Weekend Edition: IRS – Obamacare and the “Scandal”

As the IRS “scandal” continues to unfold, there are some things that have not widely been brought to light and among them is the direct recipe for tyranny.

I’ll get to that shortly.

First though…

As I noted last week, there is a direct tie between the IRS and Obamacare and now we know it’s even more dire than we thought.

The woman in charge of the Cincinnati IRS office while all the targeting of Conservative groups and individuals was going on was, Sarah Hall Ingram, who served as commissioner of the office responsible for tax-exempt organizations between 2009 and 2012….


That is simply beyond coincidence BUT…NONE of the targeting was…Partisan.

We also now know that IRS Exempt Organizations Division director Lois G. Lerner, the woman who issued the IRS apology for targeting Conservative groups and individuals is married to, Michael R. Miles, a partner at the law firm Sutherland Asbill & Brennan.

So what?

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I’m Waiting…By My Phone…

There’s something I feel I need to get off my chest.

I’m tired of living in the shadows and tired of being shunned by politically correct Members of society.

What I’m about to tell you may come as a shock to some but, nonetheless, it needs to be said. Needs to be told and, I believe, the time is ripe.

Please, sit down.

I’m straight.


That’s right.


I think I’ve known it since I was in kindergarten or the first grade.

That’s when I used to walk Marty Epp home from school. We’d hold hands as we walked across the back playground and crossed the street to her house.

Sometimes, I’d kiss her.

Marty was my first girlfriend.


I have felt, for some time, that I needed to make this statement in order to live a full and open life. I was tired of hiding it and, in today’s society, well…I just wanted to get it out there.

But wait, there’s more…

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Friday Fume

So…This week we’re found that Hillary’s NAME is on the documents DENYING stepped up security in Benghazi…There are those in congress trying to EXEMPT congress from OBAMACARE…And FINALLY…Some in congress are starting to question the 1.6 BILLION ROUNDS OF AMMO purchased by the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND INSECURITY!!!

All of that just scratches the surface of this week’s socialist bottom of the barrel behavior.

Take heart my friends and fellow Patriots…Because today is Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Well, if THIS isn’t the height of HYPOCRISY…I don’t know what is.

Our friends at WSAV channel 3 in Florida tell us that the Marion County School Board, after a 3 year BAN…

Have now brought PADDLING back as a form of punishment for their students!!!

Don’t get me wrong…

Some of those little indoctrinated brats NEED it. Hell…TASE em for all I care but…Here’s what I find…HYPOCRITICAL…

Chew your Pop Tart into the shape of a gun…YOU’RE SUSPENDED!!!

Bring a spork with your lunch…YOU’RE OUTTA HERE!!!


But there it is…Hanging on the wall in the principal’s office and…If you get caught doing something like, oh…I don’t know…PRAYING…

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Bob Franken Thinks We Have an Allen West Problem

According to Bob Franken, former CNN and current at large liberal pundit,” It was a common thought among people of good will: Please, please don’t let those responsible for the Boston Marathon bombings be Muslims. Unfortunately, it seems that those who carried out the savage attacks were Muslims, giving the people of ill will a chance to renew the intolerant attacks of their own.”

“Allen West, that purveyor of malignant demagoguery who was mercifully turned out of Congress by the voters, is trying to revive his career on a platform of extremism. Boston gave him another opportunity: “Let me be very clear,” he wrote on Facebook. “The terrorist attack in Boston and evolving events indicate we have a domestic radical Islamic terror problem in America.”

To Franken, “people of good will” are those who wanted the bombings in Boston last week to have been perpetrated by ANYONE other than Muslims. Yes, that’s HIS definition of “people of good will.”

Franken also believe that “people of ILL will are those who accept the TRUTH.

Ltc. Allen West certainly doesn’t need ME to defend him. FACTS and TRUTH are squarely on West’s side here and trust me, you don’t need to read each individual item on the list. Feel free to scroll down through it while noting it’s immense size and scope.

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Life in a Post Constitution Amerika

Oh, to be in Watertown…Now that paramilitary Martial Law is here.

Last Friday was indeed a day we should all remember. In Boston and it’s suburb of Watertown, a dangerous man, a terrorist, responsible for the deaths of 3 people and the maiming of more than 170 along with the assignation of a police officer and the severe wounding of another, was running loose.

Nobody knew exactly where he was, where he was hiding.

Boston PD…Watertown PD…DHS…FBI…and police from other towns and other states joined in a coordinated manhunt.

Yes…we MUST remember the day.

Not as much for how it ended, with the terrorist being discovered, hiding in a boat behind the home at 67 Franklin St and then being taken into custody alive…No…Not as much for THAT rather, for how the day unfolded.

THAT is what we must remember.

Throughout the day, people were warned NOT to be on the streets. Not to go to work. NOT to open their businesses.

THAT I can understand…

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Friday Fume

Okay…It’s been a tough week. With the events in Boston, West, Texas…Storms, flooding…all sorts of things…We’ve all been a little on edge.

Our thoughts, prayers and hearts go out to all who have been affected by the week’s horrible events. Really.

But rest assured that while all that was going on, we, at The National Patriot, were watching the off-the-front-page socialist insanity too.

Patriots…Today is a day to do what we must in order not to go out of our minds. Today, we must LAUGH!!!

Friends…It’s FRIDAY and…

I’m Fuming!!

Let me get this straight…

Connecticut passes a 138 page, 4000+ bullet point “GUN CONTROL” bill and now…THE 2ND AMENDMENT NEVER EXTENDED TO PRIVATE CITIZENS TO BEGIN WITH???

Remember those ZOMBIE attacks DHS has been preparing for? I’m guessing that’s in case things get out of hand in CONNECTICUT!!!

According to a WORKSHEET passed out in a Connecticut Middle School…

“The courts have consistently determined that the Second Amendment does not ensure each individual the right to bear arms. This means that the rights of this amendment are not extended to the individual citizens of the states. So a person has no right to complain about a Second Amendment violation by state laws.”


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NY Starts Burning the Constitution TODAY!!

Well…Apparently I am an “extreme fringe conservative” and I suspect I am not alone. In fact, I KNOW I’m not alone.

I’m in good company.

Our founders and framers started the club so I am far from being a charter Member.

James Madison, “extremist” that HE was penned the Bill of Rights but, what was WRITTEN by Madison, presented to the 1st United States Congress and adopted by the House in 1789 and then ratified by a vote of 2/3 of the states in 1791 was actually endowed us by the Creator.

God then is also an “extreme fringe conservative.”

That is the term now being used by New York Governor Andrew Cumo in referring to those who believe as the founders and framers that the government has no business whatsoever, regulating guns.

Oh…That pesky 2nd Amendment.

STARTING TODAY, TAX DAY or as I like to call it…GOVERNMENT MANDATED ROBBERY DAY…New York will limit the number of bullets in an ammo magazine and reclassify a number of guns as “assault” weapons.

Those who OWN such newly reclassified weapons are now required, by law, to register them.

Uh huh.

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Is Gun Control a Distraction? LOOK, a SQUIRREL!!!

There are signs that the socialist bed wetters are becoming even more desperate and the “gun control” debate is fast becoming their barometer.

The pressure is rising.

In the wake of Newtown, the Dictator vowed to use all the power of his office not to let the crisis go to waste and, with pint-sized props standing behind him, he signed 23 Empirical Orders to decree some “measure” of “gun control.”

Nearly all of his “orders” were feckless.

Since then, he has taken every opportunity to stand on various stages, complete with human props, to extoll “gun control” and demand passage of unconstitutional measures. He even made it a key focus of his Hate of the Union speech and yes, he had props in the gallery for that too.

Sandy Hook Children…The Sandy Hook Children’s Choir,…Sandy Hook Parents…Aurora survivors…Cops…You name em and they’ve been useful puppets for the regime.

Now, little by little, the message has been changing.

Sure, the Dictator continues to criss-cross the country at $180,000/ hour but now he’s just PRETENDING to demand passage of a “gun control” bill.

Even HE knows it’s not gonna happen despite flying 11 Newtown parents back to DC on Air FARCE One to lobby senators.

So…Why all the push?

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Weekend Edition: Oh…You’re OFFENDED???

If you’re intolerant of those who refuse to open their minds to the extent their brains fall out…If YOU are easily offended on behalf of others when you, yourself have nothing to be offended over…If you walk into a room and count the number of people who look like YOU vs those who DON’T and, if YOU think everybody should think the way YOU do because YOUR ideology is for “INTELLECTUALS…”


I’ll also bet you’re a registered Democrat who ascribes to the idiot-ology of socialism.

If I’ve offended you already…GOOD…You deserve to be.

I’ve checked…

I’ve read it over and over again.

I have consulted specialists.

I have studied it 8 ways from Sunday and guess what?

There is NOTHING…

ANYWHERE in our Constitution that says that YOU nor I for that matter…

Have the right to NOT be offended.

Suck it up cupcake…YOU’RE NOT THAT SPECIAL!!!!!

If you see a cross, an image of Jesus, a nativity scene or a hear a prayer and you don’t subscribe to Christianity…

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Friday Fume

Let there be no doubt that the asylum is being run by the inmates.

While we HAVE made it to the end of another week, we are by NO MEANS nearing the end of socialist idiotic buffoonery.

Now, we COULD just hunker down in a corner and cry into a blanket but, as always, I take a different approach. I say we find a way, every week, to LAUGH at the insane behavior of those out to destroy us through their moronic behavior.

Yes, today IS Friday and I hope that YOU will take a few minutes to join me in keeping sanity alive.

I’m Fuming!!

Oh yeah…THIS is gonna work.

In an effort to get tough with North Diarrhea, John, “I Hate America” Kerry is trying to pressure CHINA into doing something about it.

Can’t ya just hear him begging?

“Come ON!!! I took YOUR side of things in Nam now…SUCK IT UP AND GET ME OFF THE HOOK HERE!! We’ll borrow more money from ya! We’ll forget about the hacking stuff. PLEEEEEEEEASE???”

The problem over there is Dennis Rodman’s best friend. That waste of a sperm cell is THREATENING EVERYBODY INCLUDING THE U.S. AND SOUTH KOREA!!!

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