Corrupt Intentions…Dire Implications – Part 2 of 2

Earlier, in “Corrupt Intentions…Dire Implications – Part 1,” I outlined how FBI imp-1Director, James Comey, ignored a mountain of evidence that showed clear intent on the part of Hillary Clinton to break the laws of our land and how, whether or not she knew she was violating our laws, it should not have absolved her from prosecution.

I also stated that the implications of this ongoing situation were dire.

Let me jump right in and outline those implications and I’ll start where nobody else is going…with James Comey himself.

If, as some reports are stating, Comey and the FBI had all of Hillary’s emails well before last week’s announcement and reopening of the investigation into her illegal private server and illegal private email account…and by well before, it has been reported that Comey may well have had access to what is now being characterized as the new discovery of 650,000 emails on the computer belonging to Anthony Weiner and his estranged wife, Huma Abedin, before last July when Comey himself testified to Congress that he lacked evidence of “intent” on Hillary’s part and therefore declined to indict her…the implications are indeed dire.

If that is shown to be the case…

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Will Voters Aid and Abet the Criminal, Hillary?

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radiowei-1

Hillary says it’s a whole bunch of nothing and that she welcomes the new FBI investigation.

“We’ve heard these rumors, we don’t know what to believe, and I’m sure there will be even more rumors. That’s why it is incumbent upon the FBI to tell us what they’re talking about. Even Director Comey noted that this new information may not be significant so let’s get it out.”

There are only three things absolutely wrong with her statement, made from an Iowa campaign stop Friday night…

First…what we all heard are not “rumors,” they’re a fact. The FBI discovered, apparently on Thursday, emails from Hillary Clinton on Anthony Weiner’s computer and those emails also apparently contain sensitive, or perhaps classified material.


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Hillary…Above the Law, Beneath Contempt

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

James O’Keefe, whose Project Veritas Action is in the business of outing political ok-1corruption and has outed Planned Parenthood for their politically tied, despicable and immoral activities, now has the goods on one Hillary Clinton.

Through a series of sting videos, Project Veritas Action has exposed Hillary’s operatives and their corruption tied to the 2016 election, and now, in the third tape of the series…

Project Veritas has captured, on video, several of Hillary’s operatives admitting that Hillary herself was not only aware of some major corruption…but authorized it.

That’s right…we’re talking felonies here…and Hillary authorized them with full knowledge…and with clear intent.

The law she broke in this case, 52 U.S.C. § 30109(d)(1)(A)(i), involves the willful creation of coordinated expenditures from prohibited corporate sources.

According to O’Keefe himself…

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Our Vets are Getting Screwed…AGAIN!

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Once again, the Obama regime is screwing our Veterans and this, like so many other screwings, is beyond the

In California, more than 10,000 Veteran Members of the National Guard, are being told by Obama’s Pentagon, to return their reenlistment or signing bonuses because the National Guard there, over payed them.

Back in or around 2006, at the height of both the war in Iraq and the one in Afghanistan, the Pentagon needed more volunteers and so authorized signing bonuses or reenlistment bonuses, and to entice both, the Guard in California payed out well above the numbers made officially available, to garner new recruits or retain Veterans.

In fact, according to the L.A. Times…

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A Moral High Ground Reality Check

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Imagine, if you will, a cliff at the brink of a bottomless abyss and the only thing there, as a aby-1barrier, is an electric fence.

Form that image in your mind and I promise I’ll get back to it before I’m finished here.

In scantly 3 weeks, on November 8th, America will have a choice to make. The stakes couldn’t possibly be higher, the ramifications couldn’t possibly be more dire nor could the consequences of that decision be more important, not only here at home, but around the world.

Like it or not, we are the balance in a world that’s on fire and near the tipping point. We are the world’s police. What we do, where we stand, and how we react have consequences and ripple effects that reach far beyond our shores and set the tone for both our allies and for our enemies.

I, like so many others, am sick and tired of being faced with voting for the lesser of the two evils. But I, like far too few, realize that no matter what, we will always be faced with voting for the lesser of the two evils.

Yes, I realize that there are many who, because of that aspect of the election, have decided to stand on their own island of pride, and write in a candidate’s name or vote for a 3rd party candidate because, according to them, it’s the moral thing to do, or it serves well their conscience.

I have a question, actually several questions, for those folks.

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Trump’s Words vs Hillary’s Actions

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

While the collective mainstream media continues to have a mass orgasm over comments pers-1made by Donald Trump more than a decade ago, and while several key Republicans, including Paul Ryan whose wife is a millionaire lobbyist for the liberal/socialist party who has raised a substantial amount of money for the Hillary Clinton campaign continue to run away from their nominee like cowards…

I think a little perspective is in order.

Americans, and for that matter, America herself have but two choices in November as no 3rd party or write-in candidate has ever had a chance of winning…Trump or Clinton and while Trump is obviously a cad, a lewd and foul-mouthed cad…he’s still a better choice than Hillary.

As Conservatives, we can’t be so consumed with looking for the next Jesus Christ to be our candidate of choice or our nominee that we risk ignoring impending doom for our Constitutional Republic in the process.

News flash…

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Hey Hillary…Kiss My Diverse Ass

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

div-1Last Sunday night’s debate was interesting and for the easily offended, which means liberals and the holier-than-thou crowd…by all means, read on.

I’ve heard just about all I care to hear regarding what Donald Trump said 11 years ago that every man in America, and dare I say just about anywhere else has said at some point in their lives.

And for those who think such crass sexual language is somehow limited to the male of the species…get over yourselves ladies…you make the same sorts of comments and you know it.

Let me be perfectly honest and painfully blunt…

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Hillary’s ‘Episode’…The Truth Exposed

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori – Right Side Patriots

epi-1In trying to decipher Hillary Clinton’s medical issues, and she obviously has medical issues, there are two codes, if you will, that must be cracked.

First, there is the matter of the official Hillary team explanation regarding what transpired over the weekend at Sunday’s 9/11 event. By now everybody knows about Hillary leaving the event early, being helped from the venue to a spot near the curb while she and her handlers…or spotters as the case may be…waited for Hillary’s custom van/ambulance to arrive and second, there was the whole aspect of Hillary’s spotters catching her as she went limp and then was literally dragged and loaded into that van.

As to the official story…

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