The 2nd Amendment – History vs The Myths

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

There is an ongoing debate in this great country over our right to keep and bear arms. Perhaps you’ve heard about this. It’s been in the news for a long time.

There are those amongst us…liberals…who believe that our right to own guns should be taken away, and that such a move would end all of the problems related to people shooting other people. It wouldn’t, but they seem to want us to believe it would.

What that would do however, is render the American people incapable of two things…protecting themselves against others who intend to do them harm…and protect themselves against a tyrannical government that intends to do them harm.

I think we all know what liberals, who intend to make this a socialist country which would be but one short step from a communist country are thinking. No citizenry can be overtaken by such tyranny if they happen to be armed to the teeth…but an unarmed citizenry would be a pushover.

On the other hand…

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The Misguided Millennial Miscreants of Marxism

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Gary North once said, “Socialism is simply Communism for people without the testosterone to man the barricades.”

Gary North is an American paleolibertarian writer, Austrian School economic historian, and leading figure in the Christian reconstructionist movement, and he has either authored or coauthored more than fifty books on topics including Reformed Protestant theology, economics, and history. He is also an Associated Scholar of the Ludwig von Mises Institute.

Yeah…I had to look it up too and I discovered that the Ludwig von Mises Institute is named after Austrian School economist Ludwig von Mises because it promotes teaching and research in the Austrian School of economics and Misesian views on social and political philosophy.

The Ludwig von Mises Institute that is by coincidence named after some Austrian economy nerd Ludwig von Mises, and teaches Austrian economics is located in…nope…Auburn, Alabama because nothing conveys the true intellectual fineness of Austrian economics quite like a slow, southern drawl.

Even though Gary North is right, never mind him and instead, remember what Ronald Reagan once said…

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Gilroy, El Paso and Dayton: The Untold Truths -Part 2

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last week, in the wake of mass murders in Gilroy, California, El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio, President Trump said, “Mental illness and hatred pulls the trigger, not the gun.” Naturally, that had liberals, especially those running for their party’s 2020 presidential nomination boiling mad.

Liberals were fit to be tied because they know he’s right, and because that line of thinking is in direct opposition to the liberal agenda of relieving law abiding American citizens of their rights under the 2nd Amendment, and of their decades of preaching that the guns themselves, or other factors opposed to their agenda are the problem.

Liberals don’t want to address the real issue where such acts of violence are concerned, and there’s a damn good reason why they don’t want to address those things. Doing so would produce a two-fold detriment to the liberal agenda…fund raising would suffer, and such introspection would expose and destroy a major plank in their platform.

Let’s look at fundraising first.

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The Speed of Liberal Predictability

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The speed of light is measured in a vacuum at roughly 186,000 miles per second. That is blindingly fast, and according to Einstein, nothing can exceed that speed.

It should be noted that Einstein never met today’s liberals.

Today’s liberals have come as close as anything known to man to matching that velocity in a very interesting way.

The speed of liberal predictability.

Nearly a week ago, some 19 year old piece of absolute crap went on a rampage at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in Gilroy California firing shots into the crowd and leaving 3 dead, and about a dozen wounded. At a garlic festival, of all places. Who in the hell shoots up a garlic festival?

That was last Sunday evening, and then, at the speed of liberal predictability…

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On Private Militias and Their Future

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!!           By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori/ Right Side Patriots on American Political

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”the all-important Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.


Recently, so-called “private militias” have become a hot-button issue of contention for those who simply do not understand the true nature of militias and why they are desperately needed in these trying political times. And while “private militias” existed long before the framing of our Constitution as well as their having played an important part in our nation’s founding, this article is not about the history of American militias per se as their history can be easily “googled,” but it is about why “private militias” are today not only gaining in numbers both start-up and membership wise, but why they can and must be accepted as robust defensive adjuncts to help aid our country’s state defense forces…forces more commonly known as SDF, state military, state guards, state militias, or state military reserves…and why it has become so imperative to address the numerous other rolls “private militias” can play in today’s America.

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Gun-Free, Target-Rich – By the Numbers

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Living in a world full idiots is one thing. Living in a world run by abject idiots is something else altogether.

By now, we all know how liberals feel about guns. They detest them. They don’t want you to have them, and if you do have them, liberals don’t want you to be able to keep them, and they demand that you get them registered so that they will know where  you and your guns live, thus making it easier for liberals to come and get them.

There’s a second reason for why liberals want you to register your guns. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if they intend to create a gun owner website…like the sex offender websites…where good lilt liberals can visit to see where not to buy a house, and where bad little liberals can map out which houses to rob.

A couple of weeks ago, some liberal jackass walked into the municipal building in Virginia Beach, Virginia and opened fire killing 12 people.

There was something special about that building too…

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An Apology to John…A Legend in His Own Mind

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It was only a matter of time before celebrities started weighing in on what happened in New Zealand., and it didn’t take long.

Last Monday, singer John Legend opened his pie-hole and told us that President Trump, “needs to apologize for demonizing Muslims.”

Legend had more to say…“He needs to apologize for demonizing brown people who have tried to come here and have a better life. He characterizes their desire to come here and work and feed their family as an invasion.”

On the off chance that you thought this was it…that his diatribe ended there…think again…

“When people of such influence and such stature are endorsing such a hateful, evil ideology, it emboldens those who will go out and do something really evil and nasty, like what happened in New Zealand. We need the president to speak out against it.”

Oh…there’s more…

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Liberal BS and the Farting Cows of Doom

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The liberal agenda is all BS. 100 percent, absolute, undeniable bullcrap…and I believe that I can prove it.

Honestly, I don’t give a happy damn what plank from their agenda you care to bring up…I can show you how liberals have taken both sides of the issue when it suits them…and many times, they take both sides at the same time.

Sure it’s tricky. You have to be accomplished, pathological liars to do it. You have to be the absolute definition of hypocritical to pull it off, and you must, and I mean MUST have no shame…but we’re talking about liberals here so…

It goes without saying that liberals hate President Trump, and they hate Conservatives who support President Trump. Liberals also hate opinions that not fall into line with their own opinions.

Liberals hate religion, law enforcement, guns…people who own guns and large sodas.

The list of things liberals hate is far too long to compile here, but suffice it to say…liberals are indeed a hateful bunch and yet, they portray themselves as…

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Liberals…Victims of Their Own Desperation

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Liberals are growing more desperate by the day, but the desperation didn’t start yesterday. In many cases, it is hard, if not impossible to pinpoint the nexus of desperation. Most often, desperation is a progression between cause and effect…it is something that sets in over time, and circumstances.

That is not the case with the sort of liberal desperation we are seeing, and let’s be honest in this…we can trace the nexus of it to a specific point in time, and a specific event.

The sort of liberal desperation we see day in and day out now, the desperation that is growing more convoluted by the day if not by the hour had a very specific moment of origin.

The date was…May 3rd, 2016…

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The Sad State of the 4th Estate…Part 1

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

A Kentucky catholic school has issued an apology to a group of native Americans for “mocking” them at an event a week ago at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. but if you ask me, it is the native Americans who owe those students the apology.

According to the diocese, the students might face expulsion.

In issuing a joint statement, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Covington and Covington Catholic High School apologized and stated that they are investigating, and will take “appropriate action, up to and including expulsion.”

Naturally, liberals and the Pravda mainstream media seized on the event to scream “racism” because some of the students were wearing “Make America Great Again” hats, and their socialist collective outrage was focused on one particular student, Nick Sandmann, who stood there, smiling, as native American, Nathan Phillips, a 64-year-old man stood about six inches from the student…beating a drum, and chanting.

If all it takes for a catholic school, and their diocese to issue an apology and threaten to expel their students is an absurd claim by liberals…then it is the school and their diocese that should lose the support of their community.

Here’s what really happened…

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