Obama Promised Transparency – Robert Gates Delivers!!

Well, now…Retired Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has written a book, “Duty” which will be released within days and IN that book, he lets loose on several things but, the one that is raising the most eye brows, is the revelation regarding both Hillary and Obama and their opposition to the 2007 surge in Iraq.

Let’s get a few things straight here before we delve into the ramifications and the meaning of that bombshell.

First…Robert Gates has served this country through various administrations. He was the Deputy CIA Director for Reagan…The Deputy National Security Advisor and later, the CIA Director for Bush 41…And, the Secretary of Defense for Bush 43…A position he was asked to continue, by Obama.

Gates became the only career CIA OFFICER ever to rise to the level of CIA DIRECTOR and the only questionable activity in his record was due to the Iran/Contra affair but…

In the final report from the Independent Counsel for Iran-Contra Scandal, Gates was deemed, “close to many figures who played significant roles in the Iran/contra affair and was in a position to have known of their activities. The evidence developed by Independent Counsel did not warrant indictment…”

Gates’ service clearly, was driven by patriotism rather than partisanism.

There are those who claim he is doing nothing in this book except grinding an old axe but…

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Weekend Edition: NY Times – Covering (UP) Benghazi – Pt.2

In yesterday’s Weekend Edition, I outlined the desperation of last week’s New York Times attempt to provide cover by reintroducing that lame and false You Tube fabrication for the Benghazi attacks.

I also kicked down the door as to who would have HAD to be involved, why and to what ends.

I went so far as to expose the preemptive nature behind the cover story AND the actions of 8 Democrats in the house.

If you missed it…Have a look at the truly disgusting nature of those who would conspire, collude, commit and cover up acts of TREASON.

But, I said there was more and, there is.

To truly delve into the desperate nature of liberals, Obama, his administration, Hillary and the New York Times…One must fully realize how far the Times is willing to go and why.

Last week, The NY Times released an editorial regarding Benghazi and that You Tube video ass covering story stating: “Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault. The attack was led, instead, by fighters who had benefited directly from NATO’s extensive air power and logistics support during the uprising against Colonel Qaddafi. And contrary to claims by some members of Congress, it was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam.”

The Times didn’t stop there.

Oh…SOMEBODY is TRULY desperate…

Last Thursday, they actually made a claim SO outrageous, SO absurd, that it defies common sense and DEFINES desperation.

As their latest effort at providing some sort of “reasonable” doubt for any upcoming trial of either Hillary, Obama or BOTH was falling apart due to REAL FACTS garnered from SWORN TESTIMONY provided by CIA BENGHAZI SURVIVORS behind the closed doors of the house oversight committee…

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Weekend Edition: NY Times – Covering (UP) Benghazi – Pt.1

Last week, the New York Times garnered publicity by trying to claim that the 9-11-2012 attacks in Benghazi really WERE because of an obtuse, low budget, You Tube video that, essentially, nobody saw.

The fallout was decisive from their inopportune editorial.

Members of congress from both parties quickly derided the opinion piece as bunk, citing evidence gathered via sources under oath from house and senate hearings that pointed directly toward al Qaeda and their affiliate, Ansar al Sharia…al Qaeda by another name.

Many called the NYT piece what it was.

Cover for Hillary’s 2016 ambitions but…

I contend there is more to it than that.

Much more to it than that.

Before I delve into what that much more is, we need to take a quick look at the claims made in the Times.


Here is the direct quote from David D. Kirkpatrick of the Times in that piece:

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If You’re Not OFFENDED…You’re Not a LIBERAL

They are among us.

They walk, sleep, eat and live among us and, at a glance, they look like us but, they are another breed altogether.


You know who I’m talking about.

Certain segments of many different demographics.

Gays, Liberals, Muslims, PETA people, Anti-Gun Nuts, Black people to whom being black is more important than being people, Illegal Aliens, Atheists, Feminists, tree huggers, global warming alarmists…

THEY know who they are…Any group or seemingly unrelated individuals who act in concert while claiming to all be unique…together…

The TERMINALLY offended.

One would think, the way they carry on about this, and that, that they are on the verge of ceasing to fog a mirror should YOUR behavior not change and, change RADICALLY.

A subset of the terminally offended are those who are…

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Morally Bankrupt Budget Screws Our Veterans

In what may well be THE most hideous, shameful action taken by the 113th congress…

A budget bill PASSED in the senate yesterday that KEEPS INTACT, an IRS credit of $4.2 BILLION DOLLARS for ILLEGAL ALIENS while it CUTS pension benefits to RETIRED, WOUNDED MEMBERS OF OUR MILITARY!!!

Livid doesn’t begin to cut it.

For the next 20 years, the retirement cost of living benefits of those who have voluntarily worn the uniform of our nation and were forced into retirement due to the grievous injuries they received while defending OUR freedoms…OUR liberties and those of others in places half a world away are being CUT and, in some cases, those cuts could amount to a total of up to $124 THOUSAND dollars over the 20 years in question.

How in the world those who voted FOR this budget can look themselves in the mirror…Sleep at night or, better yet…FACE A WOUNDED WARRIOR…Is beyond comprehension.

These courageous heroes, men and women, were promised these benefits.

They knew the dangers going in. They faced their duty with the sort of steadfast courage most of us will never know or understand and far, far too many came home with the scars, seen and unseen to now discover that the very government that vowed their duty would be rewarded…LIED to them.

This is OUTRAGEOUS!!!!!

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Friday Fume

My head is SPINNING from yet ANOTHER full week of LIBERAL NONSENSE!!!

You would think I’m making this stuff up but…NOOOOOOOO…

Let’s see…

Some woman in DC managed to get herself LOCKED IN THE BATHROOM at her workplace AFTER HOURS and it took her 2 hours to BREAK THROUGH THE WALL TO UNLOCK THE DOOR!!!

She says she was in TEARS and was SO TRAUMATIZED by it that SHE HAD TO TAKE 2 DAYS OFF!!!

Which raises the question…


On January 1st, some dispensaries in the SOCIALIST REPUBLIK of COLORADO will start selling RECREATIONAL POT but…They’re afraid that a GANJA SHORTAGE WILL KILL THEIR BUSINESS ABOUT A WEEK LATER!!!

That should come as a relief to all Colorado 7-11’s as they’ll need the down time to RESTOCK THE DORITOS AND LITTLE MINI DOUGHNUT RACKS!!!


Joe Biden says he and Obama are NOT exchanging gifts this year.

Probably a good thing really…I mean…

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Liberal’s War on Christmas – AGENDA EXPOSED!

Writes Jeffrey Folks, on page 51 of his 1985 book, The Rough Guide to Yugoslavia, “Religious faiths have experienced a waning of worship.”

Folks was describing the transformation of SOCIALIST Yugoslavia into COMMUNIST  Yugoslavia and, in the communist state…CHRISTMAS had been done away with as a publicly displayed holiday.

One wonders, and rightly so, just how far away WE are from THAT.

Perhaps, a better way of posing the question would be…

How CLOSE are we to it?

While even in a communist country back then, as Christianity or Judaism lived in the hearts and minds of those who practiced the faiths, any outward display of them was subject to neighborhood and government spies and no one wanted to suffer the consequences of being caught with a Christmas tree or a Menorah.

In this country, it’s hard to believe that such things would be possible but, let’s remember, it wasn’t THAT long ago that anyone would have thought someone could have been evicted from their home for flying an American flag.

Today’s home owners associations have been downright commie in their approach to veterans who have proudly displayed the stars and stripes over the last few years and, assorted atheist trolls from states hundreds or, thousands of miles from the scene of the Creche, have raised unholy HELL over THOSE public displays.

In today’s politically correct, agnostic, liberal, secular society, why WOULDN’T we expect to start hearing orders that Christmas lights and Christmas trees in windows will be banned?

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Friday Fume

Gee WHIZ what a week.

We have an 11 year old girl being told by socialists that she CAN’T…SELL…MISTLETOE to help pay for her braces but…IT’S PERFECTLY OKAY TO…SIT THERE AND BEG FOR THE MONEY…

The Department of Energy just blew ANOTHER…$139 MILLION BUCKS on a “LOAN” to FISKER ELECTRIC CARS!!!



Some people are getting’ all bent outta shape because NORAD has SANTA escorted by FIGHTER JETS!!!



My Patriot Friends…Today IS Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Let’s start with this…

Yesterday, we heard of a 33 year old teacher from Texas who was GUNNED DOWN and KILLED in…


This comes on the heels of the 80 something year old VETERAN who was jailed in NORTH KOREA a couple of weeks ago.

Remember those 2 “hikers” who were held in IRAN a couple of years ago???


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Barack HUSSEIN Obama – Islam’s TROJAN HORSE!!!

When you look at a number of Obama quotes, there are some things that should come as no surprise.

 “We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world — including in my own country.”

“Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.”

“These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.”

“I made clear that America is not – and never will be – at war with Islam.”

“Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism – it is an important part of promoting peace.”

Need I continue?

Yes…I believe, to make the point crystal clear…I do.

“That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t. And I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”

“Throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.”

“Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality”

Are you starting to get the picture?

Maybe THESE quotes will help…

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Obama “DEALS” Israel to the Brink of War

The die has been cast.

Saturday night, Obama announced the signing of a “deal” with Iran that he claims will slow down Iran’s nuclear dreams and one that will lead to a permanent, rather than a 6 month deal.


This “DEAL” is nothing but a speeding UP of Iran’s ambition to destroy Israel and Obama knows it.

In this “DEAL” Iran will reap BILLIONS of dollars…from the United States and and the European Union and all they have to do is “promise” to behave themselves.

They will be allowed to CONTINUE their uranium enrichment program and there is only 1 reason for them to want to enrich uranium past 3.5%…

TO BUILD A NUCLEAR WEAPON and, there is only 1 reason IRAN wants a nuclear weapon…


Short of preemptive strikes against Iran, which should have been carried out YEARS ago, sanctions against the terror sponsoring Islamic nation shout have been TIGHTENED to the point of STRANGULATION…NOT eased back.

According to Obama, congress should not be considering increased sanctions because, “doing so would derail this promising first step, alienate us from our allies, and risk unraveling the coalition that enabled our sanctions to be enforced in the first place.”  

By this “DEAL,” Iran is “required” to neutralize its stockpile of near 20 percent enriched uranium, and halt progress on its enrichment capacity and not enrich any more uranium over 5 percent.

They will NOT adhere to this but…

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