Obama’s Treasonous Shadow Exposed

By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Article III, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution states, “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.”

Treason…’aiding and abetting’ the enemy…’aiding and comforting the enemy’…treason…a powerful charge to bring against anyone, a charge not to be taken lightly, yet not to bring this charge against someone known to have committed treason is just as bad if not worse for treason unpunished defiles and defames all that is our nation…all that is our Constitution.

And treason no matter how one twists it is the hallmark of Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s presidency…he knows it…he knows we know it…and yet he seems not care for this most vile of men knows no one will bring such a charge against him…at least they have not to date.

But that hopefully will soon change.

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When Push Comes to Inevitable Shove

By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The British came and now the Israeli’s are coming, and they are coming after Rudy puz 1Giuliani hand delivered a personal letter from President Trump to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

And there is more to this than first meets the eye as key Israeli leaders and politicians will be descending upon Washington D.C. to forge new ties with the (thankfully) Trump administration, and doing so in the short span of the next few weeks and months.

The first to meet with President Trump and his administration will be Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was personally invited by Trump to visit the White House during their phone call after Trump won the election. And while a definitive date has not yet been finalized, Netanyahu is expected to fly into Washington the first week of February to meet not only with President Trump, but also with Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and numerous Congressional leaders.

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Liberal Intolerance on Full Display

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It’s time to call them exactly what they are.

Morons.call 1








And yes…

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From Out of the Darkness…

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

At noon today…it is over.OVER 1

The community agitator from the gun-free, target-rich zone known as Chicago is finished, short of his goal of full-on socialism. He will roll up his last prayer rug, pack away the last of the Mao holiday tree ornaments and look longingly, one last time, at his own grinning reflection in the knife he has used to repeatedly stab Israel in the back.

Our 8 year national nightmare will finally come to an end, but the damage is done, the treason, the spooning with our Islamist enemies, his disdain for all things innately American, like our exceptionalism and our Constitution will linger like the stench in an outhouse.

The end of an error…

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A Most Fictitious Farewell…Now Get Out!

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

ofw 1Just this past Tuesday night, a spectacle of spectacles took place in Chicago. In what is arguably the nation’s biggest gun-free…target rich zone, where more than 750 murders took place in 2016, a 58% spike over the previous year, and where a total of 4,368 people were shot last year…

Obama gave his farewell speech.

For the record, in the liberal gun-free Mecca of Chicago…more than 90 people have been shot so far, since January 1st of this year.

But there he was, Mr. Gun Control, and the nation’s leading firearms salesman for 8 years running, licking himself all over…much like my dog does in front of company…telling the assembled socialist collective what a great job he’s done leading our nation…from behind.

Frankly, I was surprised he didn’t drag his butt across the carpet when he was finished, but let’s have a look at some of the highlights from that spreading of manure.

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Standing United With Israel

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

iun-1Last week, my friend and radio partner, Diane Sori, wrote an op-ed regarding the history of Obama’s deplorable actions throughout his time in office, regarding Israel…and she covered a great deal of ground.

If you haven’t yet read it…you should and I’ll put the link at the end of this article.

That said…it’s my turn to air it out regarding the recent U.N. resolution and this is going to get ugly.

First of all…in no uncertain terms…

Barack Hussein Obama’s action, in abstaining from that vote so as to allow that godforsaken resolution to pass, was beyond abysmal…

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Bumper-Humper Terrorists and the Liberal Media

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

osu-1“America, stop interfering with other countries, especially the Muslim Ummah. We are not weak… By Allah, we will not let you sleep unless you give peace to the Muslims. You will not celebrate or enjoy any holiday.”

Those words were among the last written by Somali “refugee” Islamic terrorist, 18-year-old Abdul Razak Ali Artan, on his Facebook wall.

He also wrote…“Every single Muslim who disapproves of my actions is a sleeper cell, waiting for a signal. I am warning you Oh America!”

And yet…liberals from the halls of congress, to the media’s 4th estate, to twitter just couldn’t, for the lives of themselves, find a motive for what that 21st century college student with a 7th century mentality did on the campus of Ohio State University.

Regarding those motivation baffled liberal buffoons…

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Hillary’s Connection to the Iran “Deal”

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

Hillary Clinton, who had more than a hand in the murders of 4 Americans in Benghazi, as trea 1she and Obama were running weapons illegally from al Qaeda linked “rebels” in Libya to al Qaeda linked “rebels” in Syria, and who cleared the way for al Qaeda linked Libyan “rebels” to provide security in Benghazi when she drew down and removed our own security teams there, can now add another name to her death toll.

Shahram Amiri.

Mr. Amiri was the inside man in Iran who had been providing that Islamic country’s nuclear data to the United States.

Mr. Amiri had made the horrible mistake of placing his trust in the Obama regime which, of course, included one Hillary Clinton.

Hillary, as we are all well aware of, had her own secret server and her own private email account on that server which for most of her reign of espionage and treason at Foggy Bottom was kept in her home in Chappaqua but later resided in a bathroom at the offices of her own private IT guy, Bryan Pagliano.

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A Matter of Conscience and Principle

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

Over the past couple of weeks, since the GOP convention, I…along with others from the why 1#NEVERTRUMP camp, including my friend and colleague Diane Sori…have been regaled with charges of abandoning our principles for stating that we will now be voting for Trump in November.

We have been told, primarily by Cruz supporters, that we have become traitors and that we have become Trumpers.

I believe it is time to clear the air and put our position into its proper perspective related to the reality of the big picture, and I hope many of those who have taken to social media, acting just as the true Trumpers did leading up to the convention, hurling vile insults at us will take the time to read this article through to the end and reevaluate their position.

Here we go…

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