Weekend Edition: The Echoes Shall NOT be Rejected!!!

Thomas Jefferson said: “Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.”

And: “When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.”

James Madison stated: “If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.”

Barack Hussein Obama said: “Government is the one thing we all belong to.”

Alexander Hamilton said: “It’s not tyranny we desire; it’s a just, limited, federal government.”

Walt Whitman stated: “There is no week nor day nor hour when tyranny may not enter upon this country, if the people lose their roughness and spirit of defiance.”

Edmund Burke said: “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.”

Hugo Black stated: “The Framers of the Constitution knew that free speech is the friend of change and revolution. But they also knew that it is always the deadliest enemy of tyranny.”

Last weekend, Barack Hussein Obama said: “Unfortunately, you’ve grown up hearing voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate, sinister entity that’s at the root of all our problems. Some of these same voices also do their best to gum up the works. They’ll warn that tyranny always lurking just around the corner. You should reject these voices. Because what they suggest is that our brave, and creative, and unique experiment in self-rule is somehow just a sham with which we can’t be trusted.”

Yes…He actually stated, of those who would warn you of tyranny, “You should reject these voices.”

My God…

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Weekend Edition: Boston and the Perverse SHAME of the Left

If The Alphabet media, otherwise known as the Pravda media had but a thimble full of shame in an ocean of what used to be journalistic integrity, they would fire every producer, fire what for them passes as on air talent and completely revamp their approach to news after their embarrassing showing in the wake of the Boston Massacre last Monday.

All the usual suspects from MSNBC, NBC, CNN, NPR, and on and on took part in what has to be THE most shameful display of mass media bias ever perpetrated against the American public.

Here’s Dina Temple-Raston at NPR:

“April is a big month for anti-government and right-wing individuals. There’s the Columbine anniversary.  There’s Hitler’s birthday.  There’s the Oklahoma City bombing and the assault on the Branch Dividian compound in Waco.”

In her shameless mind, the horror of Boston was the result of right-wing individuals celebrating Waco and Hitler’s birthday.

Linda Ginsberg:

“I’ll bet good money it’s a right-wing nutjob. Today is April 15, Boston Harbor was where the original Tea Party took place and the on-going gun-safety legislation makes it the mostly likely culprit.”

Peter Bergen at CNN:

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Weekend Edition: Oh…You’re OFFENDED???

If you’re intolerant of those who refuse to open their minds to the extent their brains fall out…If YOU are easily offended on behalf of others when you, yourself have nothing to be offended over…If you walk into a room and count the number of people who look like YOU vs those who DON’T and, if YOU think everybody should think the way YOU do because YOUR ideology is for “INTELLECTUALS…”


I’ll also bet you’re a registered Democrat who ascribes to the idiot-ology of socialism.

If I’ve offended you already…GOOD…You deserve to be.

I’ve checked…

I’ve read it over and over again.

I have consulted specialists.

I have studied it 8 ways from Sunday and guess what?

There is NOTHING…

ANYWHERE in our Constitution that says that YOU nor I for that matter…

Have the right to NOT be offended.

Suck it up cupcake…YOU’RE NOT THAT SPECIAL!!!!!

If you see a cross, an image of Jesus, a nativity scene or a hear a prayer and you don’t subscribe to Christianity…

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Weekend Edition: Open Letter to the Puppet’s Puppets

Dear Ellen Barkin,

I, and many, MANY others are aware of your Tweets.

“Yes I vote Pres Obama…to protect his ppl,ALL his ppl.The poor,the middle class,the jobless…the 1’s that need our help..I vote 4 humanity, (sic)”

“Right now he is the President of our country.He is our leader & we are his people, (sic)”

Not that I believe for a moment that YOU nor so very many in Hollywood have the sort of attention spam which might allow you to concentrate on more than 140 characters at a time, I shall, nonetheless, endeavor to educate the uneducatable.

YOU, Ms. Barkin, are OLD enough to know BETTER that your tweets indicate.

THIS, Ms. Barkin, is the United States of America.

Our founding document spells it out, in BIG bold letters…”We The People…” is how it starts.

WE the PEOPLE, Ms. Barkin and not OWNED by anyone. WE are NOT the PROPERTY of those we elect.


They SERVE WE the People NOT the other way around and that’s a very important distinction.

I don’t know, Ms. Barkin, if you were reared by socialists and communists, whether you learned it in school, in Hollywood or whether you are so desperate for an acting job that you are now trying to get on the good side of the Hollywood elite by trying to propagandize their ideology.

Whatever the case…

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Weekend Edition: The Politics Behind the 1st Easter

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!!

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It’s tough, you know?

Not mixing politics and religion.

They, whoever “they” are, say you shouldn’t. At least not in polite company but, we’ve always been polite to one another haven’t we?

What makes the old adage so hard to adhere to, at least for me, as that we may never have had Easter Sunday were it not for politics.

Allow me to explain.

Jesus was a complex man who led a simple life.

He didn’t ask for fame or notice but he did reluctantly accept both. Well, at least to some extent. He knew that wherever he went, he would draw a crowd but he always managed to make the Father the focus of the message.

Shepard. Carpenter. Teacher. Traveler. He didn’t have nor did he want the riches of man. He had faith and that was more than enough.

One thing Jesus was NOT was ostentatious.


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Weekend Edition: FB – Social Media or Social Disease?

There comes a point when enough is enough.

Being threatened with banning for a period of days by Facebook because one has requested too many friends or, as happens to many of us, because we are posting too fast, is one thing but, being banned for 30 days from an increasingly unsocial social media site says you did something that clearly, you did NOT do is quite another thing altogether.

Blogger, Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor has found herself in just that situation.

Last week, after a 5 hour stint at the dentist, where she could not have posted a thing had she even wanted to, she returned home to discover she had, in fact, been banned for 30 days.

Facebook Jail.

And what was the offense?

Get this.

In a group, on FB, where Diane is an Admin…

ANOTHER Admin posted a link to an article regarding Islamists and beheadings.

FB took exception and, in retaliation…

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Weekend Edition: Rand Paul – Old School, New Era

Last Wednesday, we witnessed a rare moment.

The fact that it was a rare moment is, in and of itself, disgusting for it SHOULD be the most common of moments as to go without notice.

The moment was as uncommon as common sense.

For just short of 13 hours a Senator from Kentucky stood on the floor and asked a simple question.

13 hours.

He wanted to know whether or not the president…ANY president, had the authority to kill an American citizen, on American soil, that was an unarmed noncombatant who was not, at the time of his or her droning, actively engaged in an ongoing act of terror or violence.

Last Wednesday was not the first time the senator had asked the question. In fact, he had asked and asked the question both verbally and in writing.

In a nutshell, the answers he received were, “We have no intention of doing that” and, “We have never done that before.”

To those who provided those responses, thank you for answering questions not asked.

The senator from Kentucky did not ask whether or not this had been done before.

The senator from Kentucky did not ask if there was any intent to do it in the future.

The senator from Kentucky simply wanted to know if the president believes he has the AUTHORITY to do it.

There are only two options when it comes to the answer.

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Weekend Edition: Calling a Spade a Spade

So…They DIDN’T release 500 ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMINALS onto the streets and into the cities?

They being, the Dictator’s administration.

They Didn’t release 500 Illegal Alien criminals. Well…THAT’S good…wait…what???

It wasn’t 500…IT WAS 2000???????

Yes…2000, maybe a few more…ILLEGAL ALIEN…CRIMINALS…were released by this administration onto our streets and into our cities.

Because of a “sequestration” that hadn’t even happened yet.

They were turned loose before…BEFORE..sequestration became reality but, it’s okay…They have to report in…They’re being “monitored” and when they have another court date…THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO JUST WALK RIGHT BACK INTO THE COURTROOM AND PRESENT THEMSELVES.


We KNOW whose dumber than a box of rocks idea “sequestration” was. Woodward cleared THAT up. “Sequestration” is OBAMA’S lame-assed idea. Yes, Republicans and socialists all agreed TO it BUT, the idea itself came directly from the OVAL OFFICE and guess who signed it last?

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Weekend Edition: The Problem IS Spending

When we look at the numbers being bandied about in Washington these days, we know they’re BIG but, it’s just impossible to fully wrap our heads around them.

The national debt is $16.5 TRILLION DOLLARS.

Our annual deficit for the last 4 years has averaged somewhere in the neighborhood of $1.2 or $1.3 TRILLION DOLLARS.

It’s staggering, isn’t it?

Billions…Hundreds of billions…TRILLIONS…

How does one even begin to understand such figures?

This is why so many simply toss up their hands and walk away from conversations regarding these unfathomable numbers.

Allow me to add some context.

Something by which we can come to terms with the sorts of dollars we’re talking about when we discuss our bleak economic situation.

I’ll start with a simple question regarding a number we CAN understand.

Here goes…

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Weekend Edition: Benghazi – 5 Months Of Treason

“I gave three very clear directives. Number one, make sure we are securing our personnel and that we are doing whatever we need to. Number two, we are going to investigate exactly what happened and make sure it doesn’t happen again. Number three, find out who did this so we can bring them to justice.”

Those are the words of Obama regarding his orders on the evening of September 11th 2012 and the attack on the Consulate in Benghazi.

“Make sure we are securing our personnel and that we are doing whatever we need to.”

This is a claim Obama has made over and over again.

Now…let me take you to the direct testimony, under oath, of Leon Panetta and General Dempsey just a couple of days ago.

SEN. GRAHAM: Your testimony, as I understand it, Secretary Panetta, that you talked to the president of the United States one time.
SEC. PANETTA: I talked to him on Sept. 11 with regards to the fact that we were aware this attack was taking place.
SEN. GRAHAM: One time.
SEN. GRAHAM: What time did you tell him that?
SEC. PANETTA: I think that was approximately about 5 o’clock?
GEN. DEMPSEY: Yeah, about 5 o’clock.
SEC. PANETTA: About 5 o’clock.
SEN. GRAHAM: General Dempsey, did you ever talk to the president of the United States at all?
GEN. DEMPSEY: I was with the secretary when — at that same time.
SEN. GRAHAM: Did you talk to the president?
SEN. GRAHAM: You talked to him how many times.
GEN. DEMPSEY: The same — one time.
SEN. GRAHAM: How long did the conversation last?
GEN. DEMPSEY: We were there in the office for probably 30 minutes.
SEN. GRAHAM: So you talked to him for 30 minutes, one time, and you never talked to him again, either one of you.
GEN. DEMPSEY: Until afterwards.
SEN. GRAHAM: Until after the attack was over.
GEN. DEMPSEY: That’s right.
SEN. GRAHAM: Thank you.

Let that sink in. Read it again if you need to and let it sink in deep.

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