Patriotically Correct and Proud of It

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Okay, I admit it. I’m confused.

Not the sort of confused in that I don’t know which bathroom I’m supposed to use…that’s liberal confused, and if I ever go down that particular manhole, I hope someone has the common decency to put me out of my misery.

Manholes. We can’t call them manholes any more, at least not in Berkeley, California because they just passed a city ordinance dictating that manholes must now be called “maintenance holes.” Apparently, the women of Berkeley are feeling left out by not having something named after them that leads to a sewer.

In Berkeley, you are no longer allowed to be somebody’s brother or sister. You are only allowed to be a “sibling.” By the dictate of the new ordinance, such gendered pronouns as “he” and “she” are be replaced by “they” or “them,” which no doubt will cause no end of issues in certain circumstances.

Let me explain…

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Who Let the Cuckoos Out of the Nest?

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last Thursday, in a stunning reversal of rhetoric regarding the GOP’s border bill that passed in the Senate 84-8 last Wednesday, Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to liberals in the House stating, “In order to get resources to the children fastest, we will reluctantly pass the Senate bill. As we pass the Senate bill, we will do so with a Battle Cry as to how we go forward to protect children in a way that truly honors their dignity and worth.”

Oh, the hypocrisy.

Those little illegal alien spawn don’t know how damn lucky they are to have been dragged through God knows how many countries, across God only knows how many borders by adults, whether or not those adults are indeed even related to them, and held in what liberals insist are Nazi-like “concentration camps.”

If those were your garden variety American kids, liberals like Pelosi would have tried to stop them from even being born.

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Georgia Gets It Right

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last week, legislators in Georgia passed a Fetal Heartbeat law. Governor, Brian Kemp has indicated that, in the next few months, he’ll sign it. The law would ban abortions in Georgia as soon as a doctor can detect a fetal heartbeat, which generally happens at around six weeks into a pregnancy.

Critics of the law, liberals mostly, claim that most women don’t even know they’re pregnant at six weeks, and that such a law is an all-out assault on the reproductive health and safety of Georgia women.

First of all, let me clear up yet another commonly held liberal myth…abortion has little, if anything to do with “reproductive health.” Yes, there are cases where a woman’s health is threatened by a pregnancy…but Georgia has built in exceptions to the law in cases of rape or incest on the condition that the victim files a police report or someone files one on their behalf….and when a doctor determines the pregnancy would cause death or bodily harm to the mother or the fetus would not be able to live after birth.

In other words…

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Holy Guacamole, Cow Farts and Reparations

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It is now early April, 2019, and while the calendar says we’re 19 months away from the 2020 election, I can assure you we are both a whole lot closer than that to the campaigns in earnest, and it’s going to seem like an eternity before Election Day.

It seems like every few days, some other democrat crawls out of their hole, sees their shadow and announces that they too are running for the presidency in 2020.

At this point, it bears a striking resemblance to one of those little cars at the circus that stops at center ring and about a hundred clowns come pouring out of it. Politics in this metaphor would represent the circus, the 2020 election would be the center ring, and…

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Liberal BS and the Farting Cows of Doom

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The liberal agenda is all BS. 100 percent, absolute, undeniable bullcrap…and I believe that I can prove it.

Honestly, I don’t give a happy damn what plank from their agenda you care to bring up…I can show you how liberals have taken both sides of the issue when it suits them…and many times, they take both sides at the same time.

Sure it’s tricky. You have to be accomplished, pathological liars to do it. You have to be the absolute definition of hypocritical to pull it off, and you must, and I mean MUST have no shame…but we’re talking about liberals here so…

It goes without saying that liberals hate President Trump, and they hate Conservatives who support President Trump. Liberals also hate opinions that not fall into line with their own opinions.

Liberals hate religion, law enforcement, guns…people who own guns and large sodas.

The list of things liberals hate is far too long to compile here, but suffice it to say…liberals are indeed a hateful bunch and yet, they portray themselves as…

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Damn the Roses…This is the Socialist Derby

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

AND…they’re off…in more ways than one.

The liberal’s horse race for the White House is under way. Let’s call it the Socialist Derby and issue an immediate apology to the great state of Kentucky for purloining their moniker.

The problem is, all the liberal horses are running backwards. Have you ever seen a horse running backwards? It’s awkward, to say the least, and amusing at best. What it amounts to is watching one horse’s ass trying to get out front of the rest of the horses asses to see which horse’s ass can get to the glue factory last.

It’s not much fun for the horses…it’s gonna be sad for liberals who have their bets placed…but it’s gonna be a hoot for we spectators on the right side of the bleachers.

To fully understand the nature of this race, we’ll have to size up just a few of the horses asses in the running. Trust me…there are simply too many horses asses in this race to deal with all of them…which would require writing a book rather than an article, and I just don’t have time to write a book so let’s start with…

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A Very Bad Week For Liberals

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last week was a bad week for the stupid liberals…a very bad week…which has resulted in a perverse sense of glee on my part.

I just can’t help it.

As the liberals grow evermore desperate, they have started doing some of the most obtuse things that even a six year old could see as doomed to failure…but as we are all too well aware…your average liberal’s intelligence doesn’t rise to the level of your average six year old.

The real question is…from where do I even begin?

Okay…how about with what’s going on in the state of denial…Virginia?

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The Sad State of the 4th Estate…Part 2

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Be sure to read, The Sad State of the 4th Estate…Part 1 by clicking here.

Once again, the mainstream media went over the abyss and down rabbit hole reporting fake news and embracing lies in their demented, pathological attempt to “get” President Trump.

Last week, BuzzFeed published what turned out to be nothing less than yet another manufactured diatribe meant to overthrow President Trump. BuzzFeed offered absolutely no evidence of their baseless allegations, and the rest of the mainstream media, like pit bulls on a pork chop, went into a feeding frenzy.

Make no mistake, that BuzzFeed sack of crap story regarding President Trump ordering his attorney, Cohen to lie to congress was every bit as truthful, and factual as the Steele dossier, and their manufactured claims against Nick Sandmann the rest of the Covington Catholic students last week.

But that’s the point, isn’t it? After two years, the Mueller “investigation,” which in reality is nothing more than an orchestrated, taxpayer funded witch hunt, has turned up exactly nothing regarding any illegal activities by President Trump…so…the liberal mainstream media has been relegated to a position of simply making crap up in an attempt to baselessly smear the President.

Not to be outdone…

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The Sad State of the 4th Estate…Part 1

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

A Kentucky catholic school has issued an apology to a group of native Americans for “mocking” them at an event a week ago at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. but if you ask me, it is the native Americans who owe those students the apology.

According to the diocese, the students might face expulsion.

In issuing a joint statement, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Covington and Covington Catholic High School apologized and stated that they are investigating, and will take “appropriate action, up to and including expulsion.”

Naturally, liberals and the Pravda mainstream media seized on the event to scream “racism” because some of the students were wearing “Make America Great Again” hats, and their socialist collective outrage was focused on one particular student, Nick Sandmann, who stood there, smiling, as native American, Nathan Phillips, a 64-year-old man stood about six inches from the student…beating a drum, and chanting.

If all it takes for a catholic school, and their diocese to issue an apology and threaten to expel their students is an absurd claim by liberals…then it is the school and their diocese that should lose the support of their community.

Here’s what really happened…

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The Ginsburg Gambit

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

This commentary was written in January 2019.

Have you noticed how ramped up liberals are getting about trying to impeach President Trump? It’s all the rage in liberal circles.

From Nancy Pelosi to Chuck Schumer, the elected elite of liberals are all talking about it. They’re salivating over the idea. Drooling…slobbering and nearly peeing themselves at the very thought of impeachment.

It’s nothing new.

Liberals have wanted to impeach every Republican president in the past 40 or so years…but this is different. This time, they’re actually circling like sharks, and they think there’s blood in the water.

Why all the excess fervor now? They know there’s no real chance of it…liberals don’t control the Senate, and without 2/3 of the Senate, they can’t impeach anybody.

So…why now…why all the hype and baring of teeth now?

The answer is simple…three words…

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