Crap We Learned in 2018

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Okay…its 2019…a new year full of new possibilities and new opportunities, and it’s time to look back at some of the crap we learned in 2018.

While liberals continue to pee themselves over Hillary’s loss in 2016, and spew their socialist collective hatred at President Trump, and at Conservatives…desperately trying to take both down…we Conservatives continue to wallow about in all the winning our country is experiencing.

The real difference between liberals and Conservatives as we begin a new year, is nothing new…as Conservatives, we love our country…liberals don’t…and while we actually learn from things related to last year…liberals just never seem to get a grip on reality.

So…here we go…crap we learned last year…

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Too Many Liberals…Not Enough Squirrels

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last Tuesday, at Orlando International Airport, is where an unidentified passenger tried to take something onto a plane, and the airline told the woman…no way.

The woman was about to fly from Orlando to Cleveland on a Frontier Airlines flight and in a small tote, she had something that the airline told her she could NOT keep on board.

To be fair, the woman, when she paid for her ticket online, did add that she would be traveling with…a support animal. People travel with support animals all the time. Some people have emotional support dogs…others have, perhaps, an emotional support cat.

Whatever the case…most airlines allow most support animals to fly with their emotionally needy people, but…when this woman got on board, and the Frontier Airline flight attendant saw her emotional support animal…she was told that she could not…no way, no how…remain on the plane with an emotional support…

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It Will Happen Again

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Federal gun laws prohibit anyone who has been committed to a mental health institution against their will or adjudicated “mentally incompetent” from legally purchasing a firearm. Anti-gun liberals need to know this because David Katz, the Jacksonville murderer, legally purchased not one, but two handguns within the last month in Maryland.

A clinical history of psychological issues does not preclude someone from buying a gun.

It should.

And medical records pertaining to a history of psychological issues are considered private, protected patient information.

They shouldn’t be.

David Katz had a long…

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The Method to Liberals Madness

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The liberal collective in this country would have you believe that the greatest threat faced by children today, is being shot, and while that may hold water on the streets of Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit or a number of other urban areas run for decades by the liberal collective…it simply isn’t true.

The number one cause of death for teenagers in our country is car crashes, with more than 4000 teens getting killed while texting and driving every year.

The liberal collective wants to ban guns from law-abiding citizens to end mass shootings in our schools, where any given student, on any given day, has a 1 in 614 million chance of being shot, but…

There hasn’t been a single call for, or march against, smart phones in the hands of our nation’s youth.

In fact…

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A Manufactured March for Madness

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last week, anti-2nd Amendment kids from Parkland, Florida were on the cover of Time Magazine. Sporting grim faces, and issuing their collective statement, “Enough.” It was in stark contrast to their smiling faces seen in group photos taken on their way to various events over the past month, where they seemed to be almost giddy over their new found 15 minutes of fame.

What we actually have here, is a disingenuous group of teens, fronted by their disingenuous defacto teen leader, David Hogg, and being propelled by liberals who are hiding behind these children to push their unconstitutional assault against the 2nd Amendment.

The kids are nothing but willful, narcissistic shills, wallowing about in propaganda induced fame that’s as fake as the news coverage provided them by the mainstream media.

Last Saturday, those shills held an event called…

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Things Liberals Don’t Want to Talk About

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The 24/7 news cycle has not been kind to liberals, even though liberals, for the most part, are in control of it…but for those who actually pay attention to what is happening out there in the big old world…it’s what liberals aren’t talking about that is creating a deafening silence.

Let’s start with the latest school shooting.

No, not the one in Parkland, Florida last month, although that is the only one liberals, and their propaganda arm, the mainstream media WANT to talk about…it’s the shooting in Maryland that has fallen into the mainstream media’s cone of silence.

ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, MSNBC and various other mainstream media outlets are still dry-humping the Parkland shooting because it fits their anti-2nd Amendment agenda and narrative. Those sources of fake news are still crowing over the student walkouts, and anti-2nd Amendment protests while their comrades in the halls of congress continue to demand a virtual end to the 2nd Amendment via legislation.

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Who, or What is Really to Blame?

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last week, students around the country walked out of their classes to protest what they believe to be a lack of gun laws in this country.

Yes, I know that the students claimed they walked out of classes to pay their collective respects to the 17 students and staff who were murdered a month ago in a Parkland, Florida high school, but let’s not kid ourselves here…

Students from coast to coast saw this as roughly a half an hour that they wouldn’t be sitting in their assorted classrooms, and their “teachers,” who in many cases, promoted the walkout, saw it as some sort of affirmation that their indoctrination techniques were working.


Yes, really, and here is exactly how one can tell…

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Liberals Going Whole Hogg Against Our Rights

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

So…last week, there was a nationwide student “walkout” in protest of the NRA because of the shooting in Parkland Florida. Also last week, we saw several national companies pull their support of the NRA over what happened in Parkland Florida.

How quaint.

It doesn’t matter one bit to those students, or to those companies what the truth is, or what the facts are…they’re just jumping on a mainstream media driven bandwagon that’s heading for an abyss with no brakes.

The mainstream media, liberal/socialist narrative is…guns are bad…guns kill people…the NRA is all about gun ownership and therefore…the NRA is responsible for the murder of 17 people in Parkland Florida.


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The Cure for Liberal Conundrum Syndrome

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Personally, I am so glad that I’m a Conservative. There are so many, many reasons for my state of giddiness over it I hardly know where to begin, but I suppose one of the main reasons for my glee, is that I don’t suffer from a particular mental illness that afflicts a growing number of liberals.

To be certain, it’s reaching epidemic status, and I’m reasonably sure that the Centers for Disease control are trying to work up a vaccine to ward it off…but…judging by their success rate in combating the flu…

I’m not holding my breath.


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The Liberal Gun Control Agenda – 10 Hard, Cold Truths

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Following last week’s shooting at a high school in south Florida, the requisite liberal responses, were rubber stamped and ready to go.

We’ve heard all of this politically correct, politically expedient nonsense before.

Liberals always seize on such horrific events to make their abject hatred of our 2nd Amendment rights heard, never letting a crisis go to waste. First and foremost, liberals, in their never-ending quest to eliminate our rights, blame the gun, tell us we must do something to “solve the gun problem” and then proceed to place the blame on anything, or anyone other than the slime that pulled the trigger.

People are dying every day at the hands of those who shouldn’t have guns on the streets of some of our nation’s most well-known cities…

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