Weekend Edition: The Obamacare Crap Sandwich

Obamacare is 100% pure crap and liberals and socialists are running away from it, using any desperate line of bull they can concoct to blame it on others.

They are now trying to blame it on the government shutdown.

It was NOT the Republicans who shut down the government…The Obama administration with the assistance of Harry Reid and the liberal/socialists of the senate did that.

We KNOW they did it because this administration had everything they needed ready to go the second the shutdown began.

They had their “closed” signs professionally printed by the THOUSANDS and barricades ready to be placed IMMEDIATELY and that could ONLY have been accomplished with PRIOR PLANNING.

It made no difference WHAT proposals the Republicans would have made leading up TO the shutdown…Obama said he would NOT negotiate and Reid was bound and determined to NOT allow a single measure put forward to see the senate floor for a vote.

Liberals and socialists had their talking points, all the names, “arsonists, hostage takers, ransom demanders, terrorists, extremists, racists” and others all lined up and were ready to let it fly and blame the Republicans for what THEY, the liberals and socialists, had planned.


Check your calendars…

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Weekend Edition: Ted Cruz – On the Right Side of History

History is repeating itself.

237 years ago, there was a small group of those in the Colonies who stood against the tyranny of their government.

By most accounts, only about 20% to 30% of the colonists wanted to stand against the tyranny of England while the rest were divided between standing with the King or, ambivalent regarding the prospect of independence.

There was no TV…No blogs, no social media or talk radio then.

Today, we have such devices by which we can watch the proceedings but, as much as things have changed in 237 years, some aspects remain nearly exactly the same.

Just a couple of weeks ago, we watched Ted Cruz take a stand against tyranny on the floor of the senate.

For 21 hours, Cruz delivered the case for opposing Obamacare but, just as it was some 237 plus years ago, Cruz represented about 20% to 30% of those in congress and, just as it was then, it is today, as those opposed to fighting tyranny, are making THEIR case.

According to Peter King…

  “We can’t allow 30 or 40 people to hijack the Republican Party. We’ve got to call them on it. We can’t allow a small minority of a party to hijack it and, again, cause catastrophic problems, not just for our party — that’s our problem — but for the country. It’s 800,000 people out of work because of 30 or 40 people.”

One can almost hear those opposed to the impending revolution, more than 237 years ago, saying…

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Weekend Edition: Budget vs Obamacare – An EPIC Solution

It’s time to set a few things straight.

Republicans do NOT want to shut down the government.

It doesn’t matter how many times Obama, Pelosi, Reid or any of the other elected socialists claim it, nor does it matter how many socialist talking heads parrot the official talking points…Republicans do NOT want to shut down the government.

Those who drone on endlessly, claiming otherwise, are lying.

Here’s a little something else.

The Republicans in congress are NOT arsonists, NOT homicide bombers and NOT taking or holding hostages.

Any of the ilk mentioned above that claim otherwise are lying.

And…It’s NOT the Republicans that are demanding 100% of what they want.

Any socialist claiming otherwise, is lying.

They are lying. Bald-faced lying. Lying through their teeth.


They KNOW they’re lying and they don’t care.

Lying, for socialists, is standard operating procedure…

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Weekend Edition: Benghazi – 4 Heroes and 15 Cowards

Of all the despicable things.

Of all the unfeeling and undeniably Un-American things…What took place, last Thursday in the House Oversight Committee was both inexplicable and unconscionable.

As the Father of Tyrone Woods and the mother of Sean Smith came before the committee, 15 of the 17 democrats on the committee…GOT UP AND WALKED OUT OF THE ROOM!!!

That’s right…as 2 of the parents of the 4 Americans murdered in the terrorist attacks in Benghazi came to the table to speak and pose their concerns…

All but 2 of the democrats on the committee…stood and walked out of the room.


It was an act so cold and so callous as to usually be reserved for thugs, street criminals and the world’s despots who routinely ignore the plight of their victims and I’m not at all sure the 15 fleeing liberals last Thursday don’t fit neatly into that subhuman conglomeration of filth.

There is no need to try and imagine it.

It happened.

15 representatives of the people, stood and walked out when 2 citizens, thrust into the spotlight by circumstances well beyond their control, approached the committee to testify.

Here is a list of those democrats and, by clicking on each name, you can find their contact information.

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Weekend Edition: Between Barack and a Hard Place – Obama’s Options

Barack Hussein Obama, from behind, has led the United States once great and respected position on the world stage, down the path of destruction.

We have, in 5 years, gone from the world’s only remaining superpower to…

Super powerless.

It didn’t start with Syria and, it won’t end there either.

To understand the available options in this Obama Syrian disaster, we must first, know how we got to this point.

It started with the appointment of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, a position for which, aside from traveling to different countries while Bill was in office, she was unqualified to hold.

Hillary blew the Russian reset, accepted a handshake from North Korea, ignored Libya, hired our enemies as security, allowed her own security team to run drugs and hookers and mismanaged every last thing that she touched including, having as her top aide…Huma Abedin…Whose family is deeply connected to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Obama began the free-fall when he opted NOT to assist the freedom and democracy movement in Iran THUS SENDING A CLEAR MESSAGE to the Mullahs that Iran could proceed unhindered.

He exacerbated it further when he told Israel to fall back to their pre-1967 indefensible borders thus telling Israel’s enemies that THEY need not fear U.S. protection or assistance to Israel.

By leading from behind in Libya, Obama sent a clear and unmistakable message to al Qaeda that he was prepared to assist them in the conquest of a country and he provided them the arms with which to do so.

In fabricating the You Tube video story after the al Qaeda attacks in Benghazi, repeating that lie for 3 weeks, keeping the FBI from investigating IN Benghazi and the subsequent cover up OF Benghazi, Obama has sent the message to our enemies that they have nothing to fear even when they kill our diplomats.

In Egypt, Obama backed the Muslim Brotherhood, thus giving terrorism’s only political arm control of an entire nation and one which HAD kept the peace accord with Israel intact for more than 3 decades thus sending the clear message that the United States, under his rule, would turn our backs on our friends.

And so…Syria…

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Weekend Edition: Obama’s Syrian Disaster

Next Tuesday evening, as things stand now, Obama will make what is likely to be regarded, by history, as the most desperate, pathetic plea for war ever made by a United States president.

On the eve of 9/11…A date of dual significance to Americans, Obama will take his sad, anemic case for striking Syria, in effect, declaring war ON Syria, to the American people in a last ditch and what is most likely to be a deeply flawed and failed attempt, to sway the votes of congress.

The case he is planning to present is that the United States has a “moral obligation” to strike and enter Syria’s civil war and he must, again, try to convince the American people and congress that it was Assad who launched a chemical attack on August 21st but, that will be a tall order as more and more evidence is belittling that argument.

 Carla  del Ponte, a member of the UN Independent Commission of Inquiry on Syria and someone who should know the truth, has let it be known, in the face of Obama’s claims, that, “Our investigators have been in neighbouring countries interviewing victims, doctors and field hospitals and, according to their report of last week which I have seen, there are strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof of the use of sarin gas, from the way the victims were treated.”

And then, the bombshell if one can employ that word under these circumstances.

“This was used on the part of the opposition, the rebels, not by the government authorities.”

Obama and John Kerry have told us that it was Assad’s government and Kerry has even referred to “THOUSANDS OF REPORTS” that have been declassified and made available.

It seems, those “THOUSANDS OF REPORTS” are likely in the form of social media and twitter posts from the region and are backed up by no hard evidence whatsoever while, Carla del Ponte, a member of the UN Independent Commission of Inquiry on Syria, tells us that, “This was used on the part of the opposition, the rebels, not by the government authorities.”

It makes one wonder, doesn’t it, just what the CLASSIFIED reports contain that he has shown to only a handful of house and senate members and where, exactly, his “CLASSIFIED” material came from.

Obama, from his setting of the “red line” a year ago to what will be his desperate plea to congress next Tuesday to what is looking more and more like a sound defeat when it comes to a vote in the house and senate, has made a mess of this whole thing.

It’s worse than a mess.

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Weekend Edition: Dear Nobel Peace Prize Committee

Dear Nobel Peace Prize Committee,

It is well past the time for you to admit you made a mistake.

On October 9th, 2009, you gave one of your “PEACE” prizes to one Barack Hussein Obama and cited…

Obama’s “promotion of nuclear nonproliferation” and a “new climate” in international relations fostered by Obama, especially in reaching out to the Muslim world,” In doing so.

Even an organization as suspect as yours must now accept that this was a large crock of crap.

Outside of the despots in Iran and North Korea, who ISN’T for nuclear nonproliferation?


If that was a valid reason for giving someone a medal you would be turning those things out like Hershey’s cranks out Kisses.

And this…”OUTREACH TO THE MUSLIM WORLD” might be one of the most LUDACRIS things ever imagined.

Have you dunderheads noticed what’s going ON in that world???

The MUSLIMS dislike us more NOW than they did when you put Obama on a pedestal.


Not only that but…Just look at the things your “PEACE” prize winner has been doing.

For instance…

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Weekend Edition: Syria – Operation: Because Everybody’s Laughing

There has been a number of inane comments made by the Obama administration regarding the desire to launch an attack on Syria but, perhaps the most brainless to date was uttered by Nancy Pelosi.

Here is exactly what she said on Thursday night.

“Assad gassing his own people is an issue of our national security, regional stability and global security. We must be clear that the United States rejects the use of chemical weapons by Assad or any other regime.”

The woman is beyond even professional help.

First of all…Do we even know that ASSAD ordered the gassing?


Do we know that ONLY Assad’s army is responsible for the gassing?


Given that, there are even MORE pressing questions needing to be addressed when it comes to this absurd statement from Pelosi.


How, exactly, is the gassing of anyone, half a world away and limited to the borders of Syria a THREAT TO…OUR…NATIONAL SECURITY???

We have an unsealed border to our south and we know full well that Hezbollah has their operatives on the Mexican side of the border.


Obama gave THOUSANDS of weapons to MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS.

THAT is a National Security matter.

The Obama administration if rife with members of THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD.


The list of REAL matters of NATIONAL SECURITY, ignored and coddled by this absurd administration is LONG and DANGEROUS but…

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Weekend Edition: The Root Cause of Gun Violence

Liberals, liberal politicians, liberal media and liberal talking heads would like you to believe that a “gun culture” in our country is responsible for gun violence and that, if guns were outlawed, that source of violence would simply disappear.

This is, perhaps, one of the most idiotic beliefs in a boat load of idiotic beliefs held by liberals.

“If guns weren’t sold, gun violence would not be a problem” is what they want you to believe. The GOVERNMENT…Banning guns is their solution to the problem.

At the same time, liberals will go to great lengths to tell you that our prisons are overcrowded because we keep putting drug users, who pose no “real” threat to society, behind bars and we must let them out.

The last time I checked, one cannot buy meth or cocaine, or any number of illegal or, “banned” narcotics in stores .

The drugs being used that send their users to prison have been banned and yet, the users still get them just as those bent on using guns for violence would get then should THEY be banned but liberal logic can’t be bothered with facts or common sense.

Liberals will tell you that should abortions be banned, people will simply get them from unreliable sources in back alleys.

Where, exactly, do they think people will get guns should guns be banned?

Chicago has the strictest gun bans in the nation and their gun murder rate is the HIGHEST in the nation but, liberals will tell you that one city doesn’t mean squat in the grand scheme of things.

I give you…

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Weekend Edition: Ft. Hood – Consequences of Political Correctness

Are we “politically correctnessing” ourselves to death?

The simple, and unavoidable answer is…


I can think of no other case that illustrates this better than the insane case of terrorist, Nidal Hasan.

Hasan, a Major at Ft. Hood, had been conversing via email with known terrorists and, it was known that he was doing this but, nobody dared say anything because…HASAN was a MUSLIM and…to be politically correct…WE HAVE TO BE TOLERANT OF MUSLIMS!!!

Over a 6 year period, Nidal Hasan worked as an intern and a resident at Walter Reed where our wounded military personnel recovered.

During that time, Hasan was always on the radar of those with whom he served because of inappropriate comments, odd behavior and his lack of socializing with others stationed there.

Did anyone say anything?


Why not?

Because he was MUSLIM and nobody wanted to be labeled as ISLAMOPHOBIC.

It wasn’t politically correct.

Ret. Col. Terry Lee, who had served with Hasan said that after the murders of 2 recruits in Littlerock, Hasan made “outlandish” statements against the American military presence in Iraq and Afghanistan, that “the Muslims should stand up and fight against the aggressor”, referring to the United States.

Did Lee say anything at the time?

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