Benghazi – Lies, Damn lies and Treason

Well, well.

How do ya like THAT?

Tuesday, our Dictator held an impromptu presser and right off the bat he issues THIS simple and UNDENIABLE lie regarding the Benghazi survivors and their absence at congressional hearings.

“I’m not familiar with this notion that anybody has been blocked from testifying. So what I’ll do is I will find out what exactly you’re referring to.”


How do I know this?

Well. For the answer, I would refer you to my article on March 21st, more than a full month ago, entitled, “Benghazi Survivors – Where’s the Damn Movie?

If you have forgotten that article, I suggest you click the link above and refresh your memory.

In that article I stated, “Earlier this week, DC Town Liar, Jay Carney told the assembled press that nobody in this administration was hushing the survivors of the Benghazi attacks.

His exact words were, “I’m sure that the White House is not preventing anyone from speaking.”

Now then…as the topic HAD, most CLEARLY, come up before and, as Jay Carney had most CLEARLY addressed it…

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I’m Waiting…By My Phone…

There’s something I feel I need to get off my chest.

I’m tired of living in the shadows and tired of being shunned by politically correct Members of society.

What I’m about to tell you may come as a shock to some but, nonetheless, it needs to be said. Needs to be told and, I believe, the time is ripe.

Please, sit down.

I’m straight.


That’s right.


I think I’ve known it since I was in kindergarten or the first grade.

That’s when I used to walk Marty Epp home from school. We’d hold hands as we walked across the back playground and crossed the street to her house.

Sometimes, I’d kiss her.

Marty was my first girlfriend.


I have felt, for some time, that I needed to make this statement in order to live a full and open life. I was tired of hiding it and, in today’s society, well…I just wanted to get it out there.

But wait, there’s more…

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Friday Fume

So…This week we’re found that Hillary’s NAME is on the documents DENYING stepped up security in Benghazi…There are those in congress trying to EXEMPT congress from OBAMACARE…And FINALLY…Some in congress are starting to question the 1.6 BILLION ROUNDS OF AMMO purchased by the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND INSECURITY!!!

All of that just scratches the surface of this week’s socialist bottom of the barrel behavior.

Take heart my friends and fellow Patriots…Because today is Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Well, if THIS isn’t the height of HYPOCRISY…I don’t know what is.

Our friends at WSAV channel 3 in Florida tell us that the Marion County School Board, after a 3 year BAN…

Have now brought PADDLING back as a form of punishment for their students!!!

Don’t get me wrong…

Some of those little indoctrinated brats NEED it. Hell…TASE em for all I care but…Here’s what I find…HYPOCRITICAL…

Chew your Pop Tart into the shape of a gun…YOU’RE SUSPENDED!!!

Bring a spork with your lunch…YOU’RE OUTTA HERE!!!


But there it is…Hanging on the wall in the principal’s office and…If you get caught doing something like, oh…I don’t know…PRAYING…

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Debunking the “Truther’s” Truths

I’m waiting for some “truther” to post a video, explaining in detail that the man who lost his legs in the Boston bombing is REALLY the unknown man on the grassy knoll in Dallas back in 1963.

It’s gotten that ridiculous.

I can’t even begin to count the number of “truther” posts and videos I’ve seen in the last 10 days.

They will have you believe that the man whose legs were blown off is actually an actor. That he and a woman next to him on the ground are giving “hand signals” to someone off camera letting them know that the man’s fake dismembered legs are now in place.

What a load of crap.

They use photos taken from a great distance and from high above with little arrows and circles on them…

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Bob Franken Thinks We Have an Allen West Problem

According to Bob Franken, former CNN and current at large liberal pundit,” It was a common thought among people of good will: Please, please don’t let those responsible for the Boston Marathon bombings be Muslims. Unfortunately, it seems that those who carried out the savage attacks were Muslims, giving the people of ill will a chance to renew the intolerant attacks of their own.”

“Allen West, that purveyor of malignant demagoguery who was mercifully turned out of Congress by the voters, is trying to revive his career on a platform of extremism. Boston gave him another opportunity: “Let me be very clear,” he wrote on Facebook. “The terrorist attack in Boston and evolving events indicate we have a domestic radical Islamic terror problem in America.”

To Franken, “people of good will” are those who wanted the bombings in Boston last week to have been perpetrated by ANYONE other than Muslims. Yes, that’s HIS definition of “people of good will.”

Franken also believe that “people of ILL will are those who accept the TRUTH.

Ltc. Allen West certainly doesn’t need ME to defend him. FACTS and TRUTH are squarely on West’s side here and trust me, you don’t need to read each individual item on the list. Feel free to scroll down through it while noting it’s immense size and scope.

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Life in a Post Constitution Amerika

Oh, to be in Watertown…Now that paramilitary Martial Law is here.

Last Friday was indeed a day we should all remember. In Boston and it’s suburb of Watertown, a dangerous man, a terrorist, responsible for the deaths of 3 people and the maiming of more than 170 along with the assignation of a police officer and the severe wounding of another, was running loose.

Nobody knew exactly where he was, where he was hiding.

Boston PD…Watertown PD…DHS…FBI…and police from other towns and other states joined in a coordinated manhunt.

Yes…we MUST remember the day.

Not as much for how it ended, with the terrorist being discovered, hiding in a boat behind the home at 67 Franklin St and then being taken into custody alive…No…Not as much for THAT rather, for how the day unfolded.

THAT is what we must remember.

Throughout the day, people were warned NOT to be on the streets. Not to go to work. NOT to open their businesses.

THAT I can understand…

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Weekend Edition: Boston and the Perverse SHAME of the Left

If The Alphabet media, otherwise known as the Pravda media had but a thimble full of shame in an ocean of what used to be journalistic integrity, they would fire every producer, fire what for them passes as on air talent and completely revamp their approach to news after their embarrassing showing in the wake of the Boston Massacre last Monday.

All the usual suspects from MSNBC, NBC, CNN, NPR, and on and on took part in what has to be THE most shameful display of mass media bias ever perpetrated against the American public.

Here’s Dina Temple-Raston at NPR:

“April is a big month for anti-government and right-wing individuals. There’s the Columbine anniversary.  There’s Hitler’s birthday.  There’s the Oklahoma City bombing and the assault on the Branch Dividian compound in Waco.”

In her shameless mind, the horror of Boston was the result of right-wing individuals celebrating Waco and Hitler’s birthday.

Linda Ginsberg:

“I’ll bet good money it’s a right-wing nutjob. Today is April 15, Boston Harbor was where the original Tea Party took place and the on-going gun-safety legislation makes it the mostly likely culprit.”

Peter Bergen at CNN:

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Boston, Obama and Bill Ayers – How Sincere

Today, the Media will gush and slobber…Drool and get tingles up their collective legs…They will laud their “Dear Leader” the Dictator Barack Hussein Obama and champion each and every warm, gooey utterance as he speaks at a service for those killed and injured in Boston just a few days ago.

They will roll about in his words and remark about the warm “feeling” he gave the nation.

CRAP…FRESH CRAP…is always 98.6°.

Just how sincere is this narcissist?

His minions and useful idiots…Those who voted for him and those who champion “fundamental transformation” of our nation will rub his intonations all over themselves and try to make US believe they don’t stink out loud.

Allow me, for a moment, to be brutally frank.

Shit stinks and he’s full of it.

The Dictator has already been as sincere regarding the terror attack in Boston as he can possibly be.

He’s read his remarks from his teleprompter.

Twice, this festering pile of insincerity has spoken of the attack in Boston and neither time did his voice reflect passion, anger or resolve.

He read that we will find those responsible…

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The TRUTH is More Important Than Feelings

What happened in Boston, a terrorist attack, should serve as a wake-up call to ALL Americans.

Yesterday, at the end of my article, BOSTON MASSACRE – The Table Was Set I placed a graphic image of the Boston terrorist attack.

It came as no surprise to me that I was criticized for doing so.

One woman’s comment read: “That last photo is particularly gruesome–and the man easily identifiable by family or friends. For the sake of decency, either mask the face or remove the photo altogether.”

“The animals behind this strove to inflict optimum injuries and casulties–why give them visuals to gloat over?”

I’m sure she meant no harm with her comment and I certainly don’t hold it against her.

Mask the face?

Nope. Not me.

I will NOT mask the truth, the reality nor the insanity of the attack. No way. That man has friends, family. They KNOW who he is and THEY know what happened to him. He, and they, will deal with it for the rest of their lives and God Bless them and keep them but, to mask his face would be making a faceless person in the crowd of him and those responsible for “setting the table” for that horrific terrorist attack don’t need to see faceless victims.

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The Bean Town bombs were built and detonated with a purpose.

They were not meant to kill but to maim because dead people cannot carry with them, fear…For the rest of their lives.

2 were detonated and possibly up to 5 that did not.

Here’s how it works…The devices are IED’s. Anti-personnel IED’s packed with projectiles that will rip through flesh at or near ground level.

The first bomb goes off at the finish line of the Boston marathon. The crowd gathered is grievously wounded. Dismembered. The 2nd explosion takes place 14 seconds later, about a block behind the 1st. Same effect.

Runners caught in the middle don’t know where to go or where to run.

The streets are instantly flooded with terrified spectators.

First responders rush IN.

Bombs 3, 4, 5? Why didn’t THOSE detonate?

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