The TRUTH About a Shutdown and Why Obama WANTS It!!!

The socialists would have you believe we are at the cliff and republicans are ready to provide a shove thus shutting down the government at which point, the world as we know it, will end.

That is because, to socialists, the only possible way for anyone to survive, is with the life-giving assistance OF the government.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

In fact, the socialist belief that government is THE be all, end all, is laughable but, their view of where we are in relation to the cliff is upside down.

We ARE at the cliff but, the reality of it he that we are at the bottom of the cliff looking up.

Republicans are doing nothing less than trying to hold back the landslide of over burdensome government  from breaking loose and burying us all.

If the government shut down at midnight tonight…

The effect SHOULD be stunningly uneventful to reasonable people while they all watch, in wonder, as socialists run about chirping that the sky is falling.

Non-essential elements of government will go dark.

Essential elements SHOULDcontinue unimperiled.

Should military pay or social security payments suddenly not be delivered, it will be because Obama has, himself, chosen not to issue them.

The simple truth of it is…

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Friday Fume

The inescapable fact that liberals and socialists are BAT CRAP INSANE has been on FULL DISPLAY once again this week.

You just can’t make this stuff UP.

Before we get into the thick of what hit the fan over the last 7 days…

Let me give you a few quick hitters.


Another clear-cut case of ZERO TOLERANCE for COMMON SENSE!!!!!

AL QAEDA TERRORISTS in LIBYA have “STOLEN” hundreds of REAL guns, an undisclosed number of high tech night vision goggles,  and dozens of Special Operations transports armed with machine guns, fragmentation grenade launchers, and STATE-OF-THE-ART…HIGH TECH CLASSIFIED GPS ON-BOARD UNITS!!!


Like kids STEAL candy on HALLOWEEN???




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Gun Control – By Decree or by Treaty

Call it what you will.

The Obama Doctrine.

Agenda 21.

New World Order.

Theater of the Absurd.

The name assigned to it really no longer matters. The actions speak for themselves.

Just 2 days ago, John Kerry signed the U.N. Small Arms Treaty. Yes, he did, He signed it and rather than ink dripping from his pen, it was hypocrisy.

The document signed by Kerry is in direct opposition to a document signed just a week ago by his Dictator boss. THAT document, by executive order, cleared the way for Obama to supply arms to al Qaeda.

Obama gave arms to Mexican drug cartels in Fast and Furious.

He supplied arms to al Qaeda in Libya.

He gifted weapons both large and small to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and now, he has absolved himself, as Dictators are always want to do, from any breach of law, so that he can supply weapons to al Qaeda in Syria.

Think about it for a moment…

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Weekend Edition: Benghazi – 4 Heroes and 15 Cowards

Of all the despicable things.

Of all the unfeeling and undeniably Un-American things…What took place, last Thursday in the House Oversight Committee was both inexplicable and unconscionable.

As the Father of Tyrone Woods and the mother of Sean Smith came before the committee, 15 of the 17 democrats on the committee…GOT UP AND WALKED OUT OF THE ROOM!!!

That’s right…as 2 of the parents of the 4 Americans murdered in the terrorist attacks in Benghazi came to the table to speak and pose their concerns…

All but 2 of the democrats on the committee…stood and walked out of the room.


It was an act so cold and so callous as to usually be reserved for thugs, street criminals and the world’s despots who routinely ignore the plight of their victims and I’m not at all sure the 15 fleeing liberals last Thursday don’t fit neatly into that subhuman conglomeration of filth.

There is no need to try and imagine it.

It happened.

15 representatives of the people, stood and walked out when 2 citizens, thrust into the spotlight by circumstances well beyond their control, approached the committee to testify.

Here is a list of those democrats and, by clicking on each name, you can find their contact information.

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Friday Fume

GEEZ what a week we’ve had.

It turns out that, USIS, the company that DOMINATES the BACKGROUND CHECK industry and got more than $400 MILLION dollars of YOUR money in the last 2 years, is the company that “VETTED” both Ed Snowden AND the DC Shipyard Shooter.


16 year old David Schaffner III remembered he had a hunting/pocket knife on him as he went to his school’s football game. HE WAS HONEST ABOUT IT…HANDED IT OVER TO A SECURITY GUARD AND THEN…GOT SUSPENDED FOR 10 DAYS!!!

It turns out his school has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY ON…HONESTY!!!!

And…While defending the indefensible…OBAMACARE…Obama actually said…“The cost of healthcare is now growing at the slowest rate in 50 years. If the current trends hold … we’re going to see a continuing slowing of healthcare costs. That’s going to boost our exports.”



Another week of liberal/socialist nonsense has drawn to a close and since we could all use a laugh…

It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

So…You remember those…”EXPERT NAVIGATORS” that are supposed to help you and your businesses find your way through this Obamacare debacle???

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Weekend Edition: Kerry is a Genius – “Yeah, That’s the Ticket”


Could John Kerry be any BIGGER of an idiot that he is right now?

The rest of the world is laughing so hard at Kerry and the United States foreign policy right now, that it peed itself.

John Kerry is acting like a 6 year old Neville Chamberlain at this point and somebody needs to send him to his room before he says one more word!!!

Let’s look at how this whole thing got started with Kerry and Syria.

It all started with John Kerry making a MELODRAMATIC speech in which HE made it clear that a MILITARY STRIKE was ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY and that it MUST OCCUR WITHOUT DELAY and, of course, OBAMA WOULDN’T NEED CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL FOR SUCH A STRIKE AND IT COULD, AND SHOULD BE LAUNCHED IMMEDIATELY so as to be the ONLY WAY POSSIBLE to prevent another WMD attack in Syria.

You remember that speech…

That was the John Kerry speech on a FRIDAY, that OBAMA undermined THE VERY NEXT DAY when he THREW Kerry under the Canadian made campaign bus and tossed the ball to CONGRESS to either give or deny approval.

Congress, before THEY got back to DC from their vacations had already gotten an EAR FULL from their constituents telling THEM…”NO WAY IN HELL DO WE HAVE ANY BUSINESS STICKING OUR NOSES INTO SYRIA’S BUSINESS” and it became CLEAR at that point that Obama’s military strike approval was dead in the water.


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Friday Fume

fume 4The AFL-CIO and the SEIU are having a closed door meeting with Obama at the white house today.


First…Obama’s military strike against Syria was going to be DECISIVE…Then…It was gonna be LIMITED…Then, according to Kerry…IT WAS GOING TO BE REALLY, REALLY SMALL and finally, Obama said that OUR MILITARY DOESN’T DO PIN PRICKS!!!!!

This is the administration that’s in a wazoo measuring contest with the guy in Russia THAT KILLS GRIZZLIES WITH HIS BARE HANDS????

And…After 2 socialists LOST in a COLORADO RECALL over GUN RIGHTS…Debbie WHAT’S HER NAME – SCHULTZ blamed it on…VOTER SUPPRESSION!!!!!

Schultz said that,  “ numerous procedural changes to the state’s election laws confused voters. “


It’s been such a week and I don’t know about you but, I’M ready to blow off a little STEAM!!!

Let’s do this…It’s Friday my friends and fellow Patriots and…

I’m fuming.

Well, well, well…

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Benghazi/Syria Connection – A Constitutional Crisis in the Making?

Yesterday, on the anniversary of the dual 9/11 attacks, I connected the dots on Benghazi.

Today, I will connect THOSE dots to Obama’s Syrian debacle in a way that will send chills up your spines.

I believe this runs much, MUCH deeper than the gun running between Benghazi and the al Qaeda “rebels” in Syria.

To do this, I must connect “implied” dots as this administration is in full cover up mode and blocking the truth at every turn but, a circumstantial case CAN be built.

What we are facing, when you connect Benghazi with Syria is a true, full-blown, Constitutional crisis of EPIC proportions.

Now, to plumb the true suspected depths of the looming Constitutional crisis, one must sit down and hang on tightly.

Hillary’s chief adviser during her years as Head of State was Huma Abedin whose family is deeply tied to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Obama’s chief adviser is Valerie Jarrett, an American born in IRAN who, to this day, has ties TO Iran.

Obama’s administration contains no fewer than 6 members of the Muslim Brotherhood…

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Never Forget 9/11 – Remember Benghazi???


The OTHER 9/11.

Here we are, exactly 1 year later and while Obama’s supporters have taken to the streets to demand “JUSTICE FOR TRAYVON” none of them have demanded “JUSTICE FOR THE BENGHAZI 4!!!”

And why not?

Since Trayvon was a thug, a gang wannabe, a thief and a drug user it only seems appropriate that those who adhere to Obama, alphabet media included, are in the corner of the terrorists that killed 4 Americans 1 year ago today.

An attack on Syria, no doubt, was meant to divert attention away from the policies that led to the al Qaeda attacks in Benghazi but, Obama’s plan for Syria has backfired on him in an epic way.

Not only did he NOT get to launch his war before the dual 9/11 anniversary, he managed to hand center stage on the world stage to Putin and Russia in the process.

It is becoming more clear by the day that Obama’s policy towards Syria is directly tied to his failed policies in Libya and it’s going to take 2 articles to illustrate the dire depth of it all but…

First…We need to connect some dots.

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Aiding and Abetting al Qaeda in Sryia is TREASON!!!

Today is September 10th.

Or, to be more precise…9/11 eve.

On the eve of the day we were attacked by al Qaeda, not once but TWICE, I find it beyond disgraceful that our current occupier of the oval office is trying to gin up SUPPORT for bombing Syria and, thus ASSISTING…


We are at war with al Qaeda.

Al Qaeda is our enemy.

Obama is trying, in desperation, to find enough votes from congress to launch an attack on Syria to aid and abet al Qaeda in taking control of yet another country.

It is, in no uncertain terms…


Obama says it will not be another Iraq or another Afghanistan.

Is he sure?

I’ll tell you what it WILL be…

It will be the same situation as it was the last time our government interfered in another country’s civil war.

It will be another VIETNAM.

Has John McCain slipped so far that HE doesn’t remember VIETNAM???

He was held captive there for more than 5 years. He was tortured there.

To this day, McCain is unable to raise his arms above his chest because of his injuries and yet, there is John McCain, willing to start the NEXT Vietnam…

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