Autopsy of a Failed Coup

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

“Investigate the investigators if you must. When those investigations are over, they will find the work was done appropriately and focused only on discerning the truth of very serious allegations. There was no corruption. There was no treason. There was no attempted coup. Those are lies, and dumb lies at that.”

That was the latest statement put out as part of an op-ed last week by former FBI Director, James Comey regarding bias in his FBI related to the investigation into the Russian collusion fabrication during the 2016 campaign.

As a result of that investigation, which, let’s face it, was a choreographed, orchestrated witch hunt based on a fraudulent, and manufactured dossier compiled from Russian agents, assembled by a former British spy, and paid for in part by Hillary Clinton, and in part by the FBI itself under James Comey, has caused the majority of the American people to lose faith, and trust in our nation’s top law enforcement agency.

Let me be clear here. There are plenty of good, solid FBI agents working in that agency today, just as there were in 2016, and those good agents should not be held accountable for what a few did, but…

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Politburo Rising

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Up is down, left is right, right is wrong, and lies equal the truth. That is the liberal view of the world around them, and while it seems like something new, it isn’t.

The decidedly backwards mindset of today’s liberals has nearly always been their calling card, and when they have historically been outed as being on the wrong side of any given issue, they ultimately accuse Republicans of the wrong they, themselves commit.

We all know that it was Hillary and the democrats who were engaged in collusion with the Russians leading up to the 2016 election, and Uranium One is proof positive of that. It was Hillary and the democrats who conspired with Russian agents to manufacture the Steele dossier which would then be used in an attempt to frame first candidate, and later President Trump.

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Illusion of Truth, Circle of Lies

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The 2020 presidential campaign is going to be a doozy, and it will begin to heat up in the next few months. Currently, there are some 23 or 24 liberals who have thrown their wadded panties into the ring, and that number will grow before the list starts to thin itself out due to attrition.

As I have said before, the liberals have no way of winning on real issues, so they are running on a combination of social, and social media issues, special interest issues, identity politics and pandering. As a party, they really don’t have a platform, and as individual candidates, they have no planks that deal with anything of substance.

There is something however, that it seems the liberal candidates, and most likely around which the party itself will coalesce…and it should come as no great surprise…

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Collusion Delusion

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The easy thing would have been writing an article last week when the Mueller Report came out. In fact, I could have quoted most of what was unredacted with just a few keystrokes. That would have been the easy thing, but…

It wouldn’t have been anywhere near as fun as waiting.

By giving that report a week to ripen, I was also able to provide just the right amount of time for liberals to come to full boil over it.

To begin with…that report didn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know. President Trump did not collude with the Russians, and President Trump did not obstruct justice. We all knew that before the release of the Mueller Report, and I can guarantee you that liberals were fully aware of that fact even before we knew it.

In fact…liberals were all too well aware there was no collusion because…

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Last Week’s News in Its Proper Perspective

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last week was a very interesting week, and one that I believe needs to be put in its proper, snarky perspective.

Ready or not…here we go…

Okay…Syria is all bent out of shape because, last week, President Trump officially recognized Israel’s sovereignty in the Golan Heights. Syria has, since 1967 accused Israel of occupying what belongs to Syria.

Ummmm…excuse me Syria…but perhaps you should have thought about the consequences of trying to invade Israel before you invaded Israel in 1967…and perhaps you should have considered the ramifications of getting your asses kicked in what has to have been one of the absolute shortest wars in the history of wars.

Sure…you figured…hey, new country, how ready could Israel possibly be to wage a war…right? Well, it took Israel just 6 days to whoop ya, and after doing so, Israel had every right to the Golan Heights…so get over it, and get over yourselves.


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The Mueller Report – No Diamond in That Goat’s Ass for Liberals

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

If liberals can’t see it now, then they have the collective eyesight of Stevie Wonder, Helen Keller, Louis Braille and Mr. Magoo.

The mainstream media has been screwing with them.

Liberals are nothing more to the mainstream media than a dead mouse is to a cat…something with which to play, and liberals have been played for fools by the MSM with regard to “Russian Collusion” for the past two years.

From the day President Trump was nominated to this very minute, the mainstream media has told their legion of liberal cat toys that Trump colluded with the Russians to beat Hillary. They have told their dead mice that Trump was guilty of colluding with the Russians, and that he was guilty of obstructing justice over it.

For better than two years…

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Hillary’s Paul Revere Moment

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio




That, according to the current wife of Monica Lewinski’s former boyfriend who, in a tweet on February 28th had her very own Paul Revere moment when she took to social media to proclaim…

“I say this as a former Secretary of State and as an American: the Russians are still coming. Our intelligence professionals are imploring Trump to act. Will he continue to ignore & surrender, or protect our country?”

In Revere’s case, it was one if by land, two if by sea…in Hillary’s case, one can suppose instead of lanterns in an old church steeples…its interns under Bill’s desk.

First of all…oh, really?

Second of all…oh, good grief….

And third off…

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The Cure for Liberal Conundrum Syndrome

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Personally, I am so glad that I’m a Conservative. There are so many, many reasons for my state of giddiness over it I hardly know where to begin, but I suppose one of the main reasons for my glee, is that I don’t suffer from a particular mental illness that afflicts a growing number of liberals.

To be certain, it’s reaching epidemic status, and I’m reasonably sure that the Centers for Disease control are trying to work up a vaccine to ward it off…but…judging by their success rate in combating the flu…

I’m not holding my breath.


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Facebook: The Truth Exposed…Part 2 of 2

Investigative Report

By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Authors Note: The information we are about to disclose is based on our research and reflects our opinions and beliefs alone.

In Part 1 of Facebook: The Truth Exposed, we told you about who Facebook’s partners are and which companies and countries they are connected to, and which companies Facebook bought up or into and why.

So, given everything we have told you thus far, you’re probably wondering how this all applies in the real world, to real world, here and now events, and why this is all so dangerous. For the answer to that, to provide you with the end result of the big picture, allow us to bring in to this investigative report, what we refer to as the Hillary/Russia trifecta.

Over the past couple of years, we have both written, sometimes together, and at other times separately, about Hillary Clinton’s Uranium One sale of American uranium to Russia. We have also written, both together and separately with regard to Hillary Clinton’s deep involvement in the Steele dossier which was pieced together in large part from bogus information culled from Russian agents.

It’s the third leg of the Hillary/Russia/Facebook trifecta that is perhaps the most disturbing however, and it relates directly to Facebook, and the key players we mentioned earlier.

To begin with, the name Brett Sinclair Armitage should ring a bell.

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Facebook: The Truth Exposed…Part 1

Investigative Report

By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Authors Note: The information we are about to disclose is based on our research and reflects our opinions and beliefs alone.

What we about to tell you might surprise some while affirming what others have suspected for quite some time but either way it needs to be told. And why…because ‘Big Brother’ is indeed watching us, but in a far more devious and sinister way than those two words usually imply for the simple fact is that he who controls the media, social networks, and the internet controls not just the flow of information but controls exactly what information is disseminated.

‘Fake news’ has become a buzz word for conservatives since the early days of the Trump campaign, but ‘fake news’ doesn’t really even begin to explain the depth and breadth of the situation we now face. It is becoming harder and harder to believe anything you see or hear from Twitter, newspapers, magazines, the mainstream media or on the internet, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for conservatives to express or share their ideas, thoughts, support, or concerns on Facebook.

There is a reason for all of this, and by the time you’re finished reading this investigative report, you will have a much better understanding of the dire situation we are all facing. You won’t feel any better about it, but you will see the big picture.

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