Weekend Edition: As ISIS Expands, Obama Shrinks

tnp eagleThe mainstream media is soft-selling one thing and propagandizing another in an attempt to distract Americans from Obama’s disastrous agenda and I, for one, am sick of it.

On the propaganda hard-sell side we have Ebola.

Right now, the mainstream media is whipping up fears of some mass outbreak of Ebola in the United States, flooding the news with tales of a “POSSIBLE” pandemic and issuing “warnings” of what MIGHT happen.

IF the virus were to MUTATE…Katie bar the door…PANIC!!!

And worse yet, there are people who are buying into it and even going so far as to urge Americans to flee big cities and run away into the country to avoid it.


Ebola is not an airborne virus and the only way to contract it is via direct contact with the bodily fluids of someone already infected with it. COULD it mutate? Yes. WILL it mutate? Maybe but it would take a long, LONG time for that to happen and as the mainstream media is eager to pass along, several people have recently come INTO the United States with what could POSSIBLY be Ebola but, what they DON’T want you to know is that other than the one doctor and the one nurse now in isolation in Atlanta…NONE of the other Ebola suspects actually HAD or HAVE Ebola. NONE of them but that doesn’t feed the panic dog now, does it?

It wouldn’t provide Obama with the much needed distraction from HIS disastrous doctrine in the Middle East…would it?

As long as people are busy looking at the shiny Ebola ball over HERE…nobody will care WHAT is happening over THERE.

That’s where the SOFT-sell comes in.

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Conservatives, Let’s Get Our PRIORITIES Straight

solve 1Well, thank GOD that all our LITTLE insignificant problems as a nation have been resolved. Honestly, they were getting a bit annoying.

You know, thinks like our soaring national debt…all $18 TRILLION dollars of it and rising. Pesky really. But apparently, that’s been fixed so there is NOTHING more to worry about in that regard and may I just add…it’s about damn time.

GAS prices must be on THEIR way down which also means that nobody will have to worry this coming winter about the cost to heat their homes as the cost of electricity must also be dropping.

How’s your 401k doing?

Last week’s nose dive doesn’t mean a thing. Just because the Fed may stop artificially propping up the stock market and driving inflation up but…no worries.

Aren’t you glad that Obamacare finally got fixed? Admit it…YOU getting tired of seeing the same old doctor and having the same old insurance you’ve had for years? I know I was but now…BOY oh BOY…we have new and improved GOVERNMENT mandated health insurance to take the place of that old crap we USED to have and I, as a guy, am just GIDDY that for the first time in my life…MY visit to the gynecologist will finally be covered…after I pay my whopping deductible that is but hey…I’m resting better NOW than I did BEFORE Obamacare and I’m willing to bet YOU are too.

Darn good thing we don’t have any problems down on the southern border huh? Could you IMAGINE what things would be like if it STILL wasn’t secure down there? Why…ILLEGAL ALIENS might still be thinking they could waltz into our country any old time they liked but…not today.

We SOLVED that nuisance problem didn’t we?

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Weekend Edition: ‘Palestine’s’ PR Campaign for Genocide

tnp eagleIt has not just been happening in France and London. Anti-Israel protests have taken to the streets around the world…even in one particular place that should know better.

Much better.

Such protests have been held in Germany. GERMANY…the past home of NAZI GENOCIDE against the Jews.

Equally disturbing are the protests…pro Palestine…ANTI Israel…that are taking place across our own country from NY to California, from Florida to Washington State.

Are people really this stupid? Are there really people, around the world in places like Scotland, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Spain and so many more that are as damn stupid as are the liberals in San Francisco, Chicago, NY City, Seattle and other cities?

The answer is yes. They’re out there and between the masses of them, one would be hard pressed to discover a single working brain cell.

Let me explain this as simply as I can…

By supporting ‘Palestine’ and condemning Israel…these marching morons are, IN FACT…supporting TERRORISTS.

In marching for ‘PALESTINE’ they may as well be marching to save the unicorn from extinction.

Here’s a hint for the brain dead…there is no such thing as a unicorn and…there has never, in the history of mankind, been a country of Palestine nor have there been, historically, any such people as the Palestinians.

If you are marching up and down the streets of cities around the world claiming that Israel has “OCCUPIED” Palestine…you are supporting a myth. Pure fiction. An imaginary people and an imaginary country.

You are idiots making fools of yourselves.

I’ll get back to the myth of Palestine after a bit but there are other FACTS that need to be entered into the record first…

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Beware of Liberal Wolves Dressed as Shepherds

real 1When it comes to the next two elections, November 2014 and November 2016, we…as Conservatives, MUST get our priorities in line or we will not only lose those elections…we’ll lose this country.

When I say ‘priorities’ I mean our platform.

Simply put, we win on policy and we WILL lose on social issues.

I know there are some Conservatives out there reading this who will say I’m off base and that’s okay…they’re dead wrong.  They are entitled to their opinions but if they want to take this country back…back from liberals and their warped ideology of socialism leading to communism and back from the abyss of big government control of our lives and businesses and back from the brink of global disaster…They need to understand exactly what the real problems this nation faces ARE.

Right now, our southern border is wide open. Illegal aliens are flooding in by the hundreds of thousands and tens of thousands of those illegal aliens are children. Tens of thousands of them are infested with contagious diseases and Obama has our military acting as baby sitters while our agencies, originally put in place to protect our border are being tasked with being the taxi service that disperses these illegal aliens throughout OUR country rather than sending them back to THEIR countries.

It’s illegal. It’s human trafficking being carried out by our own government and it is a gross violation of our Constitution.

This is not a social issue…

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Weekend Edition: Obama – American Agent of Islam (Part 2)

tnp eagleYesterday, in part 1 of this 2 part series, I clearly defined Obama as a Muslim and the meaning of his coded message, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

If you missed that article, I would advise you to read it by clicking here before proceeding with THIS article.

Currently, we are aghast at what is transpiring in Iraq as ISIS, runs with brutal barbarism through a country that 4500 members of our military died to liberate and thousands more were wounded in as Obama raises money for the DNC and plays rounds of golf in California and while aghast, we should not be at all surprised.

What we are witnessing is what I have called before…the Obama doctrine and make no mistake; his true legacy will not be compiled in the annals of America rather, in the annals of Islam.

ISIS is the ‘Islamic State of Iraq and Syria’ and they wouldn’t be in any position today to expand their barbaric reach from their roots in Turkey were it not for their AAI…’AMERICAN AGENT of ISLAM’…Barack Hussein Obama and his six year doctrine.

From the time Obama set up shop in our white house, he has categorically aided this caliphate scenario and to hold any hope of change in “fundamentally transforming the United States of America”  as I outlined yesterday, he MUST have a caliphate in place in the Middle East.

Obama told our enemies from his first days in office exactly when he would remove all traces of the United States military from Iraq.

He has done the exact same for our enemies in Afghanistan.

He said Qaddafi must go from Libya and to aid that occurrence, Obama supplied al-Qaeda terrorist “rebels” with weapons.

Obama said Mubarak must go from Egypt and backed the Arab Spring to see that it happened. Once gone from power, Obama backed the Muslim Brotherhood and as their defacto agent…AAI (American Agent of Islam) placed THEM into power.

Obama has said that Assad must go from Syria and to help that take place, he has been arming al-Qaeda “rebels” there.

The Obama doctrine has a singular purpose on the world stage…

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For Tea Party – – Politics WIN, Social Issues Lose

unite 1Under the ‘leadership from behind’ of Barack Hussein Obama, the world is going to hell in a handbag. The decline is staggering and we’re witnessing the downfall on both a global and national scale.

Given the dire state of things now and the even MORE dire consequences to come, I am amazed at what some from both sides of the political aisle believe to be our greatest threats.

Our founders and framers entrusted to us, their future generations, the greatest nation ever created and I believe they would be aghast at what it’s become…at what WE’VE become and how even we Conservatives plan to fix this damned mess.

Domestically…as a nation we are approaching $18 TRILLION dollars in the hole. $18 TRILLION dollars in debt and while our founders and framers knew we would need to borrow money from time to time, they also understood the need to pay off our national debt. That is one of the key reasons they set up our government to be a small, LIMITED government so as to leave as much money in the pockets of the people as possible and not burden them with the debts incurred by government.

Right now, as things stand, our great, great grandchildren wouldn’t be able to pay back today’s national debt if we quit our deficit spending here and now and we most clearly can’t depend on our economy to save us. Not now. Not under Obama’s ideology of entitlements being traded for votes.

In the first quarter of this year, after 5 full years of Obama steering the economic train…

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(Good) Friday Fume

fume 1

This weekend is a weekend of great faith for Christians and Jews the world over and a time when we should all be celebrating as our traditions allow.

It’s Easter.

It’s Passover.

It is a time when our faiths bring us together…when the new and the old testaments find some common ground and a time, whether Jewish or Christian, to celebrate new beginnings.

For liberals and socialists however…

It’s not exactly the same sort of weekend.

Friends and Patriots…grab your eggs and GIRD YOUR LOIN ROASTS because today is Good Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Well, Easter weekend is upon us and up to now, the Easter message has always been clear. That’s where the REVEREND AL “I was FOR the mob before I was AGAINST the mob” SHARPTON comes in.

According to not-so SHARPton…

“I think the message is, that no matter what the world may do to unfairly, no matter how you’re crucified, nailed to the cross at home, or in your personal relationships, or on the job, that you can rise if you don’t lose yourself during the hard times and the challenges.”

The blathering moron then went on to draw a direct parallel between CHRIST THE SAVIOR and…

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Obama – From the 2008 “Messiah” to a 2014 Pariah

mess 1Think back to early June of 2008…Almost 6 years ago.

The only thing missing from Obama’s nomination coronation in Denver was the white donkey he was to have ridden into the arena that night.

Look at him now.

A shell of his former glory.

Women used to pretend to faint at the mere sight of him.

Socialists with microphones used to claim tingles were running up their collective legs.

Young Americans were dancing in the streets.

In the black community, you could hear the echoes of “Free at Last, free at last.”

Obama promised the most transparent administration in history. He was to have been the great uniter. Obama, the Constitutional law professor claimed he would preside by the rule of law and not by the pen.

His wife was finally proud of her country.

Barack Hussein Obama was the liberal’s messiah.

And now? Well…

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Enemies Foreign and Domestic – TYRANNY is TYRANNY

henry 1Yesterday, I outlined the transparent nature of this regime’s ploy to force upon the people a single payer, 100% socialistic healthcare system and, at the end of that piece I stated, “I for one would rather go down fighting to get my country back with my life on the line than to submit my life to the hands of a GOVERNMENT that will decide whether I live or die and, I believe that is exactly what the founders and framers intended.”

In 1775, an incomparable Patriot stood tall and delivered perhaps THE most poignant speech ever directed at men of political standing.

Patrick Henry was addressing tyranny perpetrated against We the People by the British monarchy and whether or not we should succumb TO it or fight to the death against it.

I submit to you that should you simply remove the references to the British and their King and replace them with your choice of “liberals, progressives, or socialists and Obama…Patrick Henry could just as well have been addressing TODAY’S tyrannical regime in Washington.

It doesn’t matter whether the enemy is foreign or domestic…


I ask you to read those words, poignant in his day and equally timely today with the Obama regime in mind and all their desires from socialismcare (Obamacare) to rule by an executive order pen and the liberal/socialist demands to remove our 1st and 2nd Amendment protections.


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Friday Fume

It’s been yet another week of unbridled, lobotomized, liberal lunacy and they don’t show any signs of slowing down.

Before we jump into the shallow end of this week’s gene pool, let’s have a look at a few quick hitters.

Get a load of THIS…

The FCC now wants to have GOVERNMENT GOONS in NEWSROOMS from sea to shining sea.

Do you suppose MSNBC will even notice or, are they sprucing up a corner office with a wet bar?

How about THIS one?

The Department of Energy has been monitoring a New Mexico repository for nuclear waste for signs of…Radioactivity.


What’s next?

Monitoring gym lockers for signs of smelly socks???

And…Kayla Michelle Finley of South Carolina had to spend a night in JAIL a few evenings ago because she was ARRESTED for FAILING TO RETURN A MOVIE SHE HAD RENTED…9 YEARS AGO!!!

The movie was “Monster-in-Law” starring Jennifer Lopez and JANE FONDA!!!



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