Weekend Edition: The Fast and Furious Libya Cover-Up

After 18 days of watching the response to the terrorist attack in Libya, I must admit that I am absolutely livid.

What They’re Covering Up.

It’s bad enough that Obama and his administration knew full well that this attack was a terrorist attack and then they lied about what it was for the better part of 2 weeks but, it gets even worse.

I’ll get to the lies later.

Now we discover that, while indeed there had been 4 attacks or attempted attacks on diplomatic missions  in the region leading up to the September attacks…The Consulate in Benghazi had been classified as a “critical threat terrorism or civil unrest posting,” and, stunningly…

Not one single upgrade in security, either physical or in personnel, was done to protect the Benghazi Consulate or the people who were stationed there.

Not one.

In fact Ambassador Stevens, in his personal journal, found by CNN stated that he feared the rise of al Qaeda in the region and believed he was on a hit list.

Now, cables from the Ambassador to the State Department are being sought but, the State Department is dragging their feet in turning those communications over to the Senate.


Could those communications reveal that Stevens had requested more security…Which was never provided?

Could those communications show much, much more?? Trust me…I’ll get to that!!!

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Weekend Edition: More PR Than Money Can Buy

We can’t be policing the whole world.

How many times have you heard that?

It’s a false statement and I suspect even those who employ it, know it.

It’s not about policing, it’s about leading and the two are far different things. Now, perhaps more than ever before, the world needs a leader.

Obama doesn’t think so and neither do his followers.

Ron Paul doesn’t think so either and, of course, neither do HIS followers.

They are wrong. Dead wrong. And if we’re not careful, we’ll all be dead because they’re wrong.

Since the beginning of this nation, we have been that leader. In the war of independence, we defeated the world’s most powerful military force. Was it a fluke? Clearly, they thought so across the pond and so, they tested us again in the war of 1812.

We defeated them again.

Some thought that the war between the states would be our end. It wasn’t. In fact, it made us stronger.

Yes, there have been times when we stumbled…Korea…we stumbled. Vietnam? Yes, we stumbled.

Those were wars, on the world stage, battles.

While stumbling in the battles, on the world stage, we were still the leaders. The cold war loomed through both those conflicts and those who thought maybe we had lost our resolve found that, under Kennedy, we had certainly not.

While Nixon stumbled at home, on the world stage, he opened doors. Because we were the world’s strength, China and the Soviet Union, the world’s other two powers, began at least, to talk to us.

Reagan, through firm and unwavering resolve, won the cold war without firing a shot.

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Weekend Edition: To HELL With It!!!

When Muslims with a 7th century mentality, arm themselves with 21st century weapons and threaten to kill anyone who refuses to revert to their way of thinking…

What exactly do liberals tell us to do?

Be tolerant.

When a high school football player points to the sky after a touchdown…What do liberals tell us to do?

Don’t tolerate that.

When Muslims start acting on their threats by bombing buildings and market places, busses and trains…What do liberals tell us to do?

Be tolerant.

When a statue of the Ten Commandments is placed in a courthouse…What do liberals tell us to do?

Don’t tolerate that.

When Muslims hijack our planes and kill 3000 of us on a single day…What do liberals tell us to do?

Be tolerant.

When someone wants to offer a prayer at a city council meeting…What do liberals tell us to do?

Don’t tolerate that.

When Muslims turn their underwear into bombs, strap explosives to their own children and kill our soldiers on our own soil…What do liberals tell us to do?

Be tolerant.

When a cross is placed in the dessert or an artifact that resembles a cross is to be placed in the 9-11 Memorial Museum…What do liberals tell us to do?

Don’t tolerate that.

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Weekend Edition: On World Stage, Obama NOT an ACTor

While listening to Jay Carney, the white house Press Secretary, I couldn’t help but be reminded of Baghdad Bob.

That was the name pinned on Saddam’s official Press Minister.

Baghdad Bob sat before a TV camera back in the early days of the war and told his people that there were no members of the United States military within 300 miles of Baghdad.

The truth was something else to be sure. At the time, there were indeed Members of the United States military directly outside the building from which he was broadcasting, We had that building surrounded.

Yesterday, in the white house Briefing Room, Jay Carney stood in front of a TV camera and told US that the, “Protests are not directed at the United States.”

Where exactly does one begin.

First of all, calling what is happening in more than a dozen countries, “protests” is a gross understatement.

At best, they are riots.

At worst, they are acts of war.

But “Protests???”

Second, Carney HAS become our version of Baghdad Bob.

If the attacks against our United States Embassies and Consulates, If the burning of our school in Tunisia, If the murders of 2 United States diplomats and 2 United States Navy Seals, If the ripping and burning of United States flags before replacing them with flags of al Qaeda, If the chants of “Death to America” are NOT directed at the United States…

To whom, EXACTLY, are they directed???

At yesterday’s service as the bodies of our fallen from Libya returned, Hillary Clinton made remarks. After remembering Chris Stevens and the others, Hillary than, again, made strong remarks disavowing the U.S. Government having a thing to do with the “movie.”

There is, I believe, a reason for this constant denial regarding the “movie” and the apologetic tone regarding the “movie” from the State Department.

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I have been reminiscing lately, about my childhood, and I have come to the most startling conclusion. IT IS AN ABSOLUTE MIRICLE that I am alive today to reminisce about my childhood!

When I was a kid, the world around us was MUCH more dangerous than it is today.

A few days ago, while watching Elizabeth Warren at the convention, I decided the time was ripe to do something I had, for far too long, neglected.

I read the label on a bottle of recently purchased shampoo.

Along with all the directions, which can only be read with the use of an electron microscope, were the only words clearly visible from space…



My God given common sense has, so far, prevented me from drinking the shampoo.

As fascinating as I found Elizabeth Warren, I left the TV and headed for the bathroom where I started checking OTHER labels.

Did you know that your antiperspirant is ALSO for external use only?

Our hair dryer has a warning on IT too.


Set aside, for a moment, the shocking possibility of being electrocuted and consider…on the moron scale…where one would have to be to believe that, while in the shower, with the water running, one could get their hair dry.

Let’s face facts.

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Weekend Edition: Obama’s American Dream Revealed

Over the last week, at both party’s conventions, there was one common theme.

Well…Sort of common theme.

Let’s say that the title of the theme was the same and leave it at that since that is where similarities ended.

That theme was…”The American Dream.”

Both parties talked about it. Both said they were for it.

It seems however, that they have two very different definitions OF it.

I suggest that to understand the “American Dream,” we need to step back from today’s contentious discourse.

From a literary standpoint, the tear, “American Dream” was made popular in 1931 in a book written by James Truslow Adams but, it’s not the origin of the phrase.

To find its origin as a written or spoken phrase, one must read Ben Franklin’s autobiography.

Clearly though, before something like that can be written, it must be conceived of and it’s quite possible, that concept began with the Pilgrims who longed for a land where they could worship as they saw fit.

America was accessible though far from their homelands, it offered security from their overbearing governments and it was a place from which they could have a new beginning.

It was dangerous. It was uncertain. Why…The trip TO America could kill you. There were no guarantees but there was…opportunity.

Eventually, the government control the Pilgrims had fled caught back up to them and again, rather than charting their own course and their own destiny, those who had sought freedom were again…Subjects.

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Weekend Edition: Eastwood’s Sudden Impact

In life, there are many ways to know when you’ve “made it.”

Mostly it comes with success. Be it success in business or success in politics success is a measure of “making it.”

With success often comes the trappings of success. A nice home, a nice car or maybe the ability to travel at will without caring the cost.

Those are tangible examples of having “made it” but, there are other ways of knowing.

In the world of pop culture, one can also “make it” and not all examples are good.

For some unknown reason, many pop culture icons strive to “make it” through adverse behavior and there are a slew of really bad celebrity mug shots out there proving the point.

Still others “make it” by proving Darwin was right. Case in point:

Timothy Treadwell believe he was one with grizzly bears. A bear enthusiast for years, he went to live with the beasts in Katmai National Park, Alaska in 1990. After 13 years, the Grizzly Manand his girlfriend, Amie Huguenard, who shared his belief that they, and the grizzlies, were on the same page, discovered they were, in fact…Not.

They were killed and mostly eaten by their neighbors gaining them both a Darwin Award.

Treadwell and Huguenard “made it” as urban legends.

Last week, a very unusual occurrence of “making it” occurred. It was not so unusual that this man “made it” but that he, “made it”…AGAIN.

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Weekend Edition: Politics and Social or, Anti Social Media

Over The last few years, one thing has had a most definite impact on politics.

The Tea Party?

Well, yes but…

Obama’s ideology of division?

Well…yes, but…

There is something else. Something bigger than ideologies and bigger than a candidate or a political movement.

It’s social media.

Social media has changed the way we view, discuss and relate to politics.

I’m not just talking about Breitbart although, he did do more to bring social media to the forefront of politics than any other thousand people I know and while his personal impact was too short lived, his residual impact will continue to reverberate and shape the future forever.

I’m talking about garden variety social media and the people who utilize it in the most basic way.

Facebook and Twitter have provided a way to broadcast individual views like never before and just like politics…Social media can bring out the best, and worst in people.

We, as individuals, are able to share our thoughts, ideas, comments, images and yes, our blogs and websites with THOUSANDS of people and it’s real time, live and at times, overpowering.

Think about it. We have watched social media organize uprisings in Egypt, Iran, Syria and in Libya, we watched images and videos of the demise of Gaddafi just moments after he was killed.

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