The Social Reengineering of Our Justice System

Lindsey Graham, the Senator from South Carolina who went off on both the liberals in the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Republicans last week says he now launching his own investigation into the Kavanaugh matter.

Graham is not however investigating Kavanaugh…he’s investigating the liberals as to how they engineered what can best be described in the words of Kavanaugh himself, as a “search and destroy mission” against the man who I still believe will be the next United States Supreme Court Justice.

Good for Lindsey Graham…somebody needs to do what he’s doing and I hope he can find the truth.

As for why Christine Blasey Ford was chosen by liberals to be the delivery system for this “search and destroy mission,” I refer you to Diane Sori’s op-ed, The Details of the Democrats Evil Plan Exposed.


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Rosenstein and the Rosetta Stone Documents

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Right about now, Rod Rosenstein should be sweating like a Kardashian on Jeopardy, but he is far from the only one who should be feeling the extreme heat.

Last Friday, the NY Times published a piece stating that Rosenstein had suggested wearing a wire to secretly record President Trump, as well as suggesting employing cabinet members to do the same, and then use the 25th Amendment to deem President Trump unfit to hold the office, and remove him from office.

Make no mistake…that is a coup attempt…a plan to overthrow a sitting, duly elected President of the United States.

In no uncertain terms…

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Vetting the Credibility of Kavanaugh’s Accuser

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Christine Margaret Blasey Ford is, at worst a con artist, and at best, something between a useful idiot and a dancing puppet to the liberal party of socialists.

Ford, or Blasey now says via her attorneys that she will not testify under oath before the Senate Judiciary Committee until a full FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh regarding her baseless allegations has been completed.

As a quick recap…Ford or Blasey has alleged that as a teenager, Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her at a house she doesn’t know who owned nor can she remember why she was at the house, on a date she doesn’t remember. She herself says she never uttered a word about it until a couples therapy session in 2012, she never filed a police report on it when the alleged assault took place some 35 or so years ago, and she has absolutely no evidence that it ever happened.

So…here’s the question…

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The Attempt to Smear Kavanaugh Exposed

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

So, Christine Ford, is a professor at Palo Alto University, and a registered democrat who federal campaign finance records show made donations earmarked for Bernie Sanders, the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and been a part of anti-Trump movements,(*!). has come forward as the anonymous source behind the Diane Feinstein letter regarding the supposed sexual misconduct of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

I hardly know where to begin, but I suppose it would be best to take it from the top.

Feinstein claims to have had in her possession, since July, a letter sent to her by this woman, Ford, in which Ford makes the claim that as a teen, Kavanaugh attacked her sexually some 35 years ago.

Feinstein did nothing with that letter until September 12th, just days ahead of a vote by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Kavanaugh, and while that in and of itself is disturbing, more disturbing still is the fact that this woman, Ford, has kept abjectly silent about the alleged attack…for 35 years.

According to Ford, it all happened on a summer day in the 1980s at a Maryland house where teens had gathered.

Which year in the 1980’s?

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Kabuki at the Kavanaugh Hearing

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

“We welcome you to the confirmation hearing of…”

That is as far as Chairman Chuck Grassley got in opening the Senate hearing for the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh before liberals Kamala Harris and Cory Booker started the disruptions aimed at delaying, or shutting down the hearings.

Grassley didn’t even get Kavanaugh’s name out of his mouth before liberals began to open their collective pie holes. It was an orchestrated attempt to stop what they have no hope of stopping, and a ploy for media coverage of which the liberal mainstream media is always happy to supply.

According to Harris, and then liberal Cory Booker, the Senate Committee did not have access to some 42,000 documents regarding Kavanaugh’s history until the night before the hearings opened, and they demanded that the hearings be shut down because they hadn’t had the time to go through those documents.

To be clear…

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Hey Liberals…Neener Neener

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

In the past several articles here in The National Patriot, I have outlined the pitfalls of socialism…not that conservatives aren’t already aware of such things…and not that liberals would read those articles even if they could read.

The overwhelming history of socialism is that, everywhere it has ever been implemented, and every time it has been implemented, it eventually collapses in failure.

Last week, in several primary races leading up to the 2018 midterm elections this November, liberals need look no further than their own candidates to witness such a collapse.

In the weeks and days leading up to several key primaries, liberals sent their socialist collective darlings…Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Cynthia Nixon and Bernie Sanders, otherwise known as the Marxist Sisters and the namesake of Weekend at Bernie’s…on an extended road trip to whip up support for their fellow socialist candidates.

It didn’t end well….

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Deep State’s Global Agenda…Part One

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Before I get into the heart of this article, some background on Deep State is necessary. My Right Side Patriots partner and friend, Diane Sori did a great job regarding that background in her recent op-ed, “On Deep State…An Essay in Truth” which you can read by clicking the link.

Recently I saw in a social media posting a question regarding why liberals are so intent on socialism. It seems to be a reasonable question given their hatred of capitalism and their deep desire to institute socialism.

Over The years I have written many times about socialism, the liberal bent towards socialism, and the fact that socialism fails every time it is implemented.

Allow me to give you a couple of famous quotes that have a direct bearing on the question at hand…why are liberals so hell bent on socialism?

Margaret Thatcher once said, “The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.”

In fact…

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Ocasio-Cortez…Nothing But a Facade

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Ross Barkan of The Guardian has called Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “the future of the democratic party.” In fact, in a recent piece, Barkan said of Ocasio-Cortez, “Ocasio-Cortez is an unabashed leftist, supported by the Democratic Socialists of America and numerous progressive organizations. She ran on a platform of Medicare for all, abolishing Ice and a federal jobs guarantee. She was unafraid of calling out corporatism and capitalism.

Tom Perez, the Democratic National Committee Chairman said that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the woman who won the NY primary over liberal incumbent Joe Crowley, and she is an unapologetic, unabashed socialist. Ocasio-Cortez is also running on a platform of free everything for everybody…

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Peter Strzok…The Epitome of Arrogance and Bias

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By: Diane Sori and Craig Andresen / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

He lied, he smirked, and he smugly testified about certain “off the cuff” texts he doesn’t remember writing but still explained what the texts meant. He denied that his personal anti-Trump bias affected his work because he said the texts were sent out of his “deep sense of patriotism” and nothing else.

And so F.B.I. Counter-Intelligence Agent Peter Strzok, who publicly testified last Thursday before the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees, tried to paint himself as the victim of a vast Republican conspiracy that claimed his personal bias and texts against then-candidate Donald Trump affected how he did his job in regards to his involvement in both the F.B.I.’s Hillary Clinton email investigation and Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible Russian collusion and election tampering. Going so far as to say that the hearing itself was but a rehash of Hillary’s emails and yet “another victory notch” for Vladimir Putin, Strzok insisted that his text messages regarding Hillary and Trump were nothing but “standard political opinions” that he was entitled to hold under the First Amendment. And he did so while insisting that his promise to former F.B.I. lawyer Lisa Page…whom he was having an affair with…that “we’ll find a way to stop Mr. Trump” did not mean he was biased in his approach to his job.

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Kavanaugh…Because Elections Have Consequences

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

So…President Trump’s Supreme Court pick has been made…Judge Brett Kavanaugh…and predictably, liberals went bat-crap crazy.

Liberalism, it has been said, is a mental disorder…but with this Supreme Court nominee, liberals have taken that disorder to a whole new level.

The response from liberals to the naming of Kavanaugh as the President’s choice to fill the seat soon to be vacated by the retiring Justice Kennedy was astounding, absurd and instant, which in its own way highlights the abject insanity of today’s liberals.

Hours before the announcement, a Conservative reporter stood on the streets of NYC and asked brain-numbed, liberally indoctrinated students what they thought of President Trump’s choice…even though no name was mentioned, and no choice had yet been announced.

And yet…

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