Friday Fume

As the polls start to shift, the liberal LOONS are getting twitchier by the minute!!!

They’re seeing their grip on power slip faster t than their GRIP ON SANITY!!!

In desperation, they are grasping the thinnest of threads as they dangle over the abyss and knowing they are about to take the plunge…they seem more and more bent on trying to take us all with them!!!

But guess what?

We’ve GOT all our marbles and we believe in our values…AMERICAN VALUES and unlike the liberal lemmings…WE WILL NOT GO WILLINGLY OVER THE CLIFF!!!

My friends and fellow Patriots…Today is Friday and…

I’m fuming.

For GOD’s sake…

The Freedom From Religion Foundation dipsticks are at it again.

This time, all the way from Wisconsin, they are trying to force an investigation into a GEORGIA high school because the football coach ALLOWED LOCAL CHURCHES TO PREPARE PRE-GAME MEALS FOR THE TEAM!!!

HEAVEN forbid…

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Obama’s Lies Unchallenged by Press

There was no zip. No razzle dazzle.

There was no bounce in his step or in his voice.

Clearly, he didn’t want to be there and who could blame him? The last time he did something like this, his words came back to haunt him and immediately so.

“The private sector’s doin’ fine.”

Nonetheless, just minutes into the daily press briefing, while Jay Carney was trying to weasel out of another round of questions, through the door and onto the platform he came.

“I’m told you’ve been missin’ me.”

It was remarkable. Truly remarkable.

Obama, yesterday, after being shamed into it by members of the white house press corps, took questions from reporters for the first time in 8 weeks.

Truly remarkable the number of lies which can be told in a few brief minutes.

Asked about negative campaigning, Obama responded:

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Nitwits, Hair Brains and Socialists…OH MY!!!!

Okay…Let me see if I have this straight.

Hair Brained Harry Reid who has offered such pearls of wisdom as these:

“The tea party will disappear as soon as the economy gets better and the economy is getting better all the time.”

“Until the Republicans get real, we can’t do [spending bills], because [House Republicans] have refused to adhere to the law that guides this country.”

“Last year, Amonix CEO Brian Robertson was tragically killed in a plane crash and unfortunately the company was unable to recover from this difficult time.”

“Today is a big day in America. Only 36,000 people lost their jobs today, which is really good.”

“This war is lost and the surge is not accomplishing anything.”

At one point Hair Brained Harry said THIS about John Roberts…

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Is Obama a “Dreamer???”

Is it simple pandering to a voting bloc in the months leading to the election or, is it something far, far worse?

Frankly, it’s hard to tell and while neither is good, the outcome, either way, it is clearly against the very principles of this nation.

Last week, it came to light that an ICE agent was threatened with punishment…A 3 day suspension…And for WHAT exactly?

Enforcing the law.

The ICE agent in question arrested a 35 year old ILLEGAL immigrant because that ILLEGAL alien had amassed 10 traffic violations.

For an American citizen, according to the Newark Police Department, such an arrest would have landed the arrestee in jail.

In THIS case…ICE supervisors ordered the ILLEGAL alien to be RELEASED and now, the Agent who made the arrest is facing a 3 day suspension.



Not a high priority target.

Tell THAT to Zach and Aileen Smith who, in a separate incident, were involved in a vehicle crash when their car was struck by…AN ILLEGAL ALIEN WHO HAD 4 DUI’s ON HIS RECORD!!! Aileen was 7 months pregnant and after being rushed to the hospital for an emergency C-Section found that her baby did NOT survive the crash.

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Friday Fume

Friends and Patriots…Today is a special Friday!!!

This is our 52nd FUME which means…NEXT Friday is The National Patriot’s 1 year anniversary!!!

Do you KNOW what that means???

THAT means that TOGETHER…We have survived a FULL YEAR’S worth of liberal INSANITY and to celebrate…I left a little video fun for ya at the end of this Fume!!!

So what do you say we strap ourselves in TIGHT and wrap this week up with yet ANOTHER review with ATTITUDE???

If you’re ready…SO AM I!!!

It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.


Say it’s not so…

Guess who’s ready to throw his pants back into the political ring???


That’s right, THE PETER TWEETER wants to run for MAYOR OF NEW YORK CITY!!!

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Obama’s Birth Certificate is a Genuine Forgery


That SHOULD be the headline on every newspaper and the top story on every newscast around the country today.

It SHOULD be but, it won’t be.

Obama told us it was real…it was official…He either didn’t know it was a forgery or…He lied.

Obama said we wouldn’t be able to solve the nation’s problems if…”we are distracted…If we just, make stuff up, and pretend facts are not facts…”

Well…SOMEBODY just “MADE STUFF UP”  in creating  his birth certificate and the FACT is…That birth certificate is a FRAUD and a FORGERY. The only people “pretending” otherwise are Obama and the liberal/socialists who support him.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Investigator Mike Zullo held a press conference in Phoenix to announce further findings regarding the Cold Case Posse investigation into Obama’s birth certificate and the findings were stunning.

After Zullo, Jerome Corsi and 1 Deputy spent 11 days in Hawaii, their findings were not only stunning, they show a great probability that Hawaii and their laws regarding birth certificates pose a real and present threat to national security.

On the document, presented by Obama and on the White House website in April 2011, there are small boxes with hand written numbers next to boxes filled in with typed information. In 2 of those boxes, the hand written number 9 appears corresponding to boxes filled in with typed information.

One of those #9’s appears next to where the race of the father is recorded as “African.”

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Shhhh…There’s a Paraceratherium in the Room

There’s a Paraceratherium in the room.


Don’t talk about it. Just ignore it and maybe nobody else will notice it.

Maybe it’ll go away.

WhatEVER you do though…don’t talk about the Paraceratherium in the room.

THAT is what we’ve seen for a LONG, long time now from the media regarding the Emperor’s hidden and buried past.

Not even Fox News wants to talk about the Paraceratherium in the room.

Okay…so what exactly IS a Paraceratherium?

It’s a prehistoric giant hornless rhinoceros.

Like so many other prehistoric beasts, the Paraceratherium has evolved. It’s much smaller now and can be found in the halls of Congress, state legislatures, some Governor’s offices and yes, its spirit seems to have found its way into the control rooms at Fox News.

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Did Cornered Obama Launch a Preemptive Strike?

Over the last several days, we have seen an uptick in the rhetoric from the Obama campaign and it’s all personal attacks against Mitt Romney.


We fully expected that during this campaign and, we fully expect it not only to continue but, to get worse.

Lots worse.

We know Obama can’t run on his record and we know he’ll try to swing the topic away from things like jobs, unemployment, the debt, the economy, raising taxes and just about any part of his record or administration one cares to mention.

But what has transpired in the past few days may well be being mischaracterized by almost everybody in the press and the blogosphere.

What we are hearing most often are words and phrases like…”Jumped the shark” and “desperation.

Here’s what is leading to what could well be the biggest missed foreshadowing in recent history.

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The National Patriot On The Air

Last night, it was my great pleasure to be a guest on Rapture Ready Radio with Matt Buff and Jim Fletcher.

Over the course of the hour, we delved into many different political issues and topics including Allen West, the 2012 elections, foreign and domestic policies, Mitt Romney and a good deal more.

I thoroughly enjoyed the interview and hope to again be asked to in their conversation!!

The National Patriot portion of last night’s show begins at the 72:30 mark. Please have a listen and, like me, become a fan of Rapture Ready Radio!

To hear last night’s show, please CLICK HERE!!!

Obama Eligibility: Identifying the Real Fools

Liberals say you’re a fool and will call you all sorts of other things, if you question the birthplace of one Barack Obama or Barry Soetoro. The media won’t touch it either.

The more we learn, the more we don’t know and that IS the problem.

Pressed for years to display his birth certificate, Obama finally did 13 months ago, and under examination by the first law enforcement driven investigation into it, it comes up as a not even so clever forgery.

The same can be said for his Selective Service registration.

Now, Breitbart has uncovered that literary agents, Acton and Dystal, were publicizing a book that Obama was to have written but never did, “Journeys in Black and White,” back in 1991. In their promotion piece, Acton and Dystal stated that Obama had been “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.

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