Friday Fume

Am I the only one who noticed that Colorado lawmakers didn’t come up with the idea of making GUN MANUFACTURES responsible for GUN VIOLENCE until AFTER smoking pot became legal there???

That’s the sort of week it’s been.

Who would have thought the Brits would have found King Richard III BEFORE WE COULD FIND THE 35 SURVIVORS FROM BENGHAZI????

Yep…It’s been a wild week so how about we all let off a little steam and have a few laughs?

Today is FRIDAY and…

I’m fuming.

   “Facing budget uncertainty — including a continuing resolution and the looming potential for across-the-board sequestration cuts —  The secretary of defense has delayed the deployment of the USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75) and the USS Gettysburg (CG-64), which were scheduled to depart Norfolk, Va., later this week for the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) area of responsibility.”

Well now…Isn’t THAT special?

That leaves us with only 1 carrier and minus 1 guided missile cruiser in the GULF.

Our enemies most certainly are pleased to know that, thanks to their friend, our DICTATOR… We can no longer afford to send our navy to fight against them.


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An Apology to Gun Control Advocates


I feel like such an absolute fool.

All of this time…All the articles I’ve written regarding the insanity of “gun control” and imagine…ME…upholding the 2nd Amendment the way I have.

Should I APOLOGIZE to “gun control” advocates?

Friends, Patriots…Lend me your…eyes…


I was hopelessly and completely misguided in my belief that assault weapons did not pose the danger socialists seem to believe they do.

THANK GOD I have been set straight.

And by none other than…


After all, nobody understands the danger as well as Jackson.


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Hypocrites Shooting Off Their Mouths on Gun Control

Oh the hypocrisy.

Media Matters has been pushing “gun control” for some time now and, as the Daily Caller discovered, its founder, David Brock has an ARMED BODY GUARD!!!

Some staffer, a former Brock aide, Haydn Price-Morris, used to carry a Glock and, at times, a shotgun, to protect Brock but, the problem begins because the hyphenated bodyguard never had a conceal/carry permit.

I say BEGINS because…the hyphenated thug carried in Washington DC and in California where, as it turns out, he committed several FELONIES by possessing the weapon.


Now then, David Brock…FAR be it for me to cast aspersions regarding one’s mental health but this guy, Brock, has for YEARS struggled with mental health issues and has for YEARS claimed that he has been targeted by right wing assassins.

Brock, it seems, is one loud noise away from hiding under Randy Quaid’s couch cushions in Canada.

Quaid, as you may remember, is ducking criminal charges in the U.S. by trying to live in Canada because, he says, Hollywood Star-Whackers are trying to kill HIM.

But I digress…

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2nd Amendment Crusade – 2016 Strategy

As I outlined in yesterday’s Weekend Edition…NOW is the time WE must take a stand. Obama’s gun grab agenda IS the rally point for the 2014 midterm elections and he MUST be stopped.

The ONLY way he can bring FULL socialism to this nation is to REMOVE the citizen’s right to keep and bear arms, render the 2nd Amendment null and void and then…the rest of our rights will come under assault.

Socialists have been at this for DECADES and they are now, closer than ever before, to full assimilation turning the Republic into a socialist based system.

Obama’s “Fundamental Transformation” is at hand and WE must get serious.

We CAN have the same effect on the 2014 midterm as we did in 2010 but…WHAT HAPPENED IN BETWEEN???

The opportunity to remove the Dictator from office presented itself in November 2012 but, WE missed it.

How then, do we avoid the same missed opportunity in 2016?

By recognizing the error and NOT doing the same thing again.

I have been told, many times, that I preach to the choir.

True enough for, the socialists have no interest in listening to any plan other than their own.

Rather than a choir, for the sake of this article, let’s call it an orchestra.

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Weekend Edition: 2nd Amendment Crusade (Pt 2)

Neither Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Feinstein nor any of the rest of the socialist ilk in Washington give a damn about your safety or the safety of your children.

In yesterday’s Weekend Edition, we pointed out what we’re up against as Patriots when it comes to the assault on the 2nd Amendment.

That assault didn’t start yesterday or 4 years ago.

It began with the introduction of socialism into the highest levels of our government and Woodrow Wilson. Over the decades, socialism has progressed, grown and now, it is not just knocking at the door, it’s trying to kick the door down.

I believe, at the heart of it all, IS the assault on the 2nd Amendment.

Why the 2nd?

Of the 27 Amendments to our Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the 2nd is the growling, snarling dog patrolling the perimeter fence.

Socialists want to pull the dog’s teeth thus, infringing on your God Given right to protect your liberty.

Of all the Amendments spelled out in the Bill of Rights, the 2nd is the ONLY one to include the words, “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.”

Our founders and framers well knew the danger to the republic should the amendment which protects all others, be infringed.

The poorest states in America are all run by liberals.

The poorest cities are all run by liberals.

Every high crime city in America is under the control of liberals.

Think about that.

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Doin’ the Dictator Limbo

We have been told that elections have consequences.

Indeed they do.

Therefore, they also carry unintended consequences.

Yesterday such an unintended consequence reared it’s conservative head in the state of Virginia.

There, where the state senate was all tied up…20 conservatives – 20 liberals…One senator ducked out for a political moment.

Senator Harry Marsh, giddy at the prospect of another 4 years of the Dictator’s rule, dashed off to DC to sing, dance, spike the football and presumably, imbibe in beverages of an adult nature at the Dictator’s coronation.

Party on Senator.

In his gleeful absence, Virginia conservatives quickly put forth and passed, redistricting.

Based on the consequences of the 2012 election, the new districts will give the Virginia Senate a 26 – 14 majority of CONSERVATIVES.

There will be a great deal of socialists with their collectivism panties in a wad over this but, like the guy who jumps from the stands to streak across the field of play before getting blasted from his feet by an athlete who packs the punch of a freight train, they should have seen this coming.

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Friday Fume

If you think YOU had a tough time getting through this week…

At least it wasn’t revealed that YOUR fake girlfriend, who was in a fake car accident and diagnosed with fake cancer and who died a fake death wasn’t real.

Maybe Manti can go on Oprah and offer a fake apology.

Chances are…Nobody’s SUING YOU for doping to win bike races…

See…You’re cheering up already!!!

My friends…It’s Friday and…To paraphrase a great patriot…


Well, well…

129 days LATER, upon hearing of a good place to get a STRAWBERRY FRAPPE…

The head of the FBI has made his way to LIBYA to ask a few questions regarding…

What was it again???

Oh yeah…


Good grief…

FBI Director Robert Mueller discussed the case in TRIPOLI with senior officials, including the prime minister, justice minister and intelligence chief.

Well…THAT should wrap things up huh???

I understand that while Mueller was there…

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Oh To Be an Obama Youth As Decrees Are Signed

Yesterday, there were 2 school shootings. 1 at a business school in St. Louis where a man opened fire on a finance officer and then himself…Both are expected to survive and the other, at a community college in Hazard Kentucky where a man opened fire in a parking lot killing 2 and injuring a child. That attacker may have turned himself in to the local police.

Obama is responsible for both shootings.

I’ll explain that later.

Today, the Emperor will surround himself and his dictatorial rule with the most egregious of human shields.


As the Emperor announces the measures he will decree upon the formerly free citizens of his kingdom, he will have around him children who have supposedly written to him, begging him, in his wisdom, to subvert the Constitution.

Because guns, on their own, kill mostly children in gun free zones, the Emperor will take pen to paper and issue his control…

On behalf of the children.

Law abiding people MUST be subjected to grander control and law abiding people must NOT be allowed THEIR God given rights.


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