On Principle and In Fact, AKIN MUST GO!!!


In The most important election since 1860, a great deal is at stake.

To be clear, it’s not just the white house.

In order to start the process of taking our nation back, restoring the principles of our founders and framers, congress is equally as important as the presidency.

With the House currently controlled by conservatives, the urgency to keep it that way is pressing.

Also pressing is the need to swing control of the Senate from a liberal majority to a conservative majority.

There seems to be little doubt as to the House remaining in the control of conservatives but, each and every seat up for grabs in the Senate is crucial.

There is something else of a crucial nature which must be brought forward.

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The Battle Hymn of the 2012 Election

Over the weekend, I was struck by the words of Paul Ryan at a rally in Manassas Virginia.

It was how he opened his comments.

What he said has been the clarion call of conservatives since the 2010 midterm election.

As the music played at each rally announcing Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney’s running mate, I could help but think…

We need an anthem. No…We need a battle song.

What we DON:T need is a rehashed song bent and twisted to meet the need. Any old song will do if that’s the criteria.


What we need is a  song, written by someone who feels the way WE do. A song which expresses OUR clarion call.

We need a song which speaks directly to US, of who WE are and to what WE must do.

It needs to be a song OF the People, BY the People and FOR the people.

That’s why, when I heard Paul Ryan’s opening words in Manassas on Saturday…I knew EXACTLY what our song should be.


If you are not yet familiar with Ava Aston…You should be.

A while back, I found the song that she wrote and it shook me to the core.

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The Image says it all.

Mitt Romney has officially chosen Wisconsin’s Paul Ryan to round out the Republican Ticket.

This is a GREAT choice.

Paul Ryan, the 28 year old wiz kid who became a Congressman from Wisconsin 14 years ago is now the 42 year old budget genius who will, in a couple of weeks, become the Vice Presidential nominee!!!

Yesterday, on Right and Wrong Radio with John Matthews, I said that, from the short, short list, if Romney wanted to refocus the dialogue and the discussion on the issues that matter the most in this election…The economy, unemployment, jobs and the deficit…Paul Ryan would be THE best VP choice.

While the Obama campaign flounder about trying to talk about anything BUT the issues…

A Romney/Ryan ticket will HAMMER on those issues AND on Obama’s FAILURES regarding those issues!!!

Paul Ryan has put forth budget proposal after budget proposal which have been passed by the house only to be referred to as DOA and put on dusty back shelves by Harry Reid in the senate and never voted upon there.

Contrast that to OBAMA’S budget proposals which HAVE been voted on in the senate and have NEVER RECEIVED A SINGLE VOTE!!!

Mitt Romney, in the 80 some odd days leading up to the election will highlight America’s future greatness while Paul Ryan will focus on Obama’s 4 years of economic failure.

That is a 2 front plan while Obama has…nothing.

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Is Obama Monty Python’s Black Knight of Socialism?

Well…HERE’S a tidbit.

One of the Emperor’s former Law Professors at Harvard says that Obama needs to be…DEFEATED…in November!!!


Whoa…hang on…It’s NOT what you think it is.

According to Roberto Unger, the reason the Emperor must be removed from the throne is because, “He has failed to advance the progressive cause in the United States.”

Ah HAH!!!

Unger continued, “There will be a cost … in judicial and administrative appointments” but, “the risk of ‘military adventurism’ would be no worse under a Republican than under Obama because the Democratic Party proposes no new direction.”

Isn’t that quaint?

According to a liberal/socialist Harvard Law Professor who had the future Emperor as a student…

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The Commencement Address Grads NEED to Hear

Well, another May is half over and another year gone by without any asylum of higher learning asking me to provide sage wisdom to graduating seniors.

I don’t know why.

Dressed in caps and gowns, young people are heading out into the world and they need advice. Not the sort of advice they’re likely to get but real advice. They need the sort of advice that will help them face reality and cope with it.

On the off chance that even one “Future of Our Nation” graduate will see this, allow me to offer such advice.

Young people…YOU are the future of this great nation and I shudder at the very thought of it.

You may well not like my advice and many of you probably won’t follow it, but, someday, you will realize you should have.

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New Black Panthers Advocate Violence, Obama Silent

Obama has stepped into the fray before, will he step in now?

In Tucson after the Gabby Giffords shooting, Obama called for calmer heads and less rhetoric. In Tucson Obama stated that, “Terrible things happen for reasons that defy human understanding.” He continued with, “For the truth is that none of us can know exactly what triggered this vicious attack, no one can know what thoughts lurked in the inner recesses of a violent man’s mind.”

Obama later in that speech said that people should not use what happened as, “one more occasion to turn on one another.” Obama encouraged a sense of humility, empathy and especially reflection instead, urging people to consider whether they have, “shown enough kindness and generosity and compassion to the people in our lives.”

He was correct but transparently full of political expediency, seizing the moment for his own aggrandizement.

Will he step up NOW? In the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting will he NOW step up?

No. I rather doubt that he will.

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Trayvon Martin: The Race to Division


We’re better than this. Much better. You may not know it by watching your social media threads, but trust me…

We ARE better than this.

Has it now come to the point, that while trying to MAKE a point, we are going to make the exact point liberals…OBAMA…wants us to make?

Are there discrepancies in the Trayvon Martin story? Yep. Was it racially motivated? Maybe…maybe not. Does it matter?

Well, that depends.

It doesn’t depend on what color YOUR skin might be…It DOES depend on whether or not you WANT it to matter.


And judging by what is floating about out there on social media…way, WAY too many conservatives seem to THINK it should matter.

Bull crap.

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Desperate Obama Goes to War on Religion

Mention a war on Christmas or a war on religion to a liberal and they will dismiss you. They’ll laugh and call you names. Liberals will tell you that you’re crazy and other things too.

They will. You know it, I know it and THEY know it.

Here’s something else we all know too.

There’s a war against religion being waged in this country and leading that war, are liberals and this administration.

Every Christmas, we go through it. No manger scenes in parks, no Christmas carols in schools or post offices. Christmas trees and Christmas programs become “Winter” trees and programs.

The war on Christmas is just a skirmish and one which was meant to start the process.

Now, liberals are starting to feel the pressure. They’re getting desperate. Their grip on power is starting to erode.

We know that and they know it too.

The midterm election of 2010 was a warning shot over their bow. It scared them. They thought THEY had it in the bag and THEY got a shellacking. They weren’t ready for it. They never saw it coming.

Now, as we head into the 2012 election, they, the liberal/socialists and their leader, Obama, are feeling the pressure and they’re ramping up the war. Way up.

Remember when Obamacare had to be passed to find out what was in it?

Turns out, one of the things in it was a mandate that religious organizations purchase Obamacare with coverage for abortions, contraception, morning-after pills and sterilizations.

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Is Herman Cain Striking Out?

Over the last several weeks, conservatives have been raising Cain. Herman Cain’s rise in the polls has been steep and sudden. It wasn’t that long ago that most conservatives were only vaguely aware of Cain and knew him best as the former CEO of Godfathers Pizza.

That started to change when Cain announced, several months ago, that he was a Presidential candidate for 2012. After a couple of debates, Cain started to gain some traction but it wasn’t until he started talking about his 9-9-9 tax plan that his numbers really started taking off.

Now, as more people start analyzing the 9-9-9 plan, it has started to look a little tarnished. For some, though Cain denies it, it seems to raise their taxes. It’s simple and that’s what caught attention but, when it’s put to specific questions, it may well be too simple and in some ways, unworkable.

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Troops$ or Abortion$

By Craig Andresen on April 8, 2011

Right now, Harry Reid in the senate, argues that the hold up on a stop gap spending bill that would fund the military through the end of the fiscal year and the rest of government for another week, is not valid and should not be considered because of a lack of funding for title 10.

Call it what it REALLY is Harry Reid. Title 10 does NOT receive tax payer funding. Planned Parenthood Does. You are NOT holding this up over title 10 your ARE holding it up over the defunding of Planned Parenthood.

To claim otherwise is, at best, disingenuous and more accurately, a transparent deception of the American people.

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