Friday Fume

Oh it’s been another banner week for the liberal/socialist fools, hasn’t it? Normally you wouldn’t see this sort of behavior outside the fence surrounding the Sunny Brook Home for the Politically Deranged.

Are you ready for this week’s tour of the lobotomized liberal/socialist world?

Here we go…

It’s Friday and I’m fuming.

It what may well be the strangest and most ironic interview EVER…

Haywood Carey, an Occupy Wall Street “Financial Officer” sat down with THE WALL STREET JOURNAL this week.

When Carrey opened his OCCU-PIEHOLE…this came out: “If we keep spending at the rate at which we have been doing, we will probably go broke in a month.”


A group of slackers who make couch tators look like overachievers, who would rather sit in a park, crap on cop cars, spread disease, and whine about how they don’t have what rich people have…


How could this possible happen?

Oh yeah…Capitalism.

According to the WSJ, “The Occupy Wall Street General Assembly voted this weekend to halt spending on new projects, but will continue to fund housing, food, clothing, and transportation for volunteers.”

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On the World Stage…Obama is Prancing

The same guy who handed out well more than a thousand waivers from Obamacare has now handed out 11 waivers from Iran sanctions and the Obama Doctrine continues.

Oh, Obama has been TALKING real tough…Saying he was going to squeeze the fight out of Iran. He was going to sanction them to their knees. We have time…and space…for sanctions to work he said. He has sent his puppets to Israel time and time again trying to TELL Israel not to load up and attack Iran BECAUSE of the sanctions.

It’s not at all hard to believe that while talking TOUGH…Obama was, behind the scenes, telling Iran…Trust me…it ain’t gonna be that bad…I just have to put on a little show over here.

10 European Union nations and Japan are going to be allowed to continue to purchase oil from Iran…as long as they cut back a little.

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When Netanyahu’s in Town, We Have a Leader in D.C.

Last week, from an AP wire story, we had this:

“Israeli officials said that if they eventually decide a strike is necessary, they would keep the Americans in the dark to decrease the likelihood that the U.S. would be held responsible for failing to stop Israel’s potential attack. The U.S. has been working with the Israelis for months to persuade them that an attack would be only a temporary setback to Iran’s nuclear program.”

This comes from a top level official in the Intelligence Department who, reportedly, is familiar with such discussions.

Bear in mind, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, will be in Washington DC on March 5th and will meet with Obama. They may talk about a variety of things. The Palestinian Authority…The price of rice in China…Why Obama is such a schmuck…

One thing Netanyahu will NOT talk to Obama about is Israel’s plans or a direct timeline to attack Iran “to decrease the likelihood that the U.S. would be held responsible for failing to stop Israel’s potential attack.” You don’t have to read between the lines here. It’s perfectly clear.

Allow me to translate…

Israel will not let Obama in on any plans because the fool and his administration have proven they can’t keep their anti-Israeli pro-Iranian pie holes shut.

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Give Iran Exactly What They’re Asking For

It’s time to connect the dots in regard to Iran – and since Obama refuses to do it, we will.

Obama’s podium puppet, Jay Carney stated that, “There is time and space for diplomacy to work, for the effective sanctions to result in a change of Iranian behavior, an agreement by Iran to live up to its obligations, to engage in negotiations to resolve this matter peacefully.”


Someone needs to explain to this Alice in Wonderland administration that we have no diplomatic relations with Iran. In fact, we haven’t had diplomatic relations with Iran since 1980 and we have had a trade embargo against them since 1995.

Really? There is time and space for diplomacy to work? We’re talking about Iran here. The only way diplomacy works is if both parties involved have an interest in diplomacy; and guess what? Iran doesn’t.

Iran decided diplomacy with the United States was finished in 1979 as they took 52 Members of our Embassy in Tehran hostage and held them for 444 days – and here’s a little something else the great pretender needs to get a grip on…Those hostages were NOT released via diplomacy or because their behavior changed as a result of sanctions.

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