Hillary…Between Trey Gowdy and a Hard Spot

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

On ThursdBET 1ay of this week, October 22, 2015…Hillary Clinton will be between a rock and a hard spot. The Hard spot will of the truth while the rock will be Trey Gowdy.

While many are somewhat baffled by the seeming lack of progress of Gowdy’s House Select Committee on Benghazi, nothing could be further from the truth as, in fact, great progress has been made what’s lacking in it are the headlines but that is by design.

Trey Gowdy, at this point, doesn’t give a happy damn about the headlines because headlines are not what he’s after in all of this…the truth is his mission and in that pursuit, Trey Gowdy is like a hungry dog tracking down a pork chop.

Over the past several months, Gowdy and his committee have interviewed some 41 witnesses…that would be 41 witnesses no other investigative committee related to Benghazi has so much as said good morning to and of those 41 untouched by any investigation witnesses…7 of them were eye-witnesses to the attack in Benghazi on September 11th, 2012. They were there. They saw it happen, They survived it and they know exactly what transpired…not only that fateful night but in the days, weeks and months leading up to that fateful night.

Trey Gowdy and his committee have also looked at some 50,000 emails and documents no other investigative committee, related to Benghazi, has seen and those emails and documents, until Gowdy got his committee’s hands on them, had ever been provided to congress.

Oh, there’s more…

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Iran Says NO DEAL to Obama Real “Deal”

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

Okay…let me just see if I have this right.derp 2

Obama lied.

I don’t know about you but that’s just…shocking.

Obama lied regarding Iran and the “deal” that allows the nation of barbarians to stockpile a nuclear arsenal…THEY never SIGNED it. Oh, I know they said they would never sign the “deal,” hell, I even WROTE that they would never sign the “deal” but of course, that was a MONTH ago and what did I know?

NOTHING…according to assorted liberal knotheads…I didn’t know what I was talking about. I was WRONG they all told me but…I was only quoting the Ayatollah Ass-a-Hola when HE said Iran wouldn’t sign onto the deal.

What Iran did, according to the scant media coverage afforded it, was sign a deal they drew up THEMSELVES…THAT’S the “deal” they signed but the “deal” Obama had Kerry capitulate on? THAT “deal” was roundly REJECTED by Iran.

Oh…yeah, we still have to abide by the Obama terms of surrender…that we don’t get out of but…IRAN…they DON’T have to abide by it and guess what? THEY AREN’T!!!

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Hillary’s Dance of Desperation – Oct. 22nd Looms Large

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

gow 1Don’t you just LOVE the way that every news report regarding the Benghazi Committee these days begins with…”The REPUBLICAN led Benghazi Committee?”

There are, of course, two reasons for that approach but only one of which the mainstream media wants to mention…that being the fact that the committee IS led by REPUBLICANS. What the mainstream media does NOT want to admit is that the REASON the committee is Republican led…in fact, the reason ALL the committees are now led by Republicans is, due to Shellacking II, the sequel to the midterm 2010 shellacking…REPUBLICANS are now the majority in both the House AND the Senate.

Just a couple of days ago, the mainstream media tried to make a load of hay from a load of crap when their headlines read that somebody, a REPUBLICAN, who had been fired from the committee was claiming that the entire committee was POLITICAL and PARTISAN in nature.

This of course, played well amongst the liberal media as it is liberals, running terrified, who want to try and shut down the Benghazi Committee before October 22nd, that being the day when Hillary is scheduled to appear unless of course, she falls down and goes boom…again.


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Gun Control and the Liberal/Socialist Collective

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

lgc 1One thing is clear…liberals and socialists running for the 2016 nomination want to extend Obama style, pen and phone executive orders and our 2nd Amendment is on their chopping block.

According to Bernie Sanders, a confirmed, self-avowed socialist, “The president is right. Condolences are not enough. We’ve got to do something … We need sensible gun control legislation. What we need, as a nation, is to get beyond the shouting, Some people want to ban every gun in America and some people believe in nothing at all. I think the vast majority of the American people, as the president indicated, including gun owners — and I know that’s true here in Vermont — want sensible gun control legislation and they also believe that we should have more access to mental health facilities and counselors than we presently do.”

In the words of one Hillary Clinton, whose campaign is floundering…

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Live Long and Perspire…In MEXICO!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

pope 1A papal visit is always good for a spontaneous moment isn’t it?

Or IS it?

As the Pope paraded through Washington DC a few days ago, a little girl, carrying a yellow T-shirt, ran from the crowd, haltingly at first, until Pope Francis motioned for her to join him and then…it went viral…just as planned.

That’s correct…she, that little 5 year old girl was a plant…a child of illegal aliens hand-picked nearly a year ago to do exactly what she did. It was rehearsed. It was staged. It was a public relations maneuver put together by a Los Angeles based, illegal alien support group called…Full Rights for Immigrants Coalition.

Full rights for ILLEGAL ALIENS is what the group SHOULD be called as it is exactly that for which they advocate…full rights for those whose very first act in our country was the breaking of our laws.

According to Juan Jose Gutierrez…

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Buh Bye Boehner!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

BUH 1So, John Boehner finally did something right. He announced he will be stepping down as Speaker of the House and retiring from Congress altogether at the end of October.

Buh bye Boehner and don’t let the door hit you in the Obama on your way out.

Boehner rose to the Speaker’s chair in 2011 after the shellacking Obama and liberals took in the 2010 midterm election. We had hopes that he would represent the Conservatives on whose coattails Boehner rode into the position but that soon proved not to be the case.

Boehner was a RINO and far, FAR too often ended up either siding with or simply caving in to Obama’s agenda. As the leader of the republican majority in the House, John Boehner was a crying, slobbering failure.

It was revealed last month that Boehner didn’t have enough votes to retain his Speakership and, as losers often do, Boehner moved the goal posts, by cancelling the vote and hoping to somehow salvage his position for a later attempt.

It was never to be.

As Boehner put it to reporters, after dropping the bombshell behind closed doors Friday morning…

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Obama – Man on a Muslim Mission

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

muzz 1Last week, Donald Trump made headlines from something he didn’t say…he didn’t correct someone who called Obama a Muslim…and Hillary Clinton, along with several politically correct “see no evil” monkeys on the right, including Republican presidential candidates Lindsey Graham, who called on Trump to apologize for not correcting the man and Chris Christi who said, “If somebody at one of my town hall meetings said that, I would correct them and I would say, ‘The president’s a Christian and he was born in this country. Those two things are self-evident.'”

First of all, I am nauseated by all the “toleration” talk when it comes to Islam being preached at us by the politically correct crowd from the left AND the right side of the aisle and second, what is self-evident is that Obama IS a Muslim and no apology from Trump for not correcting the man or from those who simply state the glaringly obvious is necessary.

Ben Carson took heat over HIS comment that he, “would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation,” and again, the baboons of political correctness had a case of red-ass over it.

Here are the facts the terminally politically correct just can’t admit to or simply deny.

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Obama’s Iran “Deal” Nothing But Caliphate Cover…Part 3 of 3

By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on CPR Worldwide Media / www.cprworldwidemedia,net

dd 1“There is not value to our allies to see there is a split here in Congress or between Congress and the executive on this issue.”

– Republican turncoat Senator Jeff Flake on why he sold out to the Democratic supporters of Iran’s nuclear weapons ambition

Well it’s over…’We the People’ lost…America lost…and Israel lost. And who won…Iran won…Barack HUSSEIN Obama won…and all who hate America and Israel won…as Senate Democrats, as expected, blocked Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) late addition amendment #2656 53-45…an amendment “to prohibit Obama from waiving, suspending, reducing, providing relief from, or otherwise limiting the application of sanctions pursuant to an agreement related to the nuclear program of Iran”… which would basically stop in full Obama’s lifting sanctions on Iran until they released the five Americans hostages they hold as well as their formally recognizing the Jewish State of Israel’s right to exist before this ‘very bad deal’…surrender actually…would go into effect.

And thanks to turncoats like Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) who voted with the GOP on last week’s procedural vote but sided with Obama’s fellow Democratic traitors when it mattered most, Flake opposed McConnell’s amendment saying that “conditions are not serious enough to make this a prerequisite for entering into a deal.” And he said this even though he knows that releasing the hostages as well as supporting Israel’s right to exist should have been a non-negotiable must be included item for any deal to go forward from the start. Stating that,“Should a whole agreement be based on those two items? No.” Flake is misguided at best…outright traitorous at worst…as this is not an agreement made in good faith but a surrender to the enemy and he knows it.

And so with Flake’s sellout…

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