I’m Waiting…By My Phone…

There’s something I feel I need to get off my chest.

I’m tired of living in the shadows and tired of being shunned by politically correct Members of society.

What I’m about to tell you may come as a shock to some but, nonetheless, it needs to be said. Needs to be told and, I believe, the time is ripe.

Please, sit down.

I’m straight.


That’s right.


I think I’ve known it since I was in kindergarten or the first grade.

That’s when I used to walk Marty Epp home from school. We’d hold hands as we walked across the back playground and crossed the street to her house.

Sometimes, I’d kiss her.

Marty was my first girlfriend.


I have felt, for some time, that I needed to make this statement in order to live a full and open life. I was tired of hiding it and, in today’s society, well…I just wanted to get it out there.

But wait, there’s more…

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Bob Franken Thinks We Have an Allen West Problem

According to Bob Franken, former CNN and current at large liberal pundit,” It was a common thought among people of good will: Please, please don’t let those responsible for the Boston Marathon bombings be Muslims. Unfortunately, it seems that those who carried out the savage attacks were Muslims, giving the people of ill will a chance to renew the intolerant attacks of their own.”

“Allen West, that purveyor of malignant demagoguery who was mercifully turned out of Congress by the voters, is trying to revive his career on a platform of extremism. Boston gave him another opportunity: “Let me be very clear,” he wrote on Facebook. “The terrorist attack in Boston and evolving events indicate we have a domestic radical Islamic terror problem in America.”

To Franken, “people of good will” are those who wanted the bombings in Boston last week to have been perpetrated by ANYONE other than Muslims. Yes, that’s HIS definition of “people of good will.”

Franken also believe that “people of ILL will are those who accept the TRUTH.

Ltc. Allen West certainly doesn’t need ME to defend him. FACTS and TRUTH are squarely on West’s side here and trust me, you don’t need to read each individual item on the list. Feel free to scroll down through it while noting it’s immense size and scope.

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The TRUTH is More Important Than Feelings

What happened in Boston, a terrorist attack, should serve as a wake-up call to ALL Americans.

Yesterday, at the end of my article, BOSTON MASSACRE – The Table Was Set I placed a graphic image of the Boston terrorist attack.

It came as no surprise to me that I was criticized for doing so.

One woman’s comment read: “That last photo is particularly gruesome–and the man easily identifiable by family or friends. For the sake of decency, either mask the face or remove the photo altogether.”

“The animals behind this strove to inflict optimum injuries and casulties–why give them visuals to gloat over?”

I’m sure she meant no harm with her comment and I certainly don’t hold it against her.

Mask the face?

Nope. Not me.

I will NOT mask the truth, the reality nor the insanity of the attack. No way. That man has friends, family. They KNOW who he is and THEY know what happened to him. He, and they, will deal with it for the rest of their lives and God Bless them and keep them but, to mask his face would be making a faceless person in the crowd of him and those responsible for “setting the table” for that horrific terrorist attack don’t need to see faceless victims.

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Is Gun Control a Distraction? LOOK, a SQUIRREL!!!

There are signs that the socialist bed wetters are becoming even more desperate and the “gun control” debate is fast becoming their barometer.

The pressure is rising.

In the wake of Newtown, the Dictator vowed to use all the power of his office not to let the crisis go to waste and, with pint-sized props standing behind him, he signed 23 Empirical Orders to decree some “measure” of “gun control.”

Nearly all of his “orders” were feckless.

Since then, he has taken every opportunity to stand on various stages, complete with human props, to extoll “gun control” and demand passage of unconstitutional measures. He even made it a key focus of his Hate of the Union speech and yes, he had props in the gallery for that too.

Sandy Hook Children…The Sandy Hook Children’s Choir,…Sandy Hook Parents…Aurora survivors…Cops…You name em and they’ve been useful puppets for the regime.

Now, little by little, the message has been changing.

Sure, the Dictator continues to criss-cross the country at $180,000/ hour but now he’s just PRETENDING to demand passage of a “gun control” bill.

Even HE knows it’s not gonna happen despite flying 11 Newtown parents back to DC on Air FARCE One to lobby senators.

So…Why all the push?

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Gun Ban Poster Boys and Girls – BUSTED!!!


What Mr. Gabby Giffords has a bad week…He really has a BAD week.

First, he had to pull his daughter’s dog from a sea lion pup on the beach. No…The sea lion didn’t survive and yes…It WAS all caught on video…


Mark Kelly isn’t going to get his gun.

You will remember, just a couple of weeks ago, Mark Kelly was photographed at a Tucson gun store, just a day or so after his holier-than-thou testimony AGAINST buying guns and AFAINST the 2nd Amendment in Denver, filling out paperwork to purchase a Sig Sauer M400 5.56mm rifle, a semi-auto AR-15 style weapon.

Once THAT image went viral, Mr. Giffords had to quickly walk it back on CNN telling us all that he only did it to prove how easy it was to pass a background check and buy a weapon AND that he would turn it over to the cops as soon as he had it in his possession.

Well, as you may well remember…

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Benghazi Survivors – Where’s the Damn Movie?

“The only people that don’t want to disclose the truth, are people with something to hide.”

Earlier this week, DC Town Liar, Jay Carney told the assembled press that nobody in this administration was hushing the survivors of the Benghazi attacks.

His exact words were, “I’m sure that the White House is not preventing anyone from speaking.”


According to Sen. Lindsey Graham, “I’ve had contact with some of the survivors. Their story is chilling. The bottom line is, they feel that they cannot come forward. They’ve been told to be quiet. And at the end of the day, we can’t let this administration or any other administration get away with hiding from the American people and the Congress people who were there in real-time to tell the story.”

The idea that some 3 dozen people made it out of that situation alive and have not uttered a single peep about what happened on September 11th 2012 is very telling.

Not one has gone to the press. Not one has told a Member of congress that they are willing to testify.

Not one.

Their names are unknown.

Their whereabouts are unknown.

And their reasons for their silence can be guessed.

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The Department of Homeland Security tells their border agents to run and hide if gunfire breaks out.

According to Brandon Judd, Tucson Local 2544/National Border Patrol Council, “We are now taught in an ‘Active Shooter’ course that if we encounter a shooter in a public place we are to ‘run away’ and ‘hide.’ If we are cornered by such a shooter we are to (only as a last resort) become ‘aggressive’ and ‘throw things’ at him or her. We are then advised to ‘call law enforcement’ and wait for their arrival (presumably, while more innocent victims are slaughtered).”

Okay…Got that?

They are to run and hide and as a LAST resort…THROW things at the shooter.

Remember that as you read on as it WILL become even MORE disturbing…Shortly.


We have DHS telling US that in case of an office intruder we should…

Grab up a pair of scissors or hide under our desks.

Now then…Just as I asked you to keep in mind the border agent’s instructions…Also…Keep THIS in mind.

I do hope you’re sitting down.

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Weekend Edition: Calling a Spade a Spade

So…They DIDN’T release 500 ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMINALS onto the streets and into the cities?

They being, the Dictator’s administration.

They Didn’t release 500 Illegal Alien criminals. Well…THAT’S good…wait…what???

It wasn’t 500…IT WAS 2000???????

Yes…2000, maybe a few more…ILLEGAL ALIEN…CRIMINALS…were released by this administration onto our streets and into our cities.

Because of a “sequestration” that hadn’t even happened yet.

They were turned loose before…BEFORE..sequestration became reality but, it’s okay…They have to report in…They’re being “monitored” and when they have another court date…THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO JUST WALK RIGHT BACK INTO THE COURTROOM AND PRESENT THEMSELVES.


We KNOW whose dumber than a box of rocks idea “sequestration” was. Woodward cleared THAT up. “Sequestration” is OBAMA’S lame-assed idea. Yes, Republicans and socialists all agreed TO it BUT, the idea itself came directly from the OVAL OFFICE and guess who signed it last?

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Godfather Politics and the Obama Mafia

So far, 500 illegal alien criminals have been released in Arizona and there are plans to release at least 10,000 in several states.

These are criminals who have robbed stores, homes, people, assaulted Americans, broken into stores, businesses and homes.

This is a clear attempt to cause danger, possible injury and in the worst cases, death of Americans, these criminals have been turned loose on our streets.


Oh, don’t fret, they are all “on methods of supervision less costly than detention. All of these individuals remain in removal proceedings,” according to Gillian Christensen, mouthpiece for DHS.

So…what exactly does THAT mean?


They are required to call in, check in, some may be wearing ankle tracers and ALL have been told that when they have a court date, they need to show up.

Well…Considering that these are…ILLEGAL ALIENS…How do YOU think THAT’S gonna work out?

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Friday Fume

The Mayans had NOTHING on the DICTATOR when it comes to the end of the world predictions huh?

The SKY is falling, we won’t be able to land PLANES…The cops won’t be there after you need them, teachers won’t be able to indoctrinate your kids…

Joe Biden says “Buy a SHOTGUN…BUY A SHOTGUN!!!” Just take it out on the balcony, like he has instructed HIS WIFE to do and FIRE A COUPLE OF ROUNDS INTO THE AIR!!!

Ummm…Not only would you then be OUT OF AMMO and have to RELOAD while the BAD GUYS ARE COMING FOR YOU but…


In case you haven’t noticed…YOU’RE not safe…YOUR FAMILY is not safe…EVEN YOUR PETS AREN’T SAFE from the MORONS running amok in this country but…

Before we all go screaming into the night we could use a laugh couldn’t we?

It’s Friday my friends and…

I’m fuming.

Oh My GOD!!!!!!

From the “Lucky He Wasn’t NEUTERED in The Act” Files…..

ILLEGAL ALIEN, Tomas Bautista, a 40 YEAR OLD…Has Been ARRESTED in Broward County for…

Oh geez…

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