Liberals Becoming Mentally Unhinged Over Benghazi Truth

whine 1

It truly is amazing what happens to liberals when all their hard work at lying goes up in smoke. They simply curl up in a fetal position for a collective crap, roll about in it and start whining about the smell.

Benghazi…or in the case of Nancy Pelosi…BENGHAZI, BENGHAZI, BENGHAZI!!! Liberals have taken many different stances on Benghazi such as it not being a terrorist attack but a You Tube video that caused it but that was quickly proved to be a lie. They tried calling what happened to Ambassador Stevens, Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods and Sean Smith “bumps in the road,” but they didn’t get away with it. Then they tried to brush it aside as it was…”not optimal.”

Really? The terrorist attack brought about by the terrorists this regime armed, the weapons running to more terrorists in Syria, the intentional removal of OUR security team in Benghazi…replacing OUR people with the very TERRORIST organization that perpetrated the attacks resulting in the murders of 4 Americans was…”NOT OPTIMAL???”

Liberals moved on to asking “WHAT DIFFERENCE…AT THIS POINT…DOES IT MAKE???”

That from the “smartest woman in the world” who, I believe, was complicit in committing treason, missed the 3:00am (Benghazi time) phone call, claims she didn’t have time to read her emails or memos, whiffed on the Russian reset button, accepted a wink and a smile from a North Korean uncle killer…was unable to testify when called because…SHE FALL DOWN, GO BOOM and can’t recognize a terrorist organization when one is staring her in the face.

On the up side…she flew a million miles.

But…Liberals are becoming mentally unhinged over Benghazi and Trey Gowdy’s search for the truth because all their lies and cover ups are crumbling before their eyes. Remember when Obama said THIS???

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Common Core is Nothing But Ideological Paste

core 1aCommon Core is a fool’s curriculum but it IS necessary for the liberal ideology to of complete government control of the people to become the accepted method of governance.

Let me explain.

Too many years ago, when I was a public school student, 2+2 equaled 4. Everybody knew it and if you happened to write down 5 as your answer you were docked for it. If you stood your ground and argued the point long enough and without reservation, there was a good chance you would find yourself taking the same math class over next year while all your friends moved on.

Today, thanks to Common Core, you can proudly say that 2+2 equals 5 and get a plaque and a pat on the head if you simply explain WHY you think the answer is 5. Nobody will criticize you, nobody will dock your grade and along you go to the next level of common core math.

At this point in a rather nutshell sort of way, it should be noted that during those early years of my public school education…we sent a man to the moon and returned him safely to the earth and while it was Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins who made the trip…they were sent there by people who knew damn well that 2+2 equaled 4…NOT 5 and were considered to be at the top of their class.

Common core math is but a singular example but know that Common Core encompasses the entire curriculum from math to social studies, history to science and everything in between. It is meant to change the way children think thus, changing the way future ADULTS think and make them all part of the collective and while some states are dumping it, far too many are not.

Remember…“It takes a village to raise a child.”

What we are watching as it happens in our country today is…

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Government Land Grabs: The Truth Exposed – Part 1, 2, 3 and 4

Government Land Grabs: The Truth Exposed – Part 1

By Craig Andresen on May 3, 2014 at 4:54 am

series 1Acute.

It’s a word one doesn’t hear often, and more often than not, it’s associated with some medical terminology. Acute nasal drip. Acute arthritis… something along those lines but the word acute has a specific definition.

Acute – adjective: acute; comparative adjective: acute; superlative adjective: acutest

  1. (of a bad, difficult, or unwelcome situation or phenomenon) present or experienced to a severe or intense degree.

I want you to keep that definition front and center as you read what’s coming next and it will light your hair on fire. In fact, keep it in mind throughout this shocking 4 part series of articles regarding government land grabs as it becomes more than obvious the “problem” isn’t at all what the government wants you to believe.

The Obama regime, his DOI (Dept. of the Interior) and the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) are plotting behind closed doors to grab even more land in the western United States because, they are convinced there is an“acute” problem of private landholdings in BLM administered areas to the sum of 412,675 acres, and no, we’re not talking about Bunkerville here but, we might as well be.

So…of all the vast expanse of land out there, what’s a measly little 412,675 acres? In the great scheme of things, it’s only an inch on the scale.

Give em an inch…they’ll take a mile…right?

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Benghazi: The Truth Exposed…Parts 1, 2 and 3


Benghazi: The Truth Exposed – Part 1

By Craig Andresen on April 7, 2014 at 9:06 pm

TRUTH 1For the next two days, My Right Side Patriot’s radio partner, Diane Sori and I have combined our efforts to bring you the latest and most stunning coverage of the Benghazi cover up you will read anywhere.

Today, we have written separate articles with mine outlining what transpired before the attacks and Diane’s, regarding what transpired DURING those attacks.

If you think you already know the whole story…You don’t and, what you DON’T know is likely to light your hair on fire.

On January 15th, 2014, the Senate Select Committee on intelligence review of the Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Facilities in Benghazi was released to the public.

Naturally, you read that report.

You didn’t?

Well, surely you heard all the details of it on the news.

You heard that the Benghazi attacks could have been prevented. That’s what you heard on the news. In fact, that’s about ALL you heard on the news because, mainstream media and, in this case, even Fox news didn’t give the report the coverage they should have.

There’s a lot more, a WHOLE lot more in that report than, “It could have been prevented.”

For instance…

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Friday Fume

fume 1Oh my, it’s been another bad week for liberal nut jobs. Email trails leading to the oval office…Obama’s IRS puppet being held in contempt…Ketchup boy Kerry proclaiming HE’S gonna ignore a subpoena and a SPECIAL INVESTIGATIVE COMMITTEE has been employed to get to the bottom of Benghazi with TREY GOWDY heading it up.

And you know how liberals are…When things are looking down for them at home…they turn to their counterparts in other lands for support…you know… to make the ideology of idiots look good.

Psssssssst…hey socialists…They’re just as nutty over there as you squirrel turds are over here…

Here WE go FOLKS…2 cases AND THE point ARE AT HAND!!! Today IS Friday after all and…

I’m fuming.

Well…THIS is certainly interesting…

Vladimir Putty Pants has signed off on a bill that will ban…


Any movie that contains profanity will NO LONGER BE DISTRIBUTED in Russia when this bill goes into effect on July 1st. MUSIC with cuss words will be sold ONLY in EXPLICITLY LABELED…SEALED PACKAGES and the same for books and magazines.

Should a Russian BUSINESS owner suddenly drop an “F” bomb are utter some other swear word like…oh, I don’t know…

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Is Benghazi a Made Up Scandal? Skyes the Limit

skyes 1As liberals continue to run scared regarding the truth about the Benghazi attacks, more and more rhetoric from them is flying hither and yawn through social media and their lapdog mainstream media. It’s now to the point that we need to fight back using the facts.

A couple of days ago, I wrote an article,Liberal Benghazi Deniers About to Face the Music that received scorn from the left and I fully expected it would but their counter arguments simply fly in the face of reality.

Wrote Chad Skyes in a comment posted on my article: “First off, I’m 100%, no. I’m 110% positive, that no administration official even knew what had happened in Benghazi for weeks afterwards. The sheer amount of confusion when something like this happens is overwhelming. Even when actual combat units are engaged in a firefight, with all our communications equipment, the information received by higher ups is almost always incorrect and inconsistent. The fog of war is very thick and unless you’ve been there like I have.. your opinions are worthless. “

“What followed politically was your typical PR campaign. It wouldn’t have mattered who was in office, Republicans, Democrats, none of that matters. The PR machine does it’s thing regardless of who is in power. We can point to complacency, mismanagement, lack of funding, lack of security, blow back from our foreign policy. We could go on and on pointing the finger.. the reality is war is hell and people die.. period. “

“Instead of wasting tax payer dollars on this made up scandal, why are we not focusing on the REAL SCANDALS??”

Mr. Skyes is 100%, no…

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Liberal Benghazi Deniers About to Face the Music

SWEAT 1AAAs the house is set to hold a vote regarding the need for a special committee to further investigate Benghazi liberals from Capitol Hill to their pundits microphones are pissed. They mask their anger by directing it at the right side of the aisle and in the direction of those of us who have, since day one, called for such an investigation and justice for those killed some 20 months ago but, at whom are they REALLY angry and why?

First, I suspect they don’t care for the collective reflections they see in their own mirrors and staggering mountain of their own lies has become more than they have the capability to keep straight.

For the past week or so, we have been regaled with their sputtering utterances and faint echoes of Hilary’s “WHAT DIFFERENCE, AT THIS POINT…DOES IT MAKE???”

For instance…on the heels of such nonsense as calling those who stood with Cliven Bundy and chased a wad of heavily armed federal goons from Bunkerville without firing a shot nothing but “domestic terrorists,” ol’ crusty Harry Reid made THIS lame attempt at dismissing a further Benghazi investigation: “Republicans are showing yet again that they have nothing to offer the middle class. Republicans care more about defending billionaires like the Koch brothers and trying to rekindle debunked right-wing conspiracy theories than raising the minimum wage or ensuring women receive equal pay for equal work.”

Reid went on to say, “Republicans of trying to gin up yet another political food fight.”

“Another political food fight???” That’s what the murders of four Americans and this regime’s cover up, with Reid’s ample support is to him???

A political FOOD FIGHT??? It wasn’t some FOOD FIGHT that night in September of 2012 that took place in Benghazi. THAT was a TERRORIST ATTACK set up to silence our Ambassador and keep him from blowing the proverbial whistle!!!

In a herd of political asses from the left side of the aisle…

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Government Land Grabs: The Truth Exposed – Part 4

This article has been co-written by Diane Sori.

In Part 1 of our series, “Government Lanwestern 1d Grabs: The Truth Exposed,” my Right Side Patriots radio partner Diane Sori and I laid out the groundwork behind the federal government’s seizing of land in the western United States over decades of a take an inch…take a mile agenda used by administrations from both sides of the aisle and how the current regime has labeled PRIVATE landholdings in the west as an “ACUTE” problem.

We were able to convey that information thanks to congressman Rob Bishop’s discovery of long buried emails and documents which help expose NEW land grabs in progress along with this regime’s plans, via the BLM and the Department of the Interior pressuring Obama to use his pen and the Antiquities Act of 1906 to not only steal land from private landholders but, to move some 140 MILLION acres (an area the size of the states of Colorado and Wyoming…COMBINED) from “mixed use” to “TREASURED LANDS” status thus rendering it completely off limits to American citizens.

In “Government Land Grabs: Exposing The Truth Part 2,” we proved that the seizing of western lands has virtually NOTHING to do with the liberal call to “protect the environment” and virtually EVERYTHING to do with government control of natural resources in order to control the people.

The maps we show eliminate the possibility of coincidence in that those lands are rife with coal, oil shale and other fossil fuel deposits that the current regime wants to keep off limits to private landholders and we provided evidence of how Obama and his ilk want to keep us dependent on foreign sources for our energy needs.

In “Government Land Grabs: The Truth Exposed Part 3,” we took our investigation passed oil, gas and coal to provide clear evidence of where our nation’s reserves of URANIUM rest and…

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Government Land Grabs: The Truth Exposed – Part 2

lg 1So, this regime is planning to transfer 140 million acres of our western lands from “mixed use” to “treasured lands” status soon which means that NO individual or private company will have any access to them whatsoever. 140 million acres…the combined size of Wyoming and Colorado and for what?

Well, THEY claim it is to “protect the environment” which is a long over used and false claim.

It’s the land grab equivalent of the standard clarion lie from the left when it comes to attempts to pass legislation or, in the case of this insipid regime, use the dictator’s pen to sign away more and more of the rights that keep us free…”Oh, we MUST do it for the CHILDREN!!!”

Well, I’m calling BULLCRAP on this “protect the environment” land grab nonsense and I can prove it.

Let’s go back to the Clinton administration.

1996…That’s when Clinton went after 1.7 million acres in Utah. His administration claimed it was “to protect the environment” because those lands, he claimed, were endangered.

What a coincidence that those “endangered” lands, so in need of government management were the very lands where the largest untapped coal reserves in the nation were located and, the house committee called him out on it.

Naturally, Clinton responded with: “Mining jobs are good jobs, and mining is important to our national security — but we can’t have mines everywhere, and we shouldn’t have mines that threaten national treasures,” but the real story…the PROOF…came from a document sent from his Chair of the Council for Environmental Quality, one Kathleen Alana “Katie” McGinty who wrote in an email that: “these lands are not really endangered.”

 “Oh, we MUST do it for the children!!!”

A liberal lie meant to take away our rights.

“We MUST protect the ENVIRONMENT!!!”

A liberal lie meant to take away our land…

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Government Land Grabs: The Truth Exposed – Part 3


BLM land already owned

Before I begin please read parts 1 and 2 (out of 4) of my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Craig Andresen’s expose on these federal land grabs either on his blog ‘The National Patriot’ or on my blog ‘The Patriot Factor’ as each part leads into the next part.

Now let’s recap some important facts…according to the Congressional Research Service, the federal government (including the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. Forest Service, National Parks, and military bases) controls roughly 81% of the land in Nevada, 62% in Alaska, 67% in Utah, 53% in Oregon, 62% in Idaho, 42% in Arizona, 48% in California, 48% in Wyoming, 35% in New Mexico, and 36% in Colorado, and the BLM also controls 700 million acres of subsurface mineral estates throughout the nation.

‘Supposedly’ desolate land wanted by BLM

These numbers equate to roughly 260 million acres in the western states…translating into a land grab equal to the size of Colorado and Wyoming combined…with most of that land being listed as mixed-use land (land allowing for two or more different types of uses, for example land used by the public or rented to private companies)…but now the feds want to transfer 140 million of those 260 million acres over to what they call ‘Treasured Land’ status (land that NO citizen or private company can access).