Weekend Edition: Politically Correct Racism

February is officially, “National Black History Month” and frankly Scarlett…I don’t give a damn.

It may as well be called, “Not by the Content of Their Character but Because of The Color of Their Skin Month.”

Every February, the nation celebrates racism. Politically correct racism by designating this month as “Black History Month.”

It’s an absurd notion if you shun political correctness.

In an effort to prove we are not a racist nation, the powers that be celebrate one race above all others.

Where is Red History Month?

When exactly is Yellow History Month?

White History Month?

Brown History Month???

And why exactly…BLACK…History month.?

I thought we weren’t supposed to call black people black anymore. When I was a kid, they WANTED to be referred to as NEGROS. Then they decided that NEGRO wasn’t what they wanted to be so they became BLACK.

The United NEGRO College Fund apparently never got the memo.

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Weekend Edition: The Hagel Debacle – Unfit For Command

Former Senator, Chuck Hagel, underwent his confirmation hearing last week and it was, quite clearly, the worst performance of a nominee to any post I have ever seen.

It was abysmal.

Many, trying to be nice, say he was unprepared.

Those being honest say he is simply either not qualified or is, in fact, incompetent.

And then there is the socialist brain-trust.

NPR ran an article, “Hagel’s Hearing: 7 Things We Learned” and in it, they whine about the hearing being nothing but political and weep tears of disgust over how those mean, nasty and oh-so-partisan Republicans were bullying poor Chuck Hagel.

Perhaps NPR has, inadvertently, made a sound point.

It was political.

After watching and listening to Hagel during last week’s confirmation hearing, one thing jumped out at me and I’m sure, many of you as well.

What ARE his qualifications to become the Secretary of Defense???

According to Hagel himself…

“I volunteered for the draft and then volunteered to go to Vietnam after I received orders to go to Germany.”

Hagel Continued..

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Weekend Edition: 2nd Amendment Crusade (Pt 2)

Neither Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Feinstein nor any of the rest of the socialist ilk in Washington give a damn about your safety or the safety of your children.

In yesterday’s Weekend Edition, we pointed out what we’re up against as Patriots when it comes to the assault on the 2nd Amendment.

That assault didn’t start yesterday or 4 years ago.

It began with the introduction of socialism into the highest levels of our government and Woodrow Wilson. Over the decades, socialism has progressed, grown and now, it is not just knocking at the door, it’s trying to kick the door down.

I believe, at the heart of it all, IS the assault on the 2nd Amendment.

Why the 2nd?

Of the 27 Amendments to our Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the 2nd is the growling, snarling dog patrolling the perimeter fence.

Socialists want to pull the dog’s teeth thus, infringing on your God Given right to protect your liberty.

Of all the Amendments spelled out in the Bill of Rights, the 2nd is the ONLY one to include the words, “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.”

Our founders and framers well knew the danger to the republic should the amendment which protects all others, be infringed.

The poorest states in America are all run by liberals.

The poorest cities are all run by liberals.

Every high crime city in America is under the control of liberals.

Think about that.

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Weekend Edition: 2nd Amendment Crusade (Pt. 1)

Just a couple of days ago, Melody Valentin…A n elementary school student, found in her pocket a folded and torn piece of paper…A square with the bottom quarter torn away.

She threw it in the trash and another young student, obviously a victim of indoctrination, programmed to be scared to death and to inform on offenders, then notified the government, in this case, a teacher, the nearest figure of authority.

“He yelled at me and said I shouldn’t have brought the gun to school and I kept telling him it was a paper gun but he wouldn’t listen.”

The teacher yelled at Melody, telling her that the cops should be called and that she should be arrested.

He searched her in front of her classmates.

Melody’s classmates started calling her a murderer.

Little Melody Valentin was suspended and the incident will now be a part of her permanent record thus reinforcing to her classmates that even possessing a folded and torn piece of paper which may or may not simply LOOK like a gun is something for which they will be punished and possibly arrested.

Where did this indoctrination of today’s youth and affront to common sense take place?

Why…In the very birthplace of freedom…Philadelphia…of course.

This was NOT last week’s ONLY such event.

Last week, a 5 year old girl from Mouth Carmel, PA  was interrogated for more than three hours, forced into psychological testing and then suspended by school officials.


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Weekend Edition: Gun Appreciation Day

Today is Gun Appreciation Day.

January 19th, 2013.

It’s not making those on the left…Liberals…Socialists…Very happy.



The 2nd Amendment.

These are things greatly demonized by the left.

It’s time to put things in the proper perspective.

Those on the left aren’t going to like this much either.

I don’t care.

How many times have we already heard that the 2nd Amendment no longer applies because our founders never could have seen the advancement of weapons we have today?

The 2nd Amendment is irrelevant those on the left are quick to tell us and, they claim, it should be altered at the very least or, done away with completely.

Why? Because of assault “rifles” and high capacity clips?

Proper perspective…Remember?

At the time the 2nd Amendment was conceived and written…Muskets were the assault weapons of the day. Not many who were hit with a musket ball survived. Not in one piece anyway. It wasn’t terribly accurate and it’s range was limited but, it packed a deadly outcome.

There were less effective weapons. Knives, axes, clubs, pistols…

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Weekend Edition: Gun Rights vs Gun Control – The TRUTH

The government can’t find 15 million ILLEGAL aliens and to be perfectly honest, they don’t WANT to but, by forcing gun registration…They WILL be able to find every LAW ABIDING gun owner in America. Am I the ONLY one who thinks something is wrong when the government, in an attempt to control people, does nothing about those who BREAK our laws and removes rights from those who ABIDE by the laws???

In the next few days, Joe Biden will submit his report on how to control you to the Emperor. Both he AND the Emperor have made it clear that Imperial Orders may well come into play against you regarding the 2nd Amendment.

Over the last few weeks, socialists, liberals and their pundits have not missed a single opportunity or microphone in their quest to demean and dismiss you, the law abiding gun owners of America.

They want you to believe that what they are about to propose or bypass congress to accomplish with regard to eroding your rights is for your safety and…of course…for the children.

Every time they want to remove some of your rights, it’s for the sake of the children.


It’s time to make a few things crystal clear and I can assure you, liberals and socialists aren’t going to like this at all because…It’s the TRUTH.

How many times have we all heard a socialist, bent on controlling you by removing your rights, tell anyone within earshot that you don’t need an AR-15 to hunt deer?

Socialists are trying to SHAME you into bowing to their ideology and they HOPE you will be seen as the fool.

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Weekend Edition: Standing UP For Veterans – Let’s ROLL!!!

This weekend, I would like to let my fellow Patriots in on a VERY special project.

We hear every day about Veterans who are unemployed.

It’s shameful. These are our heroes.

Many Veterans have great ideas and dreams of having their OWN business. What they lack is the knowledge or the capital to turn those dreams into reality.

In today’s uncertain economy and amid news of businesses cutting back on employee’s hours and staff numbers altogether, it’s harder than ever for our Veteran heroes to find work.

What if I told you that YOU could help change all that?



Many of you are familiar with Don Smith and the Don Smith Show.

It has been my great pleasure to appear, many times, as a gust on Don’s show over the last couple of years. Don is one of the great Conservative voices in radio.

When Don called me a few days ago, asking a favor, and telling me it was for our Veterans…I had but one question.

How can I help?

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Weekend Edition: 2013 – Resolve Over Resolutions

While others busy themselves making predictions for the New Year and others with formulating resolutions, I have neither the time nor the patience for either.

Instead, I will relate MY RESOLVE for the New Year.

Before I begin, you should know that I mean these wholeheartedly and I am quite serious about each and every one of them.

So…2013…Where should I begin?

First…I intend to start an online petition which, should it gain 1 million signatures, would outlaw all online petitions.

Seriously…Name ONE online petition which has EVER gained the required number of signatures and has then gone on to accomplish ANYTHING. Name ONE. Go ahead…We’re all waiting…

I…And I suspect YOU…Are bombarded by such petitions DAILY and they are ALL posted as though the future of the world depends on YOU signing the thing. Well…Guess what?

IT DOESN’T and YOUR signature might make you FEEL good but, in reality…IT’S ALMOST AS MEANINGFUL AS AN EMAIL FROM A NIGERIAN PRINCE.

I’ll get the ball rolling and if YOU’LL just sign on…WE CAN STOP ONLINE PETITIONS FOR ALL TIME!!!!

Second…I am finished with listening to ANY “End of the World” prophecy garbage.

It’s not because I feel it is a waste of time or nonsense.

It’s because I simply can’t take any more of that sort of disappointment.

EVERY damned time SOMEBODY says the world is going to end…IT DOESN’T.

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Weekend Edition: “Gun Control” – Socialists in Their OWN Words

So…When we, as Conservatives, say that liberals…socialists really…Want to disarm We the People…WE’RE crazy?

WE’RE just making stuff up?

WE’RE the extremists and…

WE’RE lying?


The denials of socialists when confronted with facts would be whimsical were the facts not so dire and despite what socialists will tell you, the implications are more dire than the facts.

First, let’s have a look at what a few historical “gun control” advocates had to say in THEIR day.

“Germans who wish to use firearms should join the SS or the SA – ordinary citizens don’t need guns, as their having guns doesn’t serve the State.”

Heinrich Himmler

“If the [political] opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves.”

Josef Stalin

“The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed the subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty.”

Adolf Hitler

Edict of March 18, 1938, H.R. Trevor-Roper, Hitler’s Table Talks 1941-1944 (London: Widenfeld and Nicolson, 1953, p. 425-426)


There is a reason I open this article with those 3 quotes from 3 of the most ruthless, murderous curs of history.

I want you to keep those quotes top of mind as you read the rest of this article.

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Weekend Edition: It’s Christmas – Don’t Keep the Faith


You think YOU have troubles???


What’s the matter? The cat playing with the ornaments again?

It’s snowing and your flight may be delayed?


Both YOUR parents AND his are coming?

You ran out of Scotch tape again didn’t you?

Last minute shopping? Some weasel stole the parking place before you could get around the corner from the other aisle?

Oh…You’ve got problems. One thing’s for sure…YOU have PROBLEMS.

You were the FIRST in line and you STILL got a rain check???

Oh the humanity.

Have a little faith.

THAT’S all I’m sayin’…Have a little faith.

You think YOU have problems???

I’LL tell ya who had REAL problems at Christmas.


JOSEPH had REAL problems. His wife, Mary…PREGNANT and HE NEVER TOUCHED HER!!!


Oh…SHE said GOD did it. GOD!!! Ya know how hard THAT is to sell to your husband???

EXTREMELY…Which is why NOBODY has ever tried  it again!!!!!

Now…Get THIS…Mary is something like 8 months along and guess what???

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