The Method Behind the Madness

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

Joe Biden’s first, and hopefully ONLY term is actually Obama’s third term, and if you haven’t figured that out by now…you must be living under a bridge without access to even rudimentary 2G common sense.

Joe Biden is Obama’s puppet, dancing at the end of his master’s strings while Obama is the wizard behind the curtain. Every time the going gets rough…by design…the wizard goes silent, and since the intafada’s on college campuses began nearly three weeks ago, the sound of Obama’s silence has been deafening.

We can trace the current situation, and so many others back to something Obama once said as the root cause of all of it.

On October 30thth, 2008, Obama made a declarative statement…“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

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Seeking A Common Sense Compromise

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Several years ago, when the whole gay marriage debate was raging, I took a considerable amount of flack for my position on the topic. As a Republican, I came out of the party closet and stated that I really didn’t care if gay people were allowed to get married.

Conservatives, especially those who call themselves Christian Conservatives were screaming mad at me, and they continually hurled Bible passages at me and told me, in their holier-than-thou way that I was going straight to hell.

My response to the holier-than-thous…if you don’t think gay people should get married, don’t marry a gay person.

Problem solved.

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The 9-0 Meltdown

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

The gnashing of teeth and the wadding of panties began immediately after the ruling by the Supreme Court last week, and it was as though liberals never saw it coming.

I always expect histrionics from the liberals, especially in the mainstream media when things don’t go their way, but the level of Trump Derangement Syndrome amongst the propaganda media is now at an all time high. They are terrified and there are reasons for that.

Their boy, the doddering old fool, Joe Biden is only slightly more popular than Chlamydia, and Chlamydia Harris is polling at 28 percent. That’s not good heading into an election, and the propagandists know it. They also know that if Biden was to run…make that shuffle on his record, he would have dropped out before the election cycle began, and people are seeing through his lies.

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The Real Root Cause

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Back in July, 2021, Joe Biden issued a report citing a Five Pillar Strategy. That strategy was released nearly three years ago, and as this is an election year, it’s high-time to assess either the success or the failure of Biden’s Five Pillar Startegy.

To be clear, Biden’s Five Pillar Strategy may not be what you think it is, or was, and there’s a good chance you have never even heard of it before, but it is interesting that it is a strategy comprised of “pillars,” and more interesting that there are five of them. Guess who else’s has five pillars…Islam…and when one considers that Biden is little if anything more than Obama’s puppet…a “Five Pillars strategy” suddenly makes a bit more sense.

Biden’s Five Pillars Strategy report came after Obama’s puppet, Joe Biden, put Kamala Harris in charge of investigating the “root cause” of the assault against our southern border, but for the purpose of showing you the largest picture possible, I will assess how Biden’s Five Pillar Strategy has worked on several levels.

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DEI Is Designed To Fail

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Last week, there was a protest outside the NY office of Harvard alumnus Bill Ackman, after Ackman led the effort to remove Claudine Gay as the president of Harvard University.

According to Al Sharpton, “[Ackman] declared war on DEI. He declared war on affirmative action. He’s defining himself as a rightwinger in terms of dealing with racial equality. This issue is not just about what they did to this president of Harvard University. It’s about the use [of her] as a scapegoat to fight DEI.”

Sharpton, a race baiter and race hustler went on to say that Claudine Gay’s resignation was “an attack on every Black woman” in America who has “put a crack in the glass ceiling.”

This, of course, falls directly in line with Gay’s resignation statement in which she claimed to have been the target of “personal attacks and threats fueled by racial animus.”

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A Poison Ivy League Resignation

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

For many years, I have referred to our nation’s colleges and universities, both honestly, and often as “asylums of higher indoctrination.” I stand by that description as the situation has only become worse over the past decade.

I can also say honestly, that throughout my years in school, from elementary school through college, I never once knew the political affiliation of ANY teacher, instructor or professor I had. Maybe I wasn’t looking hard enough for the signs, but never once did any teacher, instructor or professor in any school or class I attended try to indoctrinate students with their political ideology.

Not once.

Not even in my history or political science classes.

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2024…A Cluster-You-Know-What In the Making

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

For the record, the 2024 presidential election is shaping up to be a genuine cluster-you-know-what.

What we have is the two major parties both in an uproar and third party candidates who don’t really stand a hooker’s chance in Hunter’s hacienda ready to do what was previously unheard of – siphon votes from the democrats.

It’s always been the rule that third party candidate takes votes from the republican side of the political spectrum, but 2024 will be the exception.

Robert Kennedy Jr. is running third party and while he will take most of the votes he gets from Joe Biden, we cannot dismiss what could well happen should Donald Trump win the republican nomination, as there will be some, not many but some republicans who will vote for Kennedy.

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Diverting Attention From Joe’s Woes

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Regarding the 2024 election, Joe Biden really needs to step aside, but there are two problems with that. First, he’d be confused as to which side of the stage from which to exit, and second, while stepping aside, he’s likely to tip over.

Those two issues are, in a nutshell, the very reasons Joe needs to go. He’s feeble both mentally, and physically and the displays of his decline grow more glaring day by day.

It was announced by AXIOS last week, that Biden’s handlers are taking steps to minimize the chances that Joe will become a victim of gravity on a more consistent basis. AXIOS, a LIBERAL rag reports that Joe is wearing special shoes, to help with his balance, and is wearing sneakers more often to prevent him from slipping, and he’s also working with a physical therapist on his difficulties with walking.

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This is What Tyranny Looks Like

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

While there are some out there who would consider this commentary as “conspiracy theory” I assure you that is not. Let’s be honest here – over the past five years, we have issued warnings that were, by the liberals labeled as “conspiracy theories” that one by one, proved to be absolute truths.

We said that social media was shadow-banning Republicans and censoring any whose opinions went contrary to the liberal agenda. We were labeled as “conspiracy theorists ” but as it turned out, it was 100% true.

We said that the Hunter Biden laptop was his, and that it revealed evidence of both Hunter’s and Joe Biden’s illegal activities. We were called “conspiracy theorists” but that also panned out as 100% truth.

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Racist Cars and Other Pinheaded Ideas


Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Did you know that owning a car makes you a racist?

It does, at least according to Pete Buttigieg. And where did Pete get that bit of information? He got it from a gaggle of 24 “leading experts” on transportation equity.

The next question, and rightly so would be just what in THE hell is “transportation equity?”

Well, apparently that’s the liberal notion that owning a car of your own means that you are the recipient of “white privilege” and thus, owning your own car is a clear and unmitigated example of “systemic racism” so…owning cars must be banned to…”protect the environment.”

Andrea Marpillero-Colomina, a member of the Advisory Committee on Transportation Equity says, “All cars are bad” and she has called for “zero emission transit.” 

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