Friday Fume

In Sweden a couple of days ago, TOUGH GUY Barack Hussein Obama was whining about the way he’s sometimes treated  in the United States and the names he sometimes gets called and then, he suggested he’d be more welcomed in Europe.

I have 2 words for him…


Senator Bob Corker (RINO TN) asked the HEAD of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, GENERAL MAYHEM DEMPSEY what it was that this administration was “seeking” by attacking Syria.


I can’t answer that, what we’re seeking.”

Naturally, after that…CORKER voted in FAVOR of the attack resolution.

I’m pretty sure I know what conservative voters are gonna be “SEEKING” the next time CORKER’S up for election.

And Obama has old Bill Clinton is out there trying to sell Obamacare because, try as he might…Obama CAN’T FIND A SINGLE ASPIRIN FACTORY TO BOMB IN SYRIA OR…AN INTERN TO HUM…”HAIL TO THE CHIEF” WHILE HE DOES IT!!!

Trust me, there IS humor to be found in this absurd Syria situation if ya dig for it and you know me…I walk LOUDLY and carry a BIG shovel!!!

My friends and Patriots…

Today is Friday and…

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Friday Fume

Is there no END to liberal stupidity?


This week, like the previous weeks and just as it will be in future weeks, liberals and socialists just keep raising the bar on their insipid activities.

This week, Bradley Manning got busted down to private before he was sentenced to 35 years in a military lock up and now, he wants his clusters removed.

That’s right…Bradley now wants to be CHELSEA and begin hormone treatments…PRESUMABLY at TAX PAYER EXPENSE because, I suppose, having a little cloud of glitter behind you every time you fart just isn’t a good thing when you’re cellmate’s name is HANK.

The government has awarded a $78 THOUSAND DOLLAR grant to a bunch of HALF BAKED researchers to find out if GLOBAL WARMING caused the downfall of the MAYAN civilization.

Exhibit A) MAYAN…SUV’s.

And…The without A=CLU(E)…Which uttered not a single word of displeasure when a U.S. District Court Judge threw out OKLAHOMA’S BAN ON SHARIA LAW…Now is DEMANDING a STATUE of the 10 COMMANDMENTS be REMOVED from the lawn of the OKLAHOMA CAPITOL!!!

Tell me again how socialists don’t want all notions of our JUDEO/CHRISTIAN values BANISHED to be replaced by the IDEOLOGY of ISLAM!!!!!

It’s Friday my fellow Patriots and…

I’m fuming.

Well…Proving that governments of OTHER nations can be as dumb as a door knob…JAPAN has decided that the leak of RADIOACTIVE WATER from the FUKISHIMA nuclear plant is NOT an ANOMALY after all.


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Friday Fume

Friends, Patriots…Lend me your eyes!!!

It takes quite a bit to knock me from my office chair but, even I was picking myself up from the floor this week.

The press was agog all week over some whining, drooling, diaper filling little brat who can’t even speak but…Enough about Barney Frank.

We have a string of socialist celebrities vowing to boycott Florida over the Zimmerman verdict. Hmmm…They’ll go to Cuba, consort with despots, cry at Hugo’s funeral and champion Che but, let 6 women find an innocent man NOT GUILTY and THEN they get their panties in a wad???


And HUD has decided to map EVERY SINGLE CITY in the country to…Get this…ELIMINATE SEGREGATION!!!

That’ll go over like a fart in church down in Sanford Florida where all the blacks in one neighborhood want to force all the white/Hispanics out.

Well…It’s the end of the week and it’s time to let it all loose. Today is Friday and…

I’m fuming!!!

Well, of all the lame-brained ideas.

For those few in the military who worship at the altar of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS…

There’s now a push by socialists to have MILITARY…ATHEIST…CHAPLAINS!!!!!!!


Perhaps, after a war…the atheists can put NOTHING on a hilltop and then WE…WHO HAVE FAITH…CAN SUE THEM!!!!!!!


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Ignore Trayvon? Move on? Old News? THINK AGAIN!!!

I would like to take a moment and address all of this Trayvon and Zimmerman nonsense.

I am seeing it all over social media and frankly, enough is enough.

I’m talking about all those who say there should be nothing more said regarding Trayvon and Zimmerman. They say we need to focus and while I agree, I am still at something of a loss.

Focus on what, exactly?

It seems every other post I see telling me to focus is telling me to focus on something different.

Focus on Benghazi…THAT is THE most important thing.

Focus on Obamacare. THAT is THE most important thing.

Focus on Obama’s records fraud. THAT is THE most important thing.

Focus on the IRS abuse of power.

Focus on the NRA.

Focus on agenda 21.

Focus on abortion.

Focus on Extortion 17.

Focus on this…Focus on THAT…

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Friday Fume

It’s NOT that there are so many thugs in Chicago that’s been causing the murder rates there to remain so high.

According to Chicago’s SS Chief, Supt. Garry McCarthy, It’s…

Wait for it…


Yep, that’s right…The SUMMER WEATHER…has a role in the murder rate in Chicago.

Or…Is it global HUMIDITY???

It’s a lot hotter…ALL YEAR LONG…In Phoenix but Phoenix doesn’t have the murder rate that Chicago has.

Phoenix, you see, has a “dry” heat.

Now…MIAMI on the other hand…Is MORE humid than CHICAGO and just as hot but…MIAMI doesn’t have as high a murder rate as Chicago EITHER.


Have ya ever been to New Orleans?

It’s hot and GOD AWFUL humid in New Orleans and the place is CRAWLING with liberal creole cretins but they don’t have the murder rate of Chicago either.


It’s hot in Cairo.

In Egypt…

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“Immigration” Bill – About Amnesty or ELIGIBILITY??

If you don’t think there’s anything to the whole Obama fraudulent birth certificate thing…

Think again.

If you don’t think he’s terrified of the truth coming out via the Sheriff Joe Cold Case Posse and Mike Zullo’s investigation…


This Dictator and his band of socialist leg humpers are DESPERATE for a solution and they are trying to rush through legislation to cover his eligibility and other personal issues related to it.

Friends and Patriots…That piece of legislation is cleverly hidden in one of todays most watched issues.

It’s called…


Socialists want to render Obama’s ILLEGAL activities, his forged birth certificate, his bogus social security card and his fraudulent selective service registration as well as his Indonesian citizenship null and void.

Those “republicans” supporting this Senate Immigration Reform bill are desperately trying to avoid a Constitutional crisis in the hopes of never having to grow a set of balls.


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Is it Time to Replace the “S” With a “V” Yet???

Let’s take a look at how the Obama abuses of power have been resolved, shall we?

Yes…I said…RESOLVED.

Now, I know that most who read this article today will say that Obama’s “scandals have been anything BUT resolved and I would be in complete agreement with that but…That is CLEARLY not the viewpoint of this obtuse, insipid and corrupt administration.

How about we take a look at the cases and hold off on our final decision.

Here we go.

Obama’s Eligibility –  After YEARS of speculation over the Dictator’s eligibility to serve in the nation’s highest office and, with a good deal of that initial speculation centered around Obama’s birth certificate…

Obama HIMSELF…”RESOLVED”…the case by displaying what was, within MINUTES, determined to be a FORGED birth certificate.

That forgery was later confirmed by Sheriff Joe’s Cold Case Posse and lead investigator, Mike Zullo to be, INDEED, a forgery as they ALSO discovered to be the case with Obama’s Selective Service registration AND his Social Security number.

Move along…Nothing to see here…

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Obama – Holder…Connect the Kenyan Dots

There may well be more to Eric Holder’s “possible” perjury and the DOJ’s spying on journalists than appears at first blush.

While congressional committees continue to probe the James Rosen situation and Holder’s obvious lying TO the committee…

I am taking another look at the DOJ and their spying on the Associated Press.

Now, we ALL know what the DOJ gave as the reason for the clandestine grab of AP phone records that could well have placed HUNDREDS of press reporters AND many Members of congress in the snoop-happy cross-hairs.

It was the DOJ’s attempt to find out who was leaking classified info TO the press.


Hold on…Not so fast…

I have a question.

If Holder and his goons were trying to find the source of leaks…Why wasn’t he spying on the only possible SOURCES of those leaks?

Obama’s inner circle.


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Obama’s GENIUS Knows NO Bounds

In light of the most recent spin thrown against the wall by this current, corrupt administration and their minions in the mainstream media, I think it’s time we take a look at just SOME of what has transpired over the last 4 ½ years.

In no particular order…

This administration engineered Fast and Furious in which they ran guns to Mexican drug cartels and lost track of them.

Those weapons have, so far, led to the murders of HUNDREDS of Mexicans as well as the murder of U.S. Border Agent, Brian Terry and quite likely, that of Agent Jamie Zapata as well.

So stupid was the operation and so inept the cover-up of it that the Dictator had to seal away the evidence with Executive Privilege.

Dumber than a box of rocks.

This administration “invested” taxpayer dollars…HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars in green energy companies which ended up folding faster than you could say, “SOLYNDRA.”

One after another, green energy companies lauded by and spent on by the Dictator closed their doors and yet, to this day, he still insists that green is better than fossil fuels.

Good grief…

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Obama Will Not Make It Through 2nd Term

The wheels are coming off the Canadian made campaign bus.

Right about now, behind the scenes, Obama has to be sweating like Kelly Pickler on Jeapordy.

The revolving door of lies is spinning like a lathe and none of what is hitting the fan is sticking to the walls enough to cover the handwriting.

Benghazi is NOT going away. It’s heating up and now that ABC has abandoned the Obama sinking ship, it’s only a matter of time, and a few more whistle-blowers before others in the MSM head for the life rafts of truth.

SOMEBODY had to issue the stand down orders and SOMEBODY had to know that Benghazi was a hotbed of Ansar al-Sharia (al Qaeda) terrorism MONTHS before the attacks. SOMEBODY had to make the call to blame that You Tube video and SOMEBODY had to DENY additional security.

Somebody had to authorize the hiring OF Ansar al-Sharia as guards and SOMEBODY had to rewrite all those lying points.

SOMEBODY knows EXACTLY what was going on and it’s all BOUND to come out.

Then there’s the IRS scandal.

The IRS…Targeting ONLY conservative groups under 501c3 and 4 designation leading up to and during his reelection campaign.

Nixon might have weathered the Watergate storm but, HIS use of the IRS for political thiugery was the last nail in Tricky Dick’s disingenuous reign.

This IRS debacle is NOT isolated to just the Cinncinati office and he knows it. Already, information is coming out that it all STARTED in 2010 and, it hit congress and the news in 2011.

How in the world the Dictator didn’t hear a word OF it until last Friday is beyond any reasonable belief but…

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