Weekend Edition: Benghazi – 5 Months Of Treason

“I gave three very clear directives. Number one, make sure we are securing our personnel and that we are doing whatever we need to. Number two, we are going to investigate exactly what happened and make sure it doesn’t happen again. Number three, find out who did this so we can bring them to justice.”

Those are the words of Obama regarding his orders on the evening of September 11th 2012 and the attack on the Consulate in Benghazi.

“Make sure we are securing our personnel and that we are doing whatever we need to.”

This is a claim Obama has made over and over again.

Now…let me take you to the direct testimony, under oath, of Leon Panetta and General Dempsey just a couple of days ago.

SEN. GRAHAM: Your testimony, as I understand it, Secretary Panetta, that you talked to the president of the United States one time.
SEC. PANETTA: I talked to him on Sept. 11 with regards to the fact that we were aware this attack was taking place.
SEN. GRAHAM: One time.
SEN. GRAHAM: What time did you tell him that?
SEC. PANETTA: I think that was approximately about 5 o’clock?
GEN. DEMPSEY: Yeah, about 5 o’clock.
SEC. PANETTA: About 5 o’clock.
SEN. GRAHAM: General Dempsey, did you ever talk to the president of the United States at all?
GEN. DEMPSEY: I was with the secretary when — at that same time.
SEN. GRAHAM: Did you talk to the president?
SEN. GRAHAM: You talked to him how many times.
GEN. DEMPSEY: The same — one time.
SEN. GRAHAM: How long did the conversation last?
GEN. DEMPSEY: We were there in the office for probably 30 minutes.
SEN. GRAHAM: So you talked to him for 30 minutes, one time, and you never talked to him again, either one of you.
GEN. DEMPSEY: Until afterwards.
SEN. GRAHAM: Until after the attack was over.
GEN. DEMPSEY: That’s right.
SEN. GRAHAM: Thank you.

Let that sink in. Read it again if you need to and let it sink in deep.

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Friday Fume

Am I the only one who noticed that Colorado lawmakers didn’t come up with the idea of making GUN MANUFACTURES responsible for GUN VIOLENCE until AFTER smoking pot became legal there???

That’s the sort of week it’s been.

Who would have thought the Brits would have found King Richard III BEFORE WE COULD FIND THE 35 SURVIVORS FROM BENGHAZI????

Yep…It’s been a wild week so how about we all let off a little steam and have a few laughs?

Today is FRIDAY and…

I’m fuming.

   “Facing budget uncertainty — including a continuing resolution and the looming potential for across-the-board sequestration cuts —  The secretary of defense has delayed the deployment of the USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75) and the USS Gettysburg (CG-64), which were scheduled to depart Norfolk, Va., later this week for the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) area of responsibility.”

Well now…Isn’t THAT special?

That leaves us with only 1 carrier and minus 1 guided missile cruiser in the GULF.

Our enemies most certainly are pleased to know that, thanks to their friend, our DICTATOR… We can no longer afford to send our navy to fight against them.


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The Droning of the Constitution and American Citizens

There will be no trial. No due process.

No jury, no attorneys and no questions asked.

The “fundamental transformation” of America continues as Obama has vested in himself, the role of Judge, Jury and Executioner in Chief.

Today, the Dictator will “allow” Members of Congress a peek at HIS drone strategy because, John Brennan will go through his CIA confirmation hearing today as well. It’s an attempt to placate and he won’t be held to it.

The droning of al Awlaki was a trial balloon.

Now, according to a 16 page “leaked” memo, the president of the United States has the authority to kill those he believes to be an al Qaeda leader or affiliate leader in a foreign country.

“…the condition that an operation leader present an “imminent” threat of violent attack against the United States does not require the United States to have clear evidence that a specific attack on U.S. persons and interests will take place in the immediate future. Given the nature of, for example, the terrorist attacks on September 11, in which civilian airliners were hijacked to strike the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, this definition of imminence, which would require the United States to refrain from action until preparations for an attack are concluded, would not allow the United States sufficient time to defend itself.”

According to the above excerpt from the memo, an “imminent” threat does not even have to mean…Imminent.

Given that, does an al Qaeda “leader” mean a leader?

And what, exactly, is an “affiliate” officially?

The problem is, any…ANY president will hold the power of defining “imminent” and “leader” and “affiliate” as well as judging the intent, proximity and anything else including when to push the button to drone the offending party out of existence.

Obama and his henchman, Holder, have taken it upon themselves, sans consent of congress, to invest such immense and easily corrupted power in Obama but, don’t call him a Dictator.

The HELL I won’t.

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Chris Kyle: The Last Thing They NEVER Saw

Over The weekend, America lost a hero.

By now, his death is being cheered by our enemies and already, it has been disgraced by Ron Paul WHO TWEETED: “Chris Kyle’s death seems to confirm that ‘he who lives by the sword dies by the sword.’ Treating PTSD at a firing range doesn’t make sense.”

Navy Seal Chris Kyle was murdered by a former marine. Shot in the back at a gun range.

Ron Paul should be ashamed of himself.

Chris Kyle was the greatest sniper who ever lived and served 4 tours of duty. That is enough to make him a hero but, it simply wasn’t enough for Chris Kyle.

When asked if he had any regrets regarding his service and his activities as a sniper, Chris answered, point blank…Yes.

He said it wasn’t those he dispatched who haunted him but those Americans, Iraqi’s and other allies he was unable to save.

Chris Kyle recorded 160 kills and some, from as far distant as 21 football fields away.

That is 160 insurgents and terrorists who never again killed an American or an Iraqi who either had or was suspected OF aiding Americans.

Let’s not pretend we knew Chris Kyle. Outside his family, his wife, children parents only a handful of others really knew him.

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Friday Fume

From the Dictator’s manifesto to Hillary’s campaign testimony…It’s been quite a week.

Socialists are just giddy over the onset of another 4 years of Imperial orders, Constitution trashing and big government control aren’t they?

The garden variety socialist is now firmly convinced that Obama is gonna buy them all lottery tickets and when they win, they can finally move to the Caymans to get away from the tax hikes they all voted for.

Naturally, they’ll want international calling on their Obamaphones…

Anyway…It’s FRIDAY my Patriot friends so hang on TIGHT BECAUSE…


Well, well…

Yesterday, Neville Chamberlain began his confirmation hearings to become our next Secretary of Appeasement.

How nice.

In his opening statements, Kerry made it clear that he would use all his office’s power to find a diplomatic solution to prevent Iran from obtaining nukes.

It makes one wonder…


Really…Does he honestly believe that the oh-so-rational IRANIANS have ANY interest in taking SUGGESTIONS???

I’ve got some breaking news for the great appeaser…

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Hillary’s 2016 Campaign Off and Running

The amount of crap forced down the one and only toilet at an All You Can Eat Burrito Buffet PALES in comparison to the TURD FEST that spewed forth from Hillary’s testimony before the senate and the house yesterday.

Clearly, in yesterday’s senate and house hearings, there were two objectives.

Socialists on the committees were there to build Hillary’s street cred for a 2016 run at the palace.

Conservatives on the committees were there to get answers as to what happened in Benghazi.

It was, to be sure…Orwellian.

In what could ONLY be described as a BALD FACED ATTEMPT to divert the topic and aid in the cover-up of the Benghazi attack…Dick Durbin ACTUALLY SUGGESTED A HEARING ON WMD IN IRAQ!!!!

Tom Udall took the time to thank Hillary for handing out COOK STOVES to those in impoverished countries.



In fact, the amount of praise heaped upon Hillary between the two hearings was enough to make a maggot barf.

It was also clear there was a great deal of collusion between Hillary and the socialist Members of both committees.

Those with a (D) after their names, regardless of senate or house Members, asked the same questions dealing with almost anything BUT Benghazi and Hillary’s answers to those questions were the same, nearly word for word to the house committee as they were in the senate hours before.

I would be absolutely SHOCKED if Hillary didn’t write those questions herself and distribute them to (D) questioners ahead of time so that the questions would then correspond with her pre-written and well rehearsed answers.

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Friday Fume

If you think YOU had a tough time getting through this week…

At least it wasn’t revealed that YOUR fake girlfriend, who was in a fake car accident and diagnosed with fake cancer and who died a fake death wasn’t real.

Maybe Manti can go on Oprah and offer a fake apology.

Chances are…Nobody’s SUING YOU for doping to win bike races…

See…You’re cheering up already!!!

My friends…It’s Friday and…To paraphrase a great patriot…


Well, well…

129 days LATER, upon hearing of a good place to get a STRAWBERRY FRAPPE…

The head of the FBI has made his way to LIBYA to ask a few questions regarding…

What was it again???

Oh yeah…


Good grief…

FBI Director Robert Mueller discussed the case in TRIPOLI with senior officials, including the prime minister, justice minister and intelligence chief.

Well…THAT should wrap things up huh???

I understand that while Mueller was there…

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Remember the Benghazi 4???

It’s been 4 months since the attacks in Benghazi.

4 months.

How’s the search for the real killers coming?

Well…The only TERRORIST held in connection with the attack has been released from a jail in Tunisia due to a lack of evidence and, one can only surmise that the same lack of evidence is also responsible for keeping the only FILMMAKER who had nothing whatsoever to do with it locked up on federal charges not at all related TO the attack in Benghazi.

Obama, who has, time and time again, vowed to bring those responsible to justice apparently was unable to find a culprit in the golf courses of Hawaii during his recent $6 million dollar vacation which may well be due to the absence of strawberry frappes on sidewalk café menus there.


Ambassador Stevens, Glen Doherty, Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods are still dead.

Hillary Clinton who, reportedly knew a whole lot about what happened and what didn’t has, again, agreed to testify so long as a stomach virus, concussion, blood clot or wine tasting doesn’t interfere with the timing.

Shall we start a pool on the number of times she won’t be able to recall details?

There ARE survivors of the attacks. Those whom Tyrone Woods defied orders to save from the Consulate and those who managed to survive the attack on the CIA safe house.

Where in the HELL are they?

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Haul Hillary In on a Gurney DAMNIT!!!


She didn’t want to testify until her own “internal investigation” was complete.

Hillary wanted her own people to come up with their own facts regarding Benghazi.

“Let us complete our investigation” we were all told. Then, she said, she would have the facts.


Next…She couldn’t testify before a congressional committee because she had…Prior plans.

A wine tasting in Australia.

Oh…But she WILL testify we were all told. They were in the process of completing their “internal investigation.”

After that, Hillary contracted a “stomach virus” which kept her at home.


Then, finally…The “internal investigation” we were all waiting for was finished but, what’s this?

Hillary fell down.

She gave herself a concussion.

She couldn’t testify because she had a concussion but…Don’t worry…She WILL testify we were all told. She will…Just as soon as she’s better.


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Friday Fume

Well my friends…Here we are, staring a brand new year square in the face.

What a year it’s been huh?

52 weeks…52 Fridays…

52 FUMES!!!!!

Since we all made it through the Mayan end of the world, ate far too much between Thanksgiving and Christmas and are now facing the fiscal cliff, higher taxes and more government intrusion into our lives and homes…

We have a couple of choices.

We can either let the pressure build up until we explode or…

We can take a few minutes at the end of the week to let off a little steam and laugh at the socialist idiots.

I choose the latter.

It’s Friday Patriots and…

I’m fuming.

New Year’s Eve just won’t be the same in Brasstown North Carolina this year.

For the past 19 years, the folks there have celebrated by…

LOWERING a ‘POSSUM in a cage from the top of a building and then…SETTING IT FREE IN THE WOODS.

Not any more.

PETA sued them for animal cruelty and put an end to the fun.

So…This year…event organizer, Clay Logan, the owner of Clay’s Corner Store,  says they’re working on a plan.

It could well employ…

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