The Iran Deal, Side Deal and Obama’s Myriad of Bugled Lies

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

parc 1Now that we know the truth regarding one of the Iran deal’s side deals…that the U.N. and the IAEA will allow the 7th century barbarians of the Iranian regime to inspect their own Parchin nuclear site and use their own equipment to gather samples before submitting their own reports showing there is nothing at Parchin to worry about…it’s time to look a little deeper into this new development…or should we call it a new scandal?

For weeks, since word of side deals between Iran and the IAEA went public, concern has grown regarding the contents of those side deals.

Obama told us all that it was no big thing…routine was the language he used. He said “If Iran cheats, we’ll know it,” and that the safeguards were all in place.

Obama sock-puppet, John Kerry called the side deals…routine…and said that nothing in the deals was based on trust. In fact, his direct quote was…“Nothing in this deal is built on trust. Nothing.”

No great surprise…Obama was lying…again and also no great surprise…

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THIS, like the REST of the Iran deal…is UNACCEPTABLE!!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

side 1Of all the useless organization that exist on this earth, the United Nations (of thugs, thieves and despots) just may be the absolute worst.

Over the decades, the U.N. has allowed some of the worst actors on the human rights stage sit on their Human Rights Council…not because they in any way, shape or form, deserved to be there but because…on the Un’s rotating wheel of insipidness…it was simply their turn to sit there.

With regard to Iraq…the United Nations (of thugs, thieves and despots) allowed Saddam to thumb his Islamic nose at them…allowed him to ignore and violate 17 resolutions over a 12 year time span and contrary to liberal/socialist talking points…that is why George W. Bush took them to task…not over 9/11.

Now, in the latest of a long line of despicable behavior, the United Nations has launched into a whole new realm of Islamic-loving knot-headedness.

The U.N. has, in the side deal they struck with Iran that is not a part of the Kerry/Obama deal, as though Obama didn’t know this full well, Iran will be allowed to choose their OWN inspectors to inspect their nuclear facilities…home-brew inspectors that will, no doubt, find absolutely no evidence whatsoever of any nuclear bomb building (which I can all but guarantee you has already been accomplished) or evidence of any nuclear bomb research.

In other words…

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Remember When…Obama Was the Biggest Problem?

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

remem 1Ummmm…Hello???

Remember Isis? You know…that merry band of 7th century barbarians with 21st century weapons that has been marauding their way across the Middle East and North Africa on their mission to form a caliphate?

Remember them?

How about Iran…the Islamic Republic headed up by the Ayatollah Ass-a-Hola that wants to wipe Israel from the map? You know…where they prance through the streets chanting DEATH TO AMERICA and WITH whom Obama capitulated so the ever-so-peaceful tribe could obtain nuclear weapons?

You DO remember THEM…don’t you?

Al-Qaeda…surely you remember al-Qaeda.

They didn’t REALLY go away the way Obama claimed in 2012 you know. They’re still out there, gaining strength.

Syria…THERE’S a little happy place for you what with their “rebels” armed with American weapons they got from Libyan “rebels” in Hillary Clinton and Obama’s Islamic version of Fast and Furious.

What about Benghazi?

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Debbie What’s-Her-Name Schultz vs The Truth

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

whn 1A most astonishing thing happened at the end of July and while it did get some play in social media, it died out quickly and I believe it needs to be revisited.

It took place on, of all places, MSNBC…the lowest rated cable so-called news network out there and it was an exchange between Chris “Tingles” Matthews and Debbie What’s-Her-Name Schultz. While I’m sure Tingles the clown didn’t mean it to be a gotcha question…that is exactly what it turned out to be.

Tingles asked What’s-Her-Name Shultz…

“What is the difference between a Democrat and a socialist?”

As What’s-Her-Name Shultz began to resemble a deer in the headlights, Tingles tried to stall for enough time for her to gather herself by stating…“I used to think there is a big difference. What do you think it is?”

What’s-Her-Name Schultz was STILL frozen so the Host of Softball tried a different tact by trying to clarify his question…“A Democrat like Hillary and a socialist like Bernie Sanders.”

Obviously, this didn’t help because Hillary, as a democrat, is just as much a socialist as is Bernie Sanders and while ol’ Tingles didn’t recognize that fact…What’s-Her-Name Schultz most certainly DID and it was at that point that she attempted…not to answer the question but to respond by trying to SPIN it in a more favorable direction for the liberals/socialist voters. What’s-Her-Name Schultz, spinning like a lathe said…

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Hillary’s Mess…First Treason and Now, Espionage?

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

hil 1In this day and age, laws change quickly…what is law today may not be so tomorrow and what isn’t law today could well become law by tomorrow morning but some laws, on the books for nearly a century, remain as pointed and relevant now as they were then.

Case in point…the Espionage Act of 1917.

In that act, it clearly states that…“gross negligence” as per the handling of any information regarding our national defense is a punishable offense…a crime…and as such, should national defense information be removed from or not stored properly…not stored in its “proper place of custody,” the responsible government official would face a maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment.

Hello Hillary Clinton.

While one certainly knows that in 1917, the “proper place of custody” was a file cabinet or a safe and that those who wrote and enacted the Act never in their wildest dreams considered the advent of email…government servers, not one’s private servers located in one’s home in Chappaqua N.Y. are the “proper places of custody” today and in that regard…Hillary Clinton and her use of private email addresses and said servers is in breach of the 1917 Act.

Just a few weeks ago…

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McConnell’s Sellout

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

“Squabbling and sanctimony may be tolerated in other venues and perhaps on the campaign trail, but they hmitch 1ave no place among colleagues in the United States Senate. The Senate floor has even become a place where senators have singled out colleagues by name to attack them in personal terms, to impugn their character, in blatant disregard for Senate rules.”

Those were the words of Senator Orin Hatch, spoken on the floor of the Senate last Sunday in response to Senator Ted Cruz’s truth to power speech last week regarding Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

In that speech, Cruz pointedly made the case that McConnell had lied to each and every member of the Republican Senate when he looked them in the eye and made the promise that there would be no further votes regarding the reviving of the federal Export-Import Bank.

In the words of Senator Cruz…

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My Dog’s ASS Could Have Made a Better Deal

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

stink 1According to Iran’s Ali Khamenei, the Ayatollah Ass-a-Hola…

“Our policies toward the arrogant government of the United States will not be changed at all. American policies are 180 degrees different from us.”

That…as the chants of “DEATH TO AMERICA” and “DEATH TO ISRAEL” continue to rise from the streets of Tehran and while 4 Americans remain as hostages inside that terrorist sponsoring nation’s borders. THAT…as Obama rushed off to the United Nations to have his treasonous “deal” sanctified by the very organization that did NOTHING when Iraq violated 17 resolutions in 12 years.

THAT, as Obama and his various minions try to SELL the “deal” to members of congress amid reports of 2 BACKDOOR deals engineered by the IAEA and IRAN to which congress is not being made privy.

And TO the words and chants emanating from the world’s butt-crack…John Kerry had THIS to say last week: “I don’t know how to interpret it at this point in time, except to take it at face value, that that’s his policy. But I do know that often comments are made publicly and things can evolve that are different.”

“If it is the policy, it’s very disturbing, it’s very troubling, and we’ll have to wait and see.”


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SCOTUS Renders Ruling – No Pillars of Salt

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

scd 1The sun did indeed rise in the east this morning regardless of the ruling by the Supreme Court that same sex marriage is now legal in all 50 states and I drove around town yesterday…AFTER the ruling…and failed to notice even one pillar of salt.

In a 5-4 ruling, the Supremes decided that the same LEGAL standing…the same LEGAL protections and the same LEGAL benefits are to be extended to same sex married couples as are extended to opposite sex married couples.

It’s not the end of the world though you might have a different impression if you browse social media posts which include everything from the sky is falling to this is the end of our nation and the end of times.

Equal protection under the law has always been a hallmark of our Constitution and of our country although there are obviously some out there who believe those equal protections should extend only to those exactly like them.

Among those who are most distressed over the ruling are those who claim that this is an assault on religious freedom.

They are wrong in that interpretation as the ruling says nothing regarding nor does it interfere in any with religious precepts, religious doctrines or religious interpretations regarding marriage.

I’ll get back to that point shortly but before I do…

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SCOTUS Decision on Obamacare Looming

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

oc 1The ruling from the Supreme Court could come at any day…Obabacare hangs in the balance and Obama himself is feeling the pressure…big time.

Yesterday, at a press conference in Germany, the dictator was asked about the upcoming decision and his response was nothing shy of, well, desperation laced with lies.

At issue are four words that appear on page 95 of the 2700 page Obamacare monstrosity and what those four fords mean but before we get to that and Obama’s lies told Monday in Germany…lets have a look back at how we got to this point to begin with.

Obama knows damn well how we got to this point and his weasling isn’t going to change any of it.

Nancy Pelosi, most likely on Obama’s orders as she is a good little minion, told us all, and congress, that in order to see what was IN the bill they would first have to PASS the bill. In other words…Obamacare wasn’t fit to be read by the very people elected to read bills BEFORE they passed them.


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6.4 Million Holier Than Thous Supported Obama

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

hol 1Earlier in the week I woke up the choir and they didn’t like it one little bit. I sent a certain segment of one particular brand of Christianity into a fit leading them to accuse me of being of a nature such that their descriptions of it were, in some cases, vile…as these self-described good and moral Christians are so apt to do when one challenges their slumber with facts.

Yesterday, I brought forth more than the quotes of our Founders and Framers to illustrate just how they deliberately kept ANY religion or specific brand of any religion from becoming the foundation of our nation and provided clear evidence and reasoning as to why they took those very deliberate steps.

That was also not well received by those who profess to follow the teachings of Jesus more closely than thou.

Today…the lesson we must learn from their actions…

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