Is Obama’s Criminal Regime Facing Collapse?

dist 1Things are happening. Many things, stupid things, nonsense things and they’re happening at a rapid pace. Note of these things needs to be taken.

The BLM standoff at Bunkerville from which the BLM and this absurd federal administration had to retreat with their collective tails between their legs.

Harry Reid calling those who stood to defend a rancher…”Domestic terrorists.”

The mainstream media at the prompting of the lapdog NY Times trying to label Bundy a racist though the full tape of the interview proved that selective editing can do wonders for propaganda and no minority who knows Bundy personally or has worked for Bundy has come forward with anything but praise for the man.

In Bundy’s case, the race card failed again.

Donald Sterling tapes surface and the press becomes enchanted all over again. This time they have a racist but, it soon becomes front page news that he’s a long time idiot and everybody already knew he was racist.

So much for that.

John Kerry makes perhaps THE most damaging remark yet to our relationship with America’s only real friend in the Middle East or, at least as damaging as Obama’s insipid remarks a couple of years back regarding how Israel should give ground and return to their completely indefensible pre-1967 borders.

Now, Lois Lerner’s attorney wants to talk to the house committee as she faces arrest for contempt.

Violence is ramping up…

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Staring Down the Barrel of the Liberal’s Total Control Agenda

agenda 1Over the past several days, I have written many articles surrounding the situation at the Bundy Ranch and the creeping nature of federal land grabs which have taken place over many decades. Today, I will show you how these recent events directly tie in with the core liberal/socialist agenda and ideology.

What you are about to read is stunning and not at all unexpected as the truth is about to be exposed.

To understand the dire nature of what we are experiencing under the current regime, one must first look at where and when the full court press to socialism and its ultimate goal of communism came from.

The first thing Clinton did when he assumed the oval office was to put Hillary ( a very possible 2016 presidential candidate) in charge of trying to socialize the healthcare industry. That was a miserable failure because, coming off the Reagan era, America hadn’t received the necessary prodding to accept socialistic change. Things were good and people were satisfied with their upward mobility.

The economic collapse, the recession, started toward the end of Bush 43’s second term and since then, liberals and socialists have been all too quick to point the finger of blame directly AT George W. Bush. Too quickly because, that collapse, that recession came at the collapse of the housing bubble and economists have widely insisted the housing crisis was indeed the cause of the recession.

It was the Dodd/Frank bill and their insistence on subprime lending that brought about the housing crisis and both are die hard liberals. Bush warned congress not once, not twice but THREE times about the impending crash and each time, liberals and socialists in congress dismissed his warnings as the talk of a crazy man who knew not of what he was speaking.

They set him up and, as Rahm Emanual said…

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“Public Lands” are the Product of Government Extortion

land 1As I stated in yesterday’s article, ‘A Government Against the People,’ taking this country back will not be an easy task nor one that can be accomplished in one election or with one president.

That is because, the problem, in this particular case, land grabs BY the federal government, is not a new issue. It’s one that has been decades in the making and one which will require at least a decade to unravel.

Federal government land grabs, such as the microcosm we saw at the Bundy Ranch, have been perpetrated upon the people by administrations from both sides of the aisle and, at the root of the problem, is that dirty word…”extortion.”

When the mob or, today’s neighborhood gangs threaten business owners into paying protection money in order not to be robbed BY the mob or neighborhood gangs…it’s extortion and what the federal government has been doing for far too long amounts to the exact same thing.

Here’s how it works…

The federal government “gifts” to the states, and for the purpose of this scenario, we’ll use the western states as the primary example as that is where the overwhelming vast majority of federal land grabs have taken place…”gifts” the states with federal dollars for such as roads, bridges, levies and other infrastructure projects.

In return for the federal government’s acts of kindness and “protection” from having to fund repairs on their own, the feds then “ask” for and have received over the years, more and more access to the land OF those western states.

The federal government then bamboozles the people of those states by calling those lands…

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A Government Against the People

grab 1Slowly, quietly, over decades of regulation by unelected bureaucrats and with the assistance of those elected to pass legislation to advance the cause of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness who have done everything but, lands that once belonged to private individuals and families have been ceded first to the state and then, to the statists.

After decades of backroom deals, bribes, pocket lining and dirty deeds, the land of the western United States now belongs to the United States government.

Just days ago, in a meeting scheduled well before the Battle of Bunkerville, legislators from 9 western states gathered with the goal of kicking the U.S. government off those lands and out of those states.

Bunkerville and the Bundy’s were merely the tipping point of a situation that had already gone well beyond enough is enough.

Ronald Reagan once said that “government is not the solution to the problem…Government IS the problem,” and those words ring as true today, if not more so than they did when first spoken.

According to Idaho Speaker of the House Scott Bedke…forests, wetlands and range lands in his state have fared better and suffered less damage from watersheds and fires than have lands in his state that are under the control of the federal government. There is a good reason for that too. Lands that are managed by the state are lands that are closer to the people who live on or near them than are lands managed by those in Washington DC but there are other reasons too.

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Weekend Edition: Harry Greed Was Right About 1 Thing…

tnp eagleEarlier this week, the senate’s top shyster, Harry Greed, made a few statements worthy of note and far be it for me to take a pass on them.

First, right after the government BLM goons cut and ran from the Bundy Ranch, Harry Greed ran to the nearest microphone to belligerently state, “Well, it’s not over. We can’t have an American people that violate the law and then just walk away from it. So it’s not over.”

Then, just days later as his Facebook page was blowing up with FED up American people Harry Greed so passionately dislikes, he released a terse blast telling those fed up with the Reid and Sons scam artists to stop posting to his page because he had no intention of answering them after which, he had the whole thread or, multiple threads taken down and replaced with something having nothing whatsoever to do with the Battle of Bunkerville.

And third, just a couple of days ago, Harry, Harry Quite Contrary released THIS bit of bellicose blathering:

“These people, who hold themselves out to be patriots are not. They’re nothing more than domestic terrorists.”

“Keep in mind what happened up there. There were hundreds, hundreds of people from around the country, that came there. They had sniper rifles on the freeway. They had assault weapons. They had automatic weapons.”

Sounds a lot like a man whose $5 billion dollar Chinese solar energy well, destined to put millions into his own pockets, is drying up to me but, I submit there is more…much more to it than that.

Harry Reid puts the BUNK in Bunkerville.

First of all, rather than stand and face the music regarding the fact that he’s up past his myopic eyeballs in this whole Bundy Ranch fiasco and dealing with those who are taking him to task on social media for it, Mr. Scam Man blasts away and removes all but his self-congratulatory threads from Facebook.

If you can’t take the heat Harry…

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Desert Stormed –Patriot Militias Used the 2nd to Protect the 1st

2 AMEND 1From Obama and his ballyhooed pen to the abject hypocrisy from the ilk of Feinstein and Schumer, every time a high profile crime takes place  involving a gun, more and more gun control laws are called for by liberals and socialists.

A shooting at a school?

More restrictive gun laws. That’s the answer.

A shooting at a mall or movie theater?

More restrictive gun control laws will fix it.

Mass shootings on a military post?

Yep. You guessed it. More and more and MORE restrictive gun laws and you can just about bet your bottom dollar that, after last weekend’s Bundy Ranch standoff where armed federal agents were intimidated into retreat by equally armed citizens, we’re going to be hearing about the need to restrict We the People from our right to keep and bear arms…again.

It is abjectly absurd what liberals and socialists want you to believe regarding our right to keep and bear arms.

 “I, like most Americans, believe that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual the right to bear arms. And we recognize the traditions of gun ownership that passed on from generation to generation—THAT HUNTING AND SHOOTING are part of a cherished national heritage.”

That, from one Barack Hussein Obama who claims to have been a Constitutional professor and wants you to believe that the 2nd Amendment was, of all things, about hunting.


It is an oft parroted lie by liberals desperately trying to restrict the 2nd Amendment.

“Nobody needs an AR-15 to go hunting.”

Here’s one from that crackpot Diane Feinstein:

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Friday Fume

friday fume 1Last week, Rev. RAT Al Not-So Sarpton claimed that he was never an FBI informant against the mob.

THIS week he ADMITS he was an FBI informant against the mob AND, he says that calling him a RAT is RACIST and that he SHOULD be thought of as a HERO.

Of course, yesterday…The Smoking Gun released a STING VIDEO of the FAT RAT back in the 80’s MAKING A DEAL TO TAKE POSSESSION OF $350,000 CLAMS WORK OF COCAINE!!!!

MSNBC is probably going to give him a raise.

The house committee has found Lois Lerner in contempt and, if the entire house agrees…The case will go to ERIC HOLDERS office for prosecution.




When Obama was in Texas a couple of days ago…He met with Wendy “ABORTION BARBIE Davis.

A clear cut case of too little too late if ever there was one.


It’s FRIDAY and…

I’m fuming.

Well, well…Isn’t THIS quaint?

It now appears that part of the whole IRS targeting Conservative groups was cooked up by none other than…

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STILL a Gun Free Zone- Ft. Hood ATTACKED AGAIN

FT 1When will it finally dawn on this administration that gun free zones are prime targets for those who don’t give a damn about other people’s lives?

Ft. Hood 2009.

A number of schools.

A movie theater.

The DC Navy yard.

The Navy Yard again.

And yesterday…Another shooting at Ft. Hood Texas.

Early reports regarding yesterday’s shooting had 3 dead soldiers, 1 dead shooter, Ivan Lopez, a U.S. Army Specialist who shot himself and some 16 wounded.

Those numbers may change but the key to those early reports was the manner in which the shooter was taken down.

By his own hand.

At Ft. Hood nearly 5 years ago, the terrorist Hassan was cut down by a civilian contractor Security Officer.

At the DC Navy Yard in 2013, Arron Alexis was killed by the DC Police.

That is because, on all MILITARY installations…Those on them are NOT allowed to carry weapons.

This is NOT a new regulation by any means and those blaming this on Obama need to step back. The regulation banning guns from our military basses is some 20 years old…

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Friday Fume

friday fume 1Obamacare has hit the Supreme Court but, I’m not talking about the Hobby Lobby case…I’m talking about Whistler’s GREAT, GREAT, GREAT GRANDMOTHER…Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

LIBERALS are actually putting the PRESSURE on the woman who used to BABYSIT ABE LINCOLN to RETIRE because…THEY’RE afraid the frail and sickly looking SUPREME COURT MUNCHKIN might just OUT LIVE THE OBAMA REGIME and they don’t want to take the chance that a REPUBLICAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE WILL NAME HER REPLACEMENT!!!

If she doesn’t retire…They’ll just have the DEATH PANEL cut off her PRUNE JUICE SUBSIDY after which hers will become the first recorded death from being FULL OF CRAP!!!

Remember back when compulsive liar, Harry Reid got caught giving his GRANDDAUGHTER’S BUSINESS $17 grand from his CAMPAIGN account?

Well, he DID say he’d pay all $17,000 bucks back from his own pocket but…NOW we have word that it was REALLY…$31,000.00 that Reid gave the grandchild.

And the IRS is targeting CONSERVATIVES???

Finally, in the search for the missing plane…Australian satellites have spotted 22 pieces of debris…Taiwanese satellites have spotted 120 pieces.

A Chinese satellite spotted more than 300 pieces of debris and…A JAPANESE SATELLITE SPOTTED…



Here we go with another week full of liberal boneheads on parade!!!

My friends…It’s Friday and…

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How to LOSE an Election in 10 Easy Steps

As we have an election in a short 8 ½ months, primaries in just 3 months and, since we haven’t done this sort of thing for the last 15 months or so…I thought now might be a good time for a refresher course in how to LOSE an election.

Somehow, we, as Conservatives, screwed it up back in 2010 and actually won the darn thing.

If memory serves…It was called a shellacking and, we certainly wouldn’t want to have THAT again.

Would we?

So…Let’s get started…

How to LOSE an election.


Don’t do your own.

It takes time…It’s hard and it simply isn’t necessary in this day and age. There are PLENTY of folks scattered about on social media that you don’t know a single thing about who will be more than happy to do your research for you.

By all means…TRUST them.

There are a lot of axes out there and more than enough people willing to grind them and, it really doesn’t matter whether or not THEY share YOUR values and ideology…THEY did the research and, according to them…PIGS can FLY.

Just go with it.


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