Papa John’s and the Whiny Weasels of Socialism

A word of warning to the Whiny Weasels of Socialism.

Be careful what you vote for…You may just get it and WHEN you get exactly that for which you voted…DON’T START WHINING ABOUT IT!!!

9 days ago, socialists voted for the Emperor and now, they’re starting to realize the fruits of their labors.


Lots of them.

Socialists now want to boycott Papa John’s and Applebees because they are cutting work hours of their employees. They say such a move is…Un-American.


Socialists think something is Un-American???
Let me explain this in a way that anyone with a working brain cell can understand it.

Let’s use Papa John’s as our example.

Here is a company which started when somebody decided there was a better way to make pizza. Fresh instead of frozen ingredients, a great sauce a great crust and a great price.

A classic AMERICAN idea.

It grew because people who like pizza liked the complete Papa John’s recipe.

It grew and grew. People wanted to own their OWN Papa Johns and franchises were sold.

Very American.

After the expenses, ingredients, building and real estate costs, insurance, equipment, EMPLOYEES, taxes etc…The typical franchisee had…HAD a profit margin of around 10%.

Now, because of increased regulations, hikes in the minimum wage, rising insurance costs and the clamping down on business loans, higher costs due to rising gas prices for delivery of goods and delivery of pizzas…Over the last 4 years…The average franchisee NOW has a profit margin of…2%.

Along comes Obamacare.

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National Suicide or a Call to Arms?


Who would have guessed that Americans would enjoy free birth control pills, punishing success, food stamps, welfare, reduced freedoms, a weak national defense, appeasement of Islamists, high unemployment, a staggering and growing national debt, borrowing money from China, jacking up taxes, government control of your healthcare decisions  and killing their unborn children to this degree?

Who would have guessed that the American people would just keep digging from the bottom of a mine shaft to nowhere?

What’s the matter America?

Gas prices not high enough yet?

Your share of the national debt hasn’t hit 4 times your annual salary?

The dollar hasn’t been devalued far enough yet to suit you?

Not enough Constitution hating legislators on the Supreme Court yet?

What is it for Christ’s sake???

What’s it gonna take to wake up more than just die-hard engaged conservatives???

The Arab Spring Parade down Main Street of YOUR town?

I mean…Detroit is a rat hole and Dearbornistan is being run by the Muslim Brotherhood and yet, Michigan still votes for socialists.

On the East Coast…New York and New Jersey…people are homeless and those who still have a home don’t have electricity, don’t have heat, can’t buy gas, garbage and debris is everywhere and non union workers are chased out of town but, THEY still vote for MORE government.

The SAME “more government” who isn’t doing a damned thing to help them.

Hey…Jersey…Staten Island…Not thirsty enough yet???

Maybe we just don’t have enough Americans getting killed by terrorists on the other side of the world because the very people who should be protecting them AREN’T and they’re telling those who COULD have to “STAND DOWN!!”

Conservatives have had quite enough thank you very much but…

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Tomorrow, We Take Out the Trash!!

When I vote tomorrow I will be voting for much, MUCH more than a new President.

I will be voting for my country.

If you think this is all about Romney over Obama you need to think again.

By voting for Romney and Ryan, I’ll be voting OUT Obama and the human gaff machine Joe Biden.

It clearly doesn’t stop there.

When I cast my vote for Romney I’ll be voting against Eric Holder, an Attorney General held in Contempt for stone walling congress over a failed gun running operation which led to the murder of Agent Brian Terry and more than 200 civilians in Mexico.

My vote for Mitt Romney will be a vote against Tim Geithner, a tax cheat who now heads the very government operation tasked with collecting our taxes.

By Voting Romney, I’ll vote against John Clapper, perhaps the most useless National Intell Chief one could ever, EVER have on guard.

By Voting for Mitt, I’ll be voting against and voting OUT Hillary. Yes, I know she said she would only serve as Secretary of State for one term but seriously…She’s a BIG part of what got 4 Americans killed in Benghazi and anyone who would take Lil’ Kim’s promise in North Korea as gospel needs voting out.

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Weekend Edition: The Proverbial Fool Laughed

I have, for some time, questioned whether I would ever come across someone who’s arrogance could rise above that of Obama.

After watching last Thursday night’s Vice Presidential debate, I no longer have that question.

Joe Biden’s performance reeked of arrogance, reeked of disrespect and reeked of a deep psychosis.

It just flat out reeked.



1) a brief popular epigram or maxim : adage

The thing about proverbs is that they are precursors of future events.

The Biblical Proverbs were written nearly 3000 years ago and are as true in their wisdom today as when they were written.

Take, for instance, Proverbs 29:9.

There are many translations but, essentially, they are the same.

“If a wise man has an argument with a fool, the fool only rages and laughs, and there is no quiet.”

Last Thursday night, a wise man argued with a fool. The fool raged and the fool laughed. The fool interrupted the wise man 81 times in 90 minutes with his raging and with his laughter.

There was no quiet.

Fortuitous? Indeed. However, one need not go back so far as the days of Solomon to fins a man, wise enough, to be fortuitous.

No. One need only go back to a Thursday night in late August.

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Dropping the Question of Mass Destruction

As we speed toward the November 6th election and even faster toward the next presidential debate, I believe there is but a single question which Mitt Romney could pose that would virtually bring the Obama campaign, not to mention his Canadian made bus…To a screeching halt.

Romney would need to preface the single simple question with a statement and that could be done either in his next opening or closing statement. I would suggest that should Romney win the coin toss he should choose to go first.

Now before I reveal that statement and simple question, we should take a quick look back at the last 4 years.

During Obama’s time in office, he has yet to pass a budget and even though his party controlled both the house and the senate for the 1st two years, Obama has steadfastly blamed republicans for the lack of a budget.

When it comes to the deficit, we have racked up more than a trillion dollars per year during the Obama administration and, Obama has blamed republicans for that too. Well…Republicans and George W. Bush.

During Obama’s 4 years in office, our National Debt has increased by more than 5 trillion dollars. Who’s to blame? George W. Bush because, as Obama has blathered over and over again…Things were worse than he thought when he took office.

For the first time in our history, our credit rating has been downgraded…twice…so who might be held to blame by the Obama team?


George W. Bush…Republicans…Republicans…George W. Bush and on and on it goes.


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I have been reminiscing lately, about my childhood, and I have come to the most startling conclusion. IT IS AN ABSOLUTE MIRICLE that I am alive today to reminisce about my childhood!

When I was a kid, the world around us was MUCH more dangerous than it is today.

A few days ago, while watching Elizabeth Warren at the convention, I decided the time was ripe to do something I had, for far too long, neglected.

I read the label on a bottle of recently purchased shampoo.

Along with all the directions, which can only be read with the use of an electron microscope, were the only words clearly visible from space…



My God given common sense has, so far, prevented me from drinking the shampoo.

As fascinating as I found Elizabeth Warren, I left the TV and headed for the bathroom where I started checking OTHER labels.

Did you know that your antiperspirant is ALSO for external use only?

Our hair dryer has a warning on IT too.


Set aside, for a moment, the shocking possibility of being electrocuted and consider…on the moron scale…where one would have to be to believe that, while in the shower, with the water running, one could get their hair dry.

Let’s face facts.

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Conservative’s War on Women Explained


I’ve been putting a few things together. Connecting the dots, as it were.

You know how I enjoy connecting the dots.

Well, I’m going to do something here I have never done before. I am going to offer my assistance to the liberal/socialists.

Alright now, where to begin.

Okay. In a recent ABC News Poll…The numbers are somewhat startling for Obama. In April, Female voters preferred Obama 57-39%. However…the most RECENT poll shows a VERY different story.

Female voters NOW prefer Romney to Obama by 50% (Romney) to 46% for Obama.

My goodness. What happened???

For months now, angry liberal/socialists have been telling the nation that Republicans are waging a “war on women.” They’ve been painting conservatives as purely EVIL towards women. They say that Romney HATES women and Ryan HATES women.

They’ve said it and said it. From the campaign trail and every liberal/socialist spinning head pundit has said it and said it.

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With God Off the Platform, Michelle Anoints Saint Barack

It was fate.

Maybe Karma.

That it happened was not at all surprising but, WHEN it happened…THAT was astounding.

With near pinpoint accuracy, just as Debbie What’s-Her-Name-Schultz brought down the gavel to open the Liberal/Socialist Convention and Entitlement Fest…

The Debt Clock, the one featured SO prominently at the Republican Convention but, oddly nowhere to be seen at THIS week’s convention…

Clicked over $16 TRILLION DOLLARS.

Without question, both parties have had a hand in that debt.

Without question, Obama ripped George W. Bush for adding just over $4 trillion to it during his 8 years in office.

Without question, in less than HALF that amount of time, Obama had added $5,3 TRILLION to it.

Without question, Obama said he would cut it in half by the end of his first term.

Yesterday, when asked how he would grade himself on the economy, Obama answered, “Incomplete.”


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The Empty Chair Convention Begins


Talk about your rough starts…

Obama and his minions are kicking off their 2012 Liberal/Socialist convention amid what is understatedly, a malaise.

Yesterday, the day before the Occupy Charlotte event gets under way, was “National Empty Chair Day,” an event which was born from Clint Eastwood’s Republican Convention appearance which will stretch until the end of the Liberal/Socialist convention on Thursday.

Bolstered by a grassroots effort on social media, “National Empty Chair Day” was replete with a never ending display of creative images of empty chairs posted from sea to shining sea.

Conservative Patriots placed empty chairs everywhere they could think of. In front of their homes, in parks, on streets, the bottoms of pools, stacked, in rows, in offices…everywhere.

We, at The National Patriot, added in our own take on it…seen here.

Over the weekend, on the eve of “National Empty Chair Day,” Mount  Suckmore…The giant sand sculpture of Obama outside the convention hall was damaged by heavy rain.

It’s a fitting tribute…

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Liberals in Full-On Meltdown Mode

There are a few things from the start of the Republican National Convention which should surprise nobody.

First, we had Chuck Todd from the Obama propaganda wing known as NBC, stating that, “There are folks with the Romney campaign who think, ‘Boy, Romney can’t catch a break ever since he named Paul Ryan. He got a little momentum after the Ryan pick and then he’s disrupted by two storms. One, a political storm in Todd Akin which we just brought up. But now an actual storm, and when you think when this storm moves to and closer to Louisiana, the specter, the sort of shadow of Bush and Katrina does hang over this convention.

Seriously? THIS is where the liberal media wants to go?

If there is ANY specter or shadow of Katrina it casts itself directly over liberals.

Louisiana had a liberal governor who did NOTHING in the face of the COMING storm and woefully dropped the ball in its wake. The liberal media has, since Katrina, blamed Bush for not sending in the National Guard to evacuate people when, in fact, it would have been illegal to do so without the request of the state’s Governor. She failed to make that request.

It was also the prevue of New Orleans’ Mayor, another liberal, who fled the city for higher ground…IN DALLAS.

And let’s not even get started on the 10s of MILLIONS of dollars given to New Orleans to shore up their levies over the decades which decades of liberal officials spent elsewhere.

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