Bumper-Humper Terrorists and the Liberal Media

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

osu-1“America, stop interfering with other countries, especially the Muslim Ummah. We are not weak… By Allah, we will not let you sleep unless you give peace to the Muslims. You will not celebrate or enjoy any holiday.”

Those words were among the last written by Somali “refugee” Islamic terrorist, 18-year-old Abdul Razak Ali Artan, on his Facebook wall.

He also wrote…“Every single Muslim who disapproves of my actions is a sleeper cell, waiting for a signal. I am warning you Oh America!”

And yet…liberals from the halls of congress, to the media’s 4th estate, to twitter just couldn’t, for the lives of themselves, find a motive for what that 21st century college student with a 7th century mentality did on the campus of Ohio State University.

Regarding those motivation baffled liberal buffoons…

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Our Vets are Getting Screwed…AGAIN!

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Once again, the Obama regime is screwing our Veterans and this, like so many other screwings, is beyond the pale.vet-1

In California, more than 10,000 Veteran Members of the National Guard, are being told by Obama’s Pentagon, to return their reenlistment or signing bonuses because the National Guard there, over payed them.

Back in or around 2006, at the height of both the war in Iraq and the one in Afghanistan, the Pentagon needed more volunteers and so authorized signing bonuses or reenlistment bonuses, and to entice both, the Guard in California payed out well above the numbers made officially available, to garner new recruits or retain Veterans.

In fact, according to the L.A. Times…

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Hillary’s Connection to the Iran “Deal”

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

Hillary Clinton, who had more than a hand in the murders of 4 Americans in Benghazi, as trea 1she and Obama were running weapons illegally from al Qaeda linked “rebels” in Libya to al Qaeda linked “rebels” in Syria, and who cleared the way for al Qaeda linked Libyan “rebels” to provide security in Benghazi when she drew down and removed our own security teams there, can now add another name to her death toll.

Shahram Amiri.

Mr. Amiri was the inside man in Iran who had been providing that Islamic country’s nuclear data to the United States.

Mr. Amiri had made the horrible mistake of placing his trust in the Obama regime which, of course, included one Hillary Clinton.

Hillary, as we are all well aware of, had her own secret server and her own private email account on that server which for most of her reign of espionage and treason at Foggy Bottom was kept in her home in Chappaqua but later resided in a bathroom at the offices of her own private IT guy, Bryan Pagliano.

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Kerry Said It, He Believes It, and He’s an Idiot

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

ser 1My fellow Patriots…

Today, I would like to insert a bit of common sense into two seemingly divergent topics recently brought to our attention in the oddest of ways.

Trust me, this needs to be addressed in the most serious way I know how and address it I will.

The topics at hand are the religion of global warming, its splinter sect, the religion of climate change and the ever-so-popular religion of peace.

While these two cults wouldn’t seem to have anything to do with one another, I assure you all that the two do indeed intersect and that intersection can be found somewhere between the empty head of one, John Kerry and his southernmost orifice in which the former resides.

According to John “Lurch” Kerry…

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Setting Personal Ideals Aside

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

dead 1We still have a 2 party system in this country, but they are no longer the democrat and Republican parties. What we have now is the party of treason, free crap and socialism vs the party of complete capitulation.

As I suspected, the GOP has rolled over and gone hooves up, capitulating to the Trumpers rather than taking a stand based on our Constitution and instead of finding a way to nominate a true Conservative, one who stands for what the Grand Dead Party USED to believe in, they have succumbed to being ready to nominate a liberal as their candidate for the highest office in the land.

As for the party of treason and all that comes with it…they have managed to find their perfect candidate…one who has committed treason, will advocate stealing from those who have worked long and hard for what they have in order to give it to those who have done everything but, yet feel entitled to other people’s station in life…one who has committed espionage and yet, because of HER station in life, is immune from the sort of consequences the rest of us would face for such actions…and one who will do absolutely nothing but continue the failed and miserable policies of her predecessor.

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Unless We Get it Right…There Will be More Orlandos

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

Before the dust had settled, and while Orlando’s survivors were still in operating lan 1rooms…before the bodies had been removed or identified from the Pulse nightclub…Obama ran to the nearest microphone to issue his warped and perverse statements.

Obama spewed the following bits of crap from his pie hole…

He said it was too early to know the “precise motivation” of the shooter.  “We have no definitive assessment on the motivation.”


That it was really our fault, because we haven’t put in place enough gun control laws to have stopped what happened in Orlando. Obama said, of what had transpired in Orlando that it was, “a further reminder of how easy it is for someone to get their hands on a weapon that lets them shoot people in a school, or a house of worship, or a movie theater, or a nightclub.”

And then he followed that up with this, regarding the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community and the national attitude toward them…

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It Was NOT a Mass Shooting, It Was an Act of War

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

50 Americans were killed and 53 more wounded early Sunday morning, at a nightclub by a suspected Islamic terrorist.orl 1

It was a bloodbath.

It all started at 2am and it ended some 3 hours later when a police SWAT team killed the killer…one Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, a US citizen from Port St. Lucie, Florida.

It was Paris all over again but this time, it was in Orlando Florida.

The Islamic murderer, Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, was 30 years old and born in the U.S. of parents from Afghanistan. According to the FBI, in the early hours of the investigation, it has been ”suggested” that the killer had “leanings” toward radical Islam.

It has also been stated by law enforcement that this murderer was well prepared and well organized both of which also “lean” toward some radical Islamic involvement as the “religion of peace” or what I call the ideology of hate, death, destruction and genocide, is well known for having produced “how-to” instructions for any who care to carry out such an attack.

Yesterday, both Hillary Clinton and Obama stepped up to the nearest microphone to once again, go after gun owners and advocate for more gun control telling the nation that the event in Orlando highlights just how easy it is for Americans to get guns and that “we must decide if that is the type of country we want to be.”

Well…here’s the problem…

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Trump’s Incoherent, Obama-Esque Foreign Policy

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

Just a couple of days ago, Donald J. Trump gave his first big speech on foreign policy taz 1where he had promised to name the names of the best and brightest who would be advising him. In fact, he made that promise on Morning Joe…just a few short hours before giving the speech.

He didn’t name a single advisor. Not one. Zip…zilch…zero.

It wasn’t that naming names just slipped his mind…because the entire speech was read from a teleprompter. Had there been names to name, as Trump had promised…those named names would have been in the teleprompter for Trump to name…or read…but they weren’t, because they don’t exist.

This is something Trump would have known before his appearance on Morning Joe…that he didn’t have any names to name, but he said he would name them.

Oh my…

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Trump – Unfit to Serve…Part 2 of 2

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

Yesterday, in “Trump – Unfit to Serve…Part 1 of 2” I outlined several recent events and dic 1Donald Trump’s reactions to them while also touching upon Trump’s more generally known characteristics of being narcissistic, arrogant and demeaning.

But to really, truly grasp the inner workings of Donald Trump’s mindset, which is more psychosis than mindset, we most look at other character traits he possesses.

While Trump’s followers applaud these traits, and excuse them as being not politically correct, others don’t care for his behavioral traits, are annoyed by them, or are repulsed by them. It has been well-known for some time that Trump’s unfavorable ratings were quite high but just a couple of days ago, new polling suggests that his unfavorable ratings have now reached 70% which is historically, a record high since this data has been compiled dating back to 1992.

Before I provide some of Trump’s more basic characteristics, it should also be noted that although Trump is currently the front runner in the 2016 Republican race, his numbers are the lowest since 1980 which, as you will soon see, plays a vital role in his behavior.

Everybody, it seems, has an opinion of Donald Trump, and like him or dislike him…his basic traits are the linchpin which guides all of our feelings toward him.

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