it THIS way…

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Friday Fume

friday fume 1Obamacare has hit the Supreme Court but, I’m not talking about the Hobby Lobby case…I’m talking about Whistler’s GREAT, GREAT, GREAT GRANDMOTHER…Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

LIBERALS are actually putting the PRESSURE on the woman who used to BABYSIT ABE LINCOLN to RETIRE because…THEY’RE afraid the frail and sickly looking SUPREME COURT MUNCHKIN might just OUT LIVE THE OBAMA REGIME and they don’t want to take the chance that a REPUBLICAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE WILL NAME HER REPLACEMENT!!!

If she doesn’t retire…They’ll just have the DEATH PANEL cut off her PRUNE JUICE SUBSIDY after which hers will become the first recorded death from being FULL OF CRAP!!!

Remember back when compulsive liar, Harry Reid got caught giving his GRANDDAUGHTER’S BUSINESS $17 grand from his CAMPAIGN account?

Well, he DID say he’d pay all $17,000 bucks back from his own pocket but…NOW we have word that it was REALLY…$31,000.00 that Reid gave the grandchild.

And the IRS is targeting CONSERVATIVES???

Finally, in the search for the missing plane…Australian satellites have spotted 22 pieces of debris…Taiwanese satellites have spotted 120 pieces.

A Chinese satellite spotted more than 300 pieces of debris and…A JAPANESE SATELLITE SPOTTED…



Here we go with another week full of liberal boneheads on parade!!!

My friends…It’s Friday and…

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Enemies Foreign and Domestic – TYRANNY is TYRANNY

henry 1Yesterday, I outlined the transparent nature of this regime’s ploy to force upon the people a single payer, 100% socialistic healthcare system and, at the end of that piece I stated, “I for one would rather go down fighting to get my country back with my life on the line than to submit my life to the hands of a GOVERNMENT that will decide whether I live or die and, I believe that is exactly what the founders and framers intended.”

In 1775, an incomparable Patriot stood tall and delivered perhaps THE most poignant speech ever directed at men of political standing.

Patrick Henry was addressing tyranny perpetrated against We the People by the British monarchy and whether or not we should succumb TO it or fight to the death against it.

I submit to you that should you simply remove the references to the British and their King and replace them with your choice of “liberals, progressives, or socialists and Obama…Patrick Henry could just as well have been addressing TODAY’S tyrannical regime in Washington.

It doesn’t matter whether the enemy is foreign or domestic…


I ask you to read those words, poignant in his day and equally timely today with the Obama regime in mind and all their desires from socialismcare (Obamacare) to rule by an executive order pen and the liberal/socialist demands to remove our 1st and 2nd Amendment protections.


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Screw the Propaganda…It’s SOCIALISMCARE

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Last week, Nancy Pelosi scolded some hapless reporter for using the term, “Obamacare.”

AFFORDABLE Care Act the old bat insisted.


Affordable…AFFORDABLE. The “Affordable” Care Act.”

She repeated it and repeated it in the face of all reality because, even SHE knew that linking such an abject disaster to the Dictator was and is a pariah to her party which gave me pause to coin a new and more accurate moniker for the wretched boil.

The boil being Obamacare and not Pelosi who is something more of a hemorrhoid than a boil but, I digress.


That is exactly what it is and what I shall now be calling it.

Socialismcare being only the tip of the Dictator’s iceberg.


About a week ago, Kathleen Sebelius was asked about the prospect of rising socialismcare premiums and her response was classic.

“The increases are far less significant than what they were prior to the Affordable Care Act.”

Ask her how many people have signed up for socialismcare and Sebelius will give you and exact number.

Ask Sebelius how many of THOSE dupes have actually PAID for their socialismcare premiums and she’ll tell you she has no way, at this time, of knowing.

How many YOUNG, HEALTHY people have signed up and paid THEIR money for those who are older and less healthy?

Surprise of all surprises…

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